Summary: Set when Wolfram and Heart made Darla human, but also set when Angel fell or jumped out of a Wolfram and Heart window and onto the cement with glass around him. Will Angel care about Darla? Will he help her? Read to find out what happens.521Please respect copyright.PENANAzW2Xp7ZSd8
My name is Angel and I am a vampire with a gypsy cursed soul. I was sired by Darla when I was fifteen in London, England. Back then, I was a soulless monster in love with Darla and vice versa.
After I killed my younger sister and my father, Darla and I tortured and killed people in small towns and villages.
In England, Darla sired William the Bloody now known as Spike.
In Ireland, I sired Drusilla. I killed everyone she loved, which drove her insane. So, she was insane when I sired her.
Soon, bother William and I fell in love with her and fought over here for a long time.
Later, Spike and I tortured a Vampire Slayer and killed her in China. He then later killed a Slayer in Japan.
In England, we met James whom was sired by Elizabeth. James joined us and then we were five.
Later in England, we were attacked by Holtz, a Vampire Hunter, and his friends. Darla and Drusilla got away, while I took an arrow in the lower back. I got on a horse to flee, but James through me off and I landed on the ground. He then fled on a horse and I was captured and tortured by Holtz. Darla and William rescued me close to dawn.
In Scotland, Dru and Darla were seduced by The Immortal. It peeved William and I off and we vowed to kill him, but we never found him.
In Ireland, some gypsies cursed me with a soul for killing a girl that was the most loved of all the gypsies.
When Darla looked at me in fear, I went to live in the dark allies. I knew I had to find my place in the world. I then changed my name from Angelus to Angel. And that’s where a demon named Whistler found me. He told me to follow him if I wanted to find my place in the world. So, I did. He brought me to Sunnydale, California and assigned me to Buffy the Vampire Slayer. He told me to protect her.
For a while, I stayed in the shadows and watched her every night. And then Buffy and I met and fell in love. I lost my soul twice because of happiness. I got it back when Willow, a friend of Buffy’s, now a good witch, did a spell to give me my soul back. And then I figured we didn’t belong together. So, though it hurt, I broke up with her right before her graduation day. And after her graduation day, I looked at her a distance away from her, before I left town.
When I left, I went to live in LA, home of Angeles. I then became friends with a half demon half human named Doyle and saved Cordy from a vampire and his minions. She joined us and named our business Angel Investigations, made our business cards, and made our motto “We help the helpless.”
After Doyle died saving the world Wesley, Gunn, and Fred came one by one and Cordy began getting Doyle’s visions when Wes came along.
I knew Cordy from Sunnydale when she was dating Xander, one of Buffy’s friends. But after Willow and Xander cheated, she broke up with him before graduation day. I knew Wes from Sunnydale when he went there to be Buffy and Faith’s Watcher after the Council fired Giles, but they both rejected him. So Wes was fired. Giles was fired for having “a father’s love” for Buffy. Even though we’re broken up, I still love Buffy and I would do anything for her.
It’s a dark night as I walk the streets of LA, patrolling for anything evil. I patrol like this every night. I usually patrol alone so Cordy, Wesley, Gunn, and Fred aren’t in more danger than usual.
I stop when I sense something familiar to me; a vampire. I stand in a dark alley, as I scan the darkness for the creature. Then I see her, as she emerges from the darkest corner of the alley.
“Angel,” she says softly, and gives me a small smile. I can tell that it’s forced.
“Darla,” I say, when I’m instantly in front of her.
I hear a heartbeat and smell the familiar scent of human. That’s when I know why she has come to me and what’s wrong. She’s human. That means she’s dying from Syphilis.
I look down at her and she looks up at me.
“Who did this to you?” I ask her, though I can guess who.
“Wolfram and Heart,” she answers me. “My Angel,” she adds.
I catch her from hitting the ground when she blacks out, hand between her shoulder blades, arm holding her up. Then I gently pick her up in my arms, carrying her as I walk out of the alley, my destination being Angel Investigations where I both live and work at.
Cordy calls my room downstairs my dungeon, since I stay there until I have to “help the helpless,” as Cordy made the motto be.
When I walk inside, the lights are off, which means I’m alone until tomorrow morning when they return to work.
Once I step out of the elevator and into my room, I go over and lay her gently down on my made bed. No matter how much I despise her, she’s human now. I have to help her like I would for any human. It’s what I do. I’m responsible for her, whether I like it or not. I know what I must do.
I look down at her, before I leave the room to go upstairs to call Cordy.
The phone rings a couple times, before she answers.
“It’s me. I wouldn’t be calling so late if it wasn’t important. It’s about Darla. Wolfram and Heart made her human. Now she’s dying of Syphilis. I would’ve told you tomorrow, but I thought if I waited you wouldn’t have been very happy with me,” I tell her.
“You’re right. I wouldn’t be. Thank your for letting me know. What’s your plan?”
“I’m going to have a talk with Wolfram and Heart.”
“Yeah; talk. Tell me how it went tomorrow. I’ll tell the others in the morning.”
“Thanks, Cordy.”
I hang up and then write a message on a sticky note on Cordy’s front desk just in case. Then I grab a couple stakes and my sword from the glass weapon cabinet, before I leave to deal with the enemy.
Once inside the boss’s office, I close the door behind myself.
He stands up from his desk and goes to stand in front of it. He acts like he’s addressing an everyday person.
“Angel. You’re here which means you got the message.”
I’m standing in the middle of the room, as I reply to him, saying,
“What message? Darla?”
“Yes and no. We used her as a message to you. We can do anything get away with it. Stop this and we’ll leave you alone.”
“No,” I say, knowing he means for me to stop helping people and looking for a way to bring Wolfram and Heart down.
“Very well then. You had your chance.”
Suddenly, I’m outnumbered. Seven of his men appear around me with loaded crossbows aimed at me. I know that I have a fifty fify chance. It could go either way for me. If they don’t kill me and I escape, I could live or I could die. If I die, I’m going down with a big hang.
In the next moment, the room is filled with fighting and flying arrows. I dodge as many as I can but I get hit by some. Then I jump out of the big window of the twelve story building. I land on my side on the ground in pain, but I don’t stop until I’m in the sewer tunnels. Then everything goes black.
When I wake up, I’m at the Hyperion hotel where we all work at. The arrows are gone and my wounds have been tended to. I’m lying on the only couch we have.
I slowly sit up and wince, when my body protests against the movement.
I have to help Darla, so I slowly get to my feet. I don’t see anyone but I hear Fred upstairs drawing in her room. Wes is in his room and Gunn isn’t here, so I guess he’s hanging out with his friends he calls his “boys.” They’re as much a family to him as we are. I hear Cordy and Darla downstairs. Darla’s awake.
I go downstairs and enter my room.
They look at me as I approach.
“I gave her the cure, since you were out,” Cordy tells me.
So Cordy cured her. That means she’s not dying anymore, which I’m glad for.
“How are you doing?” I ask my sire.
“Thanks. You saved me,” she thanks us both, before she gives me a friendly smile.