Kat442Please respect copyright.PENANAVWDS07hGeF
July 2, 2005
442Please respect copyright.PENANAYtCiROlYjN
Same day
As I near the end of my run, I feel like something is off. It has nothing to do with my devastated sister or the fact that my Father hasn't even wished me 'Happy Birthday'.
I just feel... off balance.
Rounding the corner, I stop at the sight of Ben's car. Closing my eyes, I count to five, before reopening them.
It's still there.
I was sure I had imagined it again. So many times I hoped for this, but now I'm not sure what to do.
Buzz, buzz. 442Please respect copyright.PENANAYGZrrfAes8
Buzz, buzz.
It's too early to be Ben, but I still tear my eyes away long enough to look down, just in case.
Ben: It's been 42 days, in case you were wondering. Today I miss seeing you. Hope your birthday is as beautiful as you.
I stare at his car, trying to understand. Why would he text me if he's here? Is it not him?
Gathering my nerve, I walk closer to the car. I know I wanted time apart, but I've really missed him.
What if he's here to say he doesn't want to wait anymore?
Oh god, what if he met someone else?
All I have time to register is the car door opening before I'm scooped up in his arms.
He twirls me around a few times, his laughter filling my heart and spilling over. I've missed him more than I would ever admit.
I long to be with him all the time. He's my first and last thought... and pretty much every other one in between, if I'm being honest.
He presses his face in my bare neck and everything feels right, despite the layer of sweat covering my body.
It wasn't my new life calling to me, it was him. His soul was calling to mine.
Is that love?
How do you know when it's more than just an infatuation? Maybe I should ask Kitty. Or maybe not, she has enough going on.
Ben pulls back looking into my eyes, still holding me up to his level. "I've missed you so much, Beautiful."
He kisses from my temple all the way down my neck, causing an involuntary moan to slip out.
I might start wearing my hair up more often. He groans, placing one last kiss on my collarbone before pulling away suddenly.
I wanted more.
He gives me an awkward smile. "Sorry, darlin'. I think we have an audience." He nods his head towards my house. I don't need to look to know who is standing in the window.
"That would be my father." My smile probably looks as forced as it feels.
When I tried to tell my father, it didn't go very well.
Fortunately for me, Kitty's news blew mine out of the water. Potentially dating a boy is nowhere near as bad as getting knocked up out of wedlock.
Unfortunately for her, my Father called her a whore and told her he never wanted to see her again.
Maybe I can try to talk some sense into him. Yeah, right.
"Kat?" Ben's smiling at me, poking my forehead. "You get lost in there?"
"Sorry..." God, I'm such an idiot. "We should probably head in."
That's probably the last thing we should do, but Father has already caught us, so there's no escaping.
Ben sighs, lacing his fingers through mine. "Let's go, Beautiful."
I really hope Father will go easy on him. That is definitely my birthday wish, even though I won't be blowing out any candles or eating any cake.
Ben releases my hand, jogging towards his car. "Hold on a sec."
He returns, holding a large white box.
"What's that?" I eye the cardboard suspiciously. What did he bring?
"You'll see." He smiles, but doesn't offer any more information.
My father is waiting for us as soon as we walk through the door. His gaze assessing Ben. "Who are you?"
"I'm Ben, sir." He balances the box in one hand, holding out the other, but my father doesn't shake it. "It's a pleasure to meet you."
"I'll bet." My father mutters under his breath.
Well, this is starting out just great. Thanks for nothing, stupid birthday wish.
My father continues to glare at Ben. "Why are you here?"
"Uh... I thought that would be pretty obvious?" You would think, but apparently it's not.
"What's that supposed to mean?" My father looks at me for an explanation.
I'm starting to feel like the girl from Sixteen Candles.
Okay, time to move this party out of the entry way. "Why don't we go sit down?"
Ben looks relieved, but I know this is just the beginning. He places the box on the dining-room table as we sit across from the man staring daggers at Ben.
As soon as we sit, Father starts his awkward questioning again. "What are your intentions with my daughter?"
I scoff. "Seriously?" Is he going to auction me off to the highest bidder next? "Father, we are just friends."
"Do you dry hump all your friends in public?" It's times like these I wish Mom was still around.
"Father!" I hiss at him, praying he won't continue where I think he's heading.
"You know, you can get pregnant that way. Sperm can travel through clothing." I shudder, wishing we didn't have an audience for this. "You don't want to end up like Kitty, do you?"
"No, Father." Ben looks like he's about to say something, but I shoot him a look, hoping he keeps his mouth shut.
"And you." My father's finger wagging in Ben's face. "You better not be corrupting my little girl."
"Please, stop." I groan, before Ben can respond.
"What? I'm not allowed to say he needs to keep it in his pants?" Ben's eyes go wide as his mouth drops open.
"No, you aren't!" I wish I could be suprised by his actions, but I'm just not. I should have probably warned Ben though.
"What is the world coming to? A father can't even protect his daughter's innocence!" Hard to protect something that's not there.
"He's actually saving himself, Father. Leave him alone." I realize too late he might be upset at me for sharing his secret.
