Summary: Set in S5 of Buffy “Replacements.” Set in Angel when he fired everyone. Only, Harm is part of the crew when it happens. Cordy goes to Sunnydale to tell Buffy about Angel, and to seek comfort from Xander. A demon named Toth zaps Xander, making there be two Xanders.559Please respect copyright.PENANAei1rySUDkS
It was a beautiful day. Giles was setting up shop for the first time at the Magik Shoppe, when a demon strolled in. It had a black robe on and had a stick in hand.
Giles grabbed a statue and started hitting him with it. The demon through him and he hit the floor.
“You are not the Slayer. You don’t concern me,” it said.
Giles watched, as he left.
Later that day, he called the Scoobies over. Xander started putting a disk on a shelf, while Buffy stood around. Willow started looking at titles of books. Riley swung the statue around.
“Here’s one. Maybe it had what we’re looking for,” Willow said.
Giles took the book from her and soon found it.
“Toth,” he said.
“What?” Riley questioned, stopping with the statue thing.
“It’s British for ‘dork,’” Buffy guessed.
“No. Toth. It’s the demon,” Giles corrected her.
They all gathered around to look at it over his shoulder.
That night, they all went on the hunt for Toth. When they were in the city dump, they spotted Spike. Spike was looking for body parts of plastic dolls. He was going to make a plastic doll that looked like the Slayer.
“What are you doing here, Spike?” Buffy asked.
“I could ask you the same thing.”
“Have you seen a demon? Spotty face, skin kind of hanging down, black robe, carries a long stick?” Willow asked him.
“Like that one?” he asked, seeing him behind them.
They all turned around to see Toth.
“Kill them, mate!” Spike hollered to Toth.
Toth accidentally blew up a plastic arm he was holding, when he tried to zap Buffy. “Oh very nice! I was on your side!” he yelled out, and then left.
“Watch out!” Xander warned Buffy, pushing her out of the way.
From Toth’s stick a blast blasted him in the chest, and he flew backward into a pile of trash.
The others rushed over.
“Hey, you okay?” Riley asked.
“I’m okay.”
“Buffy, he’s gone,” Willow told her.
“Easy, easy,” Riley said, as he and Willow helped him up. He groaned as they did.
“He disappeared,” Riley announced.
They looked around to see no sign of Toth. They started to walk off.
“That had to hurt,” Riley sympathized with him.
“Yeah, yeah.”
As they walked away, they didn’t know there was another Xander unconscious on the trash in the city dump.
Scruffy Xander in the city dump started to wake up. With eyes closed, he thought he was smelling Anya trying to cook.
“Anya, are you trying to use the hot plate again?”
He slowly opened his eyes.
As he started sneaking behind things, he saw Xander one in a trailer thing. He thought Xander one was a demon. He followed him around some, and then decided to go to Buffy.
That night, he saw Xander one with them telling them about Xander two. He went to Willow, not wanting to accidentally be killed by Buffy.
Willow opened the door and he walked in.
“Let me tell you stuff,” he said to her after she had shut the door.
He started pacing.
“Okay,” she said, sitting on the foot of her bed.
He talked about the past and stuff. Afterward, he told her that there was “ a demon that has my face, is living my life, and taking my life away from me.”
“I’ll find a spell,” she volunteered, kneeling by her bookshelf.
“No. Not yet.”
As they started talking, he suddenly said something. “Anya. He can have everything else but not her.”
He left and went to his place. He found his and Anya’s new apartment. He walked in on Anya and Xander one’s candlelit wine.
They both stood up.
“Xander, who’s this?” Anya asked Xander one.
“It’s a demon,” he replied.
“No. I’m the real one, Anya. He’s the demon,” Xander two disagreed.
She looked at Xander two and started forward, only to be pulled behind Xander one with her arm that wasn’t in a sling.
Xander two pulled out and cocked his gun, aimed to shoot.
The two started to fight with the gun.
