Summary: Post “Bad Eggs.” What if Buffy and Xander hadn’t been the only ones to get locked in the closet? What if it had been Buffy, Cordelia, and Xander? What will happen between them? Read to find out.
When Cordelia came to, sitting up and rubbing the back of her head, she saw that she was in the closet with Xander and Buffy.
Both were still unconscious.
“Well that figures.”
She stood up and looked around. There were three eggs on the floor. She looked at the shelf. There had to be something to smash the eggs with before they hatched. And there was. She grabbed a tool box and smashed the eggs with it, leaving it there.
She knelt between her boyfriend and the Slayer. Normally, she would wake Xander up first. Not this time. They had to get out of here. And hey. Buffy was strong. She swallowed her pride and turned to the Slayer.
“Buffy , wake up. We gotta get the hell outta here.”
The blond groaned.
“Come on, Buffy.”
She slowly came to to see Cordelia looking at her.
“Why would they put us in here?” Buffy questioned, sitting up and seeing that they were in a closet.
“A little hint. I killed the eggs.”
Buffy saw the tool box with smashed eggs.
“Good. I’m gonna get us outta here.”
The Slayer tried the door. Locked.
Cordy knelt beside her dweeb.
“Xander. Wake up, Xander.”
He groaned.
“Who else would it be?”
He looked up at her.
“I don’t know. Anybody in mind?”
“Not at all, dork.”
He sat up.
“We’re in the closet. Aren’t we?”
“Yeah. And you know what that means.”
Suddenly, they were smooching in the closet.
Buffy slammed her fist through the door and unlocked it from the outside. She opened the door.
She turned around to see them kissing. She rolled her eyes at the couple. She would never understand them. How people like them could fall in love. Not to mention what was up with them and closets.
“Time to go you two.”
They parted and got to their feet to follow Buffy, hand in hand.