It doesn’t surprise Jace that he’s the first to wake. If anything, he’s glad they all manage to fit on the bed comfortably. Somewhere along the line, Callua ended up in the middle and using Jace’s arm as her pillow. Not that he minds.
After all, it’s better than being Callua. Zye is curled up against her side with his face nuzzled into the pillow that she’s shoved away. One of his arms drapes over her chest, able to reach Jace, while the other is tucked beneath him.
None of it looks particularly comfortable and yet Jace is sure he hasn’t slept this well in a very long time. Hoping it’s the same for them, he begins to slip his arm out from under Callua. Once he has, Jace sits up and swings his legs over the side of the bed.
He adjusts the t-shirt back down to the waistband of his long shorts. He has things to do— people to check up on. Far too busy sending messages back and forth to Celeste and Gray, he doesn’t notice the woman behind him stirring.
She pokes at the middle of his back. When he doesn’t respond, she dares to do it to his side next. Jace immediately reaches down and grabs her hand.
“Let’s not start that.”
“You were the one ignoring me.”
Turning to her, he can see that Zye is slowly sitting up as well with a yawn. He’s rubbing at his eyes while Callua remains lounging among the blankets. She smiles up at him and crosses her arms behind her head.
“What’s on the docket for today?”
“I’ll go welcome Celeste and Orion over. I know how to do that much. The Mark is in the other room if you’d like different clothing.”
Zye drags himself up to his feet. He throws the cover over Callua as he does. “I’ll get changed and check on Kerse.”
“Then we’ll meet you there. She should have information for us if nothing else,” replies Jace.
He watches Zye give a wave over his shoulder before disappearing beyond the curtains. Once he does, Callua is up and scooting over to him. She slaps her hands down onto his shoulders.
It’s not often that she dares show her skills in working out the tension from someone. Something he wishes she’d do more often. It feels heavenly to have her fingers kneed against the knots.
“You shouldn’t be so tense when things are going well.”
“You’re not wrong.”
“I’m serious. Relax a little.”
“I am.”
Callua huffs, glancing up as Zye returns wearing a pair of light-blue jeans and a violet crop top. To say he’s getting tired of wearing the same thing would be an understatement. Their eyes meet and he shakes his head.
“Lucky. I’d kill for a massage.”
She sticks her tongue out at him. “Too bad. Only for Jay because he works so hard.”
A lighthearted glare touches his countenance as he sticks his tongue out at her in return. He only stops once she returns to her task. Once she has, he gives a wave over his shoulder as he makes for the door.
Jace tilts his head and leans forward, allowing Callua all of the room she needs to work more tension from his body. Yet when Zye leaves, he can feel her beginning to pull away. She’s not as invested in doing it as she was a second ago.
“You really are head over heels aren’t you?”
The tone is so soft and gentle that it catches him off guard. Even more so than the strange saying he doesn’t quite know the meaning of.
“I still don’t understand all these phrases you use.”
“You’re smitten.”
“Yes…you could say that. What brings this up?”
“Nothing really. I’m almost of jealous how sweet it is. I’m glad all of this hasn’t stopped you two from feeling for each other.”
She pats his shoulders and slips around him, sliding off the end of the bed. Jace watches her back as she stands and stretches.
“All done! I’ll be out in a second and meet you all there.”
There’s an inkling that has him feeling that she really does mean it. He can only assume she could be afraid she’ll fall to the side compared to their relationship. Not that he’d ever intend for that to happen.
Even so, that’s hardly the most trying of the thoughts he has to deal with. Jace leans forward and drags his hands up over his face. It’s going to be a long day full of dealing with everyone.
Jace rises and hurries to where he left his clothes. Knowing they’d need a change of them, he already prepared his in advance. While Callua gets dressed in the other room, so does he in this one. Back into his usual attire, he clips the jacket on and puts his hair up into the bandanna.
As he does, Callua slips an arm out between the draperies and waves it up and down. “Are you dressed?”
