This is the last place Zye expects to be. The fact that he’s back in his place with the dark, rippling water all around tells him he finally fell asleep. He tears his eyes away from the bright orange glow in the sky.
Down past stars and galaxies dotting the dark horizon, he sees a man. Standing there, the silhouette is one he’s gotten used to seeing.
Walking up to him, Hax gives him a smile. Zye is unsure. This is never where he usually sees Hax. It’s always been in other places— scenarios.
“Is this another dream?”
Hax turns away from him, pivoting gracefully on his heel. “Sad to say, it’s not. And I don’t take too well to company right now.”
This time he’s wary of the man standing on the surface of the water. Now that he knows this man isn’t who he believed him to be he’s not sure how to proceed. Jace would tell him that he’ll never be anyone else— Zye is Zye, he says. But he doubts it. He’s not cynical, he just knows there could be more to this than it seems.
As everything has been.
He worries there’s a chance Hax could get in control. Which would mean he’s the one trapped.
Zye takes a few steps closer to Hax’s back. “Why are you here?”
The man chuckles. It’s not lighthearted in the slightest. It’s cold and dry. The sensation is the opposite of the emotion swimming in his eyes as he turns. A brow lifts, inquisitive and playful. “Why wouldn’t I be? You have what’s mine.”
“That— You gave it up.”
“Mm…I did.” He folds his arms over his chest and begins to pace. The anklets on his left leg jingle incessantly with each step. “I’m sure it would be different if I had died and passed on my power. Something Orion and Kerse have been on the receiving end of. But I was perfectly healthy and willing.”
Zye doesn’t move. He remains still and watches, afraid the man will lurch for him and try something. He has no idea what he’s capable of. “And that means?”
“You’re going to have to get rid of me. Well, it’s easy if you can get to the mirror in Solis.” Hax stops for a moment. “Although I’m sure that won’t be a problem once they’ve told you all I’ve done. You’ll hate me like the rest.”
“Hate is…a strong word. I guess I just don’t understand why.”
The laughter is harsh to Zye’s ears.
“You’re too honest. It’ll get you killed.”
“Says the guy that’s dead.”
“Ah! There you go. That’s more like yourself.” Hax gives his back to Zye. He’s just as frustrated as the other that he’s stuck here— his soul held in limbo, unable to go further without help. “Now go, you have work to do.”
Zye glares at his back. This man is so frustrating. If only because nothing about him seems real to Zye. There’s something so terribly empty about the emotion in Hax’s voice. It’s telling that even Zye can pick up on it. He knows because he’s been there— felt like that.
“I’ve seen some of your memories. I know you’re not just a heartless raging dick making trouble. Even that woman, Kerse—”
“She’s only like that because I neglected her. All she did was act out like a child trying to get attention and I ignored her. Now she’s your problem…”
“I guess since you’re not going anywhere, you can tell me why you did this.”
“I just wanted to help. Maybe even pretend I was like you all.”
Hax begins to walk away. An aimless feat considering the dark water stretches out for eternity in every direction. He may as well be walking in place. Regardless, it has Zye rushing to catch up to him. Being dissatisfied with the answer is an understatement. The sound of his feet slapping against the water echoes around them.
Grabbing at Hax’s arm, he forces the man to stop. “You could at least tell me why.”
Hair shifts so both yellow eyes can meet Zye’s gaze. A piercing stare that Hax wishes he never had to stare at. Maybe this one wasn’t the best choice after all. He tries to act nonchalant. To brush it all away with a shrug of his shoulders.
“I was going to trade with you.”
“I’d take your place. My soul free to flow into the cycle, yours forever stuck in the realm of Solis.”
“Right. I get that. But why?”
Hax yanks his arm out of Zye’s grip. “Leave. Go back to your friends and find a way to harness my power properly. You’re better off with them than here with me. I can’t help you.”
He hates that Hax stands there, knowing full-well that Zye isn’t moving. He’s not saying a word or pretending to banter with him. He doesn’t indulge Hax in the slightest and it’s driving Hax up the metaphorical wall. If that’s the case, it’s far easier to stay here in silence, waiting. He doesn’t need to talk.
“I think you’re full of it. If anyone can help me, it’s you. Tell me how to use the power.”
“It’s not something to tell. You have to feel and learn.”
“And if you helped, maybe I could do it faster, get you what you want, right?”
Hax lets out a sigh. The situation is frustrating him to tears if he dares to let it. Yet deep down there’s a fear festering at the core of his being.
