It’s taken Zye a lot of thought to decide to get Jace a gift. It’s not about doing so and deciding what he should purchase. The real problem is when to give it. He’s gone back and forth with the decision until he’s nearly driven himself crazy.
Ultimately, he knows it doesn’t matter when he does it. Jace is the only one he’s gotten anything for. Then again, it’s the only thing he saw and knew he had to get. He knows he can play it off easy enough, he just has to get Jace here. And soon before anyone else gets home— namely Shae and his new lover for the day.
A ping on his phone has Zye knowing already that Jace is here and it has him rushing for the door. Sock-clad feet slide over the tile with his shoulder bumping against the wall on the way. Fingers flick the lock and turn the knob, opening it quick enough that it surprises even Jace.
He gives a small smile. “Hey there. In a hurry?”
“To get you in here, yeah. I got a surprise for you.”
Stepping inside, Jace begins to take off his shoes while shutting the door behind him. “Now I’m curious. Is that why you were so pushy about me coming over today?”
Zye takes a few steps back. His hands balance on the waistband of the low-riding jeans. He waits for Jace to tug the strings loose so that he can leave his boots by Zye’s worn-out sneakers. “You can thank me for it later. Besides, I’m taking you out later anyway. That movie you wanted to see just came out.”
“Then lead the way.”
Which he does. Zye takes him straight through the living room and to his bedroom. It’s a failsafe in case Shae does make it back early. There, Jace takes a seat on the edge of the bed. He waits and watches as Zye moves to the closet and retrieves a box.
It’s plain white with a deep blue ribbon wrapped around each side to where it forms a large bow on top. Zye doesn’t hand it to him, oh no, he sets it down next to Jace and steps back. Hands in his pockets, Zye nods toward it.
“Have at it.”
Jace turns and tugs at the ribbon. Slowly it begins to unravel to where he can lift the top off of the box. All the while, Zye is trying not to feel anxious about it.
“I figured since I don’t know when your birthday is, I can make up for it now. Well, that and so I can repay you for the jacket.”
“You didn’t have to.”
“Neither did you.”
“Hey, I could have saved it for Christmas and really screwed you up because you wouldn’t have known you were getting something.”
Jace pauses as he lifts the lid, eyes flickering over to Zye. “What’s…that?”
“Oh right…uh…Well, let’s just call it a reason to get together and exchange gifts. But we’re not doing that this year. Just cooking up a big ass meal here and playing some games.” Zye spares a hand to rub at the back of his neck. “You’re invited, of course.”
He’s trying to dance around the very obvious reason he wants to give Jace a gift now versus later. The main one being he doesn’t know if he’s going to make it that long. He’s not sure if the treatments will help or if he’s just going to fall over. Then again, he knows what Callua would tell him.
That he shouldn’t live life that way.
But he can’t help it. He wants to watch as Jace returns to the package and begins to pull out the item. Those silver eyes widen just enough for Zye to know he’s surprised. It takes a moment for him to unfold all of it and stand up so he can hold it out.
It’s a dazzling coat. Of course, it’s more cloak than an actual coat. There are no sleeves and it’ll reach down to Jace’s knees if he wears it. Due to it not being a traditional coat, it gives a perfect view of the inside that sparkles like a rainbow cast through a diamond against the cobalt-colored material.
What Zye truly loves about it is the black, faux feathering that goes all around the edges. From the bottom to the top. It even goes up along the hood that’s sewn into it. If he’s honest, he thought it’d look great on Jace— especially draping off those broad shoulders.
Jace is taken with it as well. He can’t seem to stop inspecting it. It folds over his arm and then back into the box as he returns to his seat. His fingers linger on the fluff along the bottom edge— it’s so soft. “I really like it.”
“I know you don’t need anything like that but I just thought it’d suit you.”
“Zye, I love it. Thank you. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like this.”
Satisfied, Zye moves forward. “I’m glad.”
“When’s yours? Since you don’t want me to surprise you with a gift on whatever that is.”
“It’s already past. Not another chance until next year, sorry.” He pushes the box away and plops down next to Jace. “April seventeenth.”
