Dean was seated in the middle seat in the back of the car, between Xoa and Malcom. Their parents and Liam were in the front three seats and Xoas father was driving.
As the car left the lake scene, there were only minutes of silence before Dean began to yell. He verbally abused everyone in the car, especislly his parents.
The family was used to Dean's abuse by now, but Xoa really got scared when he began to get violent again. Dean attempted to hit anyone he could, with both his hands and his feet. While Xoas father was attempting to drive the car smoothly, Xoa, Malcom and their mother were fighting Dean. Together Xoa and Malcom managed to hold him down, but Deans arm was against Xoas neck. As he forced his arm against her harder, she began to choke. She couldnt breathe. Her mother screamed as she saw what was happenening. It was all too much.
Xoa's father stopped the car, and forced Dean to get out. He was so drunk from the alcahol that he collapsed in a bush.
Everyone except Dean were ushered into the car, before driving off and leaving him behind.
After two minutes, Xoas father turned to car around. He had suspicions that Dean could possibly be seen by somebody and cause more trouble.