About to leave work, Zye lingers outside with the rest of the usuals that have either already been inside or are about to. He just wishes Shae would hurry up so they can walk home. Just standing is making him want to fall asleep right then and there. Flicking through his phone, Zye keeps his eyes glancing up every so often.
It’s a good thing he does as the sound of boots slapping against the sidewalk reaches his ears before the actual boots do. He shuts his phone and lets the tether on his belt-loop catch it when he drops it.
“Hey! Bitch!”
Zye doesn’t dare look up. It’s better to assume that the angry tone is directed toward someone else instead. At least, he wishes he could. The man in front of him strikes a memory. It’s hard not to, considering it’s the same burly guy with short, spiked hair that punched him last night.
“I hope you’re drunk.”
“What’s that?”
“Only a drunk would be stupid enough to walk up to me yelling like that. Buzz off.”
He steps around the man and begins moving away. Zye knows perfectly well he shouldn’t aggravate the situation— he’s not an idiot. Yet he did anyway. Perhaps that’s why he expects the man to not back down. He can feel the itch of a fight under his skin— almost hopes the man does too.
“Still think you’re tough enough to work here?”
Zye ignores him and keeps walking with the intent to not get into it tonight. If he can just put some distance away from the other patrons, he’ll be content. He already let this guy have a say yesterday. Except the guy won’t dare be ignored. Following Zye, he keeps running his mouth.
“All a Chroma is good for is spreading their legs. Why not give it a shot? Maybe you’d chill the fuck out.”
His blood is boiling, but he can take it. Don’t react first. Especially while people loitering outside of the establishment are beginning to watch. He can feel their eyes on him— he can’t make a scene, shouldn’t make a scene. It doesn’t help that his head is killing him from how bad his vision has been getting worse.
What he doesn’t expect is the guy to grab his wrist. It’s a vice-grip that has him hissing as he’s tugged backward.
However, he’s been in this situation countless times. The stumble back toward the man turns into Zye taking a step back while relaxing his wrist. Grounding himself, Zye intertwines his free hand through the man’s arms and takes hold of his wrist. A quick rotation of his own wrist has him yanking away from the grasp.
All so he can grab at the man’s shoulder while pulling at the man’s wrist in the same movement. Zye uses the momentum to lead the man right into the knee he jabs up against his stomach. It’s only then that he intends to let the guy go.
If he didn’t stumble, anyways.
The man sees how unsteady on his feet he is and takes advantage of it despite the pain in his stomach. One step forward and he kicks at Zye’s ankle. It’s enough to let him push at Zye, sending them both tumbling to the ground.
Zye braces his hands and catches himself. At least, just before the man is sitting on his lower back. The man laughs as he leans forward, proud of himself, and grabs at the back of Zye’s neck. Not that the latter can do anything but try and wiggle his arms out from under his own body that pins them down.
The fingers pinching into his neck are painful enough. The burning in his lungs as he tries to suck in air that can’t get in is worse. The ultimate agony is that no one rushes over to stop this man— they just watch with only one young lady running inside the building for help.
Leaning down, the man gets close to Zye’s ear. “Piece of shit, learned your lesson yet?”
Zye throws his head back, slamming it against the man’s forehead. The yell he lets out draws some more attention from inside the establishment. It also has him sitting up enough for Zye to push away from the ground. He wedges his knee up beneath his body and puts all his strength behind shoving the man off.
The man rolls backward and allows Zye to hurry to his feet. As best he can, anyway. He coughs, attempting to suck in as much air as he can. His knees are aching and his feet burning— all from being on them for the double he’s worked today. He can’t hold out much longer.
Part of him wants to call out to the people standing outside, to get help from inside. But just because they come here for some of the Chroma doesn’t mean they want to get in the middle and help one. They’re not all saints.
Zye lifts his hands up and balls his fingers into fists. He keeps his eyes on the guy that rises to his feet. He’ll give the man props— he doesn’t give up. “Come on, man, walk away.”
