Left alone together due to Celeste having to leave to help a Star, Jace isn’t sure how long he should linger. He doesn’t want to be rude and hurry off right away. Even so, Jace isn’t sure what to do sitting across from Orion and his piercing gaze.
It’s not uncomfortable.
Not necessarily.
Still, he can feel the way those green eyes try to bore into him. For what purpose, Jace isn’t sure. He’s not quite convinced he wants to know why either. Perhaps if Orion had a nudge in the right direction. One that takes the form of Jace sitting up as if he’s preparing to leave.
The second he does, Orion’s lips are moving.
“Is it alright if I ask you a question?”
“I don’t see why not.”
Orion glances down at his hands that are folded on his lap. Slowly, he uncrosses his legs at the knees and tries to relax. “Why did you fight so hard? Is it because of Hax?”
At that, Jace sits back against the cushions. A heavy query like that proves he won’t be leaving any time soon. He takes it as a general question and adjusts his reply from there.
“Charmilla entrusted Cal and me with taking care of things. I wanted this to be a safe place when I brought Zye here.”
Orion’s brows furrow and Jace has to keep the smile from his face. It’s rather cute how frustrated Orion appears at times. Especially when he’s trying to get information and understand something.
“Let me rephrase. Why did you fight so hard for one person? I can’t figure out why it was worth it. It’d have been easier to let Hax die and pass his power on, take out Daichi, and seek our attention to help with Soren. Getting Zye involved is risky at best. He’s not trained like we are.”
“Because I love him.”
Jace holds Orion’s wide-eyed stare. He’s sure Orion didn’t expect such a quick answer and surely not that. Perhaps that’s why it’s so easy to know what he’s going to say.
“Isn’t a good enough answer for you,” Jace finishes. “Sometimes you can only be there with someone even if you don’t agree. On top of it, love can make you do some stupid things if you’re not careful.”
Orion huffs and unfolds his hands. “Hardly an answer.”
“Yet you did the same thing,” Jace replies with a raised brow.
When Orion goes to retort, Jace is quick to continue.
“You went above and beyond to protect Celeste and everyone here. You took care of a mortal soul you should have tried to send on. The same one I’d rather let have some control over his life for a change.”
“I would have sent him on if I needed to. It was always an option.”
“You mean, if he turned on you. While I’m sure he was angry, he still trusted you even if he didn’t say so out loud.”
Orion cuts his eyes to the side. He clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth. “Poor judgment. No wonder he had a hard life.”
The second the words leave his lips, Jace watches Orion bristle like a spooked animal. His shoulders and back stiffen as he hurries to correct himself.
“Ah…my apologies. Aster told me I shouldn’t reference how much I know since I only do because I looked through his memories.”
“I don’t mind while we’re in private. Then again, it means you should have been able to see what I see.”
“And that is?”
Jace glances up to the dark blue ceiling with silver speckling across it like stars. “How easy it would be to trap someone like him and lead his actions considering what he fears. While some might manipulate, like Soren, I think we should protect. Give space and let them grow.”
“Love sounds complicated and annoying.”
“It can be,” he laughs. “I think it’s simple if you can have it unconditional. Then all of the trouble seems easier to tackle knowing at the end of the day, the other person is there.”
Orion seems to relax finally and leans back against the cushions. “Hm…I suppose so. I don’t know if I’d care to experience it.”
Jace studies the way Orion glances away. To Jace, Orion is the type of person who craves knowledge and logic to what he’s doing and feeling. It’s not hard to put a few pieces together.
“Have you ever met someone that seems strong and blindingly bright? At first, that’s all you see— the confidence and the way they hold themselves to be them. ”
He waits for Orion to turn, looking at him.
“Then, after you look long enough you realize they shine that bright because they’re made of glass just like everyone else. Some people are simply more broken and have put themselves back together.”
Jace observes the way Orion dips his chin in thought. His fingers lace together and tap at each other. Right when he thinks the silence will win, Orion’s soft tone reaches him.
“I see what you’re saying.”
“My people used to do that with our pottery. You’d use other, ah…a word…ore, that’s melted down and adhere it back together. Broken doesn’t mean trash.”
“Hmm…I believe I’ve met someone like that. Oh, uh, not that I mean Zye. If anything, I think he’s frustrating. Too much emotion for me to have to deal with. And that nickname habit of his.”
Jace chuckles. “I think Ori is rather cute.”
It’s Orion’s turn to laugh. “I hate it. But…I guess I don’t really.”
“You know, he’s not angry at you. If anything, he’s probably worried now that he’s learned more about you.”
“I’m aware. He reminds me of Haru more and more lately.”
Jace tries not to let the name shake him. If only because he’s surprised. The last thing he expected was for Orion to bring up the former Celestial. As far as he knew, the name Haru and anything associated with him was off the table. Even so…he knows of what Hax said.
Only fond things.
“I wish I could have met him.”
A pleased hum leaves Orion at the thought. “I’m sure you would have gotten along. He was very warm and unstoppable. Always going off on his own and doing what he wanted. Too busy trying to save one soul…”
The final piece to the puzzle.
