The nighttime they step into is tranquil with a light breeze curling through the city streets. The faintest hints of baked goods and cooked food filter out of doors propped open. Citizens meander up and down the road lit by tall street lamps with smaller bulbs strung between each one.
It’s beautiful. Yet it also manages to disrupt many shadows aside from the ones the trees spotted between shops cast. One that Jace brings them near so that they can slowly become visible to others.
Zye watches as a few people pass them by. “Are you sure this is okay? Am I putting out too much energy? Enough?”
“You’re fine. I promise. If it changes, I’ll let you know. Deep breaths and try to calm down.”
“I know, I just…I don’t want that to happen again.”
“It won’t, you’re doing well.” He squeezes Zye’s hand. “I can barely feel your presence. If anything, try a bit more so you don’t appear as my ghost boyfriend.”
Zye chuckles at the thought. “That’d be hilarious.”
“For you, maybe. I’d have to explain things or look crazy.”
“How about now?”
Jace focuses and is happy to see that Zye can manage it better than when he started. Not that he’s surprised. Zye is a quick learner. At least, on the little things they’ve helped him with.
“Perfect. Follow me.”
He waits for there to be no one around before he guides them away from the tree. They’re not far from the destination. One that stands out in the dark of the night. At the end of the curving street is a large building of white and black.
The brick-like structure is painted in a bright white that seems to shimmer— almost like an enormous egg nestled between the other buildings. In front of it is a long stretch of a metal porch. To keep patrons from slipping, a long black carpet is laid out along its length. A feature that matches the black trim along each stone that’s sat together.
Tall, curved windows are inlaid into the front wall as well as the double doors at the front of the establishment. Curtains are drawn away to allow soft white light to spill out. The glass shimmers like the night sky filled with stars because of it.
Slipping his hand from Zye’s, he draws it to the man’s lower back. He ushers him closer until finally, he pulls away. Jace holds one of the doors open, allowing Zye to slip inside first. Once they’re side by side before a podium of polished stone, the young waitress behind it speaks up.
She doesn’t look very old, at least not to Zye. She pushes back the short strands of her violet hair and leans forward. “Do we have a reservation?”
“It’s under Callua.”
“Ah, yes. Right this way.”
They follow after her to a table jutting out from the wall just before the curved corner of the room. Zye takes the seat away from the wall with a large window cut into it. He can keep his back to most of the patrons while achieving the best view.
Jace sitting across from him.
A window sits to the left of Jace as he takes his seat tucked near the wall. Zye gets settled against the rather soft, plush cushion of the chair. All while resisting the urge to prop his elbows on the polished stone that is the table’s surface.
The waitress smiles politely and hands them their menus. A single long page that almost feels like it’s coated in glass on both sides. Zye tries not to stare while she’s standing there.
“What can I bring you to drink?”
Zye steals a glance at Jace before looking down at the menu. It’ll never not amuse him how he can read the strange language. Even though it’s not written in it, it looks like English. Or, if he tries hard enough in a couple of other languages he’s learned— rather, dabbled in.
Jace keeps her attention. “Your most expensive bottle if you don’t mind.”
“Absolutely. I’ll be back shortly.”
Once she walks away, Zye huffs at the menu. His eyes slowly examine the page. There are more than a few titles and descriptions that aren’t registering. Otherwise, it’s mostly self-explanatory.
“Know what you’d want?”
Zye shrugs his shoulders. “I think so. You?”
“A bit unsure. It’ll be interesting.” He watches as Zye sets the menu down. Seeing as the waitress isn’t around, he does the same. “How are you feeling about things?”
“Everything should be calm while we regroup. I want to make sure you’re alright. That you’re not doing this because we’re here.”
Zye props an elbow on the table and then rests his cheek against a raised palm. “You’re not making this very romantic.”
“Sorry,” chuckles Jace. “I know we—”
“I’m kidding. I like that you ask. I’ll admit at first it was. But now…I think we can really help and make things better? Have a purpose at the same time. That feels bold to say…”
Jace shakes his head. “I think you’re helping plenty. A working unit is what we’ve needed. It’s been broken for a long time.”
