Summary: What if Spike had captured Willow and Cordelia, instead of Willow and Xander? Read to find out what happens.
It’s a dark night, as Cordelia and I walk into the lab room in Sunnydale High. We’re supposed to meet everyone here so we can go bowling. I turn on the light. Cordelia starts forward towards a bowl on a table.
“What’s that?” she asks me.
“Uh, nothing. It’s nothing.”
“Nothing? It’s something when you start talking like that.”
She reads the title of the book.
“Magic again?”
“Okay. You got me. I was going to do a spell to get rid of these feelings.”
She raises an eyebrow at me.
“What feelings?”
“Xander and I realized bowling is a very bad idea. Our feelings are changing. I still love Oz, though. And I’m sure he still loves you. To keep us from doing something we’ll regret later, I was going to do an anti-love spell. I didn’t want anyone to know. Xander doesn’t even know I was going to do the spell.”
“So if I have this right, you two are falling for each other. You want to get rid of that feeling you guys have for each other.”
“Yeah. That’s right.”
“Do the spell. I’ll keep out of the way.”
Cordelia stands by a table a foot away, while I do the spell.
A few minutes later, when I’m finished, we stand by each other.
“Thanks for letting me do it.”
“Don’t mention it. I just hope it worked.”
“Me, too.”
Just then, the door opens to reveal Spike. “You don’t mind if I borrow the girl do you?” he asks Cordelia.
“Go the hell away,” she orders him.
“That doesn’t work for my kind.”
“Yeah. I know it.”
He grabs my arm, but Cordelia walks up to him and holds a cross up, making him back off a few paces.
“Let her go. I mean it,” she orders with venom, staring him down with her Queen C glare.
He throws me against a wall.
“Will!” she calls out to me.
Spike grabs Cordy’s wrist in a firm grip, making her drop the cross. He then throws her. I see her roll and hit a wall before everything goes black.
I come to to see that I’m in the old burnt out factory. Spike is there. I nervously sit on the edge of the bed, fidgeting with my hands. He dumps a box of supplies on the bed.
“A spell. For me. You’re going to do a spell for me.”
“Um, what kind of spell?”
“A *love* spell! Are you brain dead?”
He goes to the dresser.
“I’m going to get what’s mine.” He grabs a bottle. “What’s mine.” He uncorks it. “Teach her to walk out on me.” He takes several good swallows. He looks over at me. “What are you staring at?”
I avert my eyes. “Nothing.”
“You can do it, right? You can make Dru love me again? Make her crawl!”
“I-I can try.”
He breaks his bottle against the bed post, standing in front of me. He grabs me and threatens me with the sharp edges.
“You lie to me, and I’ll shove this through your face! You want that?”
“No…” I say in terror.
“Right through your BRAIN!”
“No, please, no…”
He shoves me aside and leans against the bed post.
“She wouldn’t even kill me.”
He drops the broken bottle and sits down beside me.
“She just left. Didn’t care enough to cut my head off or set me on fire.” He sniffs. “I mean, is that too much to ask? You know? Some little sign that she cared?” He inhales and exhales deeply. “It was the truce with Buffy that did it. Dru said I had gone soft. Wasn’t demon enough for the likes of her. And I told her it didn’t mean anything, I was thinking of her the whole time, but she didn’t care. So, we got to Brazil, and she was…she was just different. I gave her everything: beautiful jewels, beautiful dresses with beautiful girls in them, but nothing made her happy. And would fliiirt!” He sniffs again. “I caught her on a park bench, making out with a *Chaos* Demon! Have you ever seen a Chaos Demon? They’re all slime and antlers. They’re disgusting.” He looks at my face and strokes my hair. “She only did it to hurt me.” He takes his hand off me. “So I said, ‘I’m not putting up with this anymore.’ And she said, ‘Fine!’ and I said, ‘Yeah, I’ve got an unlife, you know!’ and then she said…she said we could still be friends.” He leans over and sobs on my shoulder. “God, I’m so unhappy!”
I tentatively pat his knee.
“There, there.”
“I mean, friends! How could she be so cruel?”
He raises his head and looks at my neck.
“That smell…your neck.”
He leans in to sniff me.
I cringe.
He stands up.
“Well then, you better get on with that spell.”
“This isn’t enough. There’s a spell book.”
“You left it at home?”
I watch him as he leaves, shutting the door behind himself.
I stand up and scan the room for Cordelia.
I see her lying on her back a foot from the other side of the bed motionless.
I hurry over and kneel beside her.
“Cordelia?” I say softly.
I feel for a pulse on the side of her neck.
I’m relieved that she’s alive. I take my fingers away. I rest a gentle hand on her forehead.
“Cordelia? Can you hear me, Cordelia?” I call to her.
She groans.
“Cordelia, can you hear me?” I call again.
She slowly comes to and looks up at me.
I remove my hand.
“Hey,” I say.
“Will, hey.”
“Come on. We have to get out of here.”
“Okay. Help me up.”
I grab hold of her upper arm, helping her to her feet. I let go.
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Not really.”
I’m worried now.
“What’s wrong?”
“I feel light headed and sick.”
“Let me find a way out. You can sit on the bed.”
I help her sit on the bed and then I walk over to the steel door.
It easily opens. I look out. He’s not back yet.
I walk over to her.
“Let’s go.”
I help her to her feet and put an arm around her, helping her along as we leave the room and head up the stairs slowly.
As we walk through the darkness, Willow helping me along, I feel horrible. I don’t know what’s wrong. The only thing I know is that I’m lightheaded and ill.
We soon arrive at her place.
“Do you want to lay down?” she asks.
“No. I need a bathroom.”
She helps me to it and I walk in, shutting the door after telling her to call Xander. I kneel in front of the toilet and puke my guts out.
She comes back a few minutes later and tells me through the door that he’s on my way, before walking away.
Twenty minutes later, I hear a knock on the door and then his voice.
“Cordy, are you okay?”
“Not really. Come in.”
“You sure?”
He walks in, closing the door. He kneels beside me.
“Cor, I think you should go to the doctor.”
“Right now?”
“Yeah. I’ll take you there myself.”
A few minutes later, I’m in the doctor’s office with Xander sitting in a chair, supporting me with his presence. We find out that somehow I’m seven days pregnant.
We soon leave.
“I’m sorry I got you pregnant, but at least we know our future a little.”
“Xander, don’t apologize. I’ll deal. It’s not that different. I mean, look at Buffy. She had to quit after she became the Slayer. I’m going to have to quit cheer leading because of this baby. Not much difference there. They’re both jobs.”
“Wow. Comparing yourself to a Vampire Slayer. I never thought you had it in you.”
“It’s a start, Xan. In fact, let’s go to the library and announce the news. We can celebrate tomorrow.”
“Sounds like a plan to me. What about your followers?”
I think for a sec before answering.
“They’ll deal. Definitely. In fact, I think I’ll see to it that Harmony gets booted up to captain. It’ll show her how hard it is for the captains. For me. I don’t think she actually realizes.”
“Good call. You do that. We celebrate. Everything will be dandy as can be. I mean, we’re on the Hellmouth.
Half an hour later, we’re all seated at the table, Giles home, the rest of us at the school library.
We have just told them the news and they’re happy for us; All of them. And you know something? For the first time in my life, I actually feel like I belong. That I have true friends. The kind that don’t give a crap if I’m poor or rich, popular or an outcast, or even a mother at eighteen or not. That says something I realize. It says that I have true friends that I can count on. They’re family. Most of all, I have the one guy that loves me for me. Not what I own. I’m his world and he’s mine. We mean the world to each other.