There’s a streak of disappointment that crosses Jace’s face. “I don’t think I can wait that long. Close your eyes I have just the thing. It’ll do for now.”
“Haaa…you know I can’t say no. Stupid man.” Zye closes his eyes and waits. “Well? What are you waiting for?”
Jace can’t help but smile. His boyfriend is far too impatient for his own good. Turning, he brushes his fingertips along Zye’s jaw until he cups them at his chin. It’s then that he dips his head forward. Their lips brush together in a gentle kiss that has Zye chuckling softly when Jace is already pulling away.
“What’s so funny?”
Zye opens his eyes and takes Jace’s hand in his. “Nothing. It was sweet. One of the best gifts.”
“Tell me, what’s the best gift you've gotten?”
It’s a bittersweet smile. One with downcast eyes and fingers that curl against Jace’s for comfort. The warmth he gets from it makes it easier to remember. “Well, I guess that’d be my sixteenth birthday. I was having a lot of problems so my mom sat me down and we had a little party. Just the two of us.”
“That’s sweet.”
“Her gift to me was my dad’s wedding ring. You see, he died in an accident the night before I was born. They got married in secret since the family didn’t approve. Being with a Chroma would dampen their reputation.”
Jace squeezes Zye’s hand. “I’m so sorry. I guess you have it locked away for safekeeping?”
“Yup! I keep it in a black velvet box in my dresser. It has my mom’s ring in there with it. It’s actually stupid and corny but on the inside, it says ‘love’ on his and ‘forever’ on hers.”
“That’s incredibly romantic.”
Zye sticks his tongue out at Jace. “I figured you’d approve.” He shakes his head just a little to make the star-shaped earrings wiggle from where they dangle. “She got me these as well. Said they were originally from my dad but she didn’t wear them.”
“I think they look great on you. I wouldn’t want to give you anything that would require you to take them out in favor of something else.”
“Stop it,” he says while giving Jace’s shoulder a small push.
The man grins back at him but it can’t settle the worry in his stomach. He swallows hard past the nerves and glances over at Jace.
“How…How do you know if someone has turned into one of those things?”
“The Nether? I guess…you don’t, not for sure. There’s no definitive way that I’ve been…” Jace trails off only to pull his hand away and wrap his arm around Zye’s shoulders. He brings him closer, hugging him. “I’m sure your parents aren’t. And even if they were, they’d have been cleansed and set free regardless.”
“Your world seems so confusing…”
Jace stands up. It’s so sudden that Zye has to brace a hand against the bed lest he falls over. He ignores the curious gaze as he plucks up the coat. A flourish later and Jace has it over his shoulders with the small clasp keeping it together where the two sides of the hood can meet.
“How does it look?”
“As dashing as I thought it would. But,” Zye starts as he follows. He stands before Jace so he can untie the bandanna Jace is wearing today and bring the hood up over tangled tresses, “now it looks perfect.”
Still holding onto them, Zye finds himself drawn flush up against Jace. The arms around his waist are distracting. Yet not enough that he doesn’t see those lips leaning in for his. A gentle meeting of their mouths that has him wanting to melt in the strong embrace. There in Jace’s arms, he feels like everything might be okay.
70Please respect copyright.PENANAH5hEZmzEhq
There’s no immediate relief thanks to the treatment. It doesn’t magically fix anything along those lines. Aches and pains remain. His senses are still less than great. And work is exhausting regardless of how much sleep he tries to get.
Today is no different. A long shift always ends with him dying to get home and prop his feet up. At least, he will once he’s able to get a shower so he doesn’t smell like perfume or incense. All in all, he feels gross but ambles through the door nonetheless.
Zye can already hear the chatter in the living room. Something he both loves and hates when he sees that everyone is here already. Shae is leaning over the arm of the couch to show Jace his phone’s screen. Meanwhile, Callua is stretched out horizontally across it with her feet landing in Shae’s lap.
The first to notice he’s home is Jace with the perfect view of the entryway. He gives a smile and a glance up. One that has Shae immediately turning around and grinning wide. “Hey! Welcome home, how was work?”
“Fine. Just tired. Wouldn’t mind a shower. Ni put out this new incense that I’ve had to live.”
