Christmas present
It was Christmas Eve. Xander Lavelle Harris was asleep in his bed, when the ghost of his fiancée woke him up by calling to him.
He got up and asked her, "An, what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?"
She answered him, telling him that they were going to see the present happenings of LA. And so they did. He found that they were in LA overlooking the graveyard. There was Angel fighting and staking evil. Then they were in the Hyperion, seeing Harmony all gloomy.
"Everyone is in pain. You're not the only one that lost her when she died. Harmony is beside herself and Angel doesn't have his Seer anymore for help. You have to show them that you know how they're feeling, Xander," she told him.
He just nodded.
Christmas Past
Xander couldn't help but smile from ear to ear, and feel a sense of overwhelming love, as his ghost of Christmas past appeared. He wanted so much to hug her and tell her things he would never tell others, but she was a ghost.
She smiled back at him.
"Let's get started," Cordelia Chase said, and then they were in Sunnydale in the good old days of sophomore year. The best year of their lives. The year they both fell in love with each other.
"I know you remember everything. I do, too. We were so happy. Xan, I don't want you so upset, that you never find another girl that will love you," she finished.
Christmas Future
His high school sweetheart was replaced by her and Willows' teacher Jenny Calendar.
"Ms. Calendar," he greeted.
"Xander,” she greeted back, and then the future began. “They already told you of the present and past. If you move forward instead of staying in the past, then you'll make it.”
As she faded after that message, a total different one was spoken by her.
"Tell Rupert to move on and not to dwell on the past." And with that, he found himself back at home, so he went right back to bed.