“Hey, hey. Don’t give me the credit. I’m just a scared little boy afraid to die. But was deathly afraid to try and live. I wasted so much time…”
Zye trails off as he spots the waitress sauntering over. She returns to their table with a silvered tray in her hands. The large, round tray has small ornate handles that resemble a type of sea serpent. Atop it are two tall, oblong glasses and a dark green bottle with a white bow around the thin neck.
The waitress sets the tray on the table and begins to pour red liquid from the already-opened bottle. “May I take your order or do you need more time?” she asks while giving them each a glass.
Not trusting himself to say anything correctly, Zye pushes his menu toward her while pointing at one item in particular. The second she smiles and turns to Jace, Zye tunes it all out. He can’t help it.
All he can do is lose himself in those pretty silver eyes. Bringing the glass to his lips, he gives a cautious sip. He’s surprised at the rather sweet tinge to it. The extra glasses of water she brought with her are more than appreciated in this case.
Once she slips away to put their order in, Zye picks back up where they left off.
“I won’t lie. There’s always a voice in the back of my head that tells me to run away. But that doesn’t mean I was lying when I told you I wanted to live. I already blew it pretty bad the first time.”
“As long as you don’t burn yourself out or put too much pressure on yourself.”
Zye grins over the rim of his glass. “You mean like you?”
Laughing softly, Jace moves his drinks away from the edge of the table. “Exactly. I do worry about overwhelming you on top of all your new responsibilities.”
“What? You’re fine. You being you helps.”
“I’d accuse you of lying if you weren’t terrible at it.”
“Jerk. I’m serious.”
Jace shakes his head. “No, I’m serious. I don’t want to be overbearing. And yet…losing you is something I never want to experience again. Even if it feels like I’m crossing a line, I’d do anything to keep that from happening.”
Zye slouches a bit in his seat. He understands it, he really does. Losing his mother did the same. He’d have done anything to keep that from happening. He’d do it now for Jace. Waiting for Jace to take a sip, he lets out a sigh.
“Seriously…you make it sound like I’m gonna break up with you.” Zye’s gaze follows the glass’s bottom as it clinks against the table. “You’re not overwhelming or whatever. It’s okay to be protective. Especially considering everything that’s happened, both now and in your past. It’s okay, I get it.”
“If you ever need space, tell me.”
Zye brings his other elbow on the table, laying his arms atop one another as he leans forward. “You’re the only person I’ve tried this damn hard with. Anything happens and I’m banging down your door to talk. So relax, I’ll let you know.”
The way Jace glances up tells Zye to quiet down. No need to have another set of ears listening into a private conversation. As Zye turns his attention away, Jace smiles at the waitress as she brings them their plates. The smell is godly and the sight is even more inviting.
A few lines hardly do the food’s actual appearance any justice. From what Zye can tell, the meat on Jace’s place reminds him of pulled pork. A dark sauce is drizzled across the meat and towards what looks to be a potato. The strange item next to it has him perplexed.
It’s as if someone combined a carrot and a piece of broccoli.
His eyes drift down to his own silver plate. It reminds him of the little sausages his mother would cut to make them look like blooming flowers. This delicacy more closely resembles small shrimp. They sit atop a pile of large curling brown noodles and a bed of purple leaves. Dolloped on top is a hearty serving of a creamy off-white sauce.
“Anything else I can get you both?”
Finally, Zye meets her eyes with the tiniest smile. “No, we’re good. Thank you.”
A nod and she’s off to her next customer. As she does, they begin to eat in silence. A moment of testing and seeing what they ordered. As well as if it’s any good for that matter.
Zye is the first to glance up. “Really not bad, whatever this is.”
“I agree. We’ll have to bring Cal with us next time. She can tell us what is what.”
A few more bites in, Zye grabs his glass. After taking a sip, he stares down into the liquid. He gives it a small swirl to make it slosh up to the rim but not go over.
“Thanks for inviting me.”
“You’re welcome. I don’t see why we can’t go out every now and then. Life doesn’t stop because we have work to do.”