He knows well that Zye is out in the world. He has access to the people Hax has betrayed and stepped on to have his way. He’ll learn of what he’s done, how he’s done it, and it won’t even matter why when that time comes.
Maybe he already has.
He’ll be alone. A situation of his own making.
He’ll be hated and looked at with disdain. Any good he’s done he can only hope will be taken advantage of in the best way.
He’ll believe he truly does deserve it. To be a failure that will die and go into the cycle. He’ll wonder if this was all really worth it after all.
Zye shakes his head. “Well, whatever. I’ll just relax until I can wake up I guess. If you change your mind, I’m right here.”
Hax curls his fingers into fists. This space is the only time he can feel his power again— only when Zye is here with him does he have that vibration in his veins once more. He’s slow to turn. A ripple of energy flickers to life; a swirl of lavender that darkens with each rotation about his wrist.
From it emerges a single dagger with a long hilt. It meets his hand only briefly so he can propel it forward into a petite portal of the same color of energy.
It slings through and vanishes only to reappear behind Zye. The pressure of the power is his only hint before the dagger digs into the back of his thigh.
“Fuck!” He staggers forward with trembling hands. Zye levels a glare at Hax. “What is wrong with you? We both benefit if you just help me, you damn idiot. Fuck, why does this hurt so bad?”
“It’s your fault it does. Pain reminds you you’re alive.” Hax begins walking toward Zye with another portal and dagger swirling at his fingertips. “Copy what I do. Harness your emotions. Dodge my attacks. I’ll push you harder than you can take it.”
“I can take a lot. Bring it on.”
“Then learn to look without turning around.”
He trails off as the dagger falls into the swirl of violet energy. It sparkles and fades only to reappear above Zye. The latter is transfixed on the words, trying to figure out what and why. He doesn’t realize it until the blade is plunging through his back.
A gasp rips from his throat. Blood drips from his lips, orange dripping down his chin as he coughs it out. It’s only then that he hangs his head. He drags a hand over his chest to make sure it didn’t come out through it as he drops to his knees.
Hax stops before him and kneels. He brushes his fingers beneath Zye’s chin, lifting his countenance. His other hand is at his side whisking the power away and suddenly the pain is gone. It’s as if he wasn’t hurt in the first place. Although, the blood he can still feel against his skin.
“Are you really that rusty that you couldn’t dodge? I was going easy on you.”
The darkness is curling at the corners of his vision. He knows he doesn’t have much time before he’s thrust back into the waking world— to the cold, harsh reality. Still, he has time to glare as Hax holds onto him, waiting for him to slip away out of their shared space.
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Jolting up out of bed, Zye can’t find anything to grasp onto. The pillow he had been holding tumbles from the bed. He can’t so much as think of catching it. He can barely breathe despite not needing to.
He’s gasping with a chest full of burn that he knows is because of the memories. They’re dripping through his mind and overwhelming him.
There’s a hand on his shoulder that he doesn’t know is there until the soft words break through the static in his mind.
“Zye. Zye, please, look at me.”
Slowly, Zye lifts his head. His grip on the blanket eases up, unlike the way his brows pinch together. He needs to stall, to give himself a moment to think. The memories are so very saturated in his minds eye still.
“What’s wrong?”
“You screamed for me. What happened?”
“I…you were supposed to come back that night. You were…I was dying. That Nether attacked me.”
Jace lifts his hand away. He’s not sure if Zye’s remembering because of the touch or whatever happened when he was asleep. Regardless, he’d rather be safe than sorry. His tone is slow, drawn out, and somber as he replies.
“Did you…see anything?”
“I came back the second I could and I…was too late. I’m sorry. If I hadn’t left you wouldn’t have had to suffer like this.”
Zye won’t let that slide. He turns, twisting the blankets around his waist so that he can grab at Jace’s hand. “Hey, it wasn’t fun or anything but I’m still here. I know I don’t remember everything yet, but I will soon! Celeste was doing a good job…I think?”
Jace has fear running through him nonetheless. Callua tells him not to worry. It’ll be fine. Yet the panic that something could go sideways is still there. He’s deeply afraid because what’s important to him is more than just the worlds he protects. It’s this one man in front of him.
Zye tilts his head, trying to get a better look at the darkening gaze. “Jace?”
“I really am sorry…for everything.”
“Why are you apologizing? You didn’t do anything wrong.” He smiles up at the downtrodden expression. “In fact, the people that should, haven’t. Like Hax or Orion.”