“You’re just some filthy whore!”
Rolling his eyes, Zye waits for the man to run at him. Which he does, racing at him with an arm pulled back and ready to punch. Zye idles until the man gets close enough. It’s then that he can use the speed against him. He steps to the side and grabs the extended wrist.
His own fist collides with the man’s face— stopping him dead in his tracks. Letting go of the man’s wrist, he falls to the ground with a groan. Zye scoffs and takes a few steps back. Always better safe than sorry. “Asshole. That was for yesterday.”
The man groans and attempts to get to his feet. It’s slow going considering Zye didn’t hold back. The blood running from the man’s nose is evidence enough. From the door of Ruby’s Light bursts Shae. He sprints over to Zye with two of the on-duty security right behind him.
“Hey, you okay?”
“Should ask him that.”
Shae grabs at the front of Zye’s t-shirt. “Idiot. Come on, Boss wants to see you.” He’s already tugging Zye back toward the building while the other two men take care of the situation. Once they’re inside, back into the cool air and the smell of citrus, Shae huffs. “You really shouldn’t have done that. We talked about this. Come back inside next time.”
They start up the stairs and immediately Zye hates them. He just wants to sit down. “I can handle myself.”
“He came back for you. That’s different and Boss knows now so, ya know.”
“Great. She’ll either want to lock me up or fire me and lock me up.”
“Hey, she loves us all and would do that to any of us. Most of us are just smart enough not to get into it. I think you just like to fight.”
Zye huffs if only because he can’t argue with it. He does like to fight, it’s exhilarating. Usually enough to have him forgetting things for a moment. It doesn’t help that most people part the street for him considering his height— no one wants to fight him anymore. Not like when he was a kid.
“Are you headed home after this?”
“Duh, I’m not the one in trouble.”
They stop just before her bedroom door. He heaves a sigh and looks down at Shae. “Want to go in with me?”
“Hell no. This is your problem, buddy. But honestly? You’ll be fine.”
Before Zye can say or do anything, Shae is knocking on the door and beginning to walk away. He gives a wave of his hand before vanishing down the stairs. It leaves Zye alone before the opening door. It reveals Kass in a long, dark green robe over a t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants.
“Just can’t stay out of trouble can you, boy? Get in here.”
Following her inside, he finds himself on her couch once more with her on the other side. She gives a huff when she sits down and grabs for her coffee cup. Zye isn’t sure what to say or do. It doesn’t help that his clothes are filthy from tumbling across the ground.
“I already heard from one of the girls what happened.” She inhales long and hard. “You do know I didn’t hire you so you could get hurt.”
“It happens. It’s not just me and you know it’s not all the time.”
“It’s better me than someone working here. You know I can handle it.”
“This isn’t about what you can handle, dear. It’s that you shouldn’t be doing so in the first place. That man could have hurt you.” Kass sighs. She knows she’s getting through to him even if he bows his head, trying hard not to meet her gaze. “Worse yet, he could have followed you home and God only knows what could have happened.”
Of course, he didn’t think about the consequences of reacting. It didn’t even cross his mind and it makes him feel horrible. Which is a feat on its own considering how badly he does hurt right now. He mumbles out an apology, “I’m sorry, Kass.”
The coffee cup clicks against the table. She stands and walks around it, each slow footfall making him want to hold his breath. All Kass does is sit beside him. Her much smaller and slender fingers grab for his. She tugs at his hand while her other hand pats his shoulder.
“I’m just worried about you, sweetie. I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to you. Let alone if it’s because you were here and not safe at home.”
Green eyes gaze up at him. They’re full of emotion and Zye doesn’t know what to do. All he can think of is caving under them. It feels like he’s a kid again with how he bends down to wrap her up in a hug. If only so she can hug him back.
