Waking up before Jace is a first. Even when he was alive, Zye never could pull it off. Then again, he did feel like he was dying at the end whenever Jace stayed over. Sleeping so comfortably in arms that he feels safe in is a feeling he’d never trade.
A reason why he curls into the embrace he’s held in.
Except he knows good and well that he does have to get up. Kerse will be expecting him unless she’s still asleep. Which he doubts even though time doesn’t really flow here. Resisting the urge to groan, Zye stealthily moves Jace’s arms and slips out from under the blanket.
“You up and ready?” he asks Kerse in his head. He doesn’t expect the reply to be so quick or snappy.
“Slow this morning? I already finished my warm-up, come on.”
If there’s anything he can do, it’s be quiet while he gets ready. Barely a noise is made as he dresses in a pale green t-shirt and a pair of shorts that go halfway down his thighs. The material clings to his thighs but still offers the stretch that workout clothing should.
As he tugs the shirt up from where it got tucked into the shorts, hands land on his hips. His breath hitches in his throat while the scream muffles against the hand he slaps to his mouth. It’s then that he finally lets out the groan he wanted to early.
Zye settles his hands atop Jace’s and away from his face. “I told you about that. You’re too quiet.”
“Sorry. I’ve always been a light sleeper.”
Jace dips his head forward and kisses Zye’s cheek. Hugging him from behind, Jace is happy when Zye leans into it. He’s happy that he was able to catch Zye before he got much further. Not that the view of him in those shorts isn’t enough.
Zye tilts his head back and pecks Jace’s lips before pulling away. “I’ll see you later.”
“Where are you headed?” asks Jace as he reluctantly lets go.
“Training with Kerse.”
“Then I’ll see you later.”
He’s not sure why Zye moves back to stand toe-to-toe with him. Only that Zye dips down to kiss his lips. “And you?”
“Back to Noctis after I check in with some of our contacts.”
“Let me know how it goes. Wait, do you want my Mark? Or how do I…this is so stupid sometimes.”
Jace chuckles and brushes his nose against Zye’s. “Go. I’ll teach you later. Any questions you have.” He lets Zye go and waits for him to get to the door. Zye’s hand is on the knob when he steps after him. “Zye, wait.”
Zye turns around and immediately curves his gaze up to Jace’s eyes. Anything is better than the nude body on full display. A gorgeous one at that. He clears his throat to try and distract himself. “What is it?”
“Would you like to see where Gray and Yue live?”
“Visit them?”
Zye tries not to hesitate too long. Not when he knows how much Gray means to him. That’s one of his best friends. The least he can do is try. At least, a little bit. He can always leave and that’s what he tells himself so that he agrees to do it.
“Only thing I have planned is Kerse unless something comes up.”
“Then if nothing does, he’ll pick you up when you’re done. Let me know and I’ll send him your way.”
A smile touches Zye’s countenance. “Want me to be best friends with your best friend that bad, huh?”
“I…maybe, yes.”
“Felt the same way with Shae. I’ll let you know when I pick myself up off the floor when she’s done with me. Oh and don’t forget to grab your pants.”
Zye gives a wave of his hand before hurrying out of the room and then out into the hallway. Being able to keep up with everyone else means going down the stairs and through the common area. At least, he tries to. He slows for a moment as he passes someone standing before the long stretch of mirror. They’re staring up at the ceiling with no one else around.
He gives them one last glance over his shoulder before turning down the hallway of doors. Zye stops before one and grabs the handle, thinking of Kerse. As he does he sends her a quick message.
“I’m here.”
The door opens, ripping the handle out of his grasp. “Took you long enough.”
“There, uh, someone was out there acting weird. Staring at the ceiling and stuff. Should we go help them?”
“They’re probably a new Dark Star, let it go. Someone else will take care of it for now.”
Zye follows her into the room and closes the door behind them. “How do you know?”
Kerse strides over to the bag hung from the ceiling. “When someone gets the choice, they end up here. No portal. They come out of the mirror like it is the portal. They’ve already gotten the run down from the Divine.”
“Sounds anxiety-inducing.”
“Not a lot of them stick around if that says anything. Or they do and then they quit when they realize what this is. Anyone can get the chance. There are people we picked over time to handle the newcomers. Now, get over here. We warm up and then head out to spar.”
