It was a dark night as Angel, a vampire with a cursed soul, sat at a bar with a shot glass in front of him. He had just finished his drink.
A man, which he sensed as a vampire, left the bar silently with a companion and two girls.
When the two vampires were vamped out and two female humans were scared and backing slowly away, Angel came out from the darkness of the night.
"Have you seen my car?"
"Go away," one growled at him.
Angel punched the one that had spoken to him. Then it attacked him and Angel whipped out a stake, staking him, turning him to dust. The two remaining ran at him at both sides. When that happened, he pulled out a couple stakes and staked them.
Angel stood with his back to them, vamped out and in the dark shadows.
"Thank you," one girl said.
"You saved us," the other one said.
"Go home," he said.
When they didn't, he turned around, showing them his true face.
"Just go home," he said. Then the girls ran off in fear of him.
Later that night, Angel was in his apartment when he noticed a man in his doorway.
"Who are you?" Angel questioned.
"Doyle. I’m here to help you."
"I don't need any help."
"Sure you do. Let me tell you a story."
"I'm not sleepy."
"There once was a vampire. He was brutal and savage. One night he bit a gypsy girl and was cursed with a soul. Then one night he fell madly in love with a girl who just so happened to be the Vampire Slayer."
"Okay. Now I’m sleepy."
As they walked the crowded streets of L.A., Doyle spoke to him.
"You have to let people in. Get close to them, Angel."
"What if I don't want to?"
"You have to get to know people."
The next night, Doyle and Angel were at a party. Angel was there because he was with a girl named Tanya.
Angel stood a distance away, looking at the most beautiful girl next to Buffy. Cordelia Chase. She was talking to some girls, but when she saw him, she excused herself and walked up to stand in front of him.
"Angel? What are you doing here?"
"I'm here with a friend."
"Are you know...grr?"
She used her hand to gesture fangs.
"Yeah. There really isn't a cure for that."
"Right. Well, nice talking to you."
He watched, as she went back to her group.
That next night, Doyle had a vision of Cordelia Chase in danger.
Meanwhile, Cordelia sat in front of a desk. Some guy named
Mr. Winters said he could help her get fame and fortune. Now she sat with him in his office.
When she started looking around, she realized what he was.
She stood up and walked backwards away from him until she stood by his bookshelf.
"Wait a minute! You're a vampire!"
"What? No I’m not. I don't know what you're talking about."
"I'm from Sunnydale. You don't fool me. You don't have any mirrors and the windows are covered. I know a vampire when...I’m...alone with one."
He stood up.
"Good. Then we can skip the introductions."
He vamped out.
Cordy ran out of his office, as he chased after her. She ran down the hallway and started towards the stairs, but his minion vampires were coming up them at both staircases. She stood on the inside balcony and looked around for a plan. She had to be fast she couldn't fight them off. She wasn't a Slayer or vampire.
Suddenly, Angel was beside her, fighting them off. They shot him and beat him up a few times.
After he killed a few, he picked her up, carrying her, and jumped off the balcony, landing on his feet. Then the two of them ran.
Later, as Doyle was taking care of Angel's wounds, she spoke.
"You don't think he'll come after me again, do you? Not after you scared him off?"
He gave her a look and she looked back at him.
That day, Angel walked into a Wolfram and Heart meeting room, interrupting a meeting. He went to stand by Mr. Winters.
Some of the employees watched in silence.
"Angel, I don't want any trouble now."
He gave Mr. Winters a look.
"Look, we're both civilized men. I pay my taxes, I keep my name out of the paper, and in return, I can do anything I want," he continued.
"Really? Can you fly?" Angel asked.
He put a foot on Mr. Winters' chair and pushed off. Then he watched as he went out the window and turned to flames and then dust.
Everyone in the office watched silently, as Angel left the room and then the Wolfram and Heart building, to go back home where Doyle and Cordelia would be awaiting his return.