The remainder of her emerges past the curtains. Unlike her usual attire of blues and blacks, she dons a simple, thin-strapped dress. It flows down to her knees in a creamy white with pale yellow flowers speckled across it.
She smiles and pats his arm as she walks by. “Then you go get them and I’ll see you there.”
Jace stares at the door that’s left open. There’s so much to be done and it starts today. It’s a quick jot out and down the stairs. No one pays him any mind as he goes up to the mirror and places his hand on it. A message to Orion later and there’s a portal beginning to appear beside him.
It’s different than the other portals. This one is a mixture of both types. A rift that combines both the sunset and sunrise until it’s merely a swirl of colorful energy. From it, emerges Orion and Celeste.
Smiling and giving a wave, Celeste beckons Jace over. “Lead the way.”
A nod and he guides them up the stairs and away from the prying eyes of the loitering Dark Stars. Not that Jace pays them any mind. He’s far too busy taking them to Zye’s door— Hax’s door.
One message and a knock has Zye opening the door with a sigh. He holds it all the way open so that they can enter. Not that Jace is sure he wants to at the sight of Callua standing by the end of the bed. Kerse sits on it in a pair of baggy beige shorts and a tank top cut short around her ribs.
She rolls her eyes at the way Callua gestures angrily at her. “I’m only saying you can do more with it.”
“Not all of us want to fight!”
“Then be a damsel in distress forever.”
“Fuck you!”
“Fuck you, too, princess. No wonder Charm raved about you. Miss goody-goody.”
“No wonder she complained about you, trouble child.”
Zye shuts the door behind the three of them once they’re inside. “Please, break them up. I’m getting a headache and they act like I’m not here.”
Celeste smiles sweetly and makes their way to where Kerse sits. They kneel on the edge of the bed and reach out their hands for Kerse. “I’m back, Keke.”
Kerse purses her lips, almost daring to try and refuse. Yet she can’t. She takes one of Celeste’s hands in her own. The gentle squeeze she gives Celeste’s fingers says more than words ever could.
Zye notices the way Orion looks around and gives a shrug. “No chairs. I don’t know what that idiot was thinking. So, sit where you want.”
“You haven’t made this yours yet?”
“No. I let Keke stay in here.”
“You can’t call me that,” she interrupts with a glare.
“Sure, whatever.” Zye turns to give Orion and Jace his complete attention. “No. Talk first and tomorrow I’ll take care of Hax.”
“What happens to him?” asks Kerse.
Orion doesn’t hesitate in his response. “He’ll become mortal before going into the cycle.”
She furrows her brow and lowers her gaze. Jace catches the anger in her eyes but doesn’t dare ask her about it. She’d be furious if he did and surely run away. What does surprise Jace is that Orion tackles the subject for him.
“I don’t like it either. However, it’s what he wants and it can’t be healthy for Zye to be holding another soul inside of him.”
Callua crosses her arms beneath her bosom. “From where I’m from, containing a soul would kill someone.”
“Precisely. Besides, he needs your training, Kerse.”
“What if I say no?”
Celeste scoots a little closer, their shoulders brushing together. “That’s up to you, Keke. If you’d like to stop and follow Hax, you can as well now that you’re not an Infernal.”
Zye slinks away from the group and over to Callua. She smiles at him as he mutters under his breath to her. “Pretty sure anyone can quit when they want unless the big guns upstairs are assholes.”
Orion catches it and shoots him a look, “Language.”
Jace is quick to stop things from going further. They’re here for a reason and shouldn’t be wasting time. He moves closer to the bed and catches Kerse’s gaze from the corner of her eye.
“Kerse, can you tell us anything about Soren and those that are around him that we should know? Also, how are you feeling?”
She keeps her eyes on the blanket beneath her legs that criss-cross. Zye watches Orion move closer as well and he can’t handle it. Slipping over to them, he shoos both Jace and Orion away from the bed.
