The headache he has even after eight hours of sleep is frustrating if anything. He knows exactly why it’s persisted. Zye has taken nothing to quell it and only did things to make it worse— that includes something so small as straining his eyes to see across the room. He’s missed the tells that the first thing to deteriorate is his sight has more than just one emotion welling up in him.
It’s a bit scary. The pain from time to time has been nothing compared to the fact that one of his senses is going. Even just enough that it’s noticeable has the inklings of fear tickling at him.
A sigh slips from his lips as he crawls out of bed and ambles over to the door. For a moment he waits, fingers lingering on the doorknob when he hears the laughter— loud and piercing.
There’s two reasons for it; company or a stupid show.
Of course, Zye would rather be prepared considering the chance of company isn’t unlikely. It doesn’t take him long to make himself presentable either. He just needs a pair of shorts and a t-shirt— nothing fancy.
The only true problem occurs when he slips out of his room. It’s not that he’s trying to be quiet. Although it feels that way when he hears Shae chuckle.
“I just knew we had something in common. If you’re ever just looking to hook up for the night I can find you a really cute one. Whatever your type, I can find him.”
“I appreciate it, but I’d rather not.”
“Don’t tell me— you’re not in it for the sex? I mean it’s cool, just, sorry if I made you uncomfortable.”
There’s a soft laugh. The tinge of amusement in Jace’s voice keeps the atmosphere calm. “No, nothing like that. I’m just picky.”
“Oooh! I got’cha. I’ve tried for years to set Zye up, won’t budge an inch either. I do like to think I’m pretty good at matching people up.”
Finding the nerve to come around the corner, Zye slips toward the kitchen for a drink. “He isn’t, don’t listen to him.”
Shae practically climbs the couch like an animal. He turns around to where his knees dig into it with arms folding over the back cushion. “Hey! It’s rude to eavesdrop!”
“Then keep it down next time.” Zye tugs out a carton of juice and pours himself a glass. It’s only once the door shuts that he glances over to see Jace sitting next to Shae, who is still grinning. “So, plans for the day?”
Finally turning back around, Shae stretches his arms high over his head. “I figured we could chill. Jace said he’s free and I know you aren’t working tonight?”
Zye moves for the chair and plops down in it. “And Cal?”
Jace looks over to him, “She’s still busy.”
“Then, uh, what do you two want to do?”
Shae jumps up from his seat. He points to the deck of cards on the table and then sweeps his arm toward the TV screen. “Cards and a lowly rated comedy movie.”
Trying not to look at Jace for too long, Zye sips at his drink. “That’s fine. Go ahead and get it all ready then.”
He doesn’t want to admit he likes looking at the man. But it’s hard to tear his eyes away once they go in that direction. If anything he’s just glad he’s over here in the chair and not directly next to Jace. Regardless, the lack of Callua during a get-together like this is still disheartening and he wishes she was here.
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Far from where they enjoy their evening is the one person that wishes she could be there. Instead, Callua is worlds apart in an alleyway with the rain pouring down around her. She’s kept dry only because of the slight overhang above her and the long, dark gray coat she tugs tight around her body.
It’s bad enough she has to be out here trying to meet covertly. Worse yet that it’s raining. The rumbles of thunder in the distance add to the prickles of anxiety that has her skin crawling. If it’s one thing she hates, it’s storms. She just wants to get this over with already before the rain picks up and gets closer.
“Sorry to call you out here. It just let loose or I would have rescheduled.”
Her eyes flick up to meet with a pale yellow gaze. She almost wants to roll her eyes at the fact a lollipop stick is held between thin lips that crook up into a smile. His hands slip out of the pockets of his orange hoodie as he gets closer. Beneath the overhang with her, he finally pushes the hood back.
A small shake of his head has his shaggy hair off his face and around it instead. They’re a mess of reddish-brown and brown with the only consistency being the bangs dipping down into his eyes are all one shade— a soft chestnut color.
“What are you, a dog?”
“Hey, that’s mean. I was going to offer you a piece of candy,” he replies while shifting the sucker to the side of his mouth instead.
Callua huffs, “And on top of it you always dress in such bright colors. Are you trying to get us tailed, Adrian?”
“Not intentionally at least.”
