Summary: We all remember Cordy and Xander. Right? They were in so much love back in Sunnydale. Here’s my own story. It’s pretty much the same. Just without the supernatural storyline.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Xander and Cordy or anything related to or of Buffy.
Remember when you were young? Remember when you fell in love and dated for the very first time? Maybe your first love was your forever love. Maybe you were in your youth in high school, when you dated for the first time. Maybe you’re still in your youth and still in love. Maybe you’re still dating. No matter how old or young you are, just keep in mind how young love goes. Usually, it’s all hormones when you’re in high school. This is what Cordelia Chase and Xander Lavelle Harris and their friends thought. Mentally, they agreed with their friends. They never told their friends, though.
Back in 1993 in Sunnydale High, Xander Harris and Cordelia Chase were from two different worlds. Cordelia was rich, popular, a self-centered bitch, a Drama Queen, Queen C, and in the “in” crowd. She was even the leader of the cheer leading squad and the rich and popular group everyone called the Cordettes. She had formed the Cordettes and, because she was the leader, the student body called them The Cordettes.
Xander Harris was on the swim team for a season and then quit. That was the only and last sport he ever did. He was a geek as Cordelia put it. He always wore kind of baggy jeans. He was poor like most of the Sunnydale High students. So were his best friends. Buffy Anne Summers and Willow Rosenburg.
In Sophomore year, her and Xander fell madly in love. They kept it a secret until the middle of sophomore year. This is their story. It’s all about teenager love, courage, strength, compromise, devotion, and strong will that they all have. All teens have them. They’re the best qualities teens have. It all starts in Sunnydale, California in Sunnydale High.
Sunnydale High-1997, late sophomore year
It was a beautiful day as Buffy, Willow, Xander, and Cordelia walked together down the halls of Sunnydale High before school started. A lot had happened between Cordy and Xander. She had left the Cordettes for Xander. Everyone officially knew that she and Xander were in love. They were inseparable. Almost. That’s how much they were in love. Sophomore year was towards the end and they were still deeply, truly, and miraculously still together. They were what gave people the true meaning of “everlasting love” and “never ending love.”
Sunnydale High-1998, Junior Year
Cordy and Xander were dancing on the dance floor at the Bronze, not caring who saw them together. They were with Buffy, Angel, Willow, and Oz. It was the only place teens could go to hang out, eat, or dance without getting into trouble. Oz was Willow’s boyfriend. Angel was Buffy’s boyfriend.
Sunnydale, CA-2000, 1 year after graduation
It was a beautiful day. Xander Lavelle Harris was all dressed up in uniform. They were fiancées now. They had been for six months. But now she didn’t; wouldn’t know if she would ever see him again. So therefore, she didn’t know if they would ever get married. After all, he was going off to fight in the war.
As the ship sailed off somewhere to the camp, she waved to him. He waved back. They both hoped to see each other again. The only contact she would have would be the letters she wrote to him and that he wrote to her. It would be hard, but they were both strong, brave, and courageous. They both always had been that way. Xander was strong, brave, and sometimes courageous. Cordy was strong-willed, brave, and courageous.
Sunnydale, CA-2005, 5 years later
Hope, joy, gladness, cheerfulness, satisfaction, bliss, glee, mirth, delightfulness, and elation illuminated from her. Her sexy, brave fiancée was coming home unharmed. She knew her strong-will would help her get through the hard times.
When she saw him and he saw her, they rushed into each other's arms smiling. They then kissed and went home. Yep. Her man was home at last.
Five years later, they got happily married at 30 years old. It was good luck, too. They weren’t superstitious or anything, but they had heard somewhere that a rainy day on your wedding day was good luck. And so, they had good luck. After all, that’s what happened. It rained on their wedding day. So everybody lived happily ever after.