Jace sits up, elbows resting on his knees as he leans on them. “That’s why you’re curious.”
Orion slowly nods. A languid motion that ends with him touching his head back against the cushion, glancing up to the ceiling before closing his eyes.
“I don’t understand it. Our job is the greater good— worlds. Hundreds of thousands to millions of souls. Not one person trumps that.”
“We don’t always make the best decision where love is concerned.”
“You think— no…I suppose…maybe he might have been from the way he’d describe his adventures with that soul. He wouldn’t talk to me after I told him he couldn’t go back and would keep close to him. Until he slipped away from my sight thanks to Hax.”
Hoping not to drag Hax into this, Jace speaks up to change the way this is going. That and a message from Aster tells him to meet him soon. While he could go do a few missions before returning, this conversation only makes him want to get back to Zye all the sooner.
“You don’t give your life for just anyone.” Jace begins to stand, pushing off his knees and turning from the table. “I should head back. Before I go, if I could ask you to try to do one thing?”
Orion opens his eyes, meeting Jace’s silver-colored gaze. “If I can, I will.”
“Remember that one person can only take so much. Give them a break. That includes yourself.”
A sardonic laugh slips from his lips. One that’s aimed at his own foolish self. “It seems Haru might have been right. Talking to others teaches us what we haven’t gotten to live through.”
“He’s not wrong. I’ve learned a lot. Most of all, not to take anything or anyone for granted.”
Finally sitting up, Orion hurries to speak up as Jace moves away. “Would you mind if we did this again?”
“Not at all. Any time, let me know, I’m always here.”
Leaving Orion to stare after him, Jace makes it out of Celeste’s room and down the stairs. He keeps to himself and only nods with a smile to those he passes in the corridor. All except for Aster who gives a wave at the sight of Jace.
Jace hurries his stride to meet up with the blue-haired man. “Your message was short. Is everything alright?”
“Eh, I promised Xerxes I’d be back soon and that means I didn’t have time to babysit your boyfriend. Who happens to be all alone. In his brand new room. Go break it in.”
Another time he wishes Callua would have taught him more phrases she’s learned from all her time throughout the worlds. “Break it in?”
“Haaa…really?” Aster lifts his hands and makes an obscene gesture of his finger going into a hole. One that immediately has Jace shaking his head. To which, Aster chuckles. “And in case something goes sour, steer clear of Ilista’s room tonight. Cal and Yue are in there with her.”
“I’m sure it’s not—”
“Jace, please. You don’t want to go in there. There’s no guarantee you’d come out alive.”
The thought that even Callua is off having fun has Jace nodding. Perhaps he will take advantage of the lull in the danger. That thought swiftly and without delay extends into being able to do even more than that. He’d love to take them both to the movies again.
How he misses those days…
Even going on a mission with only Callua at his side are days he wants to have again. Especially considering they haven’t gotten to spend time together in so long that wasn’t filled with worry and anxiety.
He misses her company.
Aster pats him on the back and breaks him out of his thoughts. While Aster begins to hurry off it leaves Jace to shake out of his reverie.
He continues toward Solis and the staircase he needs to ascend. Except Gray is standing there waiting for him. The man bows his head ever-so-slightly, his thin ponytail falling over his shoulder as he does.
“Sorry for ambushing you.”
“It’s alright. What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. Aster told me I should keep it brief even so.” He smiles at the curious glint in Jace’s eyes. “Adrian introduced us. Friends of his are friends of mine.”
“Don’t worry. You can take your time.”
“Aster insisted I do not. I would have sent a message, however, I was already here. I wished to offer Zye my services should he need anything.”
Jace crosses his arms over his chest. “If this is about fighting I’d rather keep you and Yue out of this any further.”
“We might not have the best fighting capability, but still, we can offer something better. Respite.”
“Ah…that’s not a bad thought.”
The admission has Gray’s tail swishing softly behind his long legs. “I will keep in touch with my contacts as well. I’ve told Callua all I know.”
“I appreciate it seeing as Soren is moving his hideout. Then again, it might give us a chance to slip in and see if he’s left any clues.”
“Tia mentioned she’ll keep eyes on it. I assumed you’d say that. Even so, be careful with that one. I could never get a read on him.”
“Thank you, Gray. I’ll bring him by sometime. I know he’s worried about letting his power bleed out and getting picked up on.”
Gray shakes his head. “He should not worry. Yue is a master barrier crafter. It will be safe, I promise, or I would not have offered. It’s not completely like his world, but it’s closer than this.”
“Hmm…a change of scenery might do him some good. I’ll let you know when he’s free. I know Kerse will be keeping him busy most days.”
A soft smile and Gray steps aside. He flourishes his hand to tell Jace to hurry up the stairs. “Be careful and have a wonderful night, my friend.”
Faced with the ability to do nothing today is strange. It’s been such a long time it feels that he’s had this opportunity. A whole day…his and his alone to do with what he wishes.
Even if he does think he should be out in the field. There’s so much to do and so little they know at the moment. It wouldn’t hurt to check in with Lucile either— surely the Nether has more information or needs a fresh dose of ‘light’.
