⚠️TW: Eating Disorder⚠️
Dean was not only violent. He was manipulative. He twisted the stories of what he did to Xoa's family, making it seem as if he was the one being abused. He turned all of his parents relatives against them, giving Xoa, her parents, and her other two brothers Malcom and Liam, no support. They were helpless, left to be abused and disgraced by false stories told to the world by Dean. Her family was broken and Xoa was destroying herself with the pills and desire to self harm. However, there were only a few pills, and the limit forced her to discontinue her abuse of substance. So Xoa began to search for other ways to self destruct.
Niko knew about Dean. She knew everything about Xoas family life. Sage knew parts of the situation, and heard things from her own family. They were worried about Xoa, and tried to keep as close to her as they could. They began to worry when they noticed that Xoa was beginning to skip meals. First it was just little things, like skipping lunch. Then it became bigger things. They knew Xoa was doing this to try and forget the pain of what was happening at home and in her head, and Xoa could never put into why she was doing this. Niko talked to Xoa about what she was doing to herself and convinced Xoa to eat. Little by little, the warning eating disorder began to fade and Xoa returned to health.
It was around this time that Niko began to develop interest in another person who had common music interest as her. Drey was a year younger than the girls and in the same music class as Niko. She grew closer to Niko rather than Sage or Xoa. Their common interest was a Korean boyband that both of the girls loved. Sage and Xoa had never heard of the band, and weren't interested, although Niko continued to talk of the music group so the girls could all grow closer to Drey.