Catch Up
Let me catch everyone up. In Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the title says it all. Buffy is a Slayer. One night, she is saved from a vampire with a soul named Angel. He has a soul because he is cursed with it by Gypsies centuries ago when he was Angelus, the most feared of all vampires. He can't have happiness or he will lose his soul and become Angelus once again. Buffy and Angel fall madly in love, but they have to be careful because of his cursed soul. They went through everything until Graduation when he breaks up with her and leaves town.
Now let's move on to Cordelia Chase. She was rich, popular, stuck up, self-centered, and a bitch for years, until she fell in love with the geek Xander Harris, in which she used to look down on and make fun of. They had a great relationship. They would fight like cats and dogs, exchange insults they didn't really mean, break up for a time, and then kiss to make up and get back together again. At least, until "Lover's Walk." A vampire named Spike had captured Xander along with his best friend Willow, after Spike's soul mate Dru left him, knowing that Willow was a witch and Xander saw him capture her. When Cordy and Willows' boyfriend Oz found them, they were kissing. She never got back together with him and left on Graduation day.
Later, when the Angel show comes along, we realize that Cor and Angel, when they both left, went to L.A. Cordy decides that she can't run from her intuition to fight evil, and joins Angel to help out and do that. They call it Angel Investigations. Doyle was already around before Cor came along. So that's the recap.
The Walk Home
It was a beautiful night. Cordelia and Doyle were locking up for the night. Doyle walked home in the night with the former Cordette of Sunnydale High. He was walking her home. Not that she couldn't defend herself or anything. She knew how. It was just a guy's instinct to protect a girl. Didn't matter who she was or how strong she was.
They stopped in front of her apartment in the apartment building.
The blue hazel eyed brunette looked up at him with a smile.
"Good night, Doyle.”
"Good 'ight, princess," the half demon, half human Irish guy answered back, and then he watched her shut the door behind her before he left to go home himself.
Fallen Hero, Fallen Lover, Fallen Friend
A few nights later, in Cor's apartment, Doyle and her confessed their love for each other, and then there came the first kiss they ever shared.
A couple nights later though, he died saving everyone from a certain death from a lighted globe thing that would kill anyone with human flesh. Right before he went over in a rush to pull the cord before it exploded, he and Cordelia shared the last kiss they would ever share. And as they kissed, an unknown blue light shown between their lips.
Another one of my guys that never stayed. Another lover that never worked out, she thought the next night, as she entered her apartment.