Despite the comforting words, Jace can feel the inklings of doubt that Zye would be comfortable in this life. It’s as Callua said, he’s never had to take a life in any regard. It may be a mercy for those too far gone. However, it’s still painful to do. Sad and heartbreaking at that.
Noticing the way brows furrow and eyes seem to be looking elsewhere, Zye tugs at the hand in his. “I did always have a hard time sleeping. I was dreaming of all this stuff even back then…”
“I’ll let you get back to sleep.”
Zye gives a solid yank, keeping Jace where he is. “It was a hint, dummy. Stay with me. It doesn’t hurt as bad anymore. Maybe I’m getting used to it.”
“Are you sure?”
“Don’t make me throw a tantrum. ‘Cause I will.”
“You really can be a kid.”
Zye smiles up at him. “Then spoil me already and lay down. Let me have something nice and quiet before we go back to hell tomorrow.”
“Fine. Move over.”
While Zye readjusts the covers and scoots to the other side, Jace removes his boots. He sits where Zye had been before proceeding to lie down. Zye gives him a look.
“Seriously? Doesn’t it bother you to sleep in those pants?”
“In case something happens, no.”
“Fair, I guess. I’d still rather fight in my underwear than sleep in mine.” Trying to be cautious and not push too hard now that he’s gotten this far, Zye rolls over to give Jace space. “Night.”
The dim light above them won’t keep either of them from sleeping. Lucky for Jace, he hasn’t been in a bed in some time. Short power naps have kept him going for so long. There’s always something to do.
Rolling onto his side, he hesitates. He wants to move over to that back so bad. His palm drags over the sheet between them. It’s tempting to have something he wants within reach and he can’t have it.
“Do you mind if I come closer?”
“Mm? No, go ahead.”
Zye doesn’t think he’ll do it at first. The bed slowly dips and shifts as Jace scoots to where there’s not much space between them. Even so, Jace doesn’t make that final move. Zye rolls his eyes and reaches back, grabbing Jace’s arm.
He urges Jace to him and the man doesn’t dare fight it. The way their bodies lie flush together has him wanting to sigh. Jace can feel the fingers around his wrist tighten once more. His hand is pulled over Zye’s side until he feels skin.
Jace loves that the skin his palm presses against is warm. It’s no longer cold, or clammy, or sickly. It has a heat that makes Jace spoon up against Zye and want to never let go. It’s a comfort that has Jace slowly letting go of the tension in his body.
A desire to be vulnerable to one of the two people he’d ever let himself be weak in front of.
All he can do is bite back the words and emotion. Jace leans his head against the pillow, his forehead pressing against the back of Zye’s shoulder.
Zye never says a word. He only keeps his hand atop Jace’s as he feels this man tremble behind him. There are no tears or sobs. Only silence and the fingers that gently squeeze against his chest.
A sad smile crosses Zye’s countenance as he lies there. He’s not sure how long it takes for Jace to fall asleep. The movement stops even if the grip doesn’t loosen all that much. He’s just glad Jace is asleep.
It’s like Callua has hinted at. He doesn’t know what they’ve been through— what Jace has gone through to get him safely back with them. He doesn’t know what he’s gone through in so many areas.
But he wants to.
He wants to cling to this man he’s missed so dearly and never let go. Zye craves nothing more than to see him smile and laugh again like he would during the evenings they all had together.
A simpler time.
“I’ll protect you now, too,” he mumbles before he allows sleep to tug at him.
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Never has Zye been happy to wake up early until today. Blinking himself awake, Zye is ecstatic to know that Jace is still there and hasn’t moved. The arms around him have loosened. It allows him a chance to roll over without stirring Jace from sleep.
It is awfully difficult not to.
Jace dons a gentle expression with slightly parted lips and bangs dusting over his face. Zye can’t resist. He brushes some hair behind Jace’s ear as he waits.
A moment like this has him unable to believe this is who he has by his side. The rest of the world could be on fire. Right now, everything feels perfect and right, as if everything is falling into place.
It’s enough to give him the drive he needs to continue. A freshly painted goal that ends with him finishing this so he can continue this journey with Jace. Zye simply believes he’s the luckiest person in all the universe to get to love him.
He doesn’t know what good he’s done in any life to earn this unconditional love.
Tilting his head down, he watches as those lashes begin to quiver. A small groan breaks past Jace’s lips as he snuggles forward. He grips Zye tighter and lets out a deep exhale.
“Mornin’ beautiful.”