She leans against the building and tries to block out the sound of the rain plopping into the puddled ground before her. “How’s your mission?”
Teeth crack through the hard candy and he tugs the stick out. It twirls between his fingers as he hums. “Well, not bad I guess. I got a foot in the with Stars— a big one at that. Aster.”
“That’s…way more than a star. He’s a Keeper. Isn’t that dangerous?”
“Maybe?” Adrian shrugs. “He keeps me safe, I funnel him information.”
“I’m impressed. That couldn’t have been easy.”
Bright, loud laughter explodes from him. Yet, it’s still not nearly as loud as the downpour getting closer. “It was. Apparently, he’s pretty damn lazy and is really easy to get to if you know where to look.”
“Be careful, though. I don’t know what the other side is thinking. Charmilla assures me she speaks with one of them. But we all know that doesn’t mean they’re all on board with Charm’s plans.”
“If it helps, he hasn’t mentioned Charm at all. But…is this really worth it? Do you think we can squash the Surge?”
“I think so, I hope so.” She sighs and looks up to the overhang. The darkened clouds hide away the brilliant skyline that this city usually has. “It’s the right thing to do. If we don’t then all these people, these souls, what happens to them?”
“Yeah…I guess you’re right.” Adrian scuffs the toe of his navy-blue sneakers against the damp cement. “It’s just a lot.”
Callua looks over to him, connects their gaze so he can feel the weight of her words. Hopes he feels it. “We used to be them, Adrian, remember that.” She reaches up to tug the hood up over her head. Tucking her hair further into it, she smiles at him. “Just…be safe and try not to be a complete ass, okay?”
Adrian laughs, “You say that like that Jace is more fun to work with.”
“He actually is. Those are big shoes to fill. Try harder next time and maybe I’ll team up with you for old time’s sake.”
Stepping out into the downpour, she tries to ignore the way it beats on her head and shoulders. Boots slap through the puddles as she makes her way further into the city. She has one more person to meet with before returning to Soren. Going back to that fake identity she has with them is exhausting.
She just has to remind herself it’s for a good cause. That maybe she can ease a bit of suffering they’re causing— anything to help. Not that it helps the anxiety that’s crawling under her skin or the worry that this is all for naught. She understands Adrian’s concerns all too well.
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Over the next few weeks, Callua is true to her word. Zye doesn’t see her at all and she scarcely replies to his messages. The worry is there no matter how much he convinces himself not to be— she can handle herself and she’d come to him if something was wrong.
The feelings are distracting to the point where he snags the bracelet, the one that girl gave him, at work. The strap snapped so easily that walking home with it in his pocket is rather depressing. Especially since he’s not sure he has anything to replace it with. He’d be lying if he said he hasn’t grown attached to it.
For some reason, he can’t seem to shake the words and the sense he got from her. All of it adds to why the bracelet has brought the smallest bit of comfort. It’s why he huffs when he gets home. All it means is he has to go back out to get a chain or something to put the medallion on.
Zye spares a glance at the shoes at the front door. Leaving the entryway, he gives a flick of his hand at Jace. “Hey, hanging with Shae?”
“Mhm. He just left to go get dinner. Apparently, someone he knows owes him a favor, so they’re paying for the food.”
“That’s normal.” Zye strides over and collapses onto the couch next to Jace. He’ll admit only to himself that seeing Jace has his mood lifting— at least a little bit. He can feel the silver eyes on him even as he keeps his own locked on the television that flashes to a new show.
Jace watches Zye’s posture. He can tell there’s something wrong. It doesn’t take a genius to figure it out. Not to mention the vibe coming off of him as it is. “How was your day?”
Zye waves his hand. “The usual. Annoying assholes but otherwise fine.”
“Did something happen?”
“Yeah. Was helping someone get into their car, they locked their keys inside, and ended up ripping my bracelet.”
“You can’t fix it?”
Digging into his pocket, Zye pulls it out for Jace to see. What Zye doesn’t expect is for Jace to give a hum.
“Do you mind if I fix it?”
“No, really? You know how?”
Jace nods and grabs for Zye’s wrist. He adjusts his grip while taking the bracelet from Zye. “Is that too tight?” When Zye shakes his head, Jace pulls away. “Then I’ll be right back. I promise I won’t be too long.”