“Okay, that’s fine. Back up first and let her talk. Sit on the floor if you have to. We’re all equals here.”
Jace is the first to oblige, understanding that all of them towering over her with expecting gazes isn’t the best method. He goes to lean against the wall while Callua moves away entirely, merely watching the exchange. Orion idles until Zye pushes on his shoulder, urging him to sit on the bed across from Celeste.
“There, better?”
Kerse gives no answer. Instead, she begins with a soft admission. “I want to apologize first.”
Celeste pats their clasped hands. “You weren’t in your—”
“No. It was a piece of me that had full control. One I need to work on so that it never happens again. If it does, I expect a proper punishment.” The squeeze she gives Celeste is followed by a question to them. “How did Soren hurt you so badly?”
“I didn’t know who he was. I was foolish to trust him so easily. But he was sweet. Quite the charmer. I couldn’t see him for what he was.”
“Gross… His ability to see ahead a few seconds isn’t all there is. He can link with someone and connect their sight, only with those that allow him to. I think he could still force it on someone weaker.”
“That would mean we need to be careful what we’re talking about and where. He could have eyes anywhere,” states Jace.
Kerse nods slowly. “Thanks to Ren, he can also use his blood. I’m not sure how, but he can use it to create a way to see through it wherever he left it. It’s not…I think it’s a new technique.”
She pauses before continuing, slowly sliding her hand away from Celeste’s so that her hands rest in her lap.
“He’s been training it. Ayre is his guard dog and she doesn’t cleanse. She might hate her magic, but she’ll use it for him. Take her out and he’s easy to handle. Ren isn’t a problem.”
Orion hums in thought. “That’s easy enough. It means she’ll have a sole focus that’s driving her. Can you guess what it is?”
“No. I hated that bitch. It’d be easier to get your hands on Ren. He might like pain and be with Soren, but he doesn’t want to die. As far as I know, he sneaks back here and cleanses unlike everyone else.”
Kerse lifts her eyes to meet with Callua’s, forcing the green-haired woman to speak her mind. “Do we get a thank you?”
“I’ll thank you by putting my fist through Soren’s face.”
That has a smile lifting Callua’s lips. “I change my mind. I like her, she can stay.”
“You’re as bad as her, that’s why,” replies Zye with a shake of his head.
“Is that all you need?”
They all turn back to Kerse with Orion tapping a hand against his leg. There’s so much they still need to know. Information she surely can’t give them.
“How many locations does Soren have?”
“As far as I know? One. You all know where it is since you attacked it before.”
“And he won’t relocate if we do it again?”
“I don’t know. He doesn’t fear any of you. He hates everyone above him. Specifically Charm and Hax, and they’re gone. He’ll have new targets now.”
“Why?” questions Orion.
“I wasn’t there. Hax thought he was immature and didn’t talk about it further. Charm…wasn’t very nice about their training.”
Celeste nods. “That does sound like her. She probably didn’t understand that she even upset him, to begin with.”
“It also makes sense,” Orion chimes in. “You treat everyone equally, Kerse, therefor he more than likely thought he could use you.”
“It’s a compliment.”
“A weird one.”
“Did you see him fight at all firsthand?”
“No. Like I said, Ayre handles all of that.”
Seeing as that’s all they’ll be getting out of her, Jace pushes away from the wall. He gestures for Zye to follow him. “You all can relax here. I’m going to show Zye around.”
Zye isn’t the only one who trails along behind Jace as he leaves the room. Orion is quick to hurry after them while also hovering his hand on the door frame, keeping the door from shutting so he can go back in.
“Wait a moment,” he calls after them.
Zye glances back first.
“Celeste and I agree with you and when we send Hax on, we’ll connect the realms. For now, if you’d like I can show you a few things in regards to the mirror.”
Jace half-turns and takes Zye’s hand, urging him forward. “That’d be helpful, thank you.”
