Summary: Post Buffy S6.What if Xan had found Cordy in Sunnydale?
It was dark, cold, quiet night as she walked down the streets of Sunnydale. She knew where she wanted to go. It was a matter of finding him. She would look for him at his basement. If she couldn’t find him there, she would go to the Bronze. She hoped her search would turn out successful. She wanted; needed; had to find him.
Memories washed over her like a flood, as she kept on. Some were good and some were bad. First, there was her as the leader of the Cordettes and Queen C. Then, there was her and Xander’s two first kisses in one day. Next, there was her and Xander making out in broom closets. The very last, was her seeing Willow and Xander making out in the old factory behind the Magik Shoppe.
She was so caught up in her memories and thoughts; she didn’t realize she had wandered over by the Bronze, a black away from it, until she felt pain. That’s when she came back to the present. She realized that she was on her back, a demon on top of her. It had scales all down its back and it was green with scaly, ugly skin. It growled at her.
In her high school days, she would’ve given it a cold stare, kept her fear hidden, and struck out with words that would scare it, making it run away in fright. She wasn’t Queen C or a bitch anymore, but she did say the same thing she would always say to a demon.
“Eww! Gross! Ugly much!” she exclaimed.
She kicked it off her and then ran. She only got a foot, though. It grabbed her and through her into a section of Sunnydale that looked like a forest. It had a lot of trees. She landed just inches away from a tree. It came after her again. This time, she recognized what kind of demon is was. She just didn’t remember the name of it. All she knew was that is paralyzed its victims with its fingers or whatever while he or she was still alive. She felt pain, as it scratched her on the stomach and started to bite into one of her sides. She let out a scream.
As it started stripping away her skin on her stomach and eating it, she closed her eyes and let herself go still. Then there came numbness, as the paralysis flooded through her body and her breathing slowed. She knew she was dying fast.
As she went under, she could barely hear her name being called. The pain stopped. Then she heard nothing, as she was swallowed by the darkness and she couldn’t feel, see, or hear anymore.
As soon as he had heard that scream, he had ran as fast as he could, recognizing who that scream had come from.
It was a gruesome sight he saw, as he entered the trees. There was that demon they had been looking for to kill, stripping away Cordy’s stomach. It looked like it had even bitten her side. He could easily see she had lost a lot of blood and was unconscious, if not in worse condition.
“Cordy!” he yelled out, scared for her health.
The demon stopped and turned to him. It went after him, but the Zeppo avoided it and then cut its head off with an Axe, killing it.
It turned into nothing but bones, as he ran and knelt by his ex. He took his jacket off and tied it around her stomach and side, hoping that it would either slow or stop the bleeding. He then picked her up and carried her, her head on his shoulder.
Everyone looked at him, as the door opened and he walked in with the former Queen C of Sunnydale High. He closed the door behind him, as he walked in with her.
“What’s she doing here?” Anya asked.
“I don’t know, An,” Xander answered.
“Was it the demon? It looks like it,” Buffy said.
“It was, but I killed it with the Axe you gave me.”
“Will she be okay?” Willow asked.
“I don’t know, Wills. She lost a lot of blood,” he explained.
“Who is she?” Dawn asked.
“Cordelia,” Buffy answered her sister.
“Let’s help her. Shall we?” Anya said, standing up from the couch and walked up the stairs.
Xander followed her to Joyce’s former room, which was now the guest room.
Once in the room, he layed her gently on the bed.
He turned to the former Vengeance Demon.
“What do we do?”
“Stop the bleeding. Then clean and patch up her wounds.”
Twenty minutes later, they finished up.
Anya went downstairs to leave them alone.
Xander sat on the bedside and held her hand. He took his free hand and with two fingers, searched for a pulse on the side of her neck. She was still alive. He took his hand away.
“Cordy, if you can hear me, can you wake up? You’re still my Secret Eyes.”
Nothing happened.
“Please, Princess.”
That last thing had her come to.
As soon as she saw him, she smiled at him, slowly sat up, and then hugged him. He then hugged her back.
“You’re still my girl I fell in love with back then.”
“You saved my life. Thank you.”
“Of course I did. I still care.”
They walked downstairs, his arm around her, smiling.