Anya tried to stop them by fighting over it with her one good arm.
Meanwhile, Buffy got a call.
“Something has happened. I’m on my way to Sunnydale as we speak.
“What’s wrong?”
“Tell you all later.”
“This isn’t the right time.”
“What happened?”
Buffy told her everything.
“Give me the address. I’ll be there.”
She did just that.
Both Slayer and Drama Queen arrived on the scene.
Buffy started forward, but Cordelia put a hand on her arm. “Let me.” Cordelia went towards them and grabbed the gun out of their hands.
She put it on the counter.
They looked at her.
“Enough,” she said, arms crossed.
“Cor,” Xander two said.
“Hey, Xan. Listen. Both of you. Buffy told me everything. If one of you dies, the other dies as well. Got me? Okay. Willow’s turn,” she finished, still not being as strong as she used to be.
She watched as Willow did the spell, making Toth’s spell break.
A few minutes later, they were interrupted by Toth’s arrival.
Buffy and Toth wrestled and Cordy killed him with a sword through his heart.
Xander didn’t see any jubilance in Cordy like he used to see. She didn’t give a remark or comment, either. She just stood there and looked at a wall, until he came over and wrapped his arms around her from behind.
“What’s wrong?” he asked.
“Something everyone has to know.”
“Magik Shoppe right now, okay?”
“Okay, Cordy. We can do that.”
They sat at a table in the Magik Shoppe.
“What’s up?” Anya asked gently from across the table, as if she used to be friends with her and cared about her, which was totally not true at all.
“Willow already knows the first part,” she answered, looking at the witch and Willow’s girlfriend Tara. She then looked at everyone else one by one. “It’s Doyle. He’s…well…gone forever.” She looked at Anya. “You were a Vengeance Demon. You probably knew him one way or another.”
“Yeah. I did. Nice guy. Helped the helpless with his painful visions. Drunk the pain away with alcohol.”
“Yep. That was him alright.”
She smiled sadly at his memory.
“He died from saving his breed, me, Angel, and the world all in the same night.” She looked at Buffy. “You have a problem to fix. Angel. He’s Angelus and it wasn’t me that did it. His Sire came back from the dead. She took a chance at him to do as she wished. You have to get yourself to LA before they hurt anybody.” She looked at Xander. “I forgive you and Willow of that kiss.” She looked at Tara. “I hope to get to know you someday.” She looked at the table. “I guess I have to face the chaos in LA now. I wish I could stay here, but they’ll be beside themselves without me, so I have to go back to LA, as much as Buffy does.”
It was a dark night, as they walked into the Hyperion Hotel.
“Nice place,” Buffy commented.
“Yeah. It is,” she answered. “Hey Harm, you here?” she asked the vampiress.
Suddenly, the soul mates appeared before them.
“Buffy. Didn’t know you were coming,” Angelus said, smiling wickedly at the Slayer.
Darla smiled at her, as well.
Just then, Harmony jumped from the upstairs railing to land on the Sire. The two blonds fought like cats and dogs.
Cordy and Xander snuck off to leave the fighting to the vampiress and Slayer.
“Xander, I’ve missed you.”
“Same here.”
“Do you ever think about the past?”
“Of course.”
“Do you wish we had stayed together?”
“All the time.”
“Me too, Xan. And now, not only have I lost you, but others have died. I’m not saying that you died, but I lost both guys. I really wish we were still together. We could do as always if we were.”
“Cor, we still can if you want. Just don’t let Anya find out. If she does, she’ll kill me. If she doesn’t kill me, she’ll dump me.”
“Well then, let’s see how it turns out, shall we?”
He comforted her about Doyle’s death that night. Afterward, they all went home.
Darla was dust and Angel was back. Harmony didn’t get hurt or anything, and Cordy was her cheerful self again. She felt better knowing Xan was still there for her. So everything carried on as always in both places, and everybody lived happily ever after.