Zye lifts the glass to his lips once more. “Someone’s changed from what I hear.”
“Thanks to you.”
The glass clinks back to the table while his eyes level with the plate. It’s not so much nerves as he doesn’t want this to be…a waste.
“I’ll be honest, Jay…I don’t know what to talk about. On a normal date like this, I’d ask how was work, family, or stuff like that.”
“You still can. Work is exhausting. I have a new boss who doesn’t know what he’s doing quite yet. A subordinate that thinks she can lecture me and do the same things she’s mad at me about.”
Jace smiles, happy that Zye finally meets his eyes. “Work, friends, goals we have— that doesn’t change. How about we keep it to a minimum while we’re out? Less about them, more about us?”
“Mm…okay, sure. One question first.” Zye continues once Jace nods. “You’re not going to run yourself ragged to where I don’t see you a lot, are you? I assume we’re not always going to be on the same missions.”
“That’s true. It’d be silly for two Infernals to go on every mission together. Still, once we deal with Soren’s mess, I’d like to spend more time with everyone. You three showed me how much I needed it again. It was nice…”
Zye scoops up his fork. It’s a bit longer than the ones he’s used to and there’s a missing point compared to his world. He wiggles it between his fingers as an idea hits.
“Hey, why don’t we find another world where we can nestle down in from time to time? Like the cabin.”
“It’s not necessary.” Jace lifts one of the provided napkins to his mouth. “The only reason I had time before was because Cal was busy and you were… It’s where I kept all the information. It helped me work through my thoughts.”
“Sure, but you can’t garden in Solis.”
“I haven’t tried,” he replies with a smile once he’s replaced the napkin on the table.
“Huh…I wonder if you could.”
“The worst that happens is finding out I can’t. I look forward to seeing how far you push the boundaries with your own room.”
Silence settles between them once more aside from the tapping of their forks on their plates. By the time Jace is done, he notices Zye moving around the last few bites of his dinner across the plate. There's little to no commitment to finishing. He’s about to ask when Zye speaks up, setting the fork down.
“I really did miss you. So you’re not the only one….it does feel weird to say sometimes.”
“Why’s that?”
“Because it hasn’t been that long, I guess.”
“Hm, perhaps I’ve been dead too long. Time doesn’t concern me as much. It’s why I’m hesitant to tell you…well…I care about you quite a lot.”
Zye smirks at him, “That’s why you stopped me? Afraid you’ll scare me off?”
While he’s intending to lighten the intensity, Jace is unshaken.
“I’m not good at this, Zye, and I don’t know what I’m doing half the time.”
“I can’t tell. I’d say you’ve wined and dined me real well. I mean…you had a partner before, right?”
Jace shakes his head with a sigh. “We were best friends— childhood friends. Becoming bonded was expected at that point. It’s a little different with you.”
“How so?”
Taking a sip of water before he continues, Jace gathers his thoughts. He knew they’d be talking tonight and yet his tongue suddenly feels heavier than usual.
“I’m learning I enjoy your presence more than I’ve wanted with anyone else. I know you’d prefer I don’t in public, so I try to keep the touching to a minimum.”
Zye leans on the table, smiling as he pushes his shoe to bump up against one of Jace’s boots. “What else?”
“I’m not a jealous person. At least I don’t think I am. Even still, I like it when others know you’re not available in that way.”
“Sounds normal to me. Besides, I can get jealous. Nothing big. Just you know, don’t blow me off if it’s been a while, and go hang out with someone else.”
Jace locks eyes with Zye, staring hard into them. “You deserve better than what you’ve had and I want to give that to you.”
Zye chuckles. It’s hard not to find it amusing, in a good way. He’s never had someone that cared that much.
“Geez, I shouldn’t have told you about some of those jerks. I’m serious, Jay. I don’t mind. Say what you want. If it’s ever too much, I’ll tell you to slow your roll. I…I like how sincere you are.”
Jace’s brow furrows, unsure about the phrase, and continues. “Does that mean you won’t combust if I tell you?”