The door clicks shut as Orion pulls away, satisfied that he can tag along. Jace remains at the front while they head down the stairs. All the while, his hand remains firmly clasped with Zye’s. Even if he has to reach back for him, he does so.
He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t happy that Zye continues to hold his hand even as they hit the first floor. Over to the mirror, Zye remains by his side despite the growing stares.
Everyone is looking once Orion steps up to the mirror. There are even some coming out of their rooms and leaving their training to take a look. A fact that has Zye struggling to focus on what Orion is saying and the motions he’s making on the surface of the mirror.
“Whatever you need done it will assist you in performing. You’ll be able to put up notices that will reach every Dark Star. I’d suggest doing one soon about the change in leadership, preferably before you let Kerse out.”
“She can leave whenever she wants,” remarks Zye. He’s talking to Orion and yet his eyes are over the shorter man’s shoulder.
So many people of all shapes and sizes.
“Then the sooner the better that you both get this done. You can also send messages to those above us, The Divine.”
“Sounds snooty.” Zye’s gaze slips back to the two men to see how they look at him, incredulous that he said that. “What? It does. What are they supposed to be? Angels?”
Orion thinks for a moment before shaking his head. “No, those with that moniker aren’t anywhere in our jurisdiction.”
“God, I hate this place. What else?”
“They may not answer quickly, still they will answer. It’s no different than I’ve instructed you before. Except now, the mirror will respond to you. You can also touch the one in Noctis except it won’t have the same capabilities as the one in your domain.”
“Thank you,” says Jace with a nod. “If we have any further questions, I’ll come to you.”
“Or Kerse. She might be willing to help if we’re not available.” Orion steps away from the mirror and pushes his hands into the pockets of his jacket. “I’m going to return to Noctis and prepare a message about connecting the realms. We have eyes on Soren’s location, so rest easy. I’ll see you both later.”
A portal flares to life a few steps away from them. While Orion leaves, Zye bumps their joined hands against Jace. “Now what?”
Jace leans inward and his voice softens. “I’ll put out the notice later. For now, there’s someone I want you to meet if you don’t mind.”
“Uh, sure, that’s fine.”
“If anyone makes a scene feel free to back up, I can handle it.”
“Why would they?”
Jace begins to guide him over to the large sitting area catty-cornered to the side of the room.
“Because the realms don’t cross yet. Bringing someone from the other realm isn’t allowed.”
“That sucks.”
“Which is why we’re fixing it.”
From the growing crowd, Jace is careful not to get too close. Only enough that Gray can see him approach and make his way over. He parts through the crowd easily enough considering how tall he is. At his side, is the same young woman Zye saw all that time ago— Ilista’s friend, Yue. Gray stops before them with her clinging to his arm.
Jace gestures to Zye, finally letting go of his hand. “I’d like to finally introduce you to Zye. Zye, this is Gray, a very dear friend of mine.”
While Zye knows he’s tall in his own right, Gray is a skyscraper in comparison. The man seems impossibly large compared to the dainty Yue at his side. Not only that, but Gray isn’t wearing much as always. It leaves all of his scars on display— something that has Zye curious yet also respectfully looking away from.
Gray smiles as he bows, bending at the waist before Zye. He holds out his hand, palm up expectantly. At first, Zye is stunned in more ways than one. Until Jace leans over, whispering under his breath.
“He’s greeting you how his people do, it doesn’t do anything.”
“Ah, right.”
Zye places his hand atop Gray’s. He’s not watching how Gray places his other hand over Zye’s and straightens up. Zye is far too taken aback by the small horns peaking out of the pale purple strands. Not to mention the round, gold piercing below Gray’s lower lip.
Standing before Zye, he keeps that soft smile on his countenance. It alone can convince Zye that his man would never hurt a fly— at least, aside from their duty. Purple and gold eyes stare down at Zye, holding his gaze.
“I, as well as the rest of us, await your first message. We’ll do our utmost to support you and look forward to being in your domain.”
“Th-that’s a little formal, you don’t have to.”
“Do you mind if I inform the others here?”
