Kat715Please respect copyright.PENANAScE6jJdJPF
715Please respect copyright.PENANAhrVYtL5IFq
February 14, 2005
2 weeks later
715Please respect copyright.PENANAwaioYvoicl
"Do I really have to go?" I plead with my best friend, hoping to stay in tonight. 715Please respect copyright.PENANAmwCSwHTdSw
"Yes." She gives me a "don't question me" look that I'm sure she will use on her children someday. 715Please respect copyright.PENANASTH5DfWWLH
"But... will he be there?" She knows exactly who I'm talking about. 715Please respect copyright.PENANAipblySCcy1
"Oh, I don't know... Probably not?" I can sense her hesitation.715Please respect copyright.PENANAnmEagdDFvT
"You are a terrible liar." I roll my eyes as I continue getting ready.715Please respect copyright.PENANAIo65Vtp6CJ
"Listen, just don't think about that jackass tonight. Have fun with me!" She grabs onto my arm, bouncing with excitement.715Please respect copyright.PENANA9hlPJlFvkD
"Oh please, like you will have time for anyone other than your Valentine." She tries to object, but I hold up my hand to stop her. "We both know I will be sitting in the corner by myself, probably watching him with some skank... silently praying for a quick merciful death." 715Please respect copyright.PENANA329FVdG9T4
"God, you are so morbid. Come on! It's Valentine's Day!" She turns to the mirror to finish her makeup. "Plus Luke and Soph will be there and Kai is really excited to see you." Kai had grown on me, despite our rocky start. 715Please respect copyright.PENANA7ezZxXUEko
"Crap... He is totally going to be there." I figured he would be, but knowing everyone else would be there only cemented it.715Please respect copyright.PENANAkL4bKniQb2
I had somehow managed to avoid him, at least directly, for over a month. It was quite an accomplishment since I enjoyed being around his friends so much. 715Please respect copyright.PENANACkpra8n0fF
Must have been by the grace of God. Oh no... now I sound like Mom. Dad would be so proud, the thought leaving a bitter aftertaste in my brain.715Please respect copyright.PENANAjHefWNJt2T
This is so not what I need tonight.715Please respect copyright.PENANAVWjI1tG5dC
"Well, I actually know someone who might take your mind off of him. He's been wanting to meet you for weeks." She isn't meeting my eyes and she's biting her fingernails. Crap, she must be really nervous. 715Please respect copyright.PENANAt0U8Im9vU8
"Ness... what are you talking about?" I'm not actually sure I want to know. 715Please respect copyright.PENANA1pGpmrsnMB
"Well... this guy... Jonathan... He's seen you around... and well... he kinda wanted me to introduce you... tonight." She paces the room like a caged animal, as she continues to chew the skin on her fingers since there's nothing left of her nails at this point.715Please respect copyright.PENANAF02UIr5WGP
"Ness, calm down. Please stop, at least for the sake of your poor hands." I try to process what she just dropped on me, as I grab her hand, forcing her to stop pacing. "Okay, so, why does this Jonathan guy want to meet me so badly?" I take a seat on her bed.715Please respect copyright.PENANAXuWgPXSYnx
She scoffs, sitting next to me. "Come on, Katie-bug... Even you aren't that dense."715Please respect copyright.PENANAUyelDjl4bd
I just stare at her, completely confused.715Please respect copyright.PENANAKmFa7TVcNO
"Ugh... Seriously? He thinks you are hot and he wants some of that." She gestures towards me. 715Please respect copyright.PENANAQCCdpmjm3B
"What?!? Jeez, did you really have to put it like that?" I can feel my face burning from embarrassment. 715Please respect copyright.PENANAXZgb7GhmVk
"Oh god, Katie-bug, you are such a prude. I swear! Maybe Johnny can help with that." She giggles and bounces on her bed. "Ooooh, maybe he's into some kinky shit! You know, it's always the pretty boys." 715Please respect copyright.PENANAwKZZAgdxo7
My mouth pops open as I feel the blush take over my face. I know I'm only feeding fuel to her fire, but I can't even try to hide my shock. I am pathetic.715Please respect copyright.PENANAgCbjmDqjhX
Vanessa doubles over in laughter, nearly falling off the bed. "Oh. My. God!" She's barely able to get each word out between her giggles. "Look. At. Your. Face!" She points at me, continuing to mock me.715Please respect copyright.PENANA3rxgXt5sha