She smells like coffee and lavender. It wraps around him like a security blanket. The hold is strong despite how small she is compared to him. She grips onto him with a fierceness that he’s missed so much. With her it’s as if he can forget all the bad that has happened and he’s a child once more, safe in her arms.
“I really am sorry…”
“I know you are, stupid boy.” Kass pats at his back. “Why don’t you take some time off? If you need anything for rent I’ll take care of it. Just a few days off, it’d make me feel better.”
His forehead presses against her shoulder, breathing her in. He closes his eyes and the first thing he thinks about is that he does want to get home. Time off would be nice— maybe more time to spend with Jace. It’s a tempting offer that his mind would never be happy with.
Prying away from her is hard. Sitting up and looking into those eyes even harder. Still, he tries to give her a smile. “You know I can’t do that. I’d go stir crazy.” Her hands are pulling away but remain on his arm, the contact is welcoming if not distant. He wishes he could feel it better.
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure. I’ll be fine, really. I’ve made it out of worse.”
She scoffs and pulls away. “I swear. You might be worse than your father.” A side glance is followed by another sigh— something he notices she’s been doing a lot lately. “At least stay the night, for me? I’ve even had someone walk Shae home just in case.”
He thinks about it. It’s not that it’s a bad thing. The hate of sleeping in an unfamiliar bed is outweighed by the fact he is tired and aching. Walking home doesn’t sound like something he wants to do. “Sure. I can do that.”
“I’m glad you agree because I already got them getting a room ready for you. Threw in some extra clothes and what you need to put on that before you go to bed.” She gestures to his throat. “If it hurts at all, let me know. Understood?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Good. Now…” She grins up at him, “Shae says you’ve made a new friend?”
“I-it’s nothing really. Just a guy.”
She raises a brow at this. “You know I didn’t like the last friend you had. What’s this one like to make Shae sing his praises?”
Zye is immediately looking anywhere but at her. His hands as they sit on his lap is a good start. The coffee cup and the sleepy elephant drawing on it is the next point. Anywhere but her, he’s too afraid she’ll see through him. He doesn’t want to introduce Jace to her just yet even if he knows they’ll hit it off.
“He’s a good guy. Came recommended from a mutual.”
Kass chuckles, “You make it sound like you’re trying a new soap not a friend.”
“I mean…he’s very kind and caring. Although he can be annoying as hell to deal with. Who doesn’t understand personal space?”
“Do I need to cut some fingers off?”
He can’t help but laugh, finally meeting her eyes. “No, no. He’s just sweet and means well. Pretty smart, too.”
“I’m glad you seem to have found a good one this time.” She doesn’t want to pry until he’s ready. All she can do is hope he doesn’t run away from them this time— a bad habit he’s gained. Too much lunging before looking. “Well, bring him by and make me dinner one night soon.”
“I will.”
“And? How are you doing, hm?”
Zye gives a minuscule smile as his gaze slips back to his lap. “Better, I think.”
Kass is about to ask further when a knock echoes through the room. “Come in,” she calls out just before it opens.
An older man peeks his head in. Long, graying hair is swept back with a scarf tied over it. “The room is ready.”
“Thank you.”
He nods and leaves, the door clicking shut. It has Kass turning to Zye. She reaches out once more and takes one of his hands in both of hers. He glances over to her, apprehensive about the sudden touch.
“I’ve had them bring you ice to put on it and some ointment once you get ready for bed. Take it with you. There should also be a snack and some drinks in there as well as some clothes. At least, I hope they fit you. You’ve turned into such a skyscraper.”
“Thanks, Kass.”
He initiates it this time; diving in for a hug and a quick squeeze. One that she eagerly gives him back tenfold. Kass finally lets him go and he’s quick to stand. Making his way to the door, Kass turns in her seat.
“End of the hall, the door should be left open. If you need anything you know where I am. Good night, dear. I love you.”
