Summary: Set in Angel S1 but also Buffy S7 after the last battle. Doyle is still alive, though and so is Cordy. Xander comes to her, only to have to be her knight in shining armor Can he save her? Can Cordy be of comfort for him? Read to find out.566Please respect copyright.PENANAY8wGJQu5N3
It was a dark night, as Cordelia Chase headed home after a long day of working at Angel Investigations with Angel and Doyle.
She was a few blocks away from the apartment building she lived in by now, when she was dragged into an alley with a cold hand over her mouth. Then she was roughly thrown and she hit the wall before she landed on her back on a pile of wood. She groaned in pain, before the vampire came over. She knew she had to fight, but she was delirious and felt blood close to her abdomen. She knew a piece of wood had stabbed her there and that she might die. As he pulled her to her feet, she saw Xander. It was like a flash or vision of him. Then everything went black.
The creature of darkness caught her from hitting the ground, before he vamped out and sunk his teeth into the side of her neck, her head on his shoulder, back against him.
Xander was walking, heading for Cordy’s, when he saw something from the corner of his eye. He walked into the alley and saw the scene. A male vampire was feeding hungrily from his ex.
“Hey!” he called to it.
It let go and she fell to the ground on her back. It then turned around to face him.
Xander walked towards him and after some struggle, staked the vampire with a stake through the heart, turning it to nothing but ashes and dust. He then rushed towards and knelt beside his ex.
She was out cold.
“Cor,” he said.
He pulled the piece of wood out and tossed it to the ground. He then took care of her wound and gently picked her up in his arms, before he headed for her place.
When she woke up, she was on her bed in her apartment with Xander seated at her bedside with a worried face.
“Hey,” he greeted. “You’re awake.”
“Hey,” she greeted back, and then sat up in bed. “Thanks, but what are you doing here?”
“I was on my way to speak to you.”
“What about?” she had to ask him.
“I don’t think Deadboy told you the aftermath of the battle in Sunnydale with The First,” he said.
“No. He didn’t say anything,” she replied. “What’s wrong?”
“Sunnydale is gone. Our home we’ve always known is gone, Cor. Buffy, Dawn Buffy’s sister, Willow, and the only Potential left Kennedy are heading for New York. I don’t where Faith is going, but I thought I’d stick around LA for a while.”
“What about Anya? Did she make it?” she asked.
He looked away from her and was silent. He didn’t need words, because his silence said it all for her.
“Oh, Xander. I’m sorry.”
“I’ll be okay, Cor. I just need some time and a place to stay.”
“You can stay with me and Dennis.”
“Who’s Dennis?”
“A very friendly ghost as long as he doesn’t get jealous. We have to catch up.”
“Yeah. We should.”
“What happened?” she asked, seeing that one eye was covered with an eye patch and the other wasn’t covered.
“Caleb, a priest that was influence by The First Evil happened. Buffy and I got into a fight with him and he stabbed me in the eye.”
“Do you want to talk about the battle? You don’t have to if you don’t want to, but sometimes it’s better if you talk about it.”
“For once in a long time, Buffy and Faith worked together in the battle and Andrew was there. He’s with Buffy and the others now, but Anya died protecting Andrew from those creatures. Spike died, too. Though, I could care less about him. It was chaos over there. The ones that survived were lucky to. In the end, Sunnydale collapsed before our eyes so we had to get out of there. Before the battle, we lost Tara because of Andrew’s friend Warren shot her. I don’t think he knew that he did, but he did almost kill Buffy. Willow almost took over the world because of Tara’s death. Anya helped us get her back on track, but it was really me that got Willow back on track. When Willow called to tell you guys that Buffy’s alive, Buffy was alive because we all brought her back. Sunnydale was being taken over by vampires and demons, because nobody brought another Slayer to Sunnydale. We needed her back. So we did the stupidest thing we could ever do. Before Anya died, An and I were exes. We were going to get married, but I realized at the last moment that I wasn’t ready. I apologized to her though, before I left her at the altar. After that, we broke up and tried to figure out where we stood with one another.”
“I’m sorry, Xander. You’ve been through so much. Not even I can top that as much as I’ve been through here in LA. The only reason I came to Angel Investigations was for protection. Angel saved me from a vampire and his minions with help from Doyle. I know what you feel about demons, but Doyle is a half demon but he’s also human.”
“And how did that happen?”
“Doyle’s father was a demon and his mother was a human.”
“Oh,” he said.
“You can take the bed and I’ll take the couch for tonight, unless you don’t mind sleeping here with me,” she replied.
“We can take the bed together,” he replied.
So that night, they slept together, which was very familiar with them. After all, they had been exes ever since senior year of high school.
Later on, Xander found his own apartment to live at and got a job at one of the coffee shops in town there, not far from his and Cordy’s apartment. So everybody lived as happily as they could in LA.