I hadn't slept at all, thanks to my "great" pal insomnia, so when Cameron started shuffling around in bed, I felt relieved, though I wouldn't say that aloud.
"Good morning." He finally said,
"Is it not a good morning, or something?" Cameron asked,
"When is it ever a good morning?" I glared at the ceiling, not enjoying his optimism.
"I mean, I think every morning is good." He shrugged,
"Good for you."
"C'mon, you HAVE to enjoy mornings."
"Nope, I do not look forward to the start of another shitty day."
"Don't you enjoy watching the sunrise?"
"Why would I?"
"Because... well... It reminds me that eventually, darkness goes away... and it's just really pretty, all the colors in the sky, the-"
"Enough of that." I shook my head, "This is boring."
Cameron rolled his eyes at me, "That's just because you're gloomy."
"Whatever." I rolled my eyes, "Just get your ass up, and get out of my house."
Cameron scoffed, but ruffled his hair a little, and walked out like I had told him to, which I appreciated, though it concerned me. Unlike most places, our school didn't serve breakfast, which meant he was going to miss breakfast, and I doubt he had dinner last night either.
Part of me wanted to ignore it, but I knew deep down I shouldn't do that. Instead, I took a deep breath, and walked down stairs. I put two waffles in the toaster, before quickly running up and changing into new clothes. I took them out, and put two more in. I ate my two, ran up to go brush my teeth, and put Cameron's waffles in a plastic bag.
"Tyler, you didn't tell me he was coming over."
"No, I did."
"Well, I don't remember. Remind me several times next time." Mom scolded,
"Okay, sorry."
"It's okay, head off to school, you don't want to be late." I did as she instructed, and searched the halls for Cameron.
I got to my locker before I found him, so I took a quick stop to put my bag away, and grab my materials. Of course, when I opened it, a couple nasty notes flew out. At this point, I've learned to ignore it.
"What the hell?" A shocked voice called. I turned around to see Cameron staring at the mountain of letters at my feet. Instead of responding, I threw him the plastic bag, closed my locker, and started to walk away, "Wait!"
"Hm?" I looked him up and down,
"Obviously, thanks, but god, how do you just ignore... that?"
"Oh, I get them all the time." I shrugged.
"Why do you think?" I asked, my voice dripping with venom, and my eyes shooting daggers.
"Geez. Okay. I'm sorry." He raised his hands up in defense,
"Whatever." I rolled my eyes.
"No, really, I am. I didn't understand the impact."
"The impact? It doesn't have an impact anymore. Maybe the impact was numbing me. Either way, I don't want an apology."
"Why not?"
"Apologies don't actually fix your mistake, your actions do."