“Then I’ll make sure I avoid the front desk.”
“You should. It’s pretty intense. Something like flowers and fruit that shouldn’t be mixed together.”
Callua pauses the program on the television as Zye walks by, not wanting to miss anything. Not that he gets very far. Passing by Jace earns a grip on his wrist and a slight tug. It has Zye falling onto Jace’s lap with one leg draping over the chair’s armrest.
“Dammit, Jace, warn a guy before you do that.”
“If I did you wouldn’t have let me.”
From the side, Shae chuckles and settles back against the cushion. He can’t help but roll his eyes at the sight and nod toward Callua. She shakes her head and starts the program once more, thinking she’ll be able to finally finish it.
Jace doesn’t mind the smell as he leans forward with arms wrapping securely around Zye’s waist. Zye, however, does mind. The fact that their relationship is progressing is making it harder to push his own urges down. Even more so when those strong arms are in a short-sleeved shirt with a low v-neck for a collar.
He’s sweltering already and can’t get away fast enough.
Zye pushes at Jace’s arms to try to get up as well as force Jace to let him go. When the grip doesn’t relent, he leans in close despite knowing he shouldn’t. There’s a scent of grass and sun. It tells him Jace must have only gotten here recently. Not only that, but he had to have been working prior.
“I’m gonna grab a shower. I’ll hurry if you’re sticking around,” he whispers to Jace.
Being so close, Jace wishes their friends weren’t here. If they were alone he’d be able to do what he wants— a kiss, holding Zye tight, and enjoying the rest of the day. They could cook something together and end it off in bed curled up together.
The truth of the matter is that there are two sets of eyes slowly turning in their direction. He catches the mischievous look on Callua’s face as she smirks over at him. She mouths the words ‘you’re welcome’ before pausing the show once more.
“Ya know, we’re trying to watch something. You two can go in his room and we’ll just turn the TV up.”
Zye whips his head around to face her so fast he almost cricks his neck. He glares at her, exasperated and flustered. “We haven’t even done that yet, mind your business.”
At least, he is until he realizes what he said and he’s mortified. The groan that slips from his lips isn’t nearly as loud as Shae’s laughter.
“Are you serious? You used to jump into bed with any pretty thing that was nice to you. Glad you finally got some restraint.”
Zye tries to slide off of Jace’s lap. Anything to turn and flip Shae off. “Fuck you man, you’re worse than I ever was!”
“It was a compliment, dude. It’s kinda cute.”
Jace lets out a sigh to mask the slight chuckle. His arms slip away from Zye’s waist to instead brace up beneath him. It’s rather easy for him to rock off the chair and stand up in one fell swoop with Zye in his arms bridal style. The surprise of it has Zye latching onto Jace’s shoulders.
It’s a momentary reaction. He’s already leaning around Jace’s shoulder as the man begins to carry him away. He shakes his fist at Shae. “I will kill you if you don’t shut up!”
“Uh-huh, I believe it. Hey Cal, ready to finish?”
Sulking, Zye settles into Jace’s arms despite hating that he loves it. The dark red blush across his cheeks has his face feeling like it’s on fire. While hating being teased, he doesn’t mind that they’ve gotten away from them. A perfect out.
He settles on grabbing the doorknob and twisting it so Jace can tap it open. Slipping inside, they can already hear the volume going up and the show beginning once more. From what he can gather it’s about a murder. Whether it’s a real mystery or not he doesn’t care.
Jace gives a light nudge to the door with his foot while Zye flips the light switch. Once it clicks shut, he moves forward until he can put Zye down. Sock-clad feet touch the floor as well as stepping on Jace’s toes. To which he immediately moves back. At least, he intends to if it wasn’t for the hands on his hips that keep him where he is.
That mouth he wants to kiss is so close. It opens and lips are moving instead, something which has Zye rather surprised. He could swear Jace was going to kiss him.
“If there’s one thing you could ask for and have, what would it be?”
“From you? Because I could list a thousand.”
“Zye. I’m serious.”