44Please respect copyright.PENANATxQaEqDag7
The bath does little to alleviate the tightness in his back or the way he wishes he didn’t have to stand up. The waters restore his energy and heal his wounds. But the ache still resonates in his arms.
“Maybe I didn’t stay in long enough,” he mutters to himself as he begins down the stairs back to the main floor.
He’s already dressed in something more presentable than workout clothes. Not knowing where he’s going doesn’t help. Thus, he settles for a pair of gray jeans and a black, v-neck top that ends around his ribs.
The soles of his tennis shoes slap hard against the stairs as he comes off the last step. As he does, he can see Ilista jogging down the corridor. He watches her run past him, skid to a stop, and turn back to him.
A large grin decorates her lips painted in a bright pink. “Lucky me to find you here!”
“You could have called for me if you needed me.”
“It’s not important. I was heading over to see Kerse. But I do have a question for you.”
Before he can nod for her to continue, a portal opens off to the side. One that Gray steps out of in an attire that Zye would categorize as far more normal than his usual. The long, black shorts billow out around his knees. It matches the vest pulled on over a white t-shirt with long sleeves.
Quite the opposite of Ilista in her battle attire. The tails coming off the back of her top flutter behind her as she turns and waves at Gray. He moves over to them. An easy feat considering how tall he is with such long strides.
“Hey, Gray. What are you up to without Yue by your side?”
“Picking up Zye.”
Ilista nods slowly before clapping her hands together. “Then I won’t keep you too long.” She turns back to Zye with a rather serious expression. “Now, tell me, how did you know you really liked Jace? And he said you were the one that pushed it to the next level?”
Zye can’t help growing a bit pink at the memory. It certainly doesn’t help that Gray glances at him and then looks away. As if he knows. Of course, if anyone would, it’d be him. Jace has to talk to someone other than the two of them.
“What in the hell did he tell you?”
“Nothing!” she groans. “It’s why I’m here. So out with it, please? I need advice.”
“Is this about Xer—”
“Ah, ah, don’t. Shush, no. Stop before you jinx it.”
“Alright,” he replies while slowly dragging the word out. “I don’t think that’s how it works.”
Zye takes a deep breath. “If I tell you, will you not tell everyone? If Aster even hints that he knows, I’ll know you said something.”
“Promise. My lips are sealed. Well, between the three of us, anyway.”
Leaning against the banister, Zye glances away from how intensely she stares at him. “Well, he treated me like a person and treated me well. He’s sweet, a little silly considering he didn’t know anything about my world, and he wears his heart on his sleeve.”
“Adorable. And you did?”
“I was drunk.”
Her stare hardens, “You…what? Excuse me?”
“Went out with him, Cal, and Shae. I got drunk. Not super bad, just enough to make a move. He was a total gentleman and didn’t let it go further.”
Ilista huffs and places a hand on her hip, fingers tapping incessantly. “That’s not going to work for me. He doesn’t drink I don’t think…”
“Don’t push it, Ilista. You might scare him off or scare him into it and you don’t want that.”
“The pressure of working with you might not help if you’re too aggressive,” Gray adds in.
“You both suck. Thanks. I’m off. Promised Kerse I’d take her to see Sigil if she trains with me some. Oh and Zye, if you happen to find out if Xerxes has well you know, you’ll give me a hint?”
“If he doesn’t swear me to secrecy. I’m surprised she’s going back to see Sigil.”
“I’ll tell you all about it later.”
“Nope, no. I’m good. If I was meant to know I’d be there. Go have fun and don’t get a big head. She’ll get you.”
Ilista laughs and spins around. The heels of her shoes clack against the floor as she steps away. She waves over her shoulder. “You’re no fun if you don’t gossip. See you later you two!”
Once she’s out of range, Gray opens a portal and holds out a hand toward Zye. Only to retract it once Zye’s curious gaze meets his. He proceeds to step aside so that Zye can enter first without a word. Not that Zye’s sure what else to do or say other than step forward.
He steps through the portal into a very warm and bright living room. The walls are pastel orange with white molding and a fluffy white carpet covering the floor. It almost looks like freshly fallen snow. So soft and beautiful.
A rounded couch sits up against one wall and faces another. There’s no television that he can see. Only two black pieces of what looks to be metal as if to outline where one would be. In front of the couch is a long iron and glass table. Across it are what he thinks are doilies in all colors and sizes.
