Returning is hardly enjoyable. Especially when walking through the doors put him right in Daichi’s line of sight. The man stands waiting for him with arms crossed beneath the small shawl. Zye immediately looks for anyone else and there’s no one.
As they get closer to Daichi, Jace pats a hand on his shoulder. Jace keeps his attention on Daichi, locking eyes and hoping to pass the test. “He did good. You’ll be happy to know he can hold his own well.”
“Good. Because we’re leaving tonight,” Daichi replies while marching over to Zye. He grabs the man’s wrist and begins to yank him toward the hallway leading to the rooms.
Zye has to try and keep up, taking quick strides. Otherwise, the tug on his wrist hurts more than the grip. If he could, he’d pull away from the grasp without making a scene.
Something that’s impossible even as they get away from any prying eyes. He can’t feel any presences around him either. Hopefully, that means they’re alone in one respect and things are moving along. It would mean Jace is coming to get him.
Shoved into the room, Zye flinches when he hears the door slam shut. He turns around to see the fiery stare directed up at him.
“What the hell, Zye?”
“What? I took out Nether, it was fine.”
“Not that!” Daichi groans. “Did he do anything to you? Huh?”
He’s moving forward before Zye can react. A hand snatches his wrist and makes him stumble forward.
“Did he touch you?”
“Daichi, chill. Nothing happened. Well, I mean, Livi got hurt but he said she’d—”
“Because I sent out a scout when she came back like that. I was worried you needed more backup than just a Keeper.”
Zye swallows hard. He can’t pull away, it would be too suspicious to this man who’s already twirling countless ideas in his head.
“Well, we never saw anyone. Where did they go?”
Daichi smiles up at him. “This little scout told me that you were out kissing another man. But that’d be cheating. I told him my kitten wouldn’t dare do that. It’d have to be the other person at fault if it was.”
“That’s not—”
“And because it’d be their fault. I’d have to kill them if that’s the case for laying hands on what’s mine.”
Zye covers the hand on his wrist with one of his own. “Daichi, relax. He didn’t do anything wrong. Your scout is full of shit. Maybe they just don’t like him and he isn’t trusted around here, right?”
“Does that mean he did something?”
“Dammit, I said he didn’t do anything.”
The two-colored gaze slowly lowers to the floor. Zye knows that look. He’s thinking rather hard about something and Zye knows he won’t be able to get him out of it very easily. The last time he ended up handcuffed to a bed and that didn’t work out so well.
“We don’t need his help anyway. I don’t care how powerful he is, he betrayed Soren and even Kerse…he won’t help us. So, I’ll make sure he doesn’t leave here alive.”
“Wait…what? Daichi, you can’t do that!”
At the same time Daichi raises his head, so does his hand. The open palm connects with Zye’s cheek and it has his vision sparkling. Daichi lets go of his wrist as well, allowing Zye to stumble back.
“What the fuck was that for?”
“You can’t lie to save your life, babe. I knew there was something weird with how he looked at you.”
“And I just told you it’s not like that. I’m here for you, remember?”
Daichi stomps one foot, daring to come closer. The threat of doing so has Zye flinching back. “Then why did he touch you? You don’t like people touching you. I’m not stupid!”
“I didn’t—”
I’ll make sure we don’t ever have this problem again. We’ll take care of him and then you’re never leaving our home.”
Zye takes a chance and finally shakes off feelings that have him frozen to the spot. He grabs Daichi’s wrist before the man can fully turn away.
“Dammit, stop and listen to me, would you?”
“Why?” Daichi shakes his head. “He’s in the way. Everyone has always been in the way. I found us a nice place where this will never happen again. You can pretty it up however you want.”
Zye tries to squeeze the thin wrist to get his attention. Daichi, however, is already trying to turn away. He has things to take care of, after all.
“You can’t be serious! Like I’d want that. You know I wouldn’t, I don’t.”
Daichi glares back at him with an angry huff. “It doesn’t matter what you want!”
“Finally said it, huh?” Zye gives a chuckle. If it’s at this point, there’s no reasoning with him or slowing him down. “Eat shit and get out of my way, I’m leaving. You can do what you want.”
“Why? There won’t be anywhere to go once I’ve gotten rid of them all. So stay here like a good boy.”
“Lay one hand on my boyfriend and I’ll personally kick your ass.”
The words fly out before he can stop them. Not that they’re wrong. Besides, the cat is out of the bag anyway with Jace getting things moving. It does have Daichi staring up at him with wide eyes and jaw slack.
“…What…? You…you cheated on me?”
Zye releases Daichi’s wrist and steps back. He stands a little straighter, trying to make himself feel strong enough to handle this. Again.
“We’ve been together since before I died. I didn’t cheat on you.”
“You’re lying!”
The ire in Daichi’s eyes grows as he stomps his foot once more. Fingers ball into fists at his sides. They begin to shake as he takes a step back.
“You and I broke up, remember?”
“I did everything for you!”
Snapping, Daichi surges forward to try and grab the front of Zye’s shirt. The latter sees this coming, quickly taking a step back to avoid it.