Zye’s hand lingers on the doorknob. It warms him from his head to toes to be around her, to have that love washing over him. It feels good. Maybe a night here isn’t so bad after all. Opening it, he flashes her a smile. “Love you, too. Don’t stay up too late.”
She shakes her head and shoos him away. Leaving the room, he waits a moment as the door closes. Part of him wants to go back in and spend more time with her. After all, every second is precious. It’s a fact that makes her offer even more tempting than he’ll ever care to admit.
One deep breath later, he’s headed down the hall to the room.
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The fact that he sleeps so late into the morning is no surprise to anyone but Zye. He groans as he rolls over and slaps his hand onto the nightstand, flailing his arm in search of his phone. It went off a few times earlier but he fell back asleep— choosing to ignore it completely. However, his tired eyes widen when he sees the name of who has been messaging him.
Zye sits upright in bed as he scans through them. They’re nothing special. Just asking if he’s free today and would like to go out for lunch with him. The only problem is that Zye sees the time. It’s almost noon as it is. Thankfully, living close to work is a benefit. He sends a quick reply that he does.
The smiling icon follows a reply that Jace will be there soon to pick him up.
Except there’s a problem. He’s all the way here and has to get moving now. Zye throws the blanket to the side and slings his legs over the lip of the bed. Suddenly, the pain isn’t as big a problem with something to look forward to. It helps him push through it and get dressed in his clothes from yesterday.
He makes the bed, folds the t-shirt and shorts atop it, and gathers up the cream Kass gave him. His things are in his pockets with his hand opening the door the next second. It’s fine aside from the fact that Kass is standing right there, hand lifted in a knocking motion.
“Good morning, in a hurry to run away already?”
“Yes. No. I, uh, have somewhere to be that I forgot about.”
The smile on his face is hard to ignore no matter how he pushes it down. Kass gives a hum. “I see. Then you won’t mind if I call later to make sure you’re doing alright?”
“You know I’ll always answer.”
“Cheeky brat, go on. I’ll have Lola drive—”
“Appreciate it, but I can run faster.” He leans forward and pulls her into a hug. She knows what he’s doing and allows him to move her while doing so. Slipping away, he gives her a wave. “Love you, talk to you later!”
Watching his back as he skips steps on his way down, Kass shakes her head. “I swear, that child…”
Regardless, Zye isn’t wrong. He’s able to make it out of the building and back home far sooner than if he had gotten a ride. The only issue is that now he’s hot, sweaty, and wants to collapse. Unlocking the front door only takes time because it feels good to lean against it for a moment.
Zye stumbles into the house and kicks the door shut. His shoes land upside down as he hops out of them. The living room is empty. The remainder of the house seems quiet, as well. It means he can hurry through without Shae stopping him. A quick shower, a change into a pair of jeans and a tank top, and styling his hair up later— he’s ready.
Just in time for a trill of knocks to hit the front door. Except as he walks out into the living room, Shae is already on the couch yawning. A bowl of cereal balances on his raised knees with a blanket around his shoulders. Shae takes a bite and nods to the door, “Mind getting that?”
“What did you do last night that you’re just getting up?”
The grin Shae gives him is too prideful for Zye’s liking. “You know exactly what I did, man. How ya feeling?”
“Fine.” He says while realizing he forgot his phone on his other pants. He steps closer to the hall. “Come in!” Then turns to Shae, “I’ll be right back. Forgot something.”
“Sure.” He takes a few more bites. The door opens, closes, and Jace comes around the corner. “Yo, hot stuff. How’s it going?”
Jace rubs at the back of his neck. “Fine. Sorry about the reservation last time.”
Shae licks the spoon and waves it back and forth. “Nah, it’s alright. No harm, no foul. The guy I gave it to wants to extend his thanks, though. His girlfriend loved it.”
“Good. I’m glad someone got to use it.” Jace slips his hands into the pockets of his shorts. They go down just to his knees— the only skin he shows off other than what the t-shirt can’t hide of his arms. Nothing fancy, not like last time. “Are you off today?”
