During the time Xoa was in queensland, the friendship between Niko and Xoa had evolved to romance. Both girls had fantasies of their romantic futures. In fact, they had confessed their love for each other on many occasions while they remained online together. The girls knew they could never tell anybody of their relationship. To tell their families and community would mean to lose everything and everyone they had ever known. As Xoa's Queensland trip began to be limited as Xoas mother wanted to go home, the girls began to plan to meet as soon as Xoa got back to their home city, Sydney. The car trip home for Xoa was long, 12 hours, and the girl spent it trying to distract herself from the time and distance she was away from Niko as she listened to music and slept. But soon the car trip was over and Xoa was back in Sydney. Back near Niko. The girls had planned to meetup as Xoa told her mother she was going on a bike ride to see Niko after her trip. Xoas mother agreed, believing Xoa was going to see her best friend.
It was 4.00 when the girls finally saw each other. Riding on the bike towards her, Xoa saw Niko and couldnt deny her feelings. Xoa ran straight to Niko, hugging the girl tightly as they shared their first kiss. It was passionate and tender, unlike all of the other kisses they shared in their online conversations. It brought warmth inside of them as they embraced one another, kissing each other passionately in return. That day was marked as sacred to both girls, as it was the day they both received their first kiss.
After the kiss, the pair stood smiling to eachother, not sure what to next. Eventually their silence turned to conversation, and they talked about all of the things they had said in their late night pinterest conversations.