For weeks before this point, Niko couldn't help but notice that Xoa seemed different from other people her age. She didn't have the confidence of other teenagers her age. The way she moved her body spoke differently to how most others moved theirs. It was as though she danced with a different style of dancing compared to other people Niko knew. Niko had fallen in love with Xoa.
She feared the new feeling she had. To have fallen in love with a girl in their community, Niko had started to play a dangerous game. But Niko couldnt hide her feelings for Xoa. Not after they had been so honest with each other. No matter how long they stayed up talking to each other online, Niko couldn't forget her new feelings for Xoa. Eventually she began to feel scared about falling for her.
It was one night when Xoa was curled up under a blanket on a bed in her auntie's house in queensland that Niko messaged her on pinterest, saying she had to talk.
Things between the girls started out simple. Niko explained to Xoa the feelings she had been getting and asked if she would object to a kiss. Even if it were only purely on the cheek.
As Niko typed the messages, Xoa was getting butterflies. She felt as if Niko was telling her something that she had know all along. She didn't hesitate to tell Niko she would welcome a kiss, wherever it was placed.