Summary: Set somewhere in S6. Anya and Xander are broken up, Tara and Willow are together, Buffy and Spike are together, Dawn has a crush on Spike, and Giles is retired and living in England. What happens when a certain brunette comes to their first high school reunion? What happens when a disaster strikes? Read to find out.545Please respect copyright.PENANAw3Tv20QJSC
Cordelia Chase
It’s a dark night, as I enter the crowded gym of the newly built Sunnydale high school. It’s been three years, but I’m the one that has changed the most. There was a time in high school when I was a bitch, but I’ve changed in so many ways.
When I see them, old memories come flooding back. Buffy, Xander, and Willow are at the food stand with Spike, Anya, and a couple girls I’ve never seen before. The only change in the small group is Giles being absent and Anya, the unfamiliar girls, and Spike being there.
Xander wears blue jeans and a blue t-shirt, while Anya wears a flowered blouse and low heels with her blond hair down. Buffy wears a blue dress and low heels with her blond hair down, while Spike wears his usual black leather jacket, black pants and shoes, and has the same bleach blond hair that’s a little spikey. Willow wears a light-colored dress with low heels and her red hair down. I walk towards them in my red dress and low heels. My brunette hair is down and my purse is slung over my right shoulder. Harmony Kendall is at my right side with her blond hair down. She wears a blue t-shirt and white tennis shoes with blue jeans. She’s my best friend and a good vampire, though she doesn’t have a soul.
“Are you sure about this, Cordelia?”
“Yes. Don’t worry. They won’t kill you in front of everyone,” I reply.
We stop in front of them and they look at us, as I smile warmly at them. I see them as my friends after everything we’ve been through together.
“Hey, guys,” I greet cheerfully.
“Cordelia,” Buffy greets back.
“Glad to see you again,” Willow greets.
“I didn’t know you were coming,” Anya greets.
“Welcome back to the Hellmouth,” Xander greets.
“Well, will you look what the bloody Hellmouth drug in,” Spike says.
“It’s wonderful to see you all again,” I say.
“Why’s she here?” Buffy asks.
“Because this is a high school reunion and she was our classmate,” I answer.
“I’ll go mingle with the others,” Harmony announces, before walking away.
“So, would you like to catch me up on what I’ve missed?” I ask them.
“Of course,” Willow replies.
Willow Rosenburg
I look at Cordelia, as we fill her in one by one. Then I introduce her to Tara.
“Cordelia, this is Tara; my girlfriend. Tara, this is Cordelia. She’s an old classmate of ours.”
“Nice to meet you, Tara. I’m happy for you. I was popular, rich, cheer captain, and a total bitch back in high school. I’ve changed, though,” she summarizes.
“Y-you, t-too,” Tara greets.
“So, what have you been doing for the last three years?” Xander asks.
She tells us about her actress career, Angel saving her life from a vampire, Doyle, Doyle dying to save the world, the visions, Wesley and Gunn and Fred’s arrival, how Angel and the crew rescued her from Pylea, Darla being pregnant with Connor because of a prophecy, Darla staking herself to save everyone the trouble, Angelus turning Lilah, and Angel firing everyone.
She takes a cracker from a plate on the table and eats it.
Xander Harris
Everyone is silent, until I speak.
“Are you going to go back to LA after this?” I ask.
“I don’t know. I miss it here. I might stay,” Cor replies.
This thrills me.
“If you do, welcome home.”
Buffy Summers
I can’t believe how much Cordelia has changed. I don’t know much about visions, but I’m guessing that’s what changed her.
There’s something else, too; pain. I sense it with my Slayer senses. All I know is that she’s not a bitch anymore.
Anya Jenkins
I’m silent, as I watch everyone. She has to get rid of the visions or she’ll die from them. I don’t want Xander to know though, which is why I don’t say anything. Then Buffy introduces her to Dawn.
Tara Maclay
I sense pain from her and it worries me. I see her aurora, which is why I’m worried. All the colors are blended together, and there’s more black and gray than anything. Gray means a certain amount of fading, while black means death and pain. This all sums up to two things. She’s dying and has and is suffering.
Spike a.k.a William the Bloody
It’s been a few years since I’ve seen her, but she has the same charm as she did a few years ago. Though, she isn’t a big fan of me. I’m the one that captured Red and Cordelia’s boyfriend. Now they’re exes because I captured them and they kissed. She hates me because I played a part in it.
“Since it’s our reunion, why don’t we go do our thing? For old times, you know,” Cordelia suggests.
“Great,” Xander says.
“Yeah. We should,” Red says.
“Stay here,” Buffy tells Dawn, before we walk off.
Harmony Kendall
I see them leave, but Dawn is left behind as usual. If I’m right, and I usually am these days, they’re going to go patrolling and Slaying together. I’m left behind too because they don’t tell me anything.
I end my conversation with Amy, a good witch, about how she has been doing. Then I head over towards Dawn to keep her company. If Dawn gets bored, she can easily get into a life and death situation.