Jace begrudgingly pulls back. Tilting his head up, he can see the smile that has his insides tingling. A sight that makes all of this waiting worth it.
“You didn’t have to stay.”
“Really? How was I supposed to get away?”
“I’m just teasing. I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
He’s tempted. Everything about Zye does it to him. He wants to push all he’s doing aside and spend five more minutes with him. Jace doesn’t realize he’s leaning up closer until those lips are right before him.
Footsteps shatter him from the daydream.
Zye doesn’t hear them. If he did, he still wouldn’t care. Not this time. He’s already dipping his head down and capturing Jace’s lips.
“Seriously you two?”
Jace is flustered and tugging away before Zye can protest. He shoves the blankets back and hurries off the bed. Scooping up his boots, he begins to yank them on. Meanwhile, Callua strides over and plops onto the bed.
Zye remains where he is with a needy hand reaching out to tug at the back of Jace’s wrinkled shirt. “What? I’d cuddle with you, too.”
“Yeah, been there done that. Do I get a good morning kiss as well?”
Zye sticks his tongue out at her as he gives up on getting Jace’s attention. Sitting up, he stretches. “Not for interrupting, no.”
Jace stands and immediately begins for the door. “I’ll be downstairs, get ready.”
“Wait, Jace—” Zye glares over at Callua as Jace effectively escapes. “I was trying to do something here.”
“Mm, so I noticed.”
“No, you idiot. I was going to ask him something while his guard was down. Ugh!”
“You’re devious.”
“And you’re not? You waited until we went out drinking one night to ask me for my dirty little secrets.”
Callua shrugs with a grin plastered across her face. “If anything they weren’t that great.”
Zye huffs. “Yeah, well, keep ‘em to yourself. Besides, I guess you did help me out a few times to get us the house alone.”
Their eyes meet and Zye groans. Flopping back, he grabs a pillow and holds it over his face. It muffles the shout of frustration. She can hear the words if she leans a little closer.
“Fuck! I just want it all back so he’ll stop acting like I’m made of glass.”
“He’s just worried. You know how he is.”
“I know.” The pillow comes up as he throws it toward her. He watches her catch it and squish a hand down against the plush material. “I don’t need memories to be happy to have him back.”
“I’m sure he feels the same, promise. Here, I’ll give you a hand because apparently, neither of you can do anything on your own.”
“Cal. I have more pillows to throw.”
Standing, she takes the pillow with her. “Ask Jace if he has anything from your life. He’ll probably decide that the best place for our hideout is the cabin he has in the middle of nowhere.”
“A cabin?”
“It doesn’t have running water or electricity. But there’s a well and I’m pretty sure he planted flowers.”
“You’re spoiled.”
“Like you could handle it if you were human? I doubt it city boy.”
“Wanna bet?”
Callua chuckles and throws the pillow back at him. “Get dressed and hurry up.”
The pillow hits him in the chest. Tossing it over his shoulder, he’s quick to move. Being alone doesn’t seem so nice anymore. Not now that he has them back.
Zye reaches first for the jar he’s left by the bed. Only three little orbs sit at the bottom of it. He takes one tout to suck on while he gets dressed. A second condensed water candy he awards to himself once he has.
There’s a thought to make the bed. One he dismisses and takes the third one to enjoy while he heads down the stairs. He’s been good about going through them. Three at a time and only more if Jace is with him when it happens.
Only in case his power flares up and he can’t control it.
Coming off the stairs, Zye makes for the living room where the lights have been left on low. Or they’re losing power. He bets on the second one from how it flickers every now and then.
“I have a question?”
Callua scoots over from where she sits on the couch while Jace remains standing to the side. She smiles up at Zye as he gets closer. “When don’t you?”
“At least I’m trying to use my head.”
“Oh? Be careful, don’t wanna hurt yourself.”
“Better than being a lazy bum.”
“I can hurt you and then heal you like it never happened.”
“You two, calm down.” Jace looks at Zye. “What’s your question?”
“Hax and all of them have horns and the eye thing, right?”
“As do you. On your right arm and your back.”
Zye is immediately plucking at his collar and trying to look even though he’d never be able to. “Seriously?”
Callua leans back, smiling at his antics. “Meanwhile, we have little horns or sometimes just one or so and a tail.”
“So…can I see?” He glances between them, waiting for either to give in. When neither do, he huffs. “Seriously? Come on.”
“No. Neither of us care for it,” replies Jace.
