It was a beautiful night, as Cordelia parked her car in Buffy's driveway. Okay. Technically it was Angel's convertible. After all, he purchased it and paid the insurance on it. But anyway, she was back in Sunnydale, CA. Her hometown. She knew what would happen soon, since she had had a vision. That was why she was here.
She walked up to the door and knocked a few times. Because it was dark, it wasn't Buffy that answered.
"Hello," the girl said to her.
"Hi. I'm Cordelia Chase. You're Dawn?"
"Yes. I am. Why are you here?"
"I have visions now. I had a vision. May I come in, Dawn?"
Dawn stepped aside so she could come in, and then shut the door behind her.
"Buffy isn't here, is she?" the Seer said.
"No. She's not. She's slaying," Dawn confirmed.
"Well, when does she normally get home?"
"I don't know. Really late. I'm usually asleep when she comes home."
"If you don't mind Dawn, I'd like to stay here and wait for her. I'll call a meeting after she gets home."
"Sure. You can stay."
"Thanks. And Dawn, if I suddenly scream in pain, I’m having a vision."
"Okay. Well, I’m going to bed now. See you tomorrow, Cordelia."
"Good night, Dawn."
"Same to you, Cordelia.”
The Seer watched Buff's sister disappear up the stairs and into her room, and then sat down. She looked around to see what to do while she waited. It was only ten. She saw that nothing in the house had changed. Everything was the same. Almost. There were a few more pictures strewn around than what she remembered there used to be. Most of the new ones were of Buffy and Riley. It amazed her. Buffy still had pictures out of Riley, even after he had left. One picture in particular caught her eye.
She stood up and walked over by the TV. The picture was back when they had all been sophomores. It had her and Xander together. They had been smiling when it had been taken. Xander wore his baggy blue jeans and a plain buttoned down shirt. She wore a red tank top and a short, blue skirt. That picture brought back so many memories. She touched it gently where Xander was. He had been so geeky, but also lovable and cute. She picked it up and hugged it to her chest. She put it back. It felt like high school had been too long ago, but she knew it hadn't. Truth be told, she still loved Xander.
She walked over to the end table by the couch. The first one was Xander and Anya. They looked happy. Not like she and Xander did. It was mature happiness. The second one was of Willow. She was with another girl. Cordelia didn't know the girl, but she looked happy with her. She moved on to the last few. There was one of Buffy and Riley. She had her arms around him. They were smiling happily, but there was a way in the picture that showed protectiveness. Protectiveness of each other. The last one was an old one. Buffy and Angel. Angel obviously didn't smile, but Buffy did. In a way, the picture showed how her and Angel had been met for each other back then.
After a few minutes, the Drama Queen turned the lights off and layed on the couch, looking at the picture from her wallet. It was her and Xander in junior year. It was right before her family lost everything. They were having fun in the picture. They were smiling and laughing all at once, as they went on tickling each other in the sides. They had been in so much love. She let the silent tears fall, as she remembered their past through the picture and her memories. She would forever remember those past memories. Most of all, she would remember the fights and broom closets. Back in the beginning, before anybody knew of their love relationship, they would share intense words and gropy kisses. She missed those times.
Buffy came in thirty minutes later, but she didn't move from where she was. She just waited until Buffy saw her. She turned on the light and came over to Cordelia.
"Hey, Buff."
"What are you doing here?"
"Vision. Long story cut short. I have visions now. very painful. Visions of horrible things to come."
"So, something is coming?"
"Yes. Bloodshed, the Key, you saving the world by your death, and a goddess-looking woman making it all happen."
The seer put her picture and wallet away and then stood up.
"We need to call a meeting. May I do the honors?"
"Sure. It's your vision. You're in the lead."
"Thanks, Buff."
She sat down on the couch and called the first number on the house phone.
Wills and Tara were asleep when the phone went off. Wills answered it.
"What is it, Buffy?"
"It's me, Willow."
"I had a vision. Meet me at Buffy's ASAP. Call Xander and Anya for me. We'll figure things out when we meet here."
"Okay, Cordelia."
"Bye, Willow."
They hung up.
They all met at Buffy's a few minutes later. Anya and Xander sat on the left of Buffy, while Willow and Tara sat on the right of Buffy. They all looked at her, as she paced back and forth, explaining things by the coffee table which was in front of the couch.
"Willow probably hasn't told you, but I have visions. There was a sweet guy in L.A. He was half human and half Bracken Demon. He was a good guy. He had painful visions of things to come. He teamed up with Angel after he had a vision of me in danger. He and Angel saved me from a vampire and his minions. After they saved me, I decided to join. I mean, I didn't have a job. I had to do something for money. I needed to take care of myself. So, we teamed up together to create Angel Investigations. A few months later, Doyle passed his visions down to me right before he died."
"So, he's dead," Anya said. "I'm sorry. I mean, the pain from the visions. They're very intense. The pain is excruciating. I would know. I ran into Doyle when I was a Vengeance Demon."
"Thanks for your understanding."
"You're welcome, Cordelia."
"Now for the vision I had. I saw a lot of blood. There was a cunning, beautiful woman. She opened up two dimensions in order to go home. Creatures started going into our world from the dimensions. I heard Buffy's voice. Something about the Key. Things started falling. I heard Willow and Tara chanting a spell. Something happened, because I heard Anya yelling out Xander's name. I heard Dawn yelling at Buffy and her screaming in pain. I saw a monk cutting clothing with a knife. Spike tried to stop him, but was thrown several feet to the ground. It ended with Buffy's death. She jumped willingly to save the world."
She looked around at each of them sadly, knowing what she had to do. She would die from the visions, anyway. Why not die saving the world, so Buffy didn't have to?
"We can't let these things happen. Buffy, I know you're the Slayer, but you're not allowed to die. Anya and Xander. You guys stick together. Willow and Tara. You guys do the same. Spike and Buffy will fight Glory. I will save Dawn and the world."
Xander stood up.
"Cor...why not let Buff?"
"Because I can't let her die. She's died enough. And as Anya well knows, I'll die from these visions someday. But you know me. I'd rather die from fighting evil, than to die from the visions."
So that's exactly what they did. They knew not to contradict Cordelia; Queen C; the bitch of Sunnydale High. At least, that's what she was back in high school.
It was a dark night, as the Scoobies and vamp did as they were told. Spike and Buffy fought Glory, Willow and Tara recited a spell to close the two dimension portals, and Anya and Xander fought against the monks. And we all know what Cordy's plan was. Die saving the world and Dawn.
Cordy ran towards where the monk was making Dawn bleed with a knife. Dawn was the Key. Cordy arrived from behind the monk. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." The monk turned around to see Cordelia with hands on hips. "Let's play nice," she said to him.
He charged forward and she killed him. She untied Dawn and patched up her wounds. She looked at Dawn, then the portals, and back to Dawn.
"Cordelia," Dawn said.
"Dawn, I have to. It's the only way. I'm sorry."
Then she jumped.
When everything stopped, everyone looked to see what Cordelia had done. She had sacrificed her life for everybody and everything.
A few days later, the PTB brought her back to life. She was still herself, too. So they all lived happily ever after.