Zye sucks in a deep breath. “All you did was screw me and then make me feel like shit for not breathing around you enough or in the right way.” He takes another step away. “You can do what you want to me, I’ll deal. But you killed Xerxes and I won’t let that slide. You have to answer for that.”
“Hah!” Daichi unfurls his fingers and summons his weapons into his grip. The long rope he clutches tightly in front with the arrowheads dangling to either side of him. “That little loser? These people are what keep you from me? Then I’ll have to do a better job of getting rid of them.”
“You crazy bastard. Why can’t you just let go and find someone else?”
“You’re the one I love!”
“Well, I don’t love you. Take the hint, man. You could have walked away and been happy with someone else.”
“We are going to be happy!”
“Fuck,” Zye curses as he stumbles back.
The sling of the arrowhead nearly catches him across the chest. His hand flexes as he dodges the next attack. His sword isn’t coming to him. The adrenaline and fear rushing through his body he’d think would help. Instead, it’s as if he can’t focus enough to call it.
Wind enforces the next one that stabs into the chair Zye dashes away from. He sidesteps and stumbles to get distance between them. All the while Daichi walks over and yanks it out of the wooden chair.
Zye watches one end of the cord, not expecting the other to sling out at his feet. He catches the movement at the last second and tries to jump over it. As he does, Daichi harnesses the wind to shove against Zye’s chest. The force, despite how small it is, does the trick.
Knocked off his feet, Zye scrambles to push himself up on his elbows. His eyes go wide as Daichi is suddenly before him with a crooked grin.
“I guess I’ll have to tie you up until you learn your lesson.”
“Fuck off.”
“Such a naughty mouth. I can overlook it, this time.”
Zye kicks at Daichi, landing the heel of his boot square against Daichi’s chest. Except the man takes it in stride. The wince is nothing as he grabs Zye’s ankle. The other hand stabs the arrowhead toward him.
Wiggling away from it helps. The blade barely sinks into his thigh before dragging down the length of his leg until it hits the top of his boots beneath his pants.
“Get off!” he screams while lifting his other leg to kick the side of Daichi’s head.
The second Daichi lets go, Zye is forcing himself up. The adrenaline is helping to keep him from thinking about the blood soaking into his pant leg. All so he can drive a punch to Daichi’s stomach, catch the wrist coming down at him, and deliver a final punch to his face.
He shoves Daichi away the second he’s able. The blood dripping from Daichi’s nose and the dazed look in his eyes is a good sign. It means Zye can stagger to his feet and make a break for the door. He grabs at the doorknob only to nearly hiccup.
The tip of the arrowhead digs into the door next to his head. It does so in a matter where it chips into the door as well as the frame. Perfectly wedged so that it can’t be opened easily.
That realization has fear surging up in the pit of Zye’s stomach. He can’t let this happen again. He can’t be trapped and he won’t let it happen. Sword and magic be damned, if none of it will work when he needs it, he’ll do it on his own.
Zye grabs the cord and gives a tug. It doesn’t budge and he chances it. His left hand and holds the cord taut while the right wraps around the arrowhead. Yanking it out has the bladed edges slicing through the sleeve as well as his palm. The second he pops it free, Zye is opening the door.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
“Aah!” he screams before the cord is thrown over his head and tightened against his neck should he try to move forward.
For a moment, he can’t tell if he cried out in his mind or if the noise reaching his ears is really him. All he can think about is slamming his heel down onto Daichi’s nearest foot. He throws his head back, cracking it against Daichi’s in hopes the cord will go slack.
Zye intends to slip away and yet Daichi’s grip on it tightens. He stumbles backward, taking Zye with him thanks to the height difference digging the cord into the man’s throat. A second later, Daichi tumbles onto the bed with Zye on top of him.
All the while, Zye is scrambling to get away. The fear is getting thicker in the back of his throat. The desire for flight is steadily losing its battle. His own nails bite and scratch at his skin as he tries to find purchase on the cord, anything to get something between it and his throat.
It’s not that he needs to breathe.
It’s the sensation that has the memory becoming new in the back of his mind once again. One that he doesn’t want to lose against.
Daichi doesn’t realize he helps with that by cackling into Zye’s ear. “It makes sense why he wanted to remove your bond. That shitty Keeper.”
Zye jabs his elbow down into Daichi’s stomach. The gasp coming out results in the cord loosening as well. Enough that Zye can shove it away so that he can roll away from Daichi.
Hot pain is the first thing he notices prior to the weight on his back. Daichi, having pounced on him the second he moved, stabs the arrowhead into his side. The second blade is in his bicep, dragging down his arm in a shallow slice.
“Fuck! Go away!”
Throwing an elbow back once more, he catches Daichi in the chin with enough force to have him stagger. Zye shoves Daichi off one final time and slings himself off the bed. Clutching at his side with one hand, Zye stares down at the other.
Daichi grins through the blood in his teeth as he sits on the edge of the bed. “Can’t summon your little weapon? You know I’d never make you sad. I’ll kill anyone that hurts you. All you had to do was stay in this room with me.”
