Summary: Post “The Zeppo.” Cordelia helps Xander dispose of the bomb. Xander and Anya get hurt. Can Cordelia save the day and save their lives? Will they live? Will they die? Read to find out.
It was a dark night, as Xander Lavelle Harris sped down the road in his blue convertible with zombies running after him. He had what they needed to build a bomb.
When he saw Cordelia Chase walking down the sidewalk, unbeknownst to her that zombies were running up the road, he idled by the curb.
“Get in,” he said.
She looked around to see the zombies catching up quickly. She immediately got in and he drove at top speed. His destination was the high school. There was a bomb there that he had to dispose of.
Since his ex was now with him, it was now ‘we’ instead of just him.
“What’s going on?” she asked.
“Zombies are chasing me because I have their supplies.
Apparently, cake is the secret word for bomb. There’s one in the basement of the school. We have to get rid of it before it blows the school up.”
“Who are those guys?”
“O’Toole and his dead buddies.”
As soon as they arrived and had the car shut off, they ran.
They were able to get close to where the door to the basement was before they were surrounded by the zombies.
“I guess play nice wouldn’t be a suggestion, would it?” Xander said.
Jack O’Toole stepped forward.
“Let’s play a game.”
“Game?” he questioned.
“It’s called Death.”
He pinned the Zeppo to the wall, but not for long. Cordelia Chase kicked him off her ex, making him land on the floor on his back.
“How about we call it I’m Going To Kick Your Ass?”
“You’re going to pay for that, bitch.”
“Try me.”
Xander grabbed her arm.
“Let’s not encourage them. Just run.”
Once charged forward, but was kicked to the floor by Anya Jenkins.
“Go. I’ll hold them off as long as I can,” Anya told them.
As soon as they were in the basement, they started searching for the bomb. They had to find it. They had more than their own lives to save. They had the Scoobies, Anya Jenkins, and whoever else was in the school to save.
Jack came down the stairs. Xander always trying to be the hero, charged him and they fought. She watched for a few moments before searching for the bomb.
A few minutes later, she found it. She tried to figure out which cord to cut when she heard footsteps, as someone stumbled back a few paces. She stood up and turned around to see Jack with a knife in his hand, Xander looking at him with a hand to his lower stomach. That’s when she knew what had happened. She looked around for a weapon.
Suddenly, the bomb went off. It blew Jack up in smell pieces. Xander and Cordelia were thrown in different directions and buried by the debris and cement pieces.
The Queen C unburied herself and then went in search of her ex. It didn’t take long to find and unbury him. When she did, she that she had been right. Jack had stabbed him in the lower stomach. It was bleeding heavily. Her dweeb was hurt and it hurt her. She ripped a strip from her jeans and tied it to his wound to slow the bleeding.
“I’ll be right back.”
She went to the bomb.
“Which wire?” she called to him.
“Grey,” he called to her.
She cut the grey wire and then dismantled it. She then came back over to him. She knelt down and helped him to his feet, an arm around him, his arm around her shoulders.
“Let’s get you the hell out of here.”
She slowly helped him up the stairs and down the hallway.
When she saw Oz, she stopped and Xander did likewise.
He came over.
“Get him to the hospital. I’ll be there as soon as I can. Stay there until someone gets there to take your place.”
When they had disappeared, she knelt by Anya. She lay on the floor, back to the wall, hair covering her face.
She brushed her hair away from her face.
“Can you hear me?”
She opened her eyes.
“Get me out of here.”
She was about to ask if she was okay, but didn’t when she saw blood on the former Vengeance Demon’s hand that was pressed to her abdomen.
“Alright. Come on.”
She sat her against the wall and then took a strip from her jeans again. She tied it to Anya’s wound.
“Let’s get you to the hospital.”
She put an arm around her, as Anya put her arm around the Drama Queen’s shoulders. She used her body weight to hold her up, as she slowly walked her down the stairs, her destination being the hospital.
Thirty minutes later, she entered the hospital with a barely conscious Anya.
“I need some help!” she yelled.
Five minutes later, she was put on a bed. One doctor put a breathing mask on her.
“What happened?” another asked.
“She was stabbed by someone. I didn’t see. Her name is Anya Jenkins. She’s nineteen. She doesn’t take anything.”
Without another word, they rushed her down the hall while Cordelia hurried back to the school to check on the others. She had known what to say, since her mother had been a nurse.
An hour later, she walked into a library filled with fire. She went to the first person she saw. Giles. She checked on him and then went a distance away towards Willow. She knelt down beside her.
She groaned.