Zye can barely get a word in before Jace is standing and making for the door. He stands, intending to go after him. “Are you sure?”
“Absolutely. Enjoy your dinner. I’ll be back soon with it.”
Into his shoes and out the door, Jace squeezes the bracelet in his hand. There’s only so many places he can think of to get a replacement and none of them have him remaining here. It takes a few world hops to get what he’s looking for and return.
Although, the entire time has him more concerned about what the bracelet is than trying to replace the strap with a durable chain. The round piece of metal reminds him of the aura he feels around blessed water— soothing calm and sturdy protection. This makes it even more conflicting when he tries to imagine where Zye could have gotten this.
Just as he’s thinking about asking someone who might know more about it, he gets a message from Hax. The very person he had in mind. It certainly helps that they meet atop the same building as last time. He traces the energy signature there and steps out of the portal— color fading out behind him as he does.
Hax smiles over his shoulder from where he stands on the ledge. “Rather quick to get here, didn’t have anything to do?”
“I just finished with it. You didn’t say why you needed me in your message.”
“Ah, right. There was no reason. I was…curious how things are faring for you.”
Jace raises a brow at that. Hax hasn’t taken an interest in his life, so to speak, since he became this. He doesn’t know if it’s a good thing or a bad thing. “Fine. Trying to do as you advised.”
Hax shrugs his shoulders and spins around, bare feet being the only thing keeping him from falling. “Always so formal.” The opaque cloth wrapped around him and draping over his arms sways in the wind. “Have you heard of any more sightings?”
“No. It’s been eerily quiet. Not even Ilista or Vespera.”
“Good. Perhaps he’s gotten off my trail then.” Hax stifles a yawn. “Still, it’s rather boring having to wait. I do need you to check with Soren soon. That man likes to ignore me out of spite.”
Jace nods before holding out his hand to Hax. From it dangles the medallion now on a chain. It glints in the moonlight as it swings from the movement. But that’s not what draws Hax’s attention. It’s the same thing that captured Jace’s.
“Do you know anything about protection wards?”
For some reason, Jace believes the smile he gets to be a rare one of Hax’s— real and interested.
“I do, of course. All Infernals and Celestials do. Then again, not all of us are good at that sort of thing.” He holds out his hand, “May I?”
Jace lets it drop onto Hax’s palm. He watches how Hax seems to inspect it with immense care. The little coin turns over and over between his fingers. The smile slowly dies down until it’s so small Jace can barely see it.
To Hax, this little coin is nostalgic.
“Very familiar,” he mumbles to himself. Eyes lift to meet with Jace’s. “It’s high grade and very effective. Nether will be generally repelled and unable to harm you. Who gave this to you?”
Returning it to Jace, the man stumbles over his own thoughts in an effort to answer. It’d be easier to lie and say he found it. Except that’d prompt more questions than he cares to lie through. “It’s not mine.”
Hax chuckles as he turns back around. His gaze sweeps down over the street. “Made a friend? They must be special.”
“No. I mean…yes.”
“Then rest easy.” He waves his hand back and forth as he talks. “They’ll be fine as long as they have it on them. I can promise that much. At least, they’ll be safe from Nether. Not much else.”
“That’s good enough. Thank you and I’ll get in touch with Soren about his mission.”
Hax sits down on the edge of the rooftop. “No hurry, take your time. It seems to be the calm before the storm, after all.”
Those words feel heavier than they should— darker and more daunting, too. Yet Jace tries not to focus on them. For once he has something else to let his mind wander toward. Literally as well seeing as he summons another portal to take him to Zye’s house.
He’s grateful it’s late and there’s nothing save for street lamps to give him away. Slipping back up to the door, he gives a faint knock. A few agonizing seconds later and the door opens to show a yawning Zye. His hair is damp and he’s already changed into a t-shirt with too many holes over a pair of shorts.
“Almost thought you weren’t gonna make it back tonight.”
“I don’t break promises.”
“Heh, sure. Come on in.” Zye turns and lets Jace follow him inside. “Shae already headed out to work but if you want we have leftovers.”
Jace shuts the door and kicks off his shoes before following Zye. Back to the couch, he takes a seat. “It’s alright, I should get going soon anyway.” He opens his hand and holds it out for Zye to see. “I got the sturdiest chain I could find. If this breaks, the guy said he’d replace it for free.”
