It was a beautiful day. Xander and Willow were strolling along, when they saw the new student. Buffy Anne Summers. Xander fell instantly in love.
"That must be Buffy," Willow commented. "Xander, you're staring," Willow added.
She knew that look he had on. She realized he had fallen in love with Buffy, which made her jealous. She knew it was wrong to feel that way when they hadn't met her, and he hadn't even made a move on her. Yet. They walked inside Sunnydale High, only to be spotted by Cordelia Chase and her clique, which everyone called The Cordettes.
"Well, well, if it isn't the nerd and the geek," Harmony announced. "Harmony, you're delusional," Cordelia told her with a glare and a flick of her hair.
Xander caught on that she was letting them leave, and they silently left the fuming Harmony.
"I'm not delusional," Harmony protested, turning to her leader.
"Rain check, Harmony." "Yes you are," she insisted.
"Why did she do that?" Willow asked him.
"I don't know, Wills." "Let's just go, shall we?" he replied.
So they kept on walking down the halls of Sunnydale High.
By their sophomore year, Buffy was friends with Xander and Willow. She was also the Sunnydale Vampire Slayer. Willow and Xander, including Giles, were the only ones that knew about the supernatural, and that she was a Slayer.
Later that same year, Cordelia realized that she loved Xander, but she knew he and Buffy were together.
October of that year, Buffy and Xander broke up after seeing Willow and Xander smooching in the library. Both witch and Xander were guilty after that. Buffy understood, but she never got back together with him. Instead, she and Angel got together. Cordelia took this chance to tell him how she felt about him.
She walked up to him in the hall.
He turned to look at her after shutting his locker door.
"I have something to tell you. Not here, though. Privately."
She dragged him into an empty classroom and shut the door.
"What is it that you had to say to me, but couldn't or wouldn't say in front of everybody?" he asked.
"I love you."
"Okay, I wasn't expecting that."
"That's what I had to say."
"Well, I love you, too."
Still inches away from each other, they looked into one another's eyes.
A moment later, they were kissing. It was filled with desire, lust, and overwhelming pleasure. They knew they were meant for each other, as they shared the moment in the kiss.
In the middle of junior year, everyone knew about her and Xander. News travels fast in Sunnydale. You can't keep a secret without it getting out. So almost everyone now had their half. Everyone except Willow. She didn't care, though. By now, Cordelia was a part of the Scoobies. She had left the Cordettes not long ago, but she still had the attitude. Nobody ever understood Cordy and Xander. They would fight like cats and dogs, exchange insults they didn't really mean, and then kiss to make up. It was the same every single time they fought. They loved each other, though. They would forever love each other. By now, Cordy knew all about the supernatural realm.
Graduation came and went, and Xander and Cordy were still together. Angel had broken up with Buffy and left town. And last but not least, Harmony had been turned.