She looked up to see the brunette.
“It’s me. You okay?”
“Yeah. I think so.”
She helped her up.
They both went to kneel by Buffy.
“Buffy?” Cordy called.
Buffy groaned and looked up to see both Wills and the Queen B.
“Aren’t you a sight. When did you start working together?”
Cordy chuckled.
“Since now.”
Buff sat up.
“Where are the others?”
“Giles is dead, Xander and Anya are in the hospital, Oz is in the waiting room at the hospital, and I don’t know about the others.”
“Xander’s at the hospital?” Willow asked.
“Yeah. Apparently, you guys were too busy to help him, so I tagged along. If it weren’t for me, he would be worst. Anya, too. We had a bomb and zombie issue, while you guys were busy trying to kill a demon. Now can we go find Angel and Faith? I want to see if they’re going to be okay.”
“Yeah. Sure. We can do that,” Wills replied.
“Yeah. Right,” Buffy said.
“Willow, go find Faith. Me and Buffy will go find Angel.”
And with that, the red head disappeared.
“Need help?” Cordy asked.
“Why? You finally decided to overcome your ego to help others?”
“Actually, I have. For tonight. Do I really have to ask again?”
“No. I guess you can help.”
Cordy grabbed her arm and helped her up.
“To Angel we go.”
She gave the Queen B a look.
“I’m thinking of your well-being and his. I’m not thinking of anything else. He’s a vampire with a soul for God’s sake. The vampire part turns my intentions away that I used to have.”
They soon found him.
Cordy stood by and watched the Slayer kneel by her honey.
“Are you okay?” the Slayer asked.
“I’m fine. You?”
“I’m good. Just a little sore.”
Buffy helped him up.
“You two go. We’ve got it all covered,” the brunette told them.
Without hesitation, they left hand in hand.
“I found her!” Will called.
Cordy followed her voice, guessing where she was.
She found Wills knelt down beside her by a bookshelf, where Faith lay on her side out cold. Cordy came up to them and knelt beside the Slayer.
She groaned.
She opened her eyes to see her.
“Don’t ask. Long story. Are you okay?”
“I think so.”
She helped her to her feet.
Faith winced.
“What’s wrong?”
“Knee hurts. I’ll be okay. Slayer and all.”
“Well, it’s dark out. Willow, could you help her get home?”
“Yeah. Sure. And Cordelia?”
“Yeah, Willow?”
“Harmony was here earlier. You should make sure she wasn’t here when it went off.”
“Thanks, Willow.”
She watched as they left.
After they disappeared downstairs, she went in search of her best friend.
Half an hour later, she found her lying on her back in the middle of the hallway. She rush to her side and knelt down on her knees.
She put a couple fingers to her neck. She took them away, relieved that she was alive.
“Harm, can you hear me?”
She slowly came to.
She looked up to see her.
“Are you okay?” the former cheerleader asked her friend.
“I think I am.”
“Good. Let’s get you home. I have places to go and people to see.”
She helped her to her feet.
When they were half way down the hallway downstairs, the floor gave way beneath their feet from all the fire.
Harmony soon came to.
She sat up and looked around.
She crawled over to her BFF.
“Harm, we have to get out of here.”
“The cave in made a pile we can use to get out.”
She winced, as she slowly sat up.
“Are you okay?” Harmony asked.
“Just get me to the hospital.”
“You’re hurt.”
“Yeah. Let’s just go.”
She put an arm around her, as did Cordy. Both Cordettes go to their feet and slowly and carefully walked up the pile of cement pieces and debris, Cordy’s free hand pressed to her reopened wound from the last time she fell.
An hour later, Harm walked inside with a weak Cordy. Some doctors saw them and brought a hospital bed. They got her on the bed and put a breathing mask on her.
“What happened?” one doctor asked.
“Her wound reopened from last time she was here.”
That’s all they needed to know.
The Cordette watched, as they rushed her BFF down the hallway towards the surgery room.
She sat down in the nearest empty seat and sighed.
A few hours later, a doctor walked up to her. Dr. Price as his name tag said. She stood up when she saw him.
“How is she?”
“She’ll be okay. She’s resting right now.”
“Thank you.”
“No need. It’s my job.”
“I know.”
She left for home after the doctor left the room.
Five hours later, Dr. Walker walked up to Willow and Oz. He told them that Anya and Xander would be okay. He said the same thing about Cordy.
A few days later, everybody was out of the hospital and Cor and Xan were back together again. So everybody lived happily ever after as they could. After all, Giles was dead. Not only that. They all lived on the Hellmouth.