Summary: What if Oz wasn’t around yet? What if Spike captured Cordelia and Buffy? Read to find out what happens.
It’s a beautiful night, as Buffy and I walk into the laboratory room where we’re supposed to meet the others. I personally hate the idea. I mean, a double date? Seriously, who in their right mind would do a double date with bowling? I have a really bad thought on this. I know I’m with Xander now, but what’s stopping Willow from taking Xander away from me? I mean, she has had a crush on him since first grade. Maybe even at a younger age. The point is, I’m afraid that she and Xander will fall in love and we’ll break up. But enough with my rambling.
“What do we do until they get here?” I ask her.
Buffy is the Vampire Slayer of Sunnydale by the way. She gets rid of the evil in this town.
“I don’t know. Just talk about stuff?”
“Stuff? Like what?”
“Like…I don’t know. Think of something.”
“How about when you were in LA?”
“What about?”
“You said you used to be popular. How did that work out?”
“It was great. I had friends. Well, I thought I did. I was a cheerleader even. And there was this guy that I saved that had a crush on me. He was the kind that never goes up to a girl and asks her out, because he’s afraid or shy.”
“That was your life then?”
“Yeah. And then when I was a freshman in high school, some guy comes up to me and tells me that I’m the Slayer and it’s my destiny. I fought against being the Slayer. I didn’t want to be the Slayer. It meant I would have to sacrifice cheer leading and my popularity.”
“I’m sorry.”
“You don’t know what I’ve been through. I had to sacrifice everything I knew. The worst part was that I couldn’t tell my friends. And when mom and dad heard about what I did in school, we had a family talk that ended in a fight. I tried to tell them what I was, but they wouldn’t hear of it. And then I accidentally blew up the gym. When it got worse, and when I wouldn’t stop talking about vampires and stuff, they put me in an asylum. They thought it would help. When I stopped talking about them, I was set free after two years in there. A year later, mom and dad broke up. I don’t know why. They never told me why it happened,” she explains.
“Sounds like it’s been rough for you,” I say sympathetically.
“Yeah. It was. We moved here so we could start fresh. That’s what mom wants. I sometimes wish I was still in LA. I didn’t want to move, but mom made me go.”
Suddenly, Spike comes in.
“Watch out!” I warn her.
She whips around to see who it is. Then it’s a fight between them. He punches her in the face. She hits the ground. She gets up and throws him. He lands on a lab table. I hurriedly search for a weapon. As I look in a cupboard, I hear smashing and bangs. Then
I find a wooden spoon. It was in a drawer. I turn around. He has her against a wall, lifted off the ground, pinned there, hand around her throat tightly.
I take a cross out of my purse and walk up behind him. I put it to his face, which makes him let go of her and back away, hands shielding himself from it.
“Back off, Spike,” I order.
With cross outstretched towards his face, I kneel by her. She’s on the floor coughing.
“Are you okay?” I ask.
“Yeah. Thanks,” she says between coughs.
“You’re welcome.”
I stand up and look at him.
“I suggest you get the hell out of here or you’ll have to deal with me,” I say with venom.
“What are you going to do Miss Pageant girl?”
“I’m going to put this on your face and see you smoke with holy water. Then I’ll have Buffy stake you for good. Is that what you want? I don’t think so.”
“You wouldn’t stand a chance. You haven’t been a part of this trio for long. I very much admire you though, Princess.”
“Don’t EVER call me that,” I say with all attitude and slices of venom.
“What? Am I too good for you?”
“Oh, please. You’re way under me. Those clothes? They’re from like, what, the eighteenth century? And that hair? It’s totally off. I don’t go for blond guys. And that thing about vamping? No thank you. Ask me when you turn human. I don’t go for vampires. They stink like decay. You’re not my type.”
“But yet you go for punks?”
“Xander isn’t a punk. He’s my only guy I’ll ever love.”
“That’s what they all say.”
“You’re trying to play with me. Aren’t you?”
He smiles.
Just then, Buffy stands beside me.
“My turn.”