“Man, I wish. I go in later. Probably shouldn’t have stayed up as late as I did but what can ya do, right?”
Skirting around the corner, Zye hurries over to Jace. “Ready to go?”
And he is until he sees the marks on Zye’s neck. The foot of distance is gone as Jace reaches out, brushing his fingers over them. They trail up Zye’s neck and to the slight bruise that’s begun to show on his jaw. He holds Zye’s chin against his palm, looking for any other sign of injury.
“What happened? That wasn’t there the other night.”
“I’m fine. Besides, the bruise was there you just couldn’t see it yet.” He fidgets a little standing there. Especially since Shae is glancing up at them. “The other is, uh, it’s fine. Really. I got stuff to put on it. They’ll go away soon.”
Jace doesn’t pull away even when he has the answer. It doesn’t give him any relief whatsoever. It only makes it worse if he’s honest. Humans get hurt so easily… He slides his hand from Zye’s chin to his neck, gently rubbing his thumb over one of the vague marks.
From the side, Shae snorts. “You two are killing me. I’m trying to enjoy my after-sex morning. Mind taking that outside?”
“Too wholesome for you, huh?” Zye sneers back.
Shae rolls his eyes and clacks his spoon against the bowl. “If I wanted ‘wholesome’, I’d ask y’all to stay here and let me watch you flirt. I’m good, go already.”
Zye motions for Jace to follow. “Yeah, yeah. We’ll see if I bring you anything back.”
“I like cakes!” Shae yells after them.
Back into their shoes, Zye shuts the door behind Jace. Once he has, he holds out the jacket he had draped over his arm. “Figured you’d want it back.”
Jace takes it. If only so he can step forward and flourish it around Zye’s shoulders instead. The cool air after a late night rain only adds to the fact that Zye is having a hard time finding himself ‘warm’. Then again, he’s not sure he’d take it off anyway.
“You keep it. Since you know I don’t need it anyway.”
“Sorry, forgot you were a walking bonfire.” He smiles over at Jace. “So, where are you taking me?”
“How about that restaurant we first went to? I promised to take you back there soon.”
Zye chuckles and leads the way to his bike. “Seriously? Aren’t you cute?”
It only takes a moment to get the helmets out. Donning one each, they get onto the bike and Zye starts it up. This time, the arms around his waist are a bit more snug. A firm hold with one palm pressed up flush against his stomach. He could be losing it or he could swear Jace is sitting a lot closer, too.
He tries to clear his mind before shifting into drive. Thankfully, traffic isn’t bad today and he’s able to make it there shortly after the restaurant opens. There’s already people parking and making their way inside— the small lot filling up quick. Zye makes the decision to go down a couple stores and use one of their lots instead.
Parking, they peel away from one another and stand up. The dance of getting the helmets in and bike secure ends faster than normal. Jace steps away first only to realize Zye isn’t following. He glances back to see him slipping on a pair of sunglasses.
“Everything okay?”
Zye gives a shrug. “I’ve had enough attention. I’d rather enjoy my day.”
As they begin walking, Jace does notice the change. No one seems to avoid Zye now. They’re no furtive glances or sneaking a peek at his eyes. It really does seem to make a difference. A fact that irritates him the longer he thinks about it. Nonetheless, he tries to ignore it and simply do as Zye suggests— enjoy the day.
At least, that’s the plan until Zye is staggering backward from a hand that grabs at his shirt. Zye turns, forcing the person to let go, and is about to go down their throat when he notices who it is.
That same man.
He glares down at him, “You’ve got to be kidding me. Do I need to knock you on your ass again?”
The man glares at him. He’s taking a step forward, intending to lay his hands on Zye, when Zye is suddenly going backward. Jace moves around to step in front with one foot sticking out, tripping the man. Stumbling, the man is only kept upright by the fact that Jace grabs at the front of his jacket. He yanks him close in hopes of keeping the conversation away from the prying eyes and slow walkers around them.
