If it wasn’t for the post-apocalyptic atmosphere, Zye could admit that this is pretty nice. Except he can feel it in the air and how desolate this place is. It’s just off in every sense.
Nature is the only thing that seems comforting. Even then, he’d expect it to be more grown up than it is. All it does is rain during the morning before turning to a mist by the afternoon. It makes it more comfortable to sit out on the back porch.
Sucking on the third “candy” for lunch, Zye enjoys rocking in the chair. It brings a semblance of peace to his scattered mind. The warmth of the sun is invigorating as well. He’s almost forgotten how much he’s missed it.
While he might not have been eager about going out all the time, the dull heat of a summer afternoon, coupled with a breeze, was always his favorite. Better yet, when it cools further as the night begins to move in. It helps that the water is smooth and warm, like chocolate melting on his tongue.
It feels nice enough that he could almost fall asleep.
At least if it wasn’t for the presence that tickles his senses.
A portal opens up out in the yard with Jace emerging from it first. He gestures toward Zye, “See, as I told you, he’s fine.”
Vespera marches out of the portal and right up to the porch. She stops with the toes of her shoes touching Zye’s. Shooing his hands to the side, she stares at the scar marring his skin. It concerns her to the point where she glances back at Jace.
“Fine, I believe you. But what about that?”
“He was too weak when it happened. Probably wasn’t as urgent to heal as the stab wound.”
She steps aside when Jace joins them on the porch. He holds out a small vial of liquid towards Zye. “It’s the same as the other stuff,” he reassures.
Zye takes that as an opportunity to stand up and take the vial. While they turn to each other, he rolls it around in his hand without uncorking it. “I didn’t finish the other stuff first.”
“It’s fine. Think of it like an extra dose of medicine.”
“You know I hate that,” he says while scrunching his nose at the thought.
Vespera watches how Jace smiles at that— small and quick to vanish. She can see so clearly what’s in this man’s heart. It moves her to act the same. She has people she wants to protect and she’s going to do it.
“I’ve gotten in contact with Celeste and Ilista, as promised. They want you all to come to Noctis so we can plan our next step.”
Jace glances at her, “You told her Soren is a wild card. He’s only taken care of for now until he comes up with a new plan.”
“I did, but the reports are coming in. They’re getting more brutal forcing others to their side.”
“I should have taken them all out when I was there,” scoffs Jace.
Zye lowers the vial from his lips. He’s stalling and investing in the conversation. At least he’s trying to keep up. “Is there really nothing we can do to change their minds.”
Vespera turns her gaze up to Jace at that as well. She’s curious about the situation. Any information she can get prior to this meet-up, the better.
“Anyone in the Dark Surge is playing too close to the edge. They aren’t cleansing and most of them are at the point where all we can do is release them. I’ve already gotten as many out as I can.”
Zye nods slowly. “So we can get more of them?”
“I’m not sure. Besides, I’m not welcome there now.”
“I may have attacked Soren.”
Zye stares at him. Vespera is no different. They both know he has it in him. Still, she can’t believe Soren isn’t six feet under. The fact that he got away proves how much of a problem he is.
Saying nothing in return, Zye finally takes the vial and downs it all in one go. It’s not the best idea. Not when it feels as though he’s swallowing magma.
The intensity of the heat has him doubling over, clutching onto his knees as he drops the vial onto the ground. He can’t stop the tears from welling up at the corners of his eyes before finally spilling over. Gritting his teeth does nothing. It only makes his jaw ache since the pain melts every sound he’d try to utter, to begin with.
Jace moves close and places a hand on Zye’s back, rubbing in small circles as he waits for the agony to dilute into healing. He lets Jace comfort him until, finally, he can cough.
The fire has begun to retreat and begins to feel good. Every part of his body radiates a warmth he hasn’t known since before he got separated from Orion. Even then, it was never this hot. When he thinks Zye is alright, no longer gasping for air, Jace gathers up the vial and incinerates it.
“F-fuck. Trying to kill me now?” Zye wipes his eyes as he tries to take in the good feeling.
