It was a dark day, an eclipse blocking the sun, as I lay on my back, exhausted from the fight that had just ended. With as much effort as I can muster, even exhausted, and even though I don't want to see that any of my friends are dead, I look around at bodies of the fallen, hoping none of them are my friends. Then I do see someone. She never was my friend but she had been a Cordette. To tell you the truth, she had been one of the wanna-bees. The ones that laughed in the background at my silent command, knowing what their job was to do. The girl here is Aurora. At least we weren't friends. That's a good thing. In fact, I knew nothing about her. Nothing at all.
I scan the others to see someone that, despite what he had done to me; put me through, I would forever love. My ex-boyfriend. Xander Lavelle Harris. No. It can't be right. It's not real. He can't be the 'd' word. I'll never forgive myself if he was. Never. Tears fill my eyes but don't fall. I don't let them. I can't. Not here. As the tears fill I crawl over to him in hope and determination. I never meant anything to happen to him.
"Xander?" I call softly, hoping it'll help. Hoping it'll end this nightmare that I never wanted to come true; be real.
A moment later, like a miracle only meant for me and me alone, he looks up at me.
"Thank God," I say automatically.
"You know, it takes more than this to take me down, Cordy," he tells me with love for me in his eyes. I guess he knows me enough to feel what I feel.
"I'm sorry, Xan."
I hug him and let silent, happy tears trail down my cheeks.
He hugs me back.
"Cor, what's wrong?"
"Nothing. I'm just glad you're okay."
I pull away and help him up, not caring how tired I am.
Together, hand in hand, we look around at bodies. We're looking for our friends and Buffy's watcher Giles. Nobody knows as far as I know, and if someone told anyone, I would deny it. I feel as if Giles is a father I never had. To all of us, really.
We soon find that Giles and Oz are dead which saddens us, but we move on.
Half an hour later Buffy, Willow, Harmony, Xander, and I head towards LA to start a new life. So we all lived as happily as possible.