“That confident, huh?” Zye takes it from Jace to turn it over in his hand. It feels so smooth in his hand that he can’t figure out what type of metal it could be. “It is kinda heavy. Thanks, you really didn’t have to go through the trouble.”
“It means a lot to you, doesn’t it?”
“I…guess so.”
“Then I did.”
The smile is blinding to Zye. So much so that he has to busy himself with fastening the bracelet onto his wrist. It cinches there— comfortably snug, but not tight. “Thank you again, I like it.”
“By the way, where did you get it?”
Zye leans back against the cushion, sinking against it. “This really weird girl gave it to me.” He’s not sure how to say it without sounding confusing or getting into what happened other than, “She knew my mom. Said it was a charm or something for protection.”
“That’s kind of her. Speaking of though, how are you doing?”
“A bit better,” he replies while rubbing one foot against the back of the other ankle. Callua never pushes and prods too hard. This one next to him, however, seems to.
“If you ever need something, you can message me any time.”
Zye lulls his head to the side and sticks his tongue out at Jace. “You’d get sick of me.”
“I doubt that.” He gives a laugh as he stands up. “I’ll see you later. Try to get some sleep tonight.”
“Oh yeah? Then stop texting me back if you’re that worried.”
Jace moves around the table and toward the entryway. “I wouldn’t dare. Good night. Tell Shae I’ll get that movie from Callua for next time.”
Zye nods and that’s all there is to it. Jace is stepping back into his shoes, with a little bit of trouble, and back out the door. The warm air is welcoming. It feels better against his skin than being inside with cool air always hitting him. For a moment he’s content and realizes he can bring Callua some good news.
If anything, Zye will be safe from the Nether and she won’t fret too much. On the other hand…he wishes he could get in touch with the girl that gave it to him. Not many humans can weave together a ward of protection so well as that.
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As ordered, Jace finds time during the next week to stop by and check on Soren. Not that he cares to. Hanging out with Zye or Shae is far more fun than running errands. Especially when it puts him by the docks where Nether activity is far higher.
What does help is that everyone is already gone for the day from the warehouse. The back door is left open, as per usual, and allows Jace to slip inside. He makes his way to the office with gloved hands held at his sides— always on edge and ready to strike when he comes here.
The office light is on and spills out. Jace steps into the doorway, blocking it as he makes eye contact with Soren at the desk. He waits for Soren to look up before entering. Not that he goes very far. Jace stops at the back of the chair before the desk.
“On time as always,” Soren says while jotting down something on a stack of papers.
“I’m here to check up on the progress of the mission Hax assigned you.”
Soren sighs and leans back in his chair. The pen clatters to the desk where he drops it. “Everything is running smoothly. All the workers are fine with no changes. Was that all his Highness needs?”
Jace tries not to react— keep the blank mask in place. “Yes. I’ll let him know.”
“Oh, do let him know that Aster was around here yesterday. Didn’t make much fuss, thankfully.”
“Soren!” The loud, ear-piercing voice is the very thing that Jace wishes he could have avoided today. “Callua said she still can’t do it, that he’s nowhere!”
Jace stands as still as a statue when the shorter man comes around him. Blue and green eyes light up at the sight of Jace. Daichi glances from Soren to him. The quiet is all Jace needs. “Then I’ll be leaving, thanks for the report.”
“Wait, Jace!” Daichi reaches out, grabbing onto the back of Jace’s gray shirt from where it’s tucked into the waistband of his pants. “Can you do me a favor?”
“I work for Hax, not you.”
Daichi pouts but before he can say a word, Soren beats him to it with a sigh. “Ignore him. He’s lost his toy and can’t seem to find it anywhere, that’s all.” He redirects his attention to Daichi in particular. “You need to let it go, find someone new.”
The suggestion is only fuel to the fire that is Daichi. He shoots Soren a glare, “I will not. We were in love, Soren, love! And how can I even trust Callua?”
“Because I do. She even said they had a fight prior. Now be quiet about it.”
Jace takes the opportunity of Daichi’s shift in attention to pull away from him. As he makes his way out the door, he glances back at Daichi. “Keep doing your job. If any of them show up around here again feel free to contact me immediately.”