“No promises. Surprise me and we’ll see how it goes.”
“Shae warned me to do it in private at least if not at all and to let you do it first.”
“That man…I swear. Haaa…I put my foot in my mouth on that one…”
Jace reaches over the table, slinking between their dinnerware, and taps a finger to Zye’s thumb. It draws the man’s attention to him. A steady gaze that Zye isn’t prepared for. Let alone the words that follow.
“It’s a good thing you have nice feet.”
Smirking, Zye grabs for the glass of alcohol. He’s eager to bring it to his lips— make the heat on his cheeks from it and not the blush. “I’ll need more of this if you’re going to keep that up.”
“I did think about changing my room thanks to you and Cal. She always did say it was…bland.”
“I originally based it off of what Charmilla recommended and had. Now I think I’d like to make it look more like home.”
Zye, leaving his free hand next to Jace’s, drums his fingers against the table. “Won’t lie, I’m curious about what it’d look like. I mean, I saw some people in different things; leather, armor, furs. One girl looked like she had chains everywhere.”
“I think most stick to what they know. Charm influenced me a lot on what to wear and such. As did Cal. No different than Orion and Celeste. They used to dress other ways.”
“I’ll have to thank her in my prayers tonight,” replies Zye with a chuckle.
“Why is that?”
“Okay, if I came out wearing something you like because, let’s say, Cal said to, wouldn’t you want to thank her?”
“I still don’t—”
“The flared collar. The sleeveless shirt. Your ass in those pants. You look good.”
Jace watches Zye pull away, bringing both hands to his lap. The departure does little to hide how bold he’s being. Especially with the way Zye’s shoe lifts ever-so-slightly, rubbing the toe of it against Jace’s ankle.
It gives life to the thought in Jace’s mind.
“Then if I told you what I’d like to see you wear, you’d do it?”
Zye flashes him a coy smile. “Every night?”
“Is it too soon to tell you that I have a room booked at a hotel here?”
“Definitely not. I’m ready when you are.”
Jace smiles at how adorably fast Zye answers. As happy as he is to have Zye with him in this life, he’s always more pleased to see this side. The normal times where he can loosen up and express himself more openly.
An opportunity where his walls aren’t up and the fake smile isn’t on his face.
All the more reason for Jace to wave for the waitress. A moment later, she hurries over. “Ah, are we done or is there something else you’d both like?”
“We’re done.” Jace reaches down and grabs the coins out of his pocket. He can only hope that Callua gave him enough. She did say to give everything he has, after all. He holds them out to her. “Thank you.”
The young woman’s eyes go wide at the sight of so many. She cups her hands together and holds them out. Jace places them on her palms. The waitress stumbles back, counting the amount he gave once more.
“I will go get the difference, please wait—”
“That’s not necessary. It’s a blessing from Lunis.”
“I’ll be right back, please wait one moment.”
At that, she smiles and nods. Whatever he’s done has her rather ecstatic as she spins around and hurries away. Zye glances at him.
“What was that about? Did you give her a fortune or something?”
“We’ll have to ask Cal. I have no idea.”
Once she’s well enough away and busy, Zye leans a bit closer to the table. “You’re gonna have to show me what you used to wear when you were alive. I’m dying to know.”
Jace laughs— a rich sound that he subdues to not draw attention from the other patrons. “It was nothing special. Thin fabrics for everyday wear and leathers for armor once we couldn’t reach the caves for ore. There were some that would make jewelry from anything they could get their hands on.”
“Sounds nice…better than leather and spandex.”
“Maybe once this is over, we can visit— hidden, of course. Hax used to go and let me know if things improved. That the world hadn’t reset yet.”
“He said he stemmed the flow of Nether. Still, my island was large, but not the main one. The others are still safe.”
“Huh, he really was a hot mess. How can someone so good-intentioned at times be so damn stupid?”
“Well, he did do one thing right,” Jace replies with a chuckle.
“Don’t you dare say it,” Zye playfully hisses under his breath.