Gray steps around him as the portal closes. His broad frame cuts off the chance for Zye to see past sliding wooden doors and into the kitchen. He smiles softly and gestures to the couch.
“Yue loves orange and white if you can believe it.”
“I wouldn’t have guessed. Seems like a pink fan.”
“Most people are surprised.”
Gray moves forward even if Zye doesn’t. Zye takes a step and stops. He wonders if Gray would humor him or not. He knows Jace would want them to get along, that’s the best outcome. Still, it feels like he’s missing something.
“You don’t have to tell me if it’s a big secret but why am I here?”
Sitting down on the corner seat, Gray’s long legs manage not to hit the table because of where he chooses. He leans back on the cushion and never loses that calm, stoic composure.
“Solis and Noctis are overwhelming, exhausting, and can be bad for your health if you do not get out from time to time. I tried to tell Jace that for years. Neither I nor Callua could get him to relax away from there.”
“Why do you think it’s important?”
Gray folds his hands onto his lap. “Because you let your work become your life. My people worked hard and endlessly. However, we also knew that at a certain time, the work will stop and we should enjoy the life we’ve been given.”
“Shit…wish I lived there.”
“It was nice even if I lived during a troubling time. Then again, if you had shown up in my world as you are you would have been lorded as our divine sun god’s greatest gift.”
This has Zye moving a bit closer. The conversation is shaving off the nerves bit by bit. “Why?”
“Someone as different as yourself would be treasured, not thrown away. Your appearance is already different than mine, you’re smaller. But would also have some knowledge we would not.”
“I don’t know. I didn’t pay that much attention in school,” he replies while sitting on the other side of the couch. “Do you get along with technology?”
At that, Gray chuckles. “I have to learn. Yue is…not as good with it. This world is rather advanced in some of the devices. They frustrate her when they don’t work the way the world we were in last did.”
Zye glances about the room, slowly taking it all in. There are no hints of what Gray suggests aside from the strange contraption on the wall. “So, it’s just to get me out of Solis for a bit. I guess I can handle that.”
“I apologize if you do not want to talk about it. However, Jace has told me a lot of your world. My sympathies that it was difficult. It’s all the more reason you should take some breaks.”
“It’s alright,” he replies with a shrug. Zye remains seated on the edge, never leaning back or truly getting comfortable. “You come to terms with it. But thanks. I really should make sure I don’t let this work consume me. I have a bad habit of that.”
“Indulge in the people around you. Much like today. I was thinking we could—”
Gray is unceremoniously cut off by a door further away banging open. Footfalls hurry down the hall with a voice echoing ahead of them.
“Right? Jace gave Gray plenty of tips and said he’d come help out when things settle more. I love the flowers the most. They’re gorgeous! I just knew you’d love them too!”
Exiting the hall, Yue and Iris both step into view of the two men. Iris looks no different than she normally does in her usual attire. Yue, however, is in a long white skirt with a matching corset top. The ribbons tying it together on the front and lacing through the back are a light blue. Much like the flower pattern stitched along the bottom of her skirt.
Yue, upon seeing Zye, claps her hands together. “I didn’t know you were bringing him this early.”
“Kerse was finished with him sooner than I expected as well. Usually, she would keep us busy for what felt like days. Her training is intense.”
From behind Yue, Iris gives Zye a small wave. Zye is more than happy to redirect the attention back to them. “What are you two up to?”
Grinning from ear to ear, Yue jabs her thumb over her shoulder. “Painting! I’m trying something new and I thought Iris could help me. Ilista said she used to. But we came to get a couple of aprons just in case. I would hate to get paint on my new dress. I finished it yesterday.”
“J-just a little bit. I’m surprised I can help show you without having the same supplies I had back from my world.”
“Oh, that’s alright. I bring all of my supplies from everywhere. And you’re really good. Right, we should get some snacks. Do you two want to join us?”
Zye can feel her eyes on him even before he meets her gaze. “I, uh, I’m not very good at that stuff. Xerxes was the creative one.”
“Same! But that makes it more fun. Or you could come outside. It’s very nice today. There’s a nice breeze and not a cloud in the sky. We have chairs set up if you want to join us.”
“Yue,” interrupts Gray, “it’s alright.”
Glancing between them, Zye can see the slight disappointment on Yue’s face. Yet she doesn’t seem to want to broach the subject further. Then again, he’s not sure if he wants to be alone in a room with Gray. He knows he’s not the best at this and would hate for things to grow awkward because he can’t keep the conversation going.
