Ben441Please respect copyright.PENANAfVTAjpPZxw
May 21, 2005
441Please respect copyright.PENANAU4N013Jlb5
Same day
"Maybe we should leave." McClain's is about the last place I want to be right now.
"Bro, Kat said they would be here. Just chill." Nate tries to reassure me as we sit in our usual booth, but I'm full of too much nervous energy. I can't sit still.
"Yeah, but why are we here? They hate us." This is such a bad idea. I consider leaving as my leg bounces wildly under the table.
"Because we love them and want to win them back." I start fidgeting with my hands as Nate looks me over. "We do want to win them back don't we?"
"Fuck yeah. I just think they are going to murder us. Kat will go full hurricane on me." I just know she won't be happy I'm here. She can barely stand to look at me.
"Hurricane? Do I even want to know?" He gives me a sideways glance, like it might be something inappropriate.
"Dude, you were there. You know when we first met, I thought her name was Katrina like the hurricane?" He just shakes his head. Guess he was too far down Red's throat to know what was going on around him.
"Whatever. She's a hurricane, get over it." I don't care if he understands it or not.
"Well, if she's a hurricane, Ness is a... a... uh... tornado." He seems proud of himself, but it only lasts a second.
"I'm a what?" Red appears next to us. Oh shit. This isn't a good start.
I look around her, relieved that Kat isn't trailing behind her. Maybe she's not coming.
I'm not sure if I'm more relieved or disappointed, though.
"Uh... Ben was just saying that, uh... Kat is a... a hurricane, right Ben?" He's so nervous he can barely get the words out.
Red glares at me like I insulted her friend, but it's not meant to be one.
"Calm down, Red. She knows about it, it's sort of a pet name." I realize my mistake too late. "Or at least it... was."
"What the hell does it mean?" She's still ready for a fight, even though there's no reason to be mad.
"She's powerful and strong." I sigh. "Even in the chaos, she's beautiful. She has... had the power to either break down my walls or break me." I didn't mean to be so honest. What the fuck is wrong with me?
I would blame the alcohol, but I have barely touched my beer. The thought of Kat showing up has my stomach in knots.
Red slides into the booth, the fight gone. Now they're both looking at me with pity on their eyes. God dammit.
"Guess you know which one she picked." I give a self-deprecating laugh.
"Oh Ben..." Red pats my hand like it might help, but it doesn't. I just want them to stop looking at me like that.
"So, a tornado, huh?" I turn the conversation onto my poor best friend.
Nate's eyes go wide, he wasn't expecting me to betray him like that.
Sorry, bro. I can't handle any more pity right now.
"Oh, I don't know. Just the first thing that came to mind." His face turns bright red, or at least the little bit that isn't covered by his hobo beard does, as he looks down at his hands.
"So you think I'm destructive?" I can't tell if she's teasing him or truly insulted.
"I was just going off what Ben said. Why do you always have to make such a big deal out of the stupid shit I say? You know I'm an idiot." I expect her to be mad, but she's laughing with him.
Her laughter gives him he courage to keep going. He sits up, more confident than he's been in months. "Besides, tornadoes are cool and kinda sexy. People devote their lives to chasing them."
"True... Plus it's better than a rain storm." She's caving in, I can see it. I don't want to sit here and watch them make-up while I'm still fucking miserable.
"Yeah, whatever. I think I'm just going to head out." I stare at Nate, hoping he doesn't challenge me, but he doesn't even react. He's probably happy for some alone time with Red.
As soon as I get out of the booth, Samantha walks in, snaking her arm through mine. She pushes me back into the booth before sliding in behind me.
"Hey, Benny." She kisses my cheek before I can move away.
I'm not in the mood to deal with her shit right now. All I can think about is Kat showing up and seeing her.
She threw my jacket at me last time. Was she jealous or just pretending to be?
"What the fuck is she doing here?" Red points between us, making a disgusted face. "You two aren't dating are you?"
"Fuck no." I nearly shout as Samantha bounces next to me.
"Oh yes, we are Benny! He's such a kidder." The fuck I am.
"No, we aren't. I told you I didn't care who the fuck you tell, just leave." I clench my jaw, resisting the urge to push her out of my way. That would be wrong.
Maybe I could claim temporary insanity. Sorry judge, The Bitch was driving me insane. I couldn't help it.
Yeah, probably not.
Nate tenses up, visibly agitated. "Wait, what?"
"She's threatening to tell everyone where we are if I don't give into bet demands." I answer nonchalantly, I don't want The Bitch to know I'm freaking out in the inside.
I really don't want to leave this place.
"And what were her demands? Did you even consider doing them? Why the fuck didn't you tell me?" He's popping his knuckles like he wants to fight me. Too bad he's not going to get the chance.
"Her demands were that I break Kat's heart. I said fuck no. If you have a problem with it-" Red nearly jumps out of her seat, turning on Nate.
"You better not have a fucking problem with it." Red is defending Kat and I respect the hell out of her. She protects her friend even when Kat has no idea.
"Uhm... Hello!" Samantha cuts into our arguing. "Stop talking about me like I'm not here." Oh Shit. I almost forgot she was here.
"Why don't you leave and then you won't be here when we talk about you." Red smirks, shooing her with her hand.
"Why don't you leave and take your boy-toy so I can be with my man." Samantha smiles, pretending to ignore all of our insults.
"Your man?" Red and I say the same thing together. I resist the urge to yell "Jinx" so she can't talk. She's actually on my side for once.
"Yes, he's mine. Unless you want your perfect little life here ruined." She leans on my shoulder, but I shrug to knock her off.
She gets the reaction she wants, but it's from Nate, not me. "Ben, maybe you should do it. Just until she leaves."
Red shoves him hard. "Fuck. You. I can't even fucking look at you." She climbs out of the booth, stomping out the door.
None of us say a word. I'm sure Nate is kicking himself for being an idiot once again. The Bitch is probably proud of herself for destroying someone else's life.
I just want to leave.
I turn to Samantha, time for some honesty. "Is your life so empty and depressing that you have to ruin everyone else's just to be happy?"
Her mouth hangs open, she can't believe I said that. I have to say, it feels good to throw her off like this.
"Me breaking Kat's heart won't help you feel less sad. Me pretending to date you don't make you feel less lonely. You ruining my life again won't make you happy." Please God, let her hear what I'm saying.
I look over to see Nate's look of shock matching Samantha's. What? I can be fucking introspective and deep if I want to be.
She regains her composure, before a sinister smile morphs her face. "That's where your wrong, Benny. The happiest time of my life was when I was crushing you."
Now it's my turn to be shocked. She not only didn't feel bad about it, she fucking enjoyed it? How did I ever think I loved this psychopath?
Nate is now standing outside the booth, pointing towards the door. I didn't even see him move. "Get the fuck out of here, you sadistic bitch before I drag you out the fucking door."
He can be really fucking scary sometimes. She moves to slide out, but seems to be afraid to go past him.
She turns back to me, before sliding completely out, to whisper. "This isn't over, Benny."
Shit. That's creepy.
I just want to go home and forget about crazy bitches, douchebag preppy boys, and impending hurricanes. I need this day to end.
Nate blows out a breath, unclenching his fists. "You ready to go, Benny-boy?"
I release the breath I was holding too. "I thought you'd never ask, Nate-dog."
We pay our tab and head out. Neither one of us any better off than when we first walked through the front door.
On the drive home, we sit in silence, not even the sound of a radio. Our thoughts are both screaming too loud inside our heads. As soon as I put it into park, Nate's out the door.
I really hope nobody's home. I could use some fucking quiet.