“What do you think you’re doing? Can’t you see we’re busy?”
Sneering up at Jace, the man doesn’t even bother with pulling away. He’s aggressive and not willing to back down. Not when he has another chance at this. “It’s his fault that I’m banned now.”
Jace’s nose is a breath away from his as he whispers to him— a quiet yet threatening tone that he doesn’t bother to hide. “And it’ll be your fault if you ruin our date. Don’t let me see your face around him ever again, got it?”
The man’s eyes widen as he thinks he sees a flick of fire come off Jace’s hand when he lets go. Fear fills the man while he backs up, with only a moment of hesitation, before he’s turning around. He’s not sure he believes what he saw but he doesn’t want to chance it.
Standing upright, Jace turns back to Zye. “That’s the guy that hit you wasn’t it?”
Zye steps closer to him now that everyone is beginning to continue on their way. “Yeah, but you— What I mean is…thanks.”
“You’re welcome. I just hope that will keep him from messing with you further.”
“So, we’re on a date?”
Jace gives him a soft smile. “Yes? We haven’t had a real date yet. I figured we could make this it.”
“Then let’s go, I’m starving.”
Zye spins on his heel and starts forward. What he doesn’t expect is for Jace’s hand to bump his. It’s the only warning before Jace’s palm presses against his, holding tight to it. The grip is warm and welcoming— to have these fingers squeezing his own is a feeling he can’t describe.
So much so that he idles a moment to the point that Jace tugs on his hand, urging him forward. “Come on, we don’t want to be late to where we don’t get a table.”
“Right, right. Lead the way.”
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After lunch, they find themselves back at the house. Not caring to go inside just yet, they slip out to the park through the hole in the wall. They occupy one of the benches on the other side of the fountain. It’s away from the view of the elders chatting or the children running around with a soccer ball.
Jace takes every chance to hold his hand. Even now, one of his is clasped against Zye’s. Fingers lace between Zye’s with his thumb rubbing circles over the top of Zye’s hand. It gives such a large comfort that Zye slouches against the bench with one leg bent up, ankle balancing against the other knee.
“So, do you always go out and fight those things?”
“Not usually. My job is usually perimeters and cleansing. Or if someone needs help they can call for me.” He pauses for a moment. “I usually get my orders from one of the three over me.”
“Oh? You’re not the top dog? I’m shocked.”
“Far from it. If I ever have to leave suddenly, it’s because I’m getting called by one of them to take care of something.” Jace looks over to him and he can see the curiosity in that mixed expression. “Feel free to ask whatever you want. I’ll answer the best I can.”
Zye shifts his gaze to the hand clutching at his. He’s a bit scared to broach the subject— doesn’t want to pry too deep in case Jace doesn’t want to talk about it. “Do you remember where you were from? Or anything about your past?”
“Mm…I do. Although I try not to remember the finer details. I’d rather keep feelings and the better memories if I can. Most memories I can remember vividly aren’t very…good.” He closes his eyes for a moment and he’s right back there underneath the brutal heat and glare of the sun. “There are good ones though: My mother picking flowers from her garden. My father working in the field with me. And all my sisters.”
“Sisters? How many?”
Jace chuckles as he opens his eyes. “Four little sisters.”
“That must have made things fun.”
“They were a handful. But Terra was the worst. She was very clingy, didn’t want me to leave whenever I had to.”
The thought has him squeezing Zye’s hand. Something that Zye realizes has brought pain with the love. He squeezes it back. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bring up bad feelings.”
“It’s alright. Life and death— neither are perfect or pretty.” He slides over a bit more, bumping their shoulders together. “That’s why I think you’re strong. It takes a lot of courage to live with a disease like this and how people treat you.”
“Hey, come on. It’s not that special. I mean, if anything it’s got to be hard to live as long as you have, right? Must mean you’re pretty tough. If kids found out about people like you, you’d be called a hero.”