I push her arm that's extended, throwing her off balance. She falls, landing face first on the carpet. It's my turn laugh, my eyes water and I can barely breathe, but it's totally worth it.715Please respect copyright.PENANAdIQ1tGRTZY
"Fuck! That fucking hurt you fucking bitch!" She hops back up on the bed, punching me in the arm before joining in my laughter. 715Please respect copyright.PENANAe8JjDUvtNQ
"Okay, okay." She tries to calm us down. "Alright, if it wasn't me, that would have been pretty good, but seriously that fucking hurt!" 715Please respect copyright.PENANAiDcZ9IMsvo
"Well, at least you got the rug burn a different way this time." I smirk, proud of my quick wit.715Please respect copyright.PENANA3Ihnnjl70J
"Ah! You skank!" She throws her pillow directly at my face. Even though it's soft, it still stings.715Please respect copyright.PENANATzJCqXlO4P
"Pretty sure, I'm not the skank in this room, whore!" I throw the pillow back, but miss. 715Please respect copyright.PENANAFQ7ZjdTHwQ
"Pretty sure Ben would disagree!" The proud look on her face immediately vanishes. I feel like I've been punched in the stomach.715Please respect copyright.PENANALPdfjBn717
"Shit, Kat. I'm sorry. That was really insensitive. Please forget I said that." She moves closer to me, probably to comfort me but all I feel the need to get out of the room. 715Please respect copyright.PENANAnw9PIX86uR
"Don't worry about it." I run out the door, into the safety of a bathroom stall. 715Please respect copyright.PENANA6H84yne4Yi
Okay, so it's not super private, but when you live in a dorm with a roommate, it's about as good as it gets.715Please respect copyright.PENANAJG2scvXnaz
I sit there long enough to calm down, but I'm still not ready to go back to the room. Unfortunately, I know if I wait much longer, Vanessa will come find me.715Please respect copyright.PENANAoy6zT0NYK5
"Kat?" I hear Sophie's voice echo through the bathroom.715Please respect copyright.PENANAxRYE3j1dBc
"Yeah, Soph?" I almost didn't respond, but she obviously knows I'm in here.715Please respect copyright.PENANAyjai14TK10
"You coming? We are all riding together." Her voice is soft and sweet, just like her. Instantly, I feel relaxed and ready to spend time with my new friends. 715Please respect copyright.PENANAjnLJMl2IwM
"Yeah, just a second." I flush the toilet to make it seem like I wasn't just a weirdo sitting in here. 715Please respect copyright.PENANA7YQgIouZs5
I make my way to wash my hands because it's a public bathroom and it's disgusting not to after touching anything in here. 715Please respect copyright.PENANAnSxhP7RTcj
"Are you okay?" She seems concerned and I wonder if Ness sent her to check on me. 715Please respect copyright.PENANAIs2NIsK0rY
"Of course. Let's go." I don't need her to be worried about me. I will be fine. I'm just being a stupid girl. 715Please respect copyright.PENANAg1JlFsfvBf
I throw the paper towel into the garbage can as I turn to leave, but Sophie stops me by placing her hand on my arm. "Hey, listen, I know it's tough, but I'm really glad you are coming."715Please respect copyright.PENANACELmYw5E13
I love her to death, but I am so sick of everyone treating me this way. I just want to be normal, but everyone seems to be worried I'm about to break. 715Please respect copyright.PENANA5Uxp9OKOA4
Yes, he's a jerk, but seriously it's not that big of a deal. 715Please respect copyright.PENANAwmo1BcyUPY
Yeah, keep telling yourself that. Maybe someday you will actually believe it.715Please respect copyright.PENANABC7SdiShb4
"I'm good. Really." I try to give her my most convincing smile as we finally make it out the door.715Please respect copyright.PENANAZecKOuXl9M
Traffic was slow, but we finally made it to the stupid Valentine's Day party at Nate's. The house is overflowing with people holding plastic red cups and couples making out everywhere. I can already tell I'm going to hate this.715Please respect copyright.PENANA6kOn45eiYD
I spot him, across the room sitting at the kitchen table. Surprisingly, he's alone, engrossed in his phone.715Please respect copyright.PENANADdB5L1Kz7V