All so that the waitress doesn’t hear. She returns to the table with a medium-sized bottle. The glass is a dark maroon with a webbing of clothing wrapped around it, fastening into a makeshift bag to carry it.
“Thank you so much. We appreciate your patronage and hope to serve you again.”
She steps aside as Jace stands up, taking the bottle of liquor she’s brought them. Seeing that he’s grabbed it, the woman begins to excuse herself to see to other guests. Meanwhile, Jace waits for Zye to step away from the table.
Once he has, Jace brushes a hand to the back of Zye’s elbow. A subtle touch that gives more comfort than Zye can describe. In the other arm, Jace keeps the bottle close as to not drop it.
They head for the exit, nodding to the bowed head of an older gentleman near the podium. Once outside, Zye heaves a sigh. “I guess that’s for Cal?”
“I’d think so. I’m assuming it costs a pretty coin to get.”
“Where does she even get the money?”
“Questioning her methods isn’t something I want to do. Not after she paid for the hotel in advance. She said, and I repeat, don’t come home afterward.”
Jace takes them across the street, careful to watch for the vehicles that pass by. To Zye, they look like old cars he’d see in movies back on Earth. It’s when they’re on the other side that the lightest sprinkles of rain can be felt.
“Is it a long walk?”
“No, another street and we should be there.”
“Then let’s hope it stays light like this.”
They remain side by side until they get closer. Jace notices the way the raindrops begin to grow heavier and more persistent. His hand slips down to grab Zye’s wrist. The latter is quick to realize what Jace is doing— urging him to quicken his pace.
The slap of their shoes against the street growing slicker by the second isn’t nearly as loud as the downpour itself. They keep their heads down to not get blinded by the heavy rainfall seeing as there are no coverings in sight. Not until they get to their destination.
Even then it does little to shield them. Not that it matters with how the rain has drenched them completely by the time they slip inside the building.
Water drips off their clothes and to the smooth floor beneath their feet. Zye stares as he tries to take it all in while Jace begins for the front desk.
“That came out of nowhere,” Zye remarks with a laugh. “Not that the rain is so bad.”
“She said that this weather is normal. I’ll get us in, wait here.”
The interior isn’t overly fancy and yet it’s still more so than anything Zye has seen in his own world. Although, that might have more to do with his lack of getting out to other places.
It’s a simple two-story building with a slightly curved staircase of deep black to the far right side. Bright red tile stretches out in every direction to balance the dark tones of the desk, the furniture in the lounge area, and the black draperies in the windows.
In one way, it reminds him a lot of Ruby’s Light. Then again, that’s probably the amount of red that’s everywhere to accent the other colors.
Zye slips his hands into his pockets as he waits. He’s soaking wet and yet not cold in the slightest. There’s the barest chill that touches his face. Even that is easy to ignore thanks to how his body works now. It keeps him from shivering while Jace returns.
“It’s taken care of. We have to be out by tomorrow night.”
“So…zipping out our own way?”
“We can head straight back to Solis when you’re ready.”
Jace starts for the stairs with Zye hurrying along after him. Of course, he’s careful as he doesn’t want to slip and make a scene. He’s grateful for the banister that he can cling onto as they go up to the second floor.
“Good, because I’m soaked and could use some fresh clothes. I guess these will dry enough by the morning.”
“Cal said the robes we can take with us. If we’d bring her one anyway. She said they’re the softest thing you’ll ever wear.”
They hit the landing and Jace leads them to the last door on the right. All the while, Zye can’t take his eyes off of Jace. It helps that the coat is missing. He’s glad Jace loves it enough to wear it all of the time. Still, it hides so much of the man and his broad shoulders.
Jace holds the door open for Zye. Once they’re inside, Jace steps around Zye after shutting and locking the door. He doesn’t get far after setting the bottle on a chair before turning back around with a smile. How can he not when Zye huffs, sweeping his damp hair back.
“So…warm shower? Or are you dragging me straight to bed?”
“I dragged you here already,” Jace replies with a chuckle. “You lead. What do you want to do first?”
A smirk curls up the corner of Zye’s lips. “That’s dangerous, Jay.”