“N-no, I’m really not. Trust me, I just do my job. I haven’t managed to protect or help—”
Zye scoffs, interrupting him immediately. “Come on, you protected me. You can’t say that.”
“I…I guess you’re right.”
“I’m sorry. I bet it can’t be easy is what I mean…living while…yeah.”
Jace gets what he means. Continuing to live means being around others that don’t. Loss after loss with very little to keep. Not everyone is as lucky or as good at his job as he is. He’s lost more than just his family while living. Acquaintances and allies come and go like the seasons.
“No, I’m sorry. That got too heavy. I don’t want to ruin our date.”
Zye shakes his head. “It won’t ruin it. It’s been a long time since I’ve been out with someone and really enjoyed myself. Besides, you almost decked someone for me instead of me having to deck my date.”
“I was worried. I know you can handle yourself, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get hurt.”
Slipping his hand away, Zye moves his leg and spreads them just enough. He grips at the bench between them. “I, uh, did want to ask you though…Wouldn’t you be better off with someone like, well, you?”
Jace hums, “No.” He looks over, wishing Zye would look up so he can see that troubled gaze. “If there was someone like me I wanted, I wouldn’t have asked you out.”
Zye slowly brings up a knee, leaning his arm against it as he does. “Okay, but what if I’m not as great as you make me out to be in your head. Plenty of assholes I’ve been with are gone a week in. Especially if I run into one of the previous ones. Or maybe that’s because I take things too fast...”
“I doubt you could change my mind. We can go as slow or fast as you want, it’s about being comfortable. Just talk to me about whatever is troubling you.”
“Got an answer for everything, don’t you? I basically just said I’ve had sex with more people than I can count on my fingers and toes and you don’t bat an eye?” Zye waves a hand at Jace. “God, quit smiling and take it seriously.”
He says it but there’s a smile on his face as well. He’s trying hard not to laugh through his own nerves. Jace gives a shrug, not phased in the slightest. “I’m not sure why that should bother me if you’re only looking at me right now. Unless you plan on cheating, then we’ll have to talk.”
Zye can’t stop the heat from rising to his cheeks. “You’re…a rare species. Any other person would have gone ham. Questions, accusations, prying for more information…”
Jace gives a soft laugh at that. “I didn’t say I wasn’t curious. It just sounds like you might not have been with the right people.”
“Fine. How many have you been with, huh, Mr. Perfect?” He waves a hand in a circle at Jace. “Ya know, before and after all of that.”
“Two. But only one fully established relationship.”
“Dear God. Are you for real? Really? Only two?” He can’t fathom it. Then again he’s been in and out of relationship after relationship since high school and that first jerk. “Must have people lining up to get with you, though.”
“Maybe a few,” he replies with a wink.
Zye shoves at his shoulder. “You’re too much. Ah, shit…what now?” The buzzing in his pocket has Zye pulling the phone from his jacket pocket. A message from Shae has him groaning before turning to Jace. “Mind if we head back? He thinks he left the oven on.”
Standing, Jace reaches for Zye’s hand and tugs him to his feet. “Then we’d better hurry.” When Zye begins to walk with him toward the wall, he smiles over at him. “And it’s because I’d rather wait for the right person. You might have more experience with other people, but that was with them. Not me.”
“You sure you didn’t just walk out of a movie?”
“Zye, you know I’m not perfect. I can’t even beat Shae at that board game.”
“Pff, that’s because he’s a cheating little shit.”
There’s a small bout of silence before they reach the wall. It’s there that Jace lets go through to hold the bushes back. As he waits for Zye to come through, he glances up at the sky.
“He was my fiancé, actually. So, if you feel like we’re going too slow or something, talk to me? It’s, uh, been quite a while since I’ve done this.”
Zye nudges Jace’s arm as he makes it through. “Trying to make me jealous? He must have been pretty awesome.”