“It’d take more than that to kill you.”
Vespera glances between them. “What should I relay back to her?”
“Give me two more day cycles to stabilize him, then we’ll come as long as the way is open. If they can promise this won’t be one-sided, I’ll share everything I have.”
Plopping back into the chair he was sitting in prior, Zye smiles up at Jace. “It’ll be fine. Celeste will make sure. And Orion isn’t that bad.”
Vespera nods, “Of course. Then I’ll return to Sigil and relieve Callua of guard duty.”
Jace stops her before she can get through the portal she opens behind herself. “How’s she doing? Sigil?”
“I think she’s still devastated. Hax might have told her he’d be gone, but whatever bond they had…she’s mourning.”
“If you need anything—”
“I know. And Zye, it’s…good to see you again. Sorry about last time.”
Zye draws one leg up into the chair. “Ah, it’s fine. I’m just glad you’re okay. You owe me that rematch still.”
She smiles and leaves with a wave over her shoulder. Alone with Jace, the man sits in the chair next to Zye’s.
“Did anyone ever explain anything about Infernals to you?”
“Alright. To start, Hax was an Infernal and the one that erased your bond. He then exchanged places with you. You an Infernal, he a human.”
“So…he’s gone, gone?”
“And would you tell me about whatever we are?”
“Zye, we don’t have to do this now. You’re still recovering, so I don’t want to push it. This has never been done and you…I don’t want you to be in pain over…us.”
Zye doesn’t say a word at first. He’d love to tell Jace that he doesn’t care. That he knew him. It doesn’t matter what, or who, or why. They had something that ignored all of that. He wants to tell him their reunion shouldn’t feel so…sad and broken.
Love isn’t a victory fanfare for him. It’s the sound of snapping strings he can’t keep held together at this rate. And with each snap, he fears he can’t replace or mend them fast enough.
He just wants to admit to Jace that he’s angry at himself. After all, he very well could have done something different that night. He doesn’t blame Jace at all for anything— ever. There’s a feeling deep in his gut that that’s just how it is. He’s the one that stumbled and fell first. And whoever falls first falls the hardest.
Sometimes…things don’t go as planned.
Jace takes a deep breath. Zye watches him catch himself reaching over. Jace’s hand hovers over his arm before retreating back to the armrest.
“Regardless, there’s a balance. The number of Infernals and Celestials has to match. Which goes to show just how powerful they are considering the numbers of Keepers can vary.”
“So there’s Celeste and Orion.”
“Right. On the other side, it’s Kerse and you. The only problem is technically she has two powers, making it unbalanced.”
Zye rubs his hand down his leg with his boot balancing on the edge of the seat. “If we take her out, wouldn’t that mean there’s still no balance?”
“Then what happens?”
“That’s the problem. I’m not sure. Someone could get promoted or created for it. Otherwise, we’d lose either Celeste or Orion.”
“That’s stupid as hell. Why can’t you just get in touch with…whatever or whoever is above them? Maybe figure this out beforehand?”
“I don’t know what’s above our duty. I can’t go back to Solis without losing my head either. At least I can’t get to the mirror. We’ll ask Orion or Celeste that when we go.”
Pouting a bit, Zye huffs. He’s disgruntled with this revelation. Especially when it’s so strange— dumb even. He’ll do just that. If he’s to be on equal footing with them, he should get a say in how they move forward…right?
Jace’s hands drag over his thighs and brace against his knees as he stands. The coat is swept back and adjusted as he turns for the back door. “I’m going to get some water cleansed in the tub for you, then you can—”
“You don’t have to. Those things help plenty. I know that takes a lot of energy to do.”
“I’d feel better if you did. Maybe it’ll heal the scar.”
“It’s no big deal, really.” He exhales a heavy sigh. “Go on, you’re going to do it anyway. I’ll follow in a second.”
Cutting his gaze down to the grass growing up between the planks, Zye waits for Jace to leave. It gives a reprieve from the never ceasing thoughts that demand he push things. To Zye, he doesn’t think anything bad will happen.