“Actually, that does sound nice. Maybe not the painting though.” He turns to Gray to gauge his reaction. “If that’s fine with you.”
Gray sits up. “Are you sure? We don’t have to if you would rather stay inside.”
Zye nods, “I’m sure.”
Gray stands up and waits for Zye to do the same. Iris is already turning to head back out while Yue waits right where she is. Considering how short she is, when Zye comes up to her she tilts her head back. As if to stop Yue from asking anything, Gray passes by them both while patting the top of her head.
“I’ll get you two some aprons. Go ahead and guide our guests to the backyard.”
Yue nods and reaches forward, catching Zye’s wrist in one of her hands with ease. She’s fast and surprisingly forceful with the little tug she gives. It’s only then that he notices the tinkling sounds coming from the silver and gold bangles that dangle from her wrists. There has to be at least six or seven on each one.
The soft noise accompanies her unrelenting grasp as she leads him down the hallway. Stepping out onto the patio, he’s greeted with a beautiful backyard. The grass is a lush, dark green, and looks softer than the carpet. Along the tall, white fencing are beds of flowers and bushes of all kinds.
None of them he recognizes. Not that he should. Still, there are some that resemble ones he would know. Namely, the ones that look like sunflowers save for the fact that they’re a bright crimson with the tips of each petal being a bright blue.
His attention is brought down to the hand that lets go of him. Off of what looks like a cement slab of some kind, Yue hurries across the grass. She plops down on it in front of a short table. Iris is already on the other side splitting up the paper and brushes. All while opening small containers of paint and what looks like chalk.
Immediately, the two ladies begin chatting away. Neither quite commits to working on anything until Gray comes out and shuts the door behind him. He passes by Zye and hands them each an apron, both two different shades of pink.
Once they’re situated, Gray moves next to Zye where a small round table sits between two brown chairs that have a slight lean. They seem more for lounging considering there’s no way to adjust them. Still, Zye finds them comfortable as he takes one of the two seats.
Zye sneaks a glance over at Gray and how he gazes so lovingly at Yue. There’s something so beautiful and soft in the way he doesn’t hide his affection for her. He tries to settle back against the chair and not think about it.
Oh, how he’d kill to be somewhere like this with Jace instead.
“It feels weird to take a break.”
Gray chuckles at the honesty. “It means you should take them more often.”
“Do you mind if I ask you a question? Since you’ve been doing this longer.”
“Go ahead.”
“Are you ever scared?”
That has Gray giving Zye his attention. The brilliant sunlight glints off of the piercing below his bottom lip. He thinks for a moment before daring to give Zye his answer.
“I am scared all of the time. There is so much to be afraid of. Fear, however, is healthy and can remind you to live.”
“I guess so. It’s weird to get a chance like this and it’s still just as dangerous if not more.”
“You worry about Jace? He’s very strong. I do not see him being reckless enough to get hurt.”
Zye turns his eyes to his hands. He wrings them atop his stomach before daring to probe further. “How different is it from when you were alive? Relationships work the same, sure, but it’s not like…living.”
“I do not see the difference other than our time together is longer. Therefore I do not dwell on when she’s not with me. I worry the same. I protect her the same. I love her the same. And I come home to her the very same.”
“You weren’t worried it wouldn’t work out?”
Gray shakes his head with an amused smile across his countenance. “No, not at all. You shouldn’t worry either. Jace cares very deeply for you.” He sits up a bit and reaches over, tapping Zye’s arm. It has their eyes meeting. “Let us try this. You hope things work out between you two and keep growing, yes?”
Those gold and purple eyes seem to stare right through him. They remind him so much of Jace. How easily these men can read the book that he is. It has him wondering if he shouldn’t hide it a bit more. Yet, the sincere smile Gray wears washes any trepidation of the conversation away.
Zye slowly nods, “Yes?”
“Hope is a very scary and painful thing we have. It's worse to not have it. If you have hope, it means there is a chance you will lose what you hope for. If you did not have any, you would not care. That seems more painful to me.”
“You’re pretty wise, you know that?”
Gray laughs; the sound is rich, loud, and deep. Yet doesn’t dare deter the ladies from what they’re doing. “I have been alive a long time. My grandmother was also a woman of great knowledge. I hold onto what she taught me in case someone else needs it.”
