Summary: Set in S5 after "Not Fade Away." The First Evil is back and coming to LA now. Can they defeat its minions, or will they perish? Read to find out what happens.516Please respect copyright.PENANAEcm1iL4Xvg
It's a dark night, as I walk through LA, California. My name is Spike, formerly known as William the Bloody. I was sired in London by a vampiress named Cecily, whom is now a Vengeance Demon named Halfrek. My first vampiress soul mate was Drusilla. My last one was Harmony Kendall. And then the Sunnydale Slayer, Buffy Anne Summers, and I fell madly in love. And now I'm a part of Angel Investigations. I'm not like Peaches (Angel), but I have a non-cursed soul and I help the hopeless. There isn't many of us left, though. It's just Faith, Peaches, Harmony, and I. All the others died in the battle with the Circle of the Blackthorn, in a coma, or from demon possession. I wouldn't say it out loud, but I bloody hell miss them. I'm about ready to pass an alley, when I smell her scent. So I walk into the alley, not sure why I would smell her. She died in a coma when I was still in Sunnydale shagging with the slayer.
When I walk into the alley, I see her on her back.
I kneel down beside her.
"Princess?" I call to her.
She groans and then slowly comes to.
She looks up at me.
"Out of everyone, I never would have guessed you'd be the one to find me like this," she says to me.
"Why are you here, luv?" I ask her.
"I'm supposed to help with whatever is coming," she informs me.
She sits up and then starts to her feet, and as she does, I help her as I get to mine.
"Peaches?" I ask.
She looks at me.
"Yeah; Angel."
We walk out of the alley on our way to the Hyperion hotel, side by side.
Half an hour later, I stand by Harm's desk, as she tells everyone why the bloody hell she's alive.
"Something is coming," she informs us.
"What?" Peaches asks.
"The First Evil will be coming back; This time to LA. That means we'll need back up."
She gives Peaches and I a knowing look, before looking at Faith.
"So, what's the plan, C?" Faith asks her.
"Sunnydale. Ready to drop in on some old friends and family?"
I instantly know what she means.
Bloody hell, I think, predicting some rivalry between us and the Scoobies.
She looks at Peaches and I.
"You two stay here. Try NOT to kill each other. Harm, Faith, and I are going to visit our home."
A few minutes later, we watch as they leave to go to Sunny Hell.
A few hours later, they walk in with Buffy, Cordelia's ex, Red (Willow), Andrew, Halfrek, and Lilah. Her ex, Xander, is different in looks, though. He has one eye left. Anya is missing from the group, which means something must've happened to her.
We're silent until Peaches steps forward and so does Buffy.
"Buffy, you made it," he greets.
"Angel," she greets back.
"Okay, you two; back to the present," Cordelia says to them.
"We need to be ready."
"We're ready," Buffy tells her.
Buffy looks at me.
"Spike, you're alive," she says.
"I am, luv," I reply.
A day later, the battle comes. This time, The First Evil's minions are demons and vampires. So, for once in our lives, the Scoobies and the rest of us all work together to battle against these creatures, and to save the day. And by night fall, we defeat them and win.
Later that night, we go back to the Hyperion and say our good-byes. Xander and Cordelia depart to travel together and catch up with one another. They need a break. They've been through hell and back.
After Peaches goes downstairs to where he lives and everyone else goes home, I go for a walk. So we all live as happily ever after as we can.