He’s handled things fine up to this point. Not to mention eating those candies. They make him feel more stable, energetic, and alive. It’s working. So why not try?
Groaning, he leans his head back. He’s counting in his head. If he waits too long, Jace will come and get him. He’d rather not have that happen. As he sits there in the silence of this desolate place, he hears it.
“Please don’t…be frightened.”
He’s up and off the chair in a heartbeat. Boots thud hard against the porch before they mash against the grass. He’s not sure where it came from.
“Who’s there?”
From around the side of the house, where the light of the sunset cascades perfectly, he sees it. The Nether doesn’t step forward any further. It’s large, imposing even, with two tendrils extending from each side of its back.
“You can talk?”
“Hax…orders…promised me.”
Zye takes a step forward. “Hax? The hell do you know him?”
“Talk…if…have light.”
It holds out a hand toward Zye. He’s not sure why he strolls forward. It confuses him. Any other time he’d be running in the opposite direction. Yet, the fact that this one isn’t attacking but uttering words?
Curiosity kills the cat, after all.
It ambles until it meets him halfway. There, it grabs his hand. Zye has to try not to flinch out of the grip, one that’s as cold as death itself.
He knows he could scream for Jace. He would come running without fail. Yet, he digs his heels in and bites the inside of his cheek as he feels it. The strangest sensation since he’s been dead.
It’s as if the energy is being sucked right out of him. It leaves his fingers feeling like he’s reached into a freezer for too long. Worse yet is the ache it leaves behind when the Nether finally pulls away.
“Thank you.”
Zye tilts his head to look up at the much taller creature. “You’re not going to attack me?”
“No. Hax promised to cleanse me if I help you. The other one with me has already been cleansed…although not by him.”
Zye tries to piece it together quickly. It would make sense with what Orion mentioned. He places a hand on his hip, “Help me with what?”
“Whatever you need. I won’t take more energy than you can give. I will follow your orders as long as this deal is honored.”
“I don’t even know what I need.” He rubs at the back of his neck. “I’m talking to a…do you remember what or where you came from?”
“Yes. I was a woman from…some details I can’t recall. I remember my children were taken from me. I was the only one that escaped the death that day. I…I couldn’t save them. My agony has kept me here.”
“Zye! Move back!”
“Shit,” Zye curses as he spins around.
Jace runs at full speed with fire curling around one of his fists.
Zye remains between them with his arms spread to shield the Nether. “Put those out, or I’m cutting them off. You’re not touching her.”
“Her?” asks Jace as he skids to a stop.
“She said Hax sent her to help me.”
The flames steadily die down. Jace tentatively grows closer while trying to get a better look at this Nether. Not that there are any defining features he can go off of. Still, he takes a shot in the dark.
“Are you the one that was always tagging along?”
“I’ve been watching and helping for a very long time.”
“And you…no one ever said that Nether were people.”
He waits for Jace to step away before lowering his arms. This information being something he doesn’t know concerns Zye— concerns him more when he sees those brows pinch together.
“Only the ones that look like me,” the Nether continues. “The creatures are residual energy we have created and left behind. At least, most of those I’ve come into contact with are. If they are like me, perhaps they’ve lost themselves completely.”
Jace slowly shakes his head. “No…no that can’t be…”
His head is spinning. That’s such a hard pill to swallow. He draws a palm up to his face thinking it’ll steady himself despite how the world suddenly wants to tilt. He feels sick just thinking about it.
“Jace?” Zye spares a glance over his shoulder before rushing to Jace. He touches Jace’s shoulder, biting back against the sting to his fingers. As well as ignoring the tinges of memories tingling at the back of his mind. “Hey, look at me.”
“It could have been my mom,” he murmurs low, almost inaudible.
“Come on, even if it was, you know someone took care of it. You always told me it’s your job and it’s a mercy to do it for them.”
Jace lifts his head, peering into those eyes. They ground him and give him somewhere to stand while he thinks he’s drowning. “I did…didn’t I?”