My father scoffs, eyeing him suspiciously. "Like I believe that."
"It's true sir. Guess I just never found the right girl." His eyes catch mine, making something stir deep inside me.
Am I the right girl?
My father stands, grumbling as he walks away. Once we're alone, Ben slides the box in front of me.
I look at him, confused.
He smiles, but it's shy and hesitant. I can tell he's nervous about whatever it is. "Open it."
Lifting the lid, I find a white cake with "Happy Birthday, Beautiful!" in green frosting.
"Oh..." My sweet Ben. He's too perfect. I feel the tears building up, but I try to fight them.
"Kat, are you okay?" Ben's concerned eyes meet mine.
"Uh... yeah." Dang it! I will not cry, I will not cry. I clear my throat, trying to gain control over my body. "Thank you, Ben. You have no idea what this means to me."
"I would do anything for you." He runs his hand up my arm, giving me chills. "I figured you already had one, but you can never have too much cake."
His smile melts my heart, even through the sadness I feel. "I don't, actually."
"You don't what? Like cake?" His hand continues moving across my arm, sending waves of tingles throughout my body. I've missed his touch.
"No." I laugh. "I love cake, but I didn't get any yet."
"Well, that's a shame." He looks sad momentarily, but his smile returns, dimples and all. "Guess we better eat some of this one then."
I hop up, running to the kitchen to grab the supplies. "Be right back."
Before I make it back, I hear my father's voice booming through the wall. "What is this?"
"It's a birthday cake, sir." Ben's voice reverberates through the thin wall that separates us.
"I'm not an idiot. I can see that. What is it doing here?" My father's irritation is clear, but he's the one who is in the wrong.
"It's for Kat because... it's her birthday?" His confusion comes out as a question and I have to hold in my laugh. Poor Ben.
"I think I would know if... Wait... why does it say Beautiful?" The anger in his voice turns my stomach into knots.
"Well sir, your daughter is beautiful. Don't you agree?" I can hear the hint of a smile in Ben's voice.
"You know what, I think it's time for you to leave." My father's voice is rough and harsh, almost like when mom was dying, but I don't think sadness is the emotion he's holding back this time, though.
I walk back in, but my father is gone. Ben stands up. "I think I should probably go."
"What? No, you just got here. Just have some cake first." I know I'm begging, but I really want him to stay.
He sighs. "I don't think so, darlin'. I got it for you to enjoy anyway."
I step towards him, but he steps back, keeping distance between us. "Walk me out?"
"Sure... I guess." I follow him out the door to his car.
He gives me a brief hug before climbing into the driver seat.
I lean down into his window, resting my arms on the ledge. "I'm sorry about my father."
"Don't worry about it." He gives me an awkward smile as he turns the ignition.
I'm about to lose him. I can feel it.
When he looks back at me, I lean forward, pressing my lips to his. He makes a startled sound, but kisses me back.
I pull back, smiling at the stunned look on his face. "I missed you."
"Uh... Yeah." He clears his throat. "I... uh... missed you... too."
I pull myself out of the window, scoffing at how insincere he sounded. I think it would have been better if he hadn't said anything.
Ben's eyes meet mine as he grabs my arm, stopping my attempt to leave. "Hey, I mean it. I missed you so much, Beautiful. And whenever you're ready, I am more than ready to be your boyfriend."
"I'm ready, too." The look of shock on his face is adorable.
"Really?" I feel the smile take over my face, matching his.
"Yeah... Maybe I will come back a little early?" I lean down again, hoping for another kiss.
"How about now?" He wiggles his eyebrows at me.
"I wish I could, but I have some stuff to take care of." I selfishly wish my sister had chose a different time to get knocked up.
"Okay. I'll see you soon, though, right?" He places a quick kiss on my lips, smirking.
"Yes. You better go before it starts getting dark." I kiss him again, wishing he didn't have to go.
We say our goodbyes and I watch him pull out of the driverway with my heart.
Returning to the house, I close the cake box, deciding I won't eat any without Ben. I hide in my room, not wanting to deal with my Father.
I send Ben a text, but he doesn't reply. Which is probably a good thing since he's driving. I feel my body slowly giving into sleep while I'm reading, so I decide to take a nap.
Buzz, buzz.442Please respect copyright.PENANAIiXZQzkn7z
Buzz, buzz.442Please respect copyright.PENANAMQKk8LrFOT
Buzz, buzz.
I grab my phone, thinking it might be Ben, but the caller ID shows an unknown number.
Buzz, buzz.442Please respect copyright.PENANAdTzdBU7F82
Buzz, buzz.
At the last second, I decide to answer it. "Hello?"
"Kat." A guy sighs into the phone. It sounds like Nate, but not quite. His voice is muffled, almost like he's hiding under a blanket.
"What's wrong?" I feel a sense of impending doom.
"Kat, there's been an accident." His voice is getting heavy, as though he's fighting tears.
Oh god.
"It's Ben, isn't it?" I just know it.
"They won't tell me shit." He sniffs. "Just get here."
Oh no. No. No. No.
This isn't happening.