It was late that night until Xoa got a text from Drey. Drey explained how she had texted Niko to make conversation and the only reply she got from Niko was "lol k." Drey was immediatley concerned and questioned Niko, asking if she was okay.
But instead of getting a response, all Drey got was a "lol."
Xoa knew that Niko was defenitly not okay, but a part of her believed that this was her fault. "Maybe i havent been good enough. Maybe i made her mad. Maybe its my fault." That last one was the biggest fear of hers, that she had caused Niko to break down.
And she knew it was true; she was causing this to happen.
Then she thought of another possibility. Maybe she did nothing. Maybe she didnt try hard enough. Maybe she wasn't trying hard enough at all. That thought filled Xoa with dread, as guilt settled deep into her gut.
So when Drey confronted her about Niko's current state, Xoa lied, admitting that she had no idea why Niko was being like this.
Drey and Xoa decided to contact Sage to ask if Niko was also sending her strange texts. All three of the girls were shocked to discover that Niko's state had not changed at all with Sage. While Drey and Xoa had been getting "lol k's" Sage had been getting normal conversation. The situation was puzzling.