Kat458Please respect copyright.PENANAmSjiL2WLl1
February 19, 2005
458Please respect copyright.PENANAcNGWWLZgrj
Same day
Ben sighs, before standing suddenly. "I think I need some fucking air."
"Okay..." I'm not sure what to say.
I watch him make his way through the crowd, wondering what I did wrong.
Maybe this stupid plan of mine pushed him too hard... It was probably me.
It wouldn't be the first time.
When I turn back to the table, all eyes are on me.
They didn't believe it. What do I say? 'Sorry we tried to trick you, but I'm just sick of you feeling sorry for my pathetic life'?
Probably not that.
"Holy shit, Kat!" Kai breaks the silence, throwing his arm around Barbie. "Babe, did you see that?"
"Yes. I was right here the whole time." Her eye roll made it look like she didn't care, but I knew differently. She has been glaring at me since I deleted her number from Ben's phone.
I only feel a little victorious about that.
"What the fuck just happened?" Vanessa asks in a harsh tone, her gaze assessing me, like I lost my mind.
Maybe I have.
Before I can get a word out, Luke's voice comes out barely as a whisper. "Did that really just happen?"
"I'm not really sure..." I try to act as shocked as they are, but the truth is, I'm just relieved they seem to have bought it.
I should never have doubted Ben.
"Seriously, do you some kind of power over him?" Nate looks at me skeptically. "Maybe like a love spell?"
I shrug my response, afraid if I opened my mouth I would spill the whole truth.
No powers, just a fake agreement.
Well, the agreement isn't fake, just the relationship... and what just happened. There's no way that was real.
Although, if I didn't know any better, I would think Ben was slightly relieved. What could that mean?
He was probably just relieved its over with. Yeah, that's probably it.
Then, what? Was he was mad I actually went through with it, so he stormed out?
Maybe I should have just pretended to delete the bimbos.
Crap. Crap. Crap.
I think I really screwed up.
"Are you calling her a witch?" Vanessa eyes Nate, playfully.
"What? No! I just think it's a little weird he changed all of the sudden..." Nate tries to defend himself.
"Yeah, I thought they were joking when they said Ben asked you out..." Sophie's shocked expression matches everyone at the table.
Even fake Barbie looks completely lost, although I have a feeling that's for a different reason. Anytime Kai isn't around, she's flirting with any guy who breathes...
Especially Ben.
Poor Kai. He might be a bit of a blockhead, but he deserves so much better.
"Well, you changed all of the sudden, didn't you?" She throws his words back at him.
"Of course, babe. But that's different." Nate turns on me. "So, what are you going to do?" He still has the same look of disbelief on his face and I wonder if he's onto us.
Ben wouldn't have told him, would he? That would kind of defeat the purpose, right?
"I-uh... I don't know." I answer honestly. Obviously, I can't say no. He just deleted his skanks for me.
But can I really just say yes? Would that be believable? No, I need to put up some fight. He was a total jerk.
I need a plan.
My phone buzzes, everyone's eyes move to the sound reverberating against the table.
Everyone who texts me is here, other than my sister...
Ben: Done talking about me yet?
I try to hide my shock, but what the heck? Did he do this on purpose?
Vanessa looks at me for an explanation, she knows I rarely receive texts.
Me: I really hope so.
Crap, I need an excuse.
"Sorry, it's my sister." I give a sheepish smile, but someone isn't convinced.
"Uh huh..." Vanessa is too smart for her own good sometimes.
"She just wanted to confirm I would be there next weekend." I shoot back, defensively.
Me: Hey, I'm really sorry if I wasn't actually supposed to delete anyone.
"Is that why you are grinning like an idiot?" She hisses at me.
Ben: You were perfect. So, did they buy it?
Crap. I am so busted.
Me: Seems like it... Please come back. Now.
"Oh, I just love her, you know." Please drop it, my crazy best friend.
Ben: I thought you'd never ask.
I have to suppress the giggle that almost escapes. Crap. He can be really funny sometimes.
"Remember, Kat, those who lie will not inherit the kingdom of God." My dad's voice rings though my head. I seem to be unable to stop lying. Sorry, Dad.
What is wrong with me?
"Right..." She still doesn't seem convinced, but her eyes are no longer on me.
Ben slides in next to me.
"Get enough air?" It seems to be Nate's turn as the inquisition.
"Probably not, but something told me I should get my ass back in here." He nudges my knee with his.
Pitter, patter.458Please respect copyright.PENANAz7UDvySJ8z
Pitter, patter.
"Good timing. Kat was just telling us about her plans next weekend. Guess she won't be able to go on that date with you after all." Vanessa seems pretty happy about that.
"Good thing I'm willing to wait." Ben smirks.
If only he knew better than to poke Mama Bear.
"Oh please, like you've ever waited for anything... Or anyone." 'Ness rolls her eyes.
"Listen, I know to you this is sudden, but I've spent the last month thinking only of only Kat. I really regret pushing her away." His words sound so sincere, that I almost forget they aren't.
"Do you really mean that, Ben?" I need to act in whatever show he's putting on.
"Every word, Beautiful." Crap. I'm starting to believe him.
Pitter, patter.458Please respect copyright.PENANAfVDl8zvYex
Pitter, patter.
This is very bad.
"Why did you push her away, playboy?" Detective Vanessa is back on the case.
"Honestly? I'm not good enough for her." I'm not sure what to think anymore.
Pitter, patter.458Please respect copyright.PENANAVE2ziKJbjp
Pitter, patter.
Maybe he should be an actor.
Vanessa scoffs. "No, you aren't."
"Babe, come on." Nate tries to defend his friend. It's admirable, really. "Ben is a good guy."
"Not good enough." She fires back.
Ben doesn't deserve this, he's just trying to help me.
"'Ness, stop. It's not your decision." Nate places a hand on her arm. I'm not sure how she will react, but I'm sure it won't be good.
"You're right." His victory is short lived. "Kat, are you really going to forgive the guy who blew you off with some lame excuse and then avoided you for over a month while chasing tail that wasn't yours? Oh sorry, but he was thinking of you while banging those skanks, so all better, right?"
Uh oh... She went way past Mama Bear. She just dropped an atomic bomb.
There is no recovery.458Please respect copyright.PENANAxVbfpQ8aTc