Yeah, like that's going to last. Cue the blonde bimbo who's probably on her way back from the bathroom right now.715Please respect copyright.PENANA1qrxWFd8YV
I sit on the couch with Sophie and Vanessa, as Nate hands us each a drink and squeezes next to my best friend. 715Please respect copyright.PENANAjBqSPxGrJw
As Luke walks in, he only has eyes for Sophie. He leans down to kiss her in greeting and I suddenly feel awkward sitting there. 715Please respect copyright.PENANAIJq8SVVKx6
"Here, sit here." I stand, gesturing to my seat. 715Please respect copyright.PENANAnXUJI7aRyh
"Oh no, Kat. Don't worry about it." He's so nice, but I honestly don't want to sit there anymore.715Please respect copyright.PENANAinmA2oicpd
"Please, I insist. It is Valentine's Day after all." I smile as I step away. 715Please respect copyright.PENANArZx0doUBj2
"Okay..." He hesitates, but only for a moment. 715Please respect copyright.PENANA9raDC8i690
I move to the love seat to sit alone. How pathetic am I? 715Please respect copyright.PENANAWcyFjR5Oax
"Hello, my lady." I feel the seat move next to me. I look up to find Kai, smirking. 715Please respect copyright.PENANA9sl1EjXMkW
"Hey Kai!" I lean in to hug him as we continue to make small talk. As happy as I am to see the blockhead, I find myself longing to spend my time with someone else.715Please respect copyright.PENANAkM10Lq12Jt
I look over at him, out of habit. I try not to watch him, but for some reason my eyes always find him. 715Please respect copyright.PENANABwsiUA4pJM
Because I'm a stupid girl.715Please respect copyright.PENANA7vFjRfE6Zp
Our eyes meet, for just a second and I feel the air rush from my lungs.715Please respect copyright.PENANAvAX0pu4kc0
Wait... was he just staring at me? No way, he must have just happened to look up at the exact wrong time.715Please respect copyright.PENANACwzNPxRzGW
I totally didn't notice that he's still sitting by himself. Nope, I didn't notice that at all.715Please respect copyright.PENANAG4naDRdLs4
I head to the bathroom, annoyed with my unusually small bladder. I barely drank anything. I try to mentally count the cups. 715Please respect copyright.PENANALibyoxdJFk
Okay... so maybe I drank more than I realized. Oops. What would Dad say?715Please respect copyright.PENANA02GUXZ6YgR
Nope, not going down that mental path...715Please respect copyright.PENANA1x0CYjGR6P
When I return to my seat, I find it's taken. Kai looks at me apologetically. "Katarina, this is Barbie." 715Please respect copyright.PENANAZFfXeXTfyx
"Oh! The girlfriend. It's so nice to finally meet you." I reach out to shake her hand, but she just grimaces at me like I might give her a disease.715Please respect copyright.PENANAOUuxXRGb2O
"And who are you, exactly?" I'm not sure how to answer her... But the disdain in her eyes says she doesn't really care anyway. 715Please respect copyright.PENANAZTl6UuKkSl
"It's Kat. And my best friend is dating Kai's roommate." I guess that's who I am? Hopefully it's good enough.715Please respect copyright.PENANAwmUo3sdg6s
"Babe, your kinda in Kat's seat." Her face falls slightly. Oh god, now I feel awkward. 715Please respect copyright.PENANAQ8RXWMym4r
"Oh no, don't worry about it. It's all yours." I back away, hoping she doesn't see me as a threat.715Please respect copyright.PENANAf4zvdyRRQJ
"Yeah, well I am his girlfriend, after all." I can't say I disagree with her, but it's still shocking she said it out loud. 715Please respect copyright.PENANAxx9lUSMupU
"Of course." I mumble, as I walk away from her hateful gaze. I understand why not even Luke or Sophie can stand her. What on earth does Kai see in her?715Please respect copyright.PENANArqUurVmHyV
Well, there goes all my friends, lost in the daze of their significant others... I need to get out of here. 715Please respect copyright.PENANADZW3h91Ewt
But where can I go?715Please respect copyright.PENANAw9alBwhu2H
I find my feet leading me to a familiar room. I open the door slightly.715Please respect copyright.PENANARVLv3L0FkN
"Hello?" No answer. 715Please respect copyright.PENANAoLHLY1n6WW
I don't even bother to turn on the light as I crash into the bed. 715Please respect copyright.PENANAg1sSGz8XUa
Thank God. Alone at last.