“Well, that’s pretty crap. You gave me that information and won’t let me see it? If I had known that back then I’d have already gotten it out of you. Wait…did I?”
Jace shakes his head, flushing slightly. He’s suddenly very glad he didn’t. “N-no. Most stars in general don’t if they’re mingling with people. I think a tail gets in the way. Right, Cal?”
“It’s like projecting a different image. It usually only would appear if you got worked up and lost control. Not unlike when you push your power out to form a shield over your skin.” She shoots a look to Jace at that. “Something I wish some people would do more.”
“Does that mean I can see it eventually?”
Callua laughs at the look on Jace’s face. “He’s not going to let it go. Just give the kid what he wants.”
“I’m not a kid and I’m not letting it go.”
Jace can’t help it. As much as he might not care for the visage, he cares a lot more about how cute Zye is being about this. “Maybe when we train I’ll show you.”
Sinking against the couch, Zye mutters under his breath, “Better be a cute tail to make me wait.”
They both turn to him, clearly having heard what he said despite his attempt for them not to. Patting his hands against the cushion, to a beat he doesn’t even know, Zye sighs.
“So, we need to talk about the elephant in the room.”
“Which is?” asks Callua.
“Okay, you can’t see it, but it’s there. Hax.”
“He’s dead.”
Callua is turning in her seat with Jace getting closer. The latter is the one with a tone dropping dangerously low. Not that Zye can blame him. He’d think the same if Jace was the one that woke up screaming.
“What did he do to you?”
“Nothing really? We talked and he might have tried to teach me something. I also might have messed it up.”
Leaning against the armrest, Callua kicks her feet up to land in his lap. “What’d you do? Die in your dream?”
“God…I want a coffee right now. I’m not awake enough for this.” Callua glances up at Jace, watching how he’s thinking through this as best he can.
Regardless, Zye continues.
“He said I need to get to Solis and the mirror there. I have to use that and he poofs cause I think he’s kinda…trapped? And I’ve also been seeing his memories for a while now. Even when I was human…I think? It wasn’t as clear then.”
“Are you serious?”
He nods to her, “Yeah. I mean he doesn’t seem to mean me any harm! I know he probably did a lot of shit but he said he’d help? I’ll make sure he does.”
“I can’t believe he’s still here. I didn’t want him to get off easy, but this isn’t what I was hoping for either. Agh! Dammit, Zye.”
“What? It’s not my fault!”
Jace crosses his arms over his chest. “Alright, it’s fine. We can fix this.”
“This is a mess,” she huffs.
Zye lifts his chin, making eye contact with Jace and how imposing he looks while Zye is sitting shorter than him. “It’ll be fine, right, Jay?”
Eyes widening ever-so-slightly, Jace tries to stay on topic. Even if he so desperately wants to say how happy he is that Zye called him that. “Our first priority is setting the balance and keeping order.”
“You mean clean up the mess everyone made?”
“You’re an Infernal now, too,” Callua says with her tongue sticking out at him at the end.
Zye only shrugs. He can’t react to her when Jace is sitting on the edge of the coffee table. It takes all he has to keep his eyes on Jace’s gaze and not the way the shirt gives him a peak of a broad chest.
“See if Hax can give you any information on Kerse. He trained with her and was closest to her. He’ll have something we can use.”
“You know, I always thought it was strange how he saved me when I was a kid. Just right place, right time, and the only one that ever came.”
Jace nods, confirming it. “He’s been watching over you for a long time. Your mother, too.”
The mention of Lyra has Zye both lighting up and falling flat. The range of bittersweet emotions wrestles through him before he takes Callua’s hint to heart. There are plenty of objects he treasured— so many material things he’d never wish to lose.
“Did you…uh…keep anything from when I was alive? Either of you?”
Smiling softly, Jace stands up. “Anything I could, I kept. I also have all of Hax’s journals. You can read them for yourself. Once we make a stop at Noctis, we’ll go there to stay until this is taken care of. You can’t recover in the waters at Solis so I’ll have to make due at—”
“At the house he fixed up for the two of you.”
“I—That’s not what it’s for. We needed a safe place away from everything. Not to mention you’ve been loitering there lately, too.”
Callua grins wide. She’s done her job well and knows it’s time to bow out. “Uh-huh. I’m off to check on Ves. She says there’s something odd happening in the area.”
“Then take her to the next location.”
“Gotcha, you two be good.”