Pouting is the only way to pretend he isn’t nervous about the question. It’s such a hard one to answer. He juggles ideas in his head for what seems like forever. “I…don’t know. Nothing really jumps out at me. If anything I just want to spend time with you.”
“That’s…a little simple. Are you sure?”
“I’m sure. For real, don’t worry about it. If you show up with a gift I’ll never hear the end of it from those two dorks.”
Jace lowers his gaze. A sigh tumbles from his lips and he leans his head forward until his forehead is up against Zye’s.
“What if I want to do something special for you?”
“Dummy. You’re killing me here.” Zye presses up against Jace until his hand that slips between them is trapped against Jace’s crotch. “What if what I really want is just you?” he whispers into Jace’s ear.
It’s not often that he gets to see it. But the deep flush across Jace’s face is all he ever needs. It tells him that despite the lack of obvious need from this man, he does get hot under the collar. And easily enough at that.
Pulling away, Zye smirks at him. “Did you understand that? Or should I say it more like—”
“N-no, I got it. I can manage that.” He can feel the slender fingers squeezing at him. It only makes sense he pays back the favor by slipping his hands from Zye’s waist to his butt, relishing in the softness that he can grope at. “I think my schedule just freed up for that day.”
Zye’s lips ghost over Jace’s. “Then what about tonight I give you a preview?”
Jace grabs onto Zye so hard he has the man practically clinging to him. Yet he doesn’t dare act on it. Zye’s free hand runs up Jace’s arm until he’s walking his fingers up the man’s neck. They comb through the hair that lies against Jace’s nape. He pecks Jace’s lips.
“Keep me waiting and I’ll just go have fun by myself.”
“They’re out—”
“It’s fine. We’ll just be quiet, right?” Zye gives another squeeze and it has Jace flustered as well. “Besides, can’t go back out there like this.”
The grip on his body is going slack, allowing him to pull away from Jace. It’s not by much considering he’s leading Jace further into the room and closer to the bed. Once they’re well enough from the door, he’s dropping down to his knees. Hands slide across torso, stomach, and then to the waistband of Jace’s pants.
“Are you sure?”
Zye clicks his tongue while fussing with the button and zipper. “Looks like I am.”
“I mean—”
“What, did you wait till marriage to even touch where you’re from?” Zye gazes up at Jace from underneath a veil of long lashes. His hand is already tugging the erection out before Jace can even answer. It has Zye swallowing hard at the sight of it.
Jace can’t tear his eyes away at first. Not to mention the way those cool fingers pressing against the pulsing heat have him wanting to sigh already. “No. I just don’t want you to feel like it’s all I want.”
Zye smiles so sweetly that it has Jace faltering in his own logic and concern. “If it’s not what I wanted I wouldn’t be risking numb legs. I think I’ve waited long enough. Are you sure?”
The lack of hesitation is what seals the deal for them both. Neither wants to stop and pretend this isn’t about to happen. The fact that Zye has held back this long only goes to show just how much he cares about getting closer to Jace. He doesn’t want to ruin this.
He grins up at Jace while his hands grope at Jace’s thighs. The taut material of the jeans can’t stop him. The grip is as fierce as his gaze that he never breaks away from Jace’s own. He holds it there while dipping his head forward. A tongue flicks out and meets the tip of heated, throbbing skin.
Overwhelmed by the sight, Jace turns his head if only to glance back from the corner of his eye. He’s not sure if he wants to watch and feel it. Zye sparing a hand to slick his hair back out of his face doesn’t help the conflicting feelings either. Instead, he tries so hard to remain still— he’s not sure if he should move.
Jace keeps his hands at his side, unable to decide where to put them. It’s been so long that he can’t even process how good it feels. If anything he’s trying not to. He doesn’t want to blow it early. Something that’s hard to do considering he can see the way Zye eats him up with a slow precision.
It certainly doesn’t help that fingers are squeezing at his thighs each time Zye dips his head forward. There’s nothing clumsy or unsure about a single flick of his tongue. There shouldn’t be— Zye is far too confident to fail here.