“Yeah. So whatever happened, she’d have been cleansed. And you’re here, meaning it didn’t take you out either. If you want, we can ask—”
“No, I’m fine. Thank you, Zye.” Jace watches the hand slowly slip away from his shoulder. The touch seemingly renews some of his resolve. “I’m glad you remember something from it, at least.”
Zye flushes and turns away, “Idiot.”
Jace strides up to the Nether. “Do you have a name, perchance? So we have something to call you.”
“Lucile…I believe that’s what it was…It would feel strange to be called mother.”
“And you can help us?”
“As long as I’m provided with light, I can keep the negativity from my mind and continue to function as you need.”
Jace knows he’s the only one that should be able to do this right now. Zye isn’t quite there yet and he’d never put Callua in that position.
“Then we’ll meet back here every day and I’ll give you as much as you need.”
“Thank you, Keeper. Your orders?”
Beady blue eyes look between the two of them as Zye comes to stand beside Jace. Zye nudges Jace’s arm to get his attention.
“I need to settle things with Daichi. You said it yourself, he needs to be taken care of. He knows I’m out there and if he gets a whiff of me— I can’t have anyone else getting hurt because of me.”
“That’s not a priority, Zye, we need—”
“It is a priority. I’ll do what you say. We’ll get to Noctis and make a plan. But my number one concern is him and I’d rather do this with you.”
Jace stares into those determined eyes. He knows Zye isn’t particularly wrong either. Daichi is an unpredictable factor he can’t account for. Soren and Kerse are simple. He’s well aware of what their goals are and what they’re capable of.
“Alright. If we can take care of him perhaps those following him would be willing to cleanse and realize what’s been happening to them. Without Daichi to lead them, they’ll be less organized.”
“See? I’m right.”
Jace subdues a chuckle and turns to Lucile. “Keep tabs on Daichi. You know which one he is, right?” The Nether nods. “Otherwise, I need to find Soren. If you have any information on that let us know.”
“I will do this as long as the promise to cleanse me once this is over is kept.”
“Of course,” replies Zye with no hesitation. “Sooner if we could.”
“Thank you.”
“Does that mean you can move between places?”
“We all can. Under the light of the moon, the walls between dimensions and worlds are at their weakest.”
Jace gives a hum of thought. This is too good of an opportunity. He levels his gaze at Lucile. “Would you be willing to answer any questions until then?”
“I will do what I can.”
Turning to leave, Lucile begins to stagger away. Zye moves after her.
“Wait! Can you speak to others? If you can…would you be able to get any together that want it, too?”
The tendrils shudder as Lucile shakes her head. “Most will not. They don’t have any cognition. The darkness and negativity smother and consume. They’re blind. When the time comes, I’ll lead as many as I can.”
Jace watches Zye kick at the ground, digging the heel of his boot into the damp earth. “Thank you. We’d like to help as many as we can. If you need anything, come back here and wait for me.”
Lucile continues away and back around the corner of the house. Out of sight, Zye gives Jace a cheeky smirk.
“So you don’t know everything, huh?”
“I’m only a Keeper and human like you. Even Celeste and Orion and all of them…I don’t think they knew. If they have…I wish they’d have said something.”
“There really should be an archive for all of this information.”
“Then make one once I can get you in power.”
“You make it sound like we’re going to dethrone a king or something.”
“Well, she is powerful and rules like a king. Iron fist and all.” Jace turns away, still trying to process all of this information. “Now let’s get you in the water.”
This time he chances it. This time Zye can reach out and clasp his hand around Jace’s wrist. His fingers tighten around the wristband covering it. Jace partly turns only to find Zye getting extremely close and looking up at him expectantly.
“You won’t hit me if I kiss you right?”
Zye can’t hide the smile— can’t hide how happy he is— to see the way Jace’s eyes widen. A blush touches his skin as he tries to pull away. Silver eyes glance away, desperate to find a way out of this without being cold to the one man he doesn’t want to be.