Striding out of the room, she gives a wink toward Zye and a pat on Jace’s shoulder. They sit alone in the silence she leaves them with for a small while. Neither is quite sure what to do. Worse yet when Jace wears a conflicted expression. Right as Zye is about to speak up, Jace beats him to it.
“I’m sorry for how I’ve been acting.”
“Cal said something didn’t she? It’s fine...really”
“It’s not. It needed to be said. I just didn’t want to come off as…creepy or…possessive. I haven’t felt this strongly about anyone in a long time and the feelings never left. They’ve only gotten worse. I…was eying this place for a while to have as a gateway from Solis.”
“You mean better. The feelings.”
“It’s okay, you know?”
Zye stares long and hard up at Jace. He doesn’t think he’s repeating past mistakes. He feels so safe and secure. That includes speaking up and pushing back— that Jace will have a dialogue with him. There are so many reasons why he’s elated.
Fearing losing everything and being sick over missing the pieces of his life feels like so long ago. Seeing Xerxes again solidified just how fast time has moved without him in it. He’s lost so much and yet he’s able to find some good in it. There’s a silver lining he’s grasping onto.
This man is the link back to his life. No matter what, he’s looking forward to learning more about him every day. After all, they have eternity together if they so choose it.
Jace sits down beside him. “I have so much I want to tell you. I’m…not sure where to start.”
“Well we’re about to talk about everything that deals with this,” he says while gesturing wide with his hands. “Have you been back to my world? I assume you know about someone from my life. Can you tell me anything?”
“I have, yes. And…I don’t want to upset you.”
Zye takes a deep breath and squares his shoulders. He tries to appear a bit more together than how he was previously slumped in his seat. “Come on, Jace. I know people die. Let me have peace in knowing what happened.”
“About a year later I took Shea to Ruby’s Light. He lived there for some time until he passed recently.”
“Fuck…I knew they’d be there for him and keep him comfortable…but…damn.”
“I visited him often and took care of him as best I could. The people there did more than I ever could.”
“I doubt that.” Zye scoots a leg over to playfully kick at Jace’s. “He didn’t just let anyone get close. You must have been pretty trustworthy then. Well, are. So that means you know Kass. I can’t imagine you’re gonna give me good news there.”
“Her son has taken over the place and they have a beautiful memorial to her in the main sitting room. I saw her some time before we got to you.”
Sadness is always a part of losing someone whether he knows it’s coming or not. Knowing helps more than he’d have ever thought. He doesn’t have to speculate and assume. Better yet, he left them in the company of someone he trusted.
“Dammit…I can’t believe that woman outlived us even still. She really was a tough biker chick to the end. I bet she was teasing you till the end, huh?”
“I never told you?”
“No. She was a what?”
Zye laughs at the memory of the all photos Kass used to show him. “She’s the one that convinced my mom to let me have a bike. In fact, Kass bought it for me on my eighteenth birthday. She used to be in a biker gang, the second in command at that.”
Turning his gaze to his knees, he has to bite back against the pain. No matter what, he hates that he won’t get to ever be with them again. He missed so much as it is. He missed his chance to hold them and tell them he loved them one more time.
Jace can see it happening. This time he doesn’t hesitate. He scoots down the length of the couch and wraps an arm around Zye’s shoulders. Pulling him into a hug, he doesn’t dare think of letting go unless Zye tells him to.
“I’m so sorry.”
It’s tempting to give up and give in. To be a mess and let it all out. Yet at the same time, it feels right to let the pain slowly leak out and be replaced by comfort. Something the strong arms around him can give.
“I miss them so much…”
“Then you’ll love what I’ve managed to save for you. Especially the pictures. I know how much they meant to you.”
“Mm-hm. I got your parents’ rings and your earrings. The real ones, not these.”
Zye lifts his head and Jace pulls away enough to let him. “You did?”
“You said they were important. Shae and Kass agreed to let me have them.”
Lifting his hands, he presses a palm to either cheek and holds Jace’s face in his hands. That alone tells him this is worth having to wait for. It was worth all of the trouble he had to go through to get here to realize how much this one person means to him.
“You stupid beautiful man. You did all of that?”
“Um…yes…? Did you not want me to?”
“Of course I did! Do? Would? Other than them and Cal, maybe Xerxes, you’re the only one that went that extra mile. You…didn’t have to do that. You didn’t have to do any of this for me.”
“I did. You’d be upset if you didn’t have them. Maybe not as much as the people themselves but—”
Quieting down, Jace is surprised when Zye’s forehead touches his. Noses brush together as Zye smiles.
“Thank you.”