Of course, it helps that there’s an allure to it all that neither can pull away from. It’s like staring into a fire. One can’t just look away. Not when it gives such warmth and wonder. It feels so good that Jace isn’t sure if his legs will even hold him throughout it. A twinge of embarrassment twists through him at how fast he’s reaching his end.
“Zye, wait,” he starts.
It’s coming and he can’t seem to push Zye away. The man doubles down and surges forward. He brings a hand to Zye’s hair only for Zye to spare one of his. He grabs onto Jace’s hand and laces their fingers together. Anything to keep Jace from ending this before he can push his boyfriend over the edge.
The fact that Zye doesn’t want to stop is what truly does it. Even then Zye remains rooted to the spot until he’s sure it won’t make a mess everywhere. Of course, finally pulling away does have him giving a slight cough before wiping a thumb over his lips.
Meanwhile, Jace is staring down at him. The hand still clutching at his own keeps him in reality— slowly coming off the high. “You— why did you do that?”
“What? It didn’t taste that bad.” Zye flashes him a sly grin. “Maybe it’s because you’re a…what did you call yourself?”
Jace is already helping Zye to his feet. “A dark start but that’s not—”
Face to face once more, Zye can’t help but feel a bit cocky. Far more than he had before he had gotten onto his knees. “Didn’t like it?”
What he doesn’t expect is for Jace to gently guide him back until his legs bump against the bed. He had expected that to be the end of that. Then there’s Jace dipping his head forward to give a kiss on Zye’s cheek. He continues until his mouth is hovering beside Zye’s ear.
“I liked it too much. I almost want to ask you to do it again.”
“I could help you get it ready to go again if you want.” Zye shoos Jace’s hand away. He’s quick to slip the button out and tug the zipper down on his own pants. “How bout something fun instead?”
His pants slip down to where he can step out of them. Plopping down onto the bed, Zye tilts his head up toward Jace. It’s a look that has Jace wanting to shake his head. The mischievous little grin and the quirked eyebrow have him wanting to laugh.
There’s no warning before Zye tugs him forward while leaning back. He lifts his legs straight up to where they lean up against Jace’s chest. “Come on, put it right between these,” he says while spreading his legs ever-so-slightly.
“You’re too much.”
“I said I’d give you a preview.”
Jace steps closer so he can push his length between the soft thighs. He bends just a bit while holding onto the legs against one shoulder. With his other hand, he’s tucking some hair behind his ears. He huffs all the while, “You’re making me want to skip it.”
“We always—”
“No, now you have to wait. You shouldn’t be greedy.” The pout he receives in response is far too cute. “Are you sure you don’t want to take those off?”
Zye sticks out his tongue, “Preview.”
“Ah I see, that’s how it is.”
He rolls his eyes at that. Zye pushes the sweater up to where it’ll be well out of the way of any potential mess. Once he has, he reaches for the growing bulge in his own underwear. Zye slips the material down just enough to be able to comfortably slide his hand along the length.
“Just get moving. If you need more—”
Jace stops him with a shake of his head. “You got it wet enough.”
There’s no real reason to feel so proud about that. But Zye does— more than he’ll admit. It helps that Jace keeps it where he only rubs between Zye’s thighs. Getting hard again is far easier than he’d think. Then again, the sight below him is breathtaking in his eyes.
Lying there with the sweater hiked up to his collarbone, Zye is the picture of disheveled. From his flushed face and messy hair all the way down to the fingers that gingerly play with himself. It’s sexy— alluring. He wants to close the distance and kiss him.
Except he can’t. He has to keep moving his hips— his body doesn’t want him to do anything else. It does feel good after all and why deny it any longer? While most people would be focused on watching Zye’s hand, Jace is watching the other one. The one that has nothing to do but lift up and brush through pink bangs.
There’s something sensual about it.
Enough to have Jace holding the legs up against him a little tighter. Despite how much he’s enjoying himself, he still watches all of Zye’s movements. His eyes devour all that he’s given to see and it only spurs him on to move with more purpose until he’s about to lose it all over again.
He can tell Zye is close as it is. The way his chest rises and falls so quickly gives him away. Not to mention the quick jerks of his hand with fingers coiling tightly around the shaft. What Jace can’t seem to ignore more than that are the nipples that just peak out from underneath the folds of the bunched-up sweater.