But why when he can be upstairs away from it all.
Jace takes a deep breath through his nose.
And stops.
He reaches up and brushes his fingers over his chin at the realization that he is breathing again. It’s such an odd sensation to have after all of these years. After all of the work to forget he was alive once.
Yet every time he calms down and thinks of being with those he cares about…it happens so naturally.
A smile touches his countenance as he takes that first step.
Only for a voice to pierce his thoughts from behind. “Um, excuse me?”
He turns while keeping a hand on the banister. “How may I help you? Ah, Melody, correct?”
The girl’s eyes light up. “You remember my name!”
Jace would love to tell her it’s because of anything other than the fact that she has a large fluffy tail. Nonetheless, he nods for her to continue in hopes that it’s nothing serious. The last thing he needs is a detour that’ll take him out into the field now that he doesn’t want to go.
“Oh right, so me and the crew were wondering about something. We don’t mean anything bad or really care, but we do have a bet riding on it so if you could answer a quick question?”
She talks so quickly that Jace blinks before he answers. Keeping up with the spew of words is more than he handles from anyone else. Zye rambles at times when he doesn’t know how to say something but never that fast.
“The question is?”
Stepping closer, she lowers her voice and gestures back to the group of four looking in their direction. “Are you and the new guy, you know, together?”
For a moment, Jace stares at her. He’s effectively caught off guard and he’s not sure how to make his mouth work. The answer is easy. It’s a yes he could scream from the tallest mountain so that the every world could hear him.
Except everyone would know. This will spread like wildfire. No different than the old nannies who would gossip regardless of what they were doing. Even after he had gotten with his partner when he was alive they’d continue to whisper about other prospects he could have had.
“Yes, we are.”
Melody throws her arms up in the air, “Yeah! I knew it!”
From over where her friends sit, he can hear a couple of groans. Surely the ones that bet against her. It has him trying not to shake his head at the silliness of it.
“Is there anything else?”
“Nope, thank you!”
As fast as she appeared, she’s gone. Not that Jace minds. At least, not this time. He’s more than happy to turn back around and begin up the stairs. Each one is faster than the last until he’s skipped more than a few steps to be in front of Zye’s door before he knows it.
Once he is, he chuckles at himself and the way he stalls. “I can’t believe I’m nervous.”
A breath and he sends Zye a message instead. “I’m done and back.”
“Just you, right?”
Jace smiles at the coy reply. “Alone and requesting entrance.”
It doesn’t take long, either. The door opens and before he can do anything, Zye’s lips crash against his with Zye’s fist curling into the front of his shirt. The sweet mouth pulls away only to press one swift peck against him. If it wasn’t in the hallway, Jace would more than happily return the eagerness.
Instead, he allows Zye to smooth his fingers over the front of Jace’s shirt. He gives a smile as he pulls back. A smile that has the slightest tinge of a smirk at the corner. The expression and twinkle in those purple and blue eyes are enough to have Jace breathless.
The sight he’s given has any remark caught in the middle of his throat. He can only swallow it back down.
Jace has seen Zye in a variety of ways. Fully clothed, half-clothed, naked, and everything in between those. Each time, however, has his neck growing hot and his fingers wanting nothing more than to drag over the smooth expanse of skin.
Zye wears nothing except for a pair of underwear. The black material fits snugly around his hips with a sharp curve down between each thigh. Even with the dark color, Jace can trace the outline inside of it. What’s more, is how badly he wants to drag his fingers along those hip bones to hold onto Zye’s waist.
Not that that’s what his eyes are glued to. It gives a frantic feeling where he’s not sure where to look next. The curve of the scar directs his eyes back up to Zye’s chest and to the flush along his collarbones.
Droplets of water drip from the ends of his hair with some sliding down from his shoulders. Jace follows the trail only to find he reaches out, taking Zye’s wrist in his grasp. His fingers brush down along the inside of Zye’s wrist and to the warm palm.
Jace curls his fingertips against Zye’s and lifts his hand. Up enough that Jace can place a kiss on Zye’s knuckles. The action is intimate, sensual even, and he knows it always makes Zye’s knees weak, so to speak.
Even more so when he does it a second time while staring up into Zye’s eyes. He’s barely pulling away when he smiles. “Already rested up?”
“Yeah, wanted to be ready for when you got back.”
Jace lowers his hand and as he does, their hands gradually fall away from each other. “Ready for what?”
Zye knows from the smile curling across Jace’s face that he knows for what. He’s mentioned it enough— talked about it and admitted what he wishes they could have. Zye can’t give him all of it. However, he can lean forward to grab Jace’s wrist.
“Welcome home.”
A simple phrase. Two words that don’t normally mean anything. They haven’t meant anything to Jace in a very, very long time. At this moment, however, he feels his chest swell and all he wants is to pull Zye into his arms.
Instead, he’s stunned. Happily so.
It’s a single instance he wishes he could bottle up so that he can have it whenever, wherever, and forever. It simply feels so good to have somewhere to come home to. To make this place finally feel like home and not the empty room he thought it was.