“Of course…and do tell Hax that she’s doing well.”
It’s meant to stop him in his tracks and turn around. To tug him to Soren’s side so he can ask for answers about who she is. Not that Jace takes the bait. He’s not stupid. Making a deal with Soren is worse than doing so with Hax or Kerse. Another person he hopes to keep his distance from during all of this.
Leaving, Jace doesn’t waste any time. He hurries back out into the fresh air where he can practically taste the salt on the breeze. It’s hard to ignore the eyes he feels on his person. Part of him wishes he knew which ones they are this time.
More Surge? Or are they the Nether?
He knows he’s been followed before. It makes his choice of where to go all that more simple. A new location that’s a step away once he summons the portal. The eyes continue to follow him until he’s through it and it vanishes behind him. It’s only then that he feels alone.
At least, as alone as one can before he’s stepping out onto a beach. The night air is cold and biting. It sweeps in off the choppy waves that claw up the shoreline. He takes a few steps back just to be safe until he sees how far it reaches.
“So? What did you call me out here for?”
Jace glances over his shoulder as Callua appears. She strides up to him with her long skirt billowing about her legs. “I’m more curious as to why you keep bringing me to such strange places.”
“It’s just an island, dummy.”
“Of course it is.”
“No one’s here, it’s fine. Just some animals I’m sure.” She reaches up and tightens the base of her braided hair, worried that the wind will whip it around her. “So?”
Jace looks at her and then at the water. “He’s worried about you. I thought you kept better care so your friends don’t find out your secret?”
“Shouldn’t you be more concerned with keeping your hands off him?”
There’s a slight flush beneath his eyes. If anything he’s lucky that the moonlight doesn’t let it show as well. “It’s not like that.”
She raises an eyebrow at him and leans over, poking him hard in the side. “Uh-huh, sure. I believe you.”
“Quit that.” Jace rubs at the spot and shoos her hand away. “I’d leave before it’d get that far, you know that. He’s just…I want to make sure he’s okay. No different with you and lately you don’t seem like you are.”
“Oh really? Not with those goo-goo eyes you get when you two are together. At least, that’s what Shae tells me.”
“Not that I mind. But I mean—”
She can’t finish as he’s suddenly in front of her. His height has her looking upright as he tugs her forward. He holds her in a hug, one arm around her shoulders. He sighs as he rests his head atop hers. “What did he say to you?”
Pinching her eyes shut, she tries to ignore the memory of Daichi that pops up. “He’s just a jerk. It’s fine.”
“I can handle him for you if you want.”
“N-no. If you did that then Soren might push me out of his inner circle.”
“You really think he considers Daichi to be more of an asset than you? You’ve worked your ass off to be indispensable. Give yourself some credit.”
Callua pushes at his chest and Jace allows her to pull away. Except his hands immediately clap onto her shoulders. “What?”
“I’m serious. Call for me if you need help.”
She waves him off until his hands are back at his sides. “I’m fine, really. I can handle this. Just…keep an eye on him? Like you promised.”
“Do I look like I break promises?” His answer is a brief shake of her head before he turns around, giving her his back. “He has a medallion with a protection ward on it. He’ll be fine even when I’m not there.”
Feeling a bit more in control now that he’s not looking at her, Callua steps forward. She hates his eyes sometimes— they see more than she cares to show him. Yet he always figures it out in the end. Returning the hug, however, feels good. She wraps her arms around his waist in a tight squeeze.
“I don’t care. He’s still an idiot, so please?”
Jace chuckles, “That’s a little mean don’t you think?”
Her hold on him tightens as her forehead rests against his back. “No…not when he’s going to get sicker. I just hope it’s not anytime soon.”
His hands cover hers. “I’ve got plenty of time, I can do that much. Especially since Charm and Soren have you running in circles.” Slowly, he begins to turn in her hold until he’s cradling one of her wrists in each of his hands while she looks up to him. “Trust in me, okay?”
Callua scoffs at that. The soft atmosphere begins to evaporate as she pulls away. Her hands find purchase in the pockets in her skirt. She sticks her tongue out at him while opening a portal behind herself. “Yeah, yeah. I trust you. Now go take care of our friends.”