It was a beautiful night. Cordy had just arrived in front of her apartment door when it hit her. A vision.
A few minutes later, it ended.
"Oh God. Kate."
It had shown her taking some pills and mixing them with a big bottle of wine. Then she was on the floor unconscious. Then it ended.
She didn't even pause to take any migraine pills. She ran as fast as she could down the stairs, out the apartment building, and then out to her car.
Ten minutes later, she arrived at Kate's apartment door.
There was silence.
She tried the door. Unlocked. She walked in and closed it behind herself.
As soon as she saw her, she rushed over and knelt by her.
There were a few pills scattered on the floor and an entire bottle of wine empty on the floor. She put a couple fingers to her neck. Alive.
She went to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of cold water. She came back with it, knelt beside her, opened the bottle, put her hand under her so that when she lifted her, her upper body was off the floor and then she poured the water from the bottle on her face.
"Come on, Kate. Come on. Wake up, Kate. Kate, come on," she said.
The bottle was half gone when she came to. She set the bottle down and held her in her arms, as the detective coughed.
When she was done coughing, she sat up and looked at Cordelia Chase.
"How did you know?"
"I had a vision. I saw what you did and what would happen. Why would you do that?"
"You wouldn't understand."
"Actually, I would. Ever since sophomore year of high school, I've gone through hell and back. Not literally Hell, but Sunnydale is built upon a Hellmouth. And when I wasn't in danger from the Hellmouth-y things with Xander, I was being a normal teenager with a normal life as a popular and rich cheerleader and Cordette. And these visions? They're not all beautiful flying colors. They're a pain in the ass. The point is, Kate, there's no way out. And you can thank me for saving your life, but don't blame Angel for your father's death. When Angel says something, he's honest and never holds back from details in certain things."
They both got to their feet.
"Thanks, Cordelia."
"You're welcome. And I won't tell Angel about your suicide mission."
"And again you're welcome."
Kate watched as the brunette Seer left.