I back off to stand by a faraway lab table. I put my cross away.
While they’re fighting, I get out my Samsung 4g phone. I text Xander.
Where are you guys?
Just finished up the homework in the library.
Hurry up. Spike is here. Buffy is fighting him, but he seems stronger than before.
Spike!? On our way.
I put my phone away.
I see him knock her aside and she hits her head on a table and falls to the ground.
“Don’t worry. She’ll be okay,” he tells me.
“I don’t believe you.”
“That’s too bad, lil’ May Queen.”
I start backing away and I grab the spoon from the table. I know I need to get out of here, but he’s strong and fast. I wouldn’t stand a chance running from him.
“Let’s play nice, luv.”
“I’m not your love.”
“Of course. Nobody knows. Dru left me.”
“Well, good for her. Maybe you can actually get a life without her. Or vise versa.”
I can’t believe I just said that to him. It’s Spike for God’s sake. He killed like, two Slayers in his unlife time. He’s famous for being William the Bloody.
He growls low in his throat at me and grabs my arm.
“You think I deserve this pain!? You think I don’t have a life!? I had a life with Drusilla! I love her!”
“Get the hell off of me, moron!”
I kick him in the gut.
He lets go. Then without warning, he hits me in the back of the head. In the next second, everything goes black.
I don’t know how long I was out cold, but when I come to I have a small headache. I sit up and rub the back of my head. I look around. We’re in the basement of the old burned out factory.
“Just great. The middle of nowhere.”
I look around from the bed for Buffy. When I see her on the floor not far from the door, I rush over and kneel by her.
I feel for a pulse on the side of her neck. She’s alive.
“Thank God.”
I gently roll her onto her back. I put a gentle hand on her forehead.
“Buffy can you hear me?” I call.
Nothing yet.
“Buffy, “I call again.
After a few minutes, she finally answers.
“It's me.”
She looks at me and I take my hand away.
“Are you okay, Buffy?”
“Excluding a headache, I’m fine.”
“Same here,” I reply. “Where is he?”
“I don’t know.”
She starts to get up and I help her.
I watch her go to the door and kick it down.
“Come on, Cordelia. Let’s get out of here.”
“Agreed,” I comment.
We’re walking up the stairs when they collapse from under her.
“Buffy!” I yell.
I scramble up the stairs and look down into the hole. I carefully climb down into the hole.
I kneel down beside her.
“Buffy, can you hear me?”
She just lays there on her back.
I look her over.
“Oh, God,” I mutter.
There’s a rebar protruding from her abdomen through her side where her rib cage is.
Just then, I hear feet from above. Then there’s a voice. I’ll always know that voice.
I look up.
“Oh, God. What happened?” he says.
“The stairs collapsed from under her. I know how she is with hospitals, but she might need one,” I answer him.
“Want me to get some help?” Willow asks.
“Not yet.”
A few minutes later, he’s right beside me.
“Maybe I can help. Just tell me what to do.”
“Pull it out and use your jacket to tie around her wound.”
“You’re very smart with these kind of things, aren’t you?”
“How do you want to do this?” he asks me.
“I’ll pull it out and you apply pressure to her wound with your jacket, excluding the sleeves. We need the sleeves to tie around her.”
So that’s what we do. He applies pressure once it’s out and we tie it around her securely. He then picks her up and I help him climb out of the hole.
Once we’re out of the factory, I have to ask him, “Xander, where are we going?”
“My basement. Where else? Her mom and sister would freak seeing her like this.”
“She has a sister?”
“Yeah. Her name is Dawn.”
“Pretty name.”
Once she’s on his bed, he looks at us.
“You two can go to either Willow’s or yours. I’ll take care of Buffy.”
“Sure,” I comment. “Leave you with your crush.”
“I was mocking in my sarcastic way,” I assure him.
I grab Willow’s arm.
“Let’s go to your place.”
We leave his basement and walk to her place.
The next day, Buffy is alright and my head is done throbbing. Oh, and Spike is dust. So we all live as happily as we can on the Hellmouth.