Things at Xoa's home had been getting eventful again. Dean was drinking more alcahol more often and he had began to take drugs like he was addicted. With the help of the external influences, he abused Xoa, Malcom and their parents. Xoas younger brother Liam was never involved in any of the fights as Xoa or Malcom would shut him in a room until the drama passed.
Although Dean was violent and abusive he had never broken the bones of a person. Atleast not until the school summer holidays.
The family had driven an hour away from home to meet two other families for a day out of the house. When they arrived at the destination, Xoa could see a large array of dark blue shimmering water laying beside a grassy bank with tables occupying the flat lands.
Throughout the day, all of the young adults, including Xoa and her older brothers, buried themselves in alcahol. Xoa drank until she couldnt close her eyes without feeling dizzy. Despite her consumption of alcahol, she neglected to eat any of the food provided.
The day had been enjoyable until the car trip home.