As the next six months passed, several minor changes occured that resulted in a whole new outlook on life for sixteen -almost seventeen- year old Xoa. Her mother's nose had healed, and Dean had been alot calmer since the incident. That may have been due to the remorse he felt for his actions. Xoa would never know.
Malcom graduated from highschool, and Xoa and her younger brother Liam, were the only two children of the family in school.
Xoa fully recovered from her eating disorder, despite many temptations of relapse, and she finally found peace within herself, allowing her to forgive Niko for the pain she had put Xoa and her friends through.
Xoa, Drey, Sage and Ayla had all become very close friends. Like sisters almost, except they never fought aside from the occasional light-hearted debate about random things that didn't matter.
It was the girl's friendship that inspired Xoas parents to do something very special for her birthday.
Instead of just doing the usual 'birthday presents and party,' Xoas parents got in contact with Drey, Sage and Ayla's parents and organised for all four of the girls to go on a two day trip to San Francisco.