“Our new Infernals. It would be my honor to do so.”
Zye glances over at Jace. A nod from him has Zye doing the same and wishing Gray would let go of his hand. “Sure, why not?”
The top hand slips away first with the bottom following shortly after. It leaves a lingering warmth that Zye is quick to shake off by shoving his hands into his pockets.
On the other hand, Gray is already turning around with a sweeping gesture back toward the two of them. Finally, Zye can see all of the different peoples that form the collective that are the Dark Stars. Regardless of their appearance, they share a single thing in common— their soul has been given this opportunity.
Gray glances back at them once before he begins. “My friends, it is sad we have lost our previous Infernals. Stepping up to carry on their duty are Jace and Zye. I hope you’ll assist me in welcoming them?”
There are a few voices from the crowd murmur ‘yes’ in response while others give short claps. Those who do nothing merely nod and smile, surely eager to get back to their duties now that their curiosity has been sated.
Turning to Jace, he bows his head low. “We look forward to working together with you both.”
Jace keeps his volume low while the crowd of people disperse. It’ll only be a matter of time before word has spread to those that aren’t here. Even if there are many of them, word travels fast.
“Thank you for that. Your reputation with everyone here will help them accept this without fuss more than you know.”
Gray shakes his head as he straightens back up. He holds out a hand and it has Yue eager to return to his side. “It’s my pleasure. You’ve done so much for us.”
A large grin touches her soft, cherubic cheeks as she saddles up against Gray. Her arms wrap around one of his as she locks eyes with Zye.
“I see you figured it out. If I’d known it was Jace I’d have kidnapped you for him a long time ago.”
“Thanks again, for what you said.”
Jace glances between them, surprised to say the least. “I didn’t know you two knew each other.”
“Yup! Gray, he’s the sad guy I told you about. The one Ilista was watching over.”
Brow furrowing, Zye’s lips draw into a thin line. “I wasn’t— never mind. Are you staying long?”
“Nope, not at all. We came to see you two and then it’s off to Ili before going back. As safe as it might be, I’d rather be home. Jace helped us find a really nice place and we haven’t had any problems since leaving the last safe house.”
“That sounds nice.”
Zye shifts uncomfortably under her scrutinizing gaze. Only a breath passes before she squeezes Gray’s arm.
“Oh, I know. You both should come visit. A housewarming party. Everyone else can come too if you want to invite them.”
“That sounds nice. I’d offer to bring something but I’m not sure what. Usually in my world, I’d bring you food.”
Jace nudges Zye’s arm, enjoying the way he squirms beneath the attention. “He’s shy, but his cooking skills are excellent.”
“Then you must come and cook with me for the party! I mean, after all of this is done. That way everyone has a chance to make it. I know Ili would love to.”
“I, uh, look forward to it then,” Zye replies while nudging Jace back. “Any dress code?”
At that, her eyes seem to sparkle. It’s the only time she lets go of Gray of her own accord. If only to clap her hands together.
“No, but if you want me to make one I can. Oh, I could even make all our outfits.” Yue takes a step closer, leaning as high up on her tiptoes as she can manage. “And since we’re friends, I’d even do your wedding.”
“Wh-what?” Zye can’t help but sputter. The words have his brain skipping and mouth going dry. It’s not what he expected her to say.
Jace chuckles with a glance to Gray, a subtle signal. “We appreciate it, Yue, but we’re not there yet.”
Her heels hit the ground as she tilts her head, gazing rather quizzically at him. “Why not? You love each other, right?”
Gray places a hand on her bare shoulder, this thumb rubbing softly at the skin. “Yue, we need to get going. I promised Adrian we’d go out for dinner and we both need to change beforehand.”
“Oh, poop. Okay. We’ll talk later, Zye!”
As Gray ushers her away, Jace pats Zye’s back. “Sorry. She speaks her mind. I’d be careful what topics she gets into.”