“So are you.”
Staring at him, Zye doesn’t know what to do. Sigh? Laugh? Smile? Call his bluff? He’s not used to the blatant honesty from anyone that wants to make it far with him. At least, not like this.
“You’re going to kill me if you keep that up.”
Jace chuckles and they begin toward the house. “Any wholesome boyfriends I should know about? Shoes I need to fill?”
“Um…no. Not really.”
“Do you just have bad luck with people?”
“I mean…it’s either kiss them or punch them back in the day.” The look on Jace’s face has him laughing far too hard. Almost to the point where he tears up. “Sorry, sorry. I guess not, though, you’re here.”
“Callua was the one that introduced us so I think that’s more credit to her.”
They get to the door and Zye begins to unlock it. “You do know we’re about to have a quiet, empty house. You know, where I can shut the door and no one interrupts us?”
Jace waits for Zye to open it and step inside before following. “I thought you might want to go slow. Then again, I have made it longer than a week. Four if I’m counting right.”
Zye pockets the key into the jacket and hurries to the kitchen. All the while he’s talking. “You know, you’ve gotten pretty sassy lately.”
“I’m learning from the best.”
Fingers fly over the dials on the oven. He makes sure everything is clicked off and not going to start a fire. Meanwhile, Jace is shutting the door and meeting him at the counter. Zye braces a hand against it. “You know what, ass, fine. Let’s see who gives in first then.”
He doesn’t get very far when he walks past Jace, intending to go toward the couch. Jace is grabbing him around the waist and pulls him close. There’s a smile on his face that has Zye unable to think— it’s too beautiful and it’s got every thought fizzling out.
“I don’t mind losing that bet then. And since I am, do you mind if I kiss you?”
Jace can’t help but smile more when he sees the flush blossom over Zye’s cheeks. It makes those two-toned eyes stand out far more against the reddening skin. He leans in closer, lips dusting over Zye’s but never going further. Not yet.
“You’re an idiot.” Zye lifts one hand, grabbing onto the front of Jace’s shirt. “Sure, but only if I can have more than one.”
The first kiss isn’t anything mind-blowing that makes him see the universe exploding into creation. It’s soft and gentle. Just a chaste peck that has the nervous butterflies creating a stir in the pit of his stomach. The arms around his waist do far more to him. The secure hold as him wanting to lean in further.
The second one is a little stronger. Then again, Zye is awfully distracted by the hand dragging up his back. It has him pressed firmly against Jace. Something that has him trying to push away for a moment. Their lips brush together as he takes a breath.
The smile on the lips before him is going to get addicting— this he decides early on.
“I thought you wanted more than one?”
Zye grins wide and slips his hands down. Palms slap against the counter on either side of Jace, trapping him against it. “Just need a favor first.”
“And it is?”
“Open your mouth.”
Jace isn’t sure why that does it for him. There’s something about the way Zye looks at him that has him wanting to do nothing but what he asks. Keeping his lips parted, he’s more than delighted to have a warm mouth against his once more. Better yet is the tongue that slips inside his, brushing against his own.
When Zye is retreating, Jace is tempted to chase after. He wants to do it again— and again— but he can’t. The urgent message crossing through his mind has everything else screeching to a halt. He almost can’t help the sigh that leaves his lips. Jace taps his forehead to Zye’s.
Zye chuckles, “Have to go?”
“You’re not upset?”
“Hmm…maybe a little. Depends, would you make it up to me next time?”
Jace leans back in for another chaste kiss. “And then some.”
Zye pulls away, “Fine, go on before they wonder where you are. Maybe bring me a souvenir next time?”
He’s already heading towards the door. Using a portal inside where Zye can see him is probably not the best idea considering the man can see Nether as it is. He’ll work up to that. “I’ll see what I can find.”
Watching Jace hurry out with the door shutting behind him has Zye leaning forward on the counter. He drags a hand up over his face, “What shitty timing.”