Summary: A new version of Buffy show.
You know love, lust, and how rich girls are. Right? Well, that’s how Cordelia Chase once was. Rich, snotty, rude, and a self-centered bitch to everyone in Sunnydale High. But there was a certain guy that saw right through her. She couldn’t hide her true feelings from him. It was almost like he could see inside her. They tried to ignore their feelings for each other. Their true feelings. But it didn’t work out. So, in the end, they had to give in to their love, lust, compassion, and care for one another.
A few years later, in senior year, they broke up. She saw him and Willow, whom was his best friend, making out. So that broke their relationship forever more.
After graduation, she left town without a farewell to anyone.
When her actress career in LA didn’t work out, she decided to join Angel with his business.
After Doyle died, she started receiving the painful visions Doyle used to have. And so her adventures go on. These are her stories in contrast. Her life starting in high school.
Sunnydale High; Sunnydale, California; August 1992
It was a beautiful , sunshiny day. It had spread like an atomic bomb that there was a new girl in town. Buffy Anne Summers.
Xander Lavelle Harris was skateboarding on the sidewalk, when he saw her making her way to the front doors of the school. He couldn’t take his eyes off her until he ran into the railing that separated the left stairs from the right. He fell right on his back on the stairs. He wasn’t hurt, though. He got right back up.
“Nice going,” Harmony Kendall said, as she walked passed with some books for class. Like usual, he didn’t say anything. It wasn’t in him to stand up for himself against girls. Especially the Cordettes.
His best friend, Willow Rosenburg, came up to him.
“You’re in love with her.”
“No I’m not.”
“Yes you are.”
“Even if I was, I couldn’t ask her out. I’m like you. You have the shyness with guys. I have the same thing with girls. But I guess I could try. Tell me if I’m wrong here.”
His red-headed female friend answered honestly, “You’re right. Just try not to shy away. You can be confident if you put your mind to it. Trust me on this.”
“I will always trust you, Wills.”
“And that there is a very good thing.”
They walked away with his arm around her, heading up the stairs to go inside.
Cordelia Chase and her clique that everyone called the Cordettes, walked down the hall. As they walked passed Buffy, Harmony pretended to accidentally bump into her, making Buffy drop her books. They kept walking passed, snickering, as Buffy knelt to the floor on hands and knees. Xander came and knelt by her, helping her with her stuff.
“Let me help you,” he said, as he helped her stack her books so she could carry them. “I’m Xander, by the way. Xander Harris. What’s your name?”
“Buffy. Buffy Summers.”
“Maybe I could show you around town. We could go to the Bronze. It’s the only place to have fun in this town.”
“Sure. I’ll just tell my mom that I’m going out tonight. I’m sure she won’t mind.”
They smiled at each other.
It was a dark night, as she walked into the Bronze in a blue dress and black heels.
She found their table and sat by Xander and Willow. “Buffy, hey. You made it,” he said to her. “This is Willow. We’ve been friends since childhood.”
“Hi,” Willow greeted, smiling.
“Hey,” the blond girl greeted back.
“So, I guess we should party now,” Xander announced.
“And that means…?” Buffy asked.
“It’s Xander language for dancing,” Willow clarified for her.
“Oh. Well, dancing I can do.”
Xander started dancing and the girls watched.
“Is he always like this?”
“Yeah,” Willow answered her.
Xander suddenly stepped on Cordelia’s red high heels on accident, dancing. She looked at him and he did likewise, both stopping.
“Get your inexpensive shoes off of my expensive eighty dollar shoes, geek!”
“Sorry, your majesty.”
“You better be!”
Xander walked back to them.
“You know how much of a pain she is?”
Willow nodded in agreement.
Buffy looked at them and then asked, “Who is she?”
“That’s Cordelia. She’s the leader of her clique that we all call the Cordettes,” Wills told her.
Sunnydale High; Sunnydale, California; October 1993
It was a beautiful day, as Cordelia and Xander made out in a broom closet. They were so much in love. They had been together since the middle of sophomore year. Right now, it was towards the end of sophomore year. Everyone knew about her and Xander by now. They had decided not to keep it a secret any longer. For Cordelia, she didn’t give a crap about what their friends thought. He was her love. She loved him; even if it was just teenage hormones. Xander on the other hand, actually did care.
Sunnydale High library; Sunnydale, California; 1999
Cordy and Oz walked into the library to a very disturbing scene. Willow and Xander were making out. Nobody else was there.
She covered her mouth in shock with a hand. Oz just stood there.
“Oh God,” she said, getting the two kissers her and Oz’s attention.
“Cordy, “Xander said, trying to think of something to say. Find the right words to stop what he knew would happen. He knew her way too well. The same applied for her. She knew him too well, as well.
“I have to get out of here,” she said, running out the door.
“Oz,” Willow said.
“I have to go,” he told her, walking out the door.
Xander walked out the door, trying to find her. She had disappeared down the halls, though. He wanted; needed to explain to her that he hadn’t meant for this to happen. She had started it and he didn’t want to hurt her feelings. So, with regret, he had kissed her back.
Sunnydale, California; Sunnydale High; Graduation Day 1999
It was a beautiful day, as Xander watched his Secret Eyes; his Queen; his first love, walk away without a single farewell to anyone.
He knew he had hurt her so much. That’s why he didn’t even try to go to her. He still loved her, though. He would always love her. That he knew. It came from his heart.