“It’s fine. I’ll just die of embarrassment when I’m around her. I can feel it. She’s on a whole other level than Shae.”
Jace’s hand moves from Zye’s back to his arm, going down until he can reach the fingers that eagerly grasp onto his. He lets out a small laugh while tugging Zye forward.
“That she is. Now, come on. Let’s continue the tour.”
They move past all of the seating to where tall doors are slotted along the back wall. Jace begins to point to them in turn.
“Sometimes they relax out here. Otherwise, that’s the door that leads to the training area. It has everything you can imagine; terrains, biomes, and it’s enormous.”
“Wait…does Noctis have one?”
“Asshats didn’t let me see theirs.”
Someone from behind them chuckles, yet neither bothers to glance back to find out who. Jace merely continues.
“That would have meant going down to be around the other Stars and Orion wouldn’t have wanted that.”
“Yeah, sure. Next?”
“The other doors are ones everyone uses to get to their own designated space.”
“Like little pocket dimensions.”
Jace thinks for a moment before he recalls the memory. “Yes, that’s what Hax called them as well.”
“Can I use them? Or is it just for these guys?”
“You can if you want to reach Kerse or Callua. Or even Gray. However, it might be easier to send them a message and have them come to you. There’s a large influx of people in and out at any time.”
“Got it, don’t get run over.”
Jace smiles over at him. “That’s it. We can go into the training room another day. I wouldn’t want you to get swarmed right now.”
“Then should we rejoin Kerse?”
“More than likely. You might change it, but we should make sure no one is breaking anything.”
To say he’s happy to leave the glances and stares would be an understatement. And yet, as they get to the top of the stairs, Jace stops. Zye steps up and looks over to him.
“What’s wrong?”
“Would you like to go to Noctis instead?”
Zye shrugs. “I don’t really want to do either if I’m being honest.”
“What do you want to do then?”
Continuing for the door, Zye laughs. To him, it’s so stupid in comparison to what they’re up against. There’s no room for folly.
“You don’t wanna know.”
Jace moves quickly to tug Zye away from the door he’s about to open. His hand slips up to gently hold Zye’s wrist. “I do want to know. What is it?”
Rolling his eyes, Zye turns back around. He lets out a huff before the words tumble from his lips. “Fine. Yue said wedding and all I can think about is you in a suit. You’d look amazing in one and I’m trying to figure out how to get you in one without having to propose.”
“Ask? I’ll get one, easy as that.”
“Don’t tell Yue about it— anyone about it.”
“She’d make one better than I can find.”
“But I won’t hear the end of it from her. Unless you make sure it has nothing to do with that.”
Jace tugs at the thin wrist that tries to pull away, to seek shelter in the company inside the room and get away from the conversation. That and get away from admitting what was going through his mind.
“Once we take care of these loose ends, before anything else happens how about we do something? Only the two of us. We don’t even have to leave one of our rooms if you don’t want to.”
Zye grins at him in reply, “I’m listening. You had me at the two of us.”
“I’m being serious, Zye. I’ve changed my mind.”
“No. No, not like that. I mean about what I didn’t want to say to you yet. I shouldn’t put off what I should be saying now.”
Staring at him, a bit slack-jawed, Zye takes a moment to process what Jace is saying. “You’re gonna kill me. You could have surprised me and said, hey, want to go out on a date?”
Jace smiles sweetly in return. A warm expression that has Zye wishing they didn’t have to go into a room filled with other people.
“Would you go out on a date with me?”
Zye shakes his head, smiling from ear to ear. “You’re lucky I love you.”
Until he realizes the words that slid out of his mouth. The look on Jace’s face is hardly one that should have him nervous. Yet, Zye can’t help wanting to cover his ass. He grabs the collar of Jace’s coat and yanks him forward.
The kiss is chaste and hardly satisfying. It does do the job of surprising Jace further. He can’t react fast enough. Zye is already turning around and opening the door.
“We’re back.”
