⚠️TW: Sexual Assault⚠️
The more Xoa thought of the abuse, the more a dark feeling began to grow inside her. A realization had struck her. "Hes abused us emotionally, physically, verbally......whats left..." Dean never hesitated to be violent, what would stop him from sexually assulting her? What would stop him from hurting her like that?
Xoa knew if anybody was to be hurt like that, it would be her. Aside from her mother, she was the only girl in the family.....the only girl who was avaliable at any moment.
Xoa never shared her fears with her friends or Niko. She knew her worries would only project onto them and cause them to worry too. The thought of hurting someone that she loved made her sick to her stomach. She didn't want to ruin their friendship because of her fears. So she kept them to herself, keeping everything bottled up within herself.
As the months rolled around, April came and Xoa and Niko had been together for ten months. They had been together almost a year until everything changed.