“Guess so. Sometimes I feel like everyone else is a lot smarter.”
“A matter of perspective.”
Zye turns his eyes away from Gray. Off in the yard, Yue stands up and spins around. She runs over to them with a piece of paper clutched in her hands. Holding it in front of her, she makes sure she turns toward both of them in turn so they can see it.
To Zye it doesn’t look bad at all. Especially since he didn’t even notice the vase of flowers that was sitting between them on the table. It’s the object of her painting. The vase is a dark shade that makes the long, beautiful white petals stand out as they curl down back toward the stem.
The addition of a few small white puffs around the bottom is rather cute. They have little dabs of blue for eyes and a dash for a nose beneath them.
Even smudged and wet, a bit drippy even, it still has a charm to it with how she’s mixed the colors.
“What do you think?”
Gray smiles softly, “You’re doing well. Very nice.”
“And Zye?”
“It’s pretty.”
His words have her eyes wide and happy. He can only assume it’s because she wants an outside opinion. She rocks back and forth from heel to toe. “Really? You really think so?”
“I do. You should keep at it.”
Yue spins around and runs back to Iris. “Did you hear that? He agreed with you!”
Iris swirls her brush in the small mug of water before her as Yue plops back down across from her. “Because it’s the truth. You’re a quick learner, Yue. Would you mind if I bring a friend with me next time? I think she’d like this.”
“Yes! Everyone is welcome.”
A shift in movement and Gray is standing. He walks around in front of Zye and stops at the door. His voice raises enough to where they all can hear him.
“I’ll get us drinks, would you all like one?”
Iris and Yue both say yes at the same time which leaves Gray turning back to Zye. He shrugs, unsure of what anything even is. It’s not like he can ask for things he knows of.
“Sure. Anything is fine, I’m not picky.”
With Gray gone, Zye fidgets in his seat. Spontaneity is the only reason he’s done a lot of things in his life. No thinking about it. Simply stand up and walk over to where Yue and Iris are giggling between themselves. They both look up as he sits down and folds his legs crisscross beneath the table.
“You win. Deal me in.”
Yue grins wide and hands him a stack of the rather thick paper. She points to the cup of brushes and then one of the three mugs of water they’re using. Each one is a different animal it seems from whatever world they got them from. To Zye, they look like cats and dogs.
Iris smiles over at him and pushes the paints so that they’re between the three of them. “It’s good to relax now and then.”
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By the time the sun is going down, Zye has moved away from the table now that Iris has left. There’s no more painting as he sits in the grass with shoulders slouched and bent forward. The tall, skinny glass that he balances on his thigh is nearly empty. A sip or two of the pink liquid is all that remains as he stares out at the sunset.
Yue has long since left his side as well. She painted with him well after Iris had to go. All of their artworks are scattered across the table and the grass around it. Yue is up on the porch where Gray lounges in one of the chairs. She’s asleep on his lap with her face nuzzled against his chest.
Not that Zye minds. The lack of conversation is comfortable after all of the laughing and chit-chat they had. The slightest tinges of a breeze make the papers flutter where they lay and the wind chimes shift beautifully. The music they make is soft and clear.
A perfect addition to the way the departing sun paints the sky in all of the hues ranging from a deep blue to the softest pink. It reminds him of the fact that he’s spent all afternoon here. Not that it’d seem like that long if he had been in Solis.
Regardless, he’s enjoyed himself. It’s nice. Pleasant even.
From behind he can hear the back door open and shut. Shortly after is Gray’s voice, soft in an effort not to stir Yue from her nap right yet. “How did it go?”
Jace strides closer and then steps into the grass. “We’re still trying to decide. Maybe get eyes in there and see what can be done.”
“I understand. Be cautious.”
“We will,” Jace says while walking over to Zye. He looks down as Zye tilts his head back. Gazes catching each other, he watches as Zye places his cup on the table and rises to his feet. “Are you ready to go?”
Zye nods slowly, his eyes wander over to the way Gray begins to sit up. He cradles Yue in his arms with the utmost care. Their love is beautiful and appears so pure. They don’t hide just how much they feel for one another.
Not when Yue’s lashes flutter open and she smiles. Gray brushes her bangs out of her eyes as she leans into the touch. He helps her stand up, doting on her when she sways before getting her balance. They’re heading toward the door when Zye turns his attention back to Jace.