It doesn’t matter. Zye knows his gut feeling is right. They were something. They are something.
“You don’t know—”
Zye smirks down at him as he keeps the distance between them to a minimum. “I have a few reasons to believe we were a lot closer. Your reactions are pretty telling, too.”
“You got some of your memory back?”
“Pff, no. But thanks for saying I’m right. You know, I’ve had dreams about a lot of different people and memories. You were one of them.” Zye dips his head down, lips dangerously close to Jace’s ear. “And the only one that made me horny. Pretty sure that means something.”
Jace is trapped by the gaze that returns to meet his. He only hates it because Zye can see it all over his face. He can’t hide a thing from this man. Not that he truly wants to. Especially not when a hand presses against his chest.
“Walk away if you don’t want me to.”
He can’t.
Jace wants it so bad he can’t dare but close that last shred of distance between them. All he can manage is holding back and allowing Zye to do as he pleases.
Zye cups a hand at the back of Jace’s neck and brings him in. Their lips dust together and it has a crackling sensation crawling along the back of Zye’s head. He doesn’t care that it shoots a shiver of pain down his spine.
He can do this. If there’s anything he’s good at doing, it’s ignoring the agony because of his high pain threshold. Specifically when there’s something he wants so bad in front of him.
Jace can feel the hand drag up his arm. It settles on Jace’s shoulder. A minimal distraction to the tongue brushing against his lips. Jace is eager to allow it in, twirling his tongue around Zye’s own.
It’s not the need for air that has Zye pulling away. The pain that washes through his body causes him to lean his forehead on Jace’s shoulder. Panting, he tries to push down the sensations. If he can just focus on the good, he’ll be fine.
“Are you sure you’re okay? You didn’t push it?”
“Better than okay.” Zye smiles against the fluff tickling against his face. “Even if I don’t have everything back, doesn’t mean I forgot how I feel.”
Jace hesitates to wrap his arms around the slender waist. He desires it more than anything. Keeping his hands at his sides, he glances away. “You’re as overwhelming as always. Go get inside and upstairs before—”
“What? Gonna make me?”
The playful tone makes Jace roll his eyes. He tugs away from Zye and strides toward the house. “Maybe if you’re good I’ll tell you more.”
“What if I’d rather reenact them than hear about them?”
“We have work to do.”
The door shudders as Jace heaves it open. Zye reluctantly follows. More so because he wants to keep talking and less because he wants to enjoy a soak. “You’re making me miss when you’d show up and we’d just go at it.”
“For someone that doesn’t have his memories, you sure act like you do.”
He holds the door open and gestures for Zye to go inside. As he does, he pats Jace on the shoulder. “I don’t need them to tease you.”
Jace smiles only when Zye can’t see him. He shuts the door and idles at the bottom of the stairs. Already halfway up, Zye realizes Jace isn’t following.
“If you wanted to look at my ass you just had to ask.”
“I’ll be waiting down here. I want to see if I can find more blankets or pillows to use for us.”
Zye shrugs. Continuing up to the second floor, he tries to hold it in as best he can. The blush and the smile are on full display as he makes his way into the bathroom. Lights are flicked and his clothes are left in a folded pile on the sink.
“Damn…he’s adorable.”
Soaking in the cleansed water is the lengthiest part. He tries to enjoy it and soak in all of the energy it could possibly give him. The sign that it’s dying down is when it begins to get cold— unbearably so.
It’s not like normal bathwater when it does this either. It goes from being comfortably warm to sitting in an ice bath. That has him up and out of the water quicker than he got in.
He’s grateful for the towel that Jace sets out for him. Seeing as he’s going to try to sleep anyway, he forgoes everything but his underwear. Zye slings the towel over his shoulders and carries his clothes out into the room.
The last person he expects to see is Jace. He sets down a couple of pillows and looks up. Only to immediately return his gaze to the bed.
“I brought some just in case you wanted something different. Or more seeing as you used to sleep with a dozen of them.”
