Niko was the first person who understood what Xoa was going through. She had similar feelings herself. Both had undiagnosed problems to their names. Like Xoa, Niko had been able to find out how to cope with her feelings through self harm. This allowed them to be friends without judgment, which gave the both of them a chance to grow, despite their struggles.
Xoa and Niko trusted each other with everything. As school bought social struggles upon them, friends were gained and lost. The other girls in year 7 were filled to the brim with petty fights and drama. This is what led Sage, Xoas first cousin who was in the same grade as Xoa and Niko, to become closer with the duo, as an alliance was needed and the other girls in the grade were not even considered as an option. Although Xoa's relationship with Sage was still shaky, a trust between them began to form.
All three of the girls had their personal issues, but somehow they were able to use that to strengthen their bonds.
They worked together as a unit, always trying to help each other solve anything related to emotions and relationships. They worked hard on their individual studies but shared everything. Their friendship was something special, one worth fighting for and building back again.
The friendship and company guided the girls through the struggles of year 8.
As another year passed, and the girls evolved to year 9 in their studies, Xoa's struggles began once again.