Neither is quite surprised to see both Celeste and Callua sitting on the bed while Kerse paces the floor in front of them. She half-turns toward the door, one hand on her hand.
“Good. Tell them I’m fine and they can leave.”
“I…don’t think I can do that?”
“You can. It’s your room.”
“Not technically.” Zye steps in further to allow Jace entrance as well. “Are they being mean to you?”
The teasing tone has Kerse’s eye twitching. It’s still more bearable than what she’s had to put up with while they were gone. “The opposite.”
Callua huffs and stands, smoothing her hands out over her dress. “I offered her to stay in my room if she doesn’t want to make hers yet. It’s a lot to process and it’s not right to throw her into it after she’s been in a mental prison for Gods knows how long.”
“I’m. Fine.”
Celeste nods, “I agree. We should keep an eye on her.”
“Now you people want to look at me? Leave me alone.”
Kerse throws her hands up and storms off to the cleansing room. They all watch her leave before Zye dares to voice what he’s thinking.
“You two are going to smother her if you’re not careful. She can stay one more night…day…God, I hate this place. I need a damn clock.”
Callua begins to walk past them, garnering Zye’s eyes to follow her. “Then if I’m not needed, I’m going to see Xerxes.” Passing Jace, she pats him on the arm. “Come with me.”
While they make their way out, Celeste turns their head toward where Kerse ran off.
“If you don’t mind, I’d like to stay as long as I can.”
“That’s fine. Let me go get her to come back out.”
“Thank you,” they mumble softly as he walks away.
Zye isn’t sure what else to do anyway. Celeste didn’t go after her and Callua left with Jace. It leaves him to figure out what to do next. Something he’s used to.
Pushing past the drapers, he finds Kerse sitting at the edge of the water with her legs crossed. Her stare is locked on the still water even as he comes up beside her.
“You okay?”
“They’re all annoying.”
“Yeah, they can be. Does that mean I’m not?”
“You’re weak, not annoying.”
Zye sits down, balancing the heels of his tennis shoes on the edge. “I’ll take it. So, you really can stay here for another day…cycle…what do you call them?”
“Hax called them days so I do too.”
“Finally, someone that’s normal.”
“I mean it. At least, more than than when I met Orion. At first, I thought he was an emotionless robot.”
Kerse laughs; deep, rich, and honest. A noise he hasn’t heard come out of her since they met. “Wait till you get him flustered or pissed off. Then you realize he’s not.”
“Something you’d help me with?”
Silence settles between them for a moment. One that’s both comfortable and anxious. Kerse drums her fingers along the tile with a slight rock and bob to her body. As if she’s listening to a tune that no one else can hear. Finally, she speaks up.
“Are you getting rid of all his stuff?”
“I guess I could go through it. Any research we should save. Otherwise, you can have what you want. It’s not mine to decide.”
“I want his books.”
“Then we need to get your room ready, huh? I could ask if they’d give it back to you. Oh! Maybe make you a Keeper?”
Kerse finally turns to look at him. Their eyes connect and he can see the tumultuous waves of emotions going through her. Those ruby eyes look like they’ll flood over any second.
“I don’t want it. Not unless I earn it.”
“I’m sure Jace would say you’ll earn it quick enough.” Standing with a grunt, Zye stretches his arms behind his back. “Now let’s get those books moved over. I’ll even help you.”
Kerse begrudgingly rises as well. “Jace smiles more around you, I haven’t seen him do that. Unless Charm praised him for lasting longer than usual in training.”
“I don’t like owing people. I keep the books, you get information.”
“Oh, uh, okay.”
“I also owe you both my life meaning—”
“Wait, no. Please don’t. Live your life, don’t owe us nothing like that.”
Kerse slowly nods and turns. She begins to walk away. If Zye was a betting man, he’d say she’s got a bit of pep in her step. When he doesn’t follow, she glares back at him.
“Come on. He has a lot of books.”
Zye rolls his eyes and hurries to catch up. “Yay, I’m so excited.”