Thirty minutes later, before I can reach Dawn, an earthquake starts. I then use my speed to reach her. Then, as she lays on the floor unable to keep her balance, I shield her from the earthquake, not caring if I get hurt.
Xander Harris
We’re all at the graveyard, when an earthquake starts. The ground shakes and cracks violently. We lose our balance and lay on the ground. Then Cordy shouts at us, as she gives us instructions.
“Buffy, Spike, Willow, and Tara; go together and help people! Anya, Xander, and I will go together and find survivors! Let’s go!”
I follow Anya and Cor, as we all go to obey our former Queen C.
Half an hour later, as we walk through an old building, we’re as silent and careful as we can be. We start heading up the stairs cautiously, but it’s not enough. The stairs collapse from underneath us. Then everything goes black.
Anya Jenkins
When I slowly sit up, I’m in some pain. We’re in a steep hole, but it looks semi-easy to climb out. I ignore the pain I’m in, when I see Xander start to wake up. I crawl over to him and look down at him. We’re exes, but I still love him.
“Xander?” I call to him.
He looks up at me.
He slowly sits up.
“Are you okay?” he asks.
“I’m fine. I’ll get us out of here. You should check on Cordelia.”
I leave his side to head over to the rock pile to test it.
Cordelia Chase
As I lay on my back, I’m in pain. I’m silent though, until I hear Xander.
“Cor?” he calls to me.
“Xan,” I answer, and slowly open my eyes to look up at him.
“Are you okay?” he asks me.
“No,” I reply, knowing he can always tell if I’m lying to him.
“What hurts?” he asks.
“My head, right side, and left leg,” I reply.
He scans with his eyes to look at the damage.
“Cor,” he says.
“That bad, huh?” I say, sensing his worry.
“Yes. You’re wounded on your side, but your leg will be okay. I don’t know about your head. I’m not a doctor,” he answers me.
“Is Anya okay?” I ask.
“Then get her over here. She knows more.”
He walks away from me to obey me.
I close my eyes, feeling a little groggy. That’s when I know I’m in bad condition.
A few minutes later, I hear Anya.
“Oh, God. Cordelia, can you hear me?”
“Anya,” I answer.
I feel pressure on my side.
Anya is probably trying to stop the bleeding.
“Cordelia, stay with me,” she says.
I feel a gentle hand rest on my forehead.
“I’ll try,” I assure her in a half-whisper.
“Good. Just try,” she encourages.
I feel her take her hand away. Then I feel her sit me up, my back against her.
“I think we can try it now,” I hear Xander announce.
I feel Anya keep pressure on my side. Then I start to feel tired. I know if we don’t get out of here and back to the others, I’m going to die soon.
Xander Harris
I kneel beside Cor. I can tell that she’s weak and fighting for her life. We have to get out of here, or she’s going to die. If she dies, I don’t know what pieces of me will be left. Her death will shatter me.
I have to keep her alive.
“Cor, stay with me,” I plead.
“We have to…get out of here…now,” she responds, eyes closed, head against An’s shoulder.
An looks at me, silently telling me what we should do, while she ties her jacket around Cor’s waist securely to keep her from bleeding even more heavily.
I nod, letting her know that I understand.
I gently pick Cor up in my arms. As I do, Cor wraps her arms around my neck and rests her head on my shoulder. Then, together, we head out of the hole with Anya at my side.
Once out of the building, we head towards Sunnydale High. I hope everyone is okay, though I could care less about Harmony. She’s a vampire, and I hate vampires with a very dark passion.
Dawn Summers
I sit up and look at Harmony in dismay. The vampire that had once held me captive as bait for Buffy, had just risked getting hurt to try and keep me unharmed. She semi-succeeded, since I feel blood on my right temple and I’m in some pain.
I slowly crawl over to her to help her, as to be careful not to get hurt worse.
I kneel beside her and look down at her. She’s on her back with eyes closed, head to the left, blood on either side of her head. Her side and abdomen are bleeding heavily.
“Harmony?” I call.
I wait for a reply, but she doesn’t answer.
I take my jacket off and tie it around her waist, as to try and slow or stop the bleeding.
I look up to see Anya, Xander, and Cordelia arrive. Xander lays Cordelia down on the debris free floor, while Anya makes her way over to us.
Once by us, she kneels down and looks at me.
“What happened, Dawn?”
“She did what she could to protect me, but she got hurt by some of the falling ceiling.”
She looks down at her.
“Her wounds need taken care of, or she won’t heal.”
“What happened to Cordelia?” I ask.
“Some stairs caved in on us. We fell and she got hurt. Her side is bleeding and I’m hurting a little. Don’t tell him, or he’ll worry without cause to,” she explains.
“I won’t tell,” I promise her.
“How about you?” she asks.
“I’m in a little pain, but I’ll be okay,” I answer.
A few hours later everyone is okay, Cordelia and Harmony live, and we all head home to me and Buffy’s. So we all live as happily as we can on the Hellmouth, while the construction workers get Sunnydale back how it should be.