The light casts a warm glow around Jace’s silhouette. It contrasts with the slight shimmer of the portal he opens to the side of them. The colors mimic that of the sunset gradually fading into darker shades before him.
It’s painfully obvious to Zye just what and who he is.
He’s always tried so hard to emulate Shae; he was outgoing, charming, and his smile would hook someone in before they had a chance to leave.
Lyra taught him to be sturdy and smile through the pain, don’t let them see how much damage they’ve done. They don’t deserve that power.
Callua reminded him, and still does, to try. To not let whatever speed bump is in his way to stop him. He shouldn’t give up.
And Jace…he can’t stop the smile from touching his countenance at the thought. A single chance he never thought he’d get. A once in a lifetime opportunity to have something that’s romantically unconditional unlike all of those other people he tried with.
He won’t say it aloud, but Yue was right.
Drown the doubts, embrace what he knows, and let it carry him. He has the faith and hope that this will be fine. If it’s not? Well, he’s going to enjoy every single moment.
Life carries on and he doesn’t want to miss any more of it.
Zye catches Jace’s wrist as he steps around Zye and toward the portal. He gently tugs enough for Jace to stop and turn to him. Jace’s lips part, as if to ask what’s wrong, when Zye persists. He yanks Jace up to him and cups his other hand to Jace’s cheek.
Their noses brush together as Zye kisses him. Despite how forceful it seems at the start, the second their lips touch it grows soft. The featherlight touch lasts only a breath or two before Zye pulls back.
He touches their foreheads together as he does. All while his hand glides over Jace’s jaw and slips away. Zye is already away with one foot in the portal when Jace glances over at him.
“Zye? I thought—”
“Don’t care anymore. I should be glad I can do that if I want to.”
Jace stares after him even as he disappears through the portal. He’s more than confused. Zye would never, not in front of other people, and yet he did.
It’s a step that he never wanted to push Zye to make lest he’s uncomfortable. Everyone has different preferences and he’s fine with that. Showing any affection in public is hardly an ordeal for Jace even though he knows it was for Zye.
“Gray, did you…?”
Nodding toward the portal, Gray begins to slip into the house. “You should go.”
Jace whips his head back around to see a hand sticking out of the portal. Zye’s fingers wiggle, beckoning him over. One he can’t ignore at that and eagerly takes the hand that’s offered. Leaving the world behind, he steps through to enter his room in Solis.
The energy shifts and dissipates behind him. Before him, Zye yawns and moves through the bedroom to the large hammock-style bed. Jace can’t get a word out before Zye is tugging his shirt over his head.
Zye tosses the shirt to the ground and begins unbuttoning his pants next. “Yeah, gonna get some sleep. I almost passed out before you showed up. If you have stuff to do, it’s fine.”
Jace strides over with a shake of his head. “No, no plans. Sleep sounds good.”
Glancing over his shoulder, Zye smirks at him. “Then let’s test this crazy bed of yours”
The coat is what he takes off first while Zye is kicking his shoes and pants off. “Did you want clothes?”
“Nope. As long as someone can keep his wandering hands to himself, we’ll be fine.”
“I don’t think I’m the problem.”
Zye turns around, arms crossed over his chest. “Seriously? You’re not the problem? We’ll see about that.”
Jace chuckles and continues to strip down to his underwear. They’re just as snug as the pants. Something Zye has to look away from and busy himself with climbing up onto the bed. An easy feat in theory considering he’s tall.
A terribly difficult feat when it shifts every time he moves on it. After a few tries, he manages to get on with Jace moving over to make sure he doesn’t bust his ass. Once he’s under the blanket Jace hands him, Jace is eager to join Zye.
Zye winks as Jace settles in under the cover with him. At first, it’s nothing strange. Except Zye isn’t content with that. He holds onto Jace’s wrist and brings him closer until they’re a mess of legs tangled together under the blanket. The softness of the mattress cocoons around them as Zye curls up against Jace with his face buried against Jace’s neck.
Warmth couples with the fingers slowly walking up and down his back. The sensation lulls him deeper into the arms of sleep. There’s no fear of nightmares or danger. Not with Jace here to keep them away.
Jace lies there, rubbing Zye’s back until he can feel the mental connection they’ve established begin to wane. When he can’t feel like he can reach out to Zye, he knows he’s asleep. It’s only then that he exhales out his nose, focuses on the light to force it to turn off, and closes his eyes.