“It wasn’t a dozen. I mean…it was a few. It takes a lot to get comfortable.”
Jace, having gotten a chance to prepare himself, finally looks up. “I’ll be back before you get up. Otherwise, Cal is downstairs resting if you need anything.”
“And when you get back—”
“I’ll be downstairs as well.”
Zye huffs at that. “Afraid I might bite?”
“I already know you do,” Jace replies while turning for the door.
“Then why? It’s just a bed. You can sleep here, too. So can Cal!”
“There are also other rooms we can use if that’s the case.”
“Don’t act like this isn’t about us. You won’t hurt me, it’s fine. We’ll be back to Celeste in another day and they can work on my memories more. So stop worrying.”
“You’re not better yet. Get some rest, you need it the most.”
Jace leaves, not allowing another word in. Zye clicks his tongue as he huffs his way to the bed. He leaves his shirt and towel on the bedside table. He pulls on the pants to make the trek downstairs to check on Callua.
He’s quiet going down the stairs and still that as he plops onto the couch beside her. She smiles at him as she folds the blanket she had been using.
“Everything okay?”
“I’m trying and he’s avoiding me.”
Callua laughs at that. “No, no. He’s too cautious for his own good. It’s cute because he’s like a teenager. What did you do? Walk out naked?”
“I had underwear on!”
“Same thing.”
“If we are what I think then I’m pretty sure he’s seen me more than naked.”
Stretching, Callua leans back. The muscles loosen and she feels better after taking a nap on the couch. She moves the small journal off her lap, keeping it closed. “Are you really that dense?”
“He’s probably worse off than you are. Yes, he loves you a lot. So relax, calm your thirst.”
“It’s not thirst! I just want to talk to him and hold his damn hand. I mean, sure, more would be nice but— wait…he loves me…”
“I do have a serious question, though.” He glances over at her as she does to him. “Do you know anyone in Noctis?”
“I know of them. I think the only one I’ve met briefly is Ilista. Oh…well there was Celeste. They were very pleasant.”
“You’ll love them both. What about the Infernals?”
“Mm…I was well acquainted with Charmilla. I guess you could say we were friends. She was more like a mother most of the time. You probably wouldn’t have gotten along with her if I’m honest.”
“Because you don’t like doing what you’re told.”
“That’s because sometimes it’s wrong.”
Callua laughs at that— soft, airy, and light. She realizes this is what she’s missed. God, she’s missed him so much. She reaches over and pats his knee. “I have to leave soon, you should get some rest.”
“Hey, I’m not stupid. What about the other two?”
“Fine…Kerse is the “youngest” as most have dubbed her. Hax was the one always frolicking about for Charm while Kerse was the muscle. He’s the one that started the original Dark Surge. Posed as a human, experimented with things, and left us with a mess to clean up.”
“Oh. Uh…well, shit.”
“Jace will tell you more later. It’s getting late, go take a few more candies and sleep.”
Zye scoffs and stands up, “What are you, my mom?”
“I promised her I’d take care of you. This included. Now go before I ground you.”
The smile on her face is infectious. He can’t help but reflect it back at her. “Fine. But only this time.” Zye starts up the stairs and stops. He leans over the banister, tilting his head to look back down into the living room. “You’ll be careful, right?”
“For you? Yeah, sure.”
Returning to the master bedroom, he sulks over to the bed. He doesn’t want to sleep and there’s not one part of him that feels tired. It’ll help his soul gather the power that he knows he has. Or so he’s been told.
Zye shimmies out of his pants and slips beneath the sheet with the extra blanket. Cuddling up against the extra pillow, Zye buries his face against it. The lack of smell helps and it’s softer than the others.
No matter the comfort, it can’t stop the thoughts of how he’s not helping. He’s being hidden away and cared for. Of course, he knows it’s because he needs to recover and figure out this new power he’ll have.
It doesn’t stop him from feeling bad.
They both seem so tired.
The only thing he wants in all these worlds right now is for them to be able to breathe and relax for a moment. If he has to make it happen, he will with everything he has.