Zye, not realizing that’s what Jace is looking at and wanting to not make any noise, moves his hand to cover his mouth. Smothering any noise that dares to slip out, he hits his climax with the slightest arch of his back off the bed. From that, the sweater slips up further.
It takes a few moments for fingers to slip away from his mouth. He lifts his arm and folds it beneath his head. Despite the hot tingling sensation from his pelvis up to his head, Zye can’t help but smile up at Jace. He knows all too well that he has the dark-haired man’s full attention now.
“Almost there, handsome?” Zye asks with a slight wiggle of his legs, adding extra friction to Jace’s movements.
Reaching his end as well, Jace doesn’t think about it at first. He’s too busy staring into the gaze that doesn’t dare let him look away. One eye pinches shut while he bites back a moan, letting it turn into a grunt through gritted teeth instead. He only realizes what he should have thought about too late. And that’s the mess that streaks up and over to where Zye’s hand is still covered in his own as it rests against his stomach.
“Not bad, huh?”
Zye points him toward the box of tissues and he’s on it immediately. Jace is quick to clean himself up and pull his pants back up. Zipped and buttoned, he returns to begin wiping at the mess they made. He stands between Zye’s spread legs using one after the other until it’s mostly gone.
“Sorry about that.”
“I wouldn’t have left them on if I was worried about getting something on ‘em. It’s fine.” Zye makes a grabbing motion with his hand, the sticky one. “Gimme one.”
He holds one out and waits for Zye to take it. Once he does, Jace grabs for the slender wrist. He tugs Zye up off the bed and against him. The hand, gripping the tissue still, is pulled further as he bends down. He bestows a soft kiss to Zye’s lips. One that leads to his tongue flicking over his lips and asking for entrance.
Zye lets him only to be surprised when he doesn’t retreat immediately. He seals the lip-lock until Zye is nearly going lightheaded. There’s no way he can get enough air to process how good it feels.
A tiny slice of heaven he thought he’d be denied.
Jace stands back up and lets him go, allowing Zye to finally wipe his hand. He smiles at Jace. “Didn’t think you’d be okay with that considering what was in my mouth.”
“It’s nothing I can’t handle. Although, maybe you shouldn’t do that until you can have your gift.”
Zye raises a brow at that. He tucks himself back into his underwear then stands. As he does, Jace steps back to allow it. Zye pokes a clean finger to Jace’s chest. “And why’s that?”
He’s not even mad that Jace tugs him so close. Their bodies are flush together and he enjoys that he can feel the warmth from him— the only one he really can these days. Being in those strong arms is what he wants the most after all. What he doesn’t take into account are the lips that pepper over his neck before lingering beside his ear.
“Because we don’t need you screaming and letting everyone know what I want to do to you.”
Heat immediately crawls up the back of his neck and spreads over his neck then to his face. It’s so much that it feels as though he could melt into a puddle right there between Jace’s feet.
“D-dammit, that’s not fair, Jay.”
Jace smiles as he tugs away while still keeping his arms around Zye’s waist. He’s far too proud of himself and the reaction he’s gotten to see. Just a small bit of payback. Perhaps Zye and Callua are bad influences after all. He laughs softly when Zye turns his head away.
“Sorry, but neither is anything you do. And you always do it when I’m not expecting it.”
“Fine. Then you better find a really nice place for us. Cause I won’t let you sleep at all.”
“Only the best for you,” he says before giving a soft peck to Zye’s lips. “Now hurry and go get clean before they realize we actually did do something.”
“Staying the night?”
Jace steps away and folds his arms over his chest. “Have you gotten where you can’t sleep without me there?”
A playful glare and a light slap to the side of Jace’s arm. It’s all he gives before he grabs up his pants. Stepping back into them, he pulls them up with a few hops before making his way toward the bathroom. “If I have a personal heater, I’d like to use it.”
“Fair enough. Now go.”
He watches Zye walk away— enjoying the view of slightly swaying hips and the gentle curve that the jeans highlight so perfectly. Sitting down on the bed, he sighs. “I’ll never want to leave at this rate.”