“You’re the only one hurting me, asshole. Get a clue.”
Zye doesn’t have time to figure out why he can’t summon his sword. He doesn’t care, either. He just needs enough distance to get his bearings. Zye spins on his heel and throws the door open. Dashing out into the hall, Daichi is hot on his heels.
“You know, they say you always hurt the ones you love the most.”
“Shut up,” groans Zye.
Back to the way he needs to run, Zye begins to shrug out of his jacket. He kicks it to the side and, finally, he’s able to will his sword into his grasp. With his clean hand, he holds it out in front of himself. Daichi steps out, eyes it, and smiles wide.
“You have something new, babe. Why didn’t you tell me?”
Zye doesn’t care that his sleeve is ripped even through the jacket. He doesn’t care that the tattoos can be seen as he keeps his arm wrapped around his middle, clutching at the wound.
“Shove it.”
Daichi stands where he is as he attacks first. The arrowhead slings out in a straight line before the wind it rides on makes it dip lower. Zye, realizing he’s in a small hallway and can barely swing his sword, can’t bat it away fast enough.
The blade slices across his bicep, cutting into the sleeve that’s already hanging loose. Zye is painfully aware that he’s at a disadvantage as he manages to bat every other attack away. It has him remembering Livi’s ability and how she fights so differently with her magic.
Daichi is pure aggression. The sharp metal scratches over his skin again and again. Rips litter him and his clothing as he struggles to get closer. Little by little he inches forward as the next attack comes in.
The sharp tip digs into his thigh. A hit he hadn’t planned to take and yet it’ll work in his favor. Zye grabs the cord, rips the blade out, and wraps the flimsy material around his hand. He gives a solid yank to have Daichi stumbling toward him.
Zye dismisses the sword.
He opts to punch Daichi’s face versus stab him. A feat that has Daichi stumbling back with a bloody grin. “We’re not done talking yet.”
Daichi jolts forward and slams into Zye, shoving up him against the brittle door he didn’t realize he was in front of. The wood cracks and whines before finally giving in. It falls inward with Zye staggering back. At the last second, he summons his sword to help catch himself while letting go of Daichi’s cord.
The grin remains as he steps over the threshold. The remains of the door under his feet, Daichi stares over at Zye. He slowly draws his weapon into position to throw once more.
Zye knows he can’t keep drawing this out. He has to do something even if it means taking Daichi down. And yet, the thought has his stomach twisting. He’s fought to survive, but never with the intention of making sure the other person doesn’t.
“I’m coming, don’t move.”
The message that whispers into his ears from Jace is the perfect distraction. An impact digs into his shoulder. A piercing burn that has him gritting his back teeth together.
Daichi stands proudly with both hands on the cord. He should be. The small arrowhead has wedged deep enough that the upward edges snag, making it painful to pull out.
He gives a small tug and Zye can’t help but begrudgingly step forward. Zye glares over at him and the way his silhouette is perfectly outlined in the dirty light from the hallway. Taking a deep breath, Zye knows he has to make a move.
The energy isn’t easy to harness. It’s even worse on trying to project the way he needs. The magic burns at his fingertips and yet he doesn’t know if he can do it. Waiting for Jace is an option. Taking matters into his own hands is another.
For a moment, his vision swims and everything is tinted a bright orange. So much so that he has to squint and then blink it away. As he does, he hears Hax’s words in his head.
“Keep walking.”
When he opens his eyes, they retain a slight glow. The markings that peak out among the ruined sleeve have turned white versus the usual dark shade. These things he doesn’t see as he reaches up, ripping the arrow out of his shoulder.
The pain doesn’t register in the slightest. His body feels light and every move is effortless. At the same time, taking a step forward makes his chest feel heavy. It’s as if he’s moving yet there’s a guiding hand— something urging him to each next thought and move.
To the point where he’s not paying much attention to Daichi at all. The man snaps the cord taut as he steps forward. “Now this is interesting. Come on, Zye, if you had that much power then we can do whatever we want. No one can stand up against us or rip us apart now!”
Daichi’s eyes widen, mouth hanging open, as he finishes his sentence. Right before him, ethereal light begins to form above each of Zye’s eyes. It slowly curls to life in the shape of glowing purple horns that fade into a pale cerulean. The energy continues to flick off and fade much like flames sparking up into the air.
Zye doesn’t respond. He summons his magic beneath his feet and his sword into his hand. His gaze locks with Daichi’s as he drops it into the swirling purple vortex he stands atop.
A smaller one that matches it forms to the side of Daichi. The brunet can feel the energy manifesting. He barely dodges to the side and keeps himself from tripping.
Except the blade dissipates immediately and is reforming out of another between his legs.
“Shit, Zye, quit it!” he screams as he jumps back.
The slash up his leg stops at his knee. Regardless, the damage done has Daichi losing his edge. There’s panic festering beneath the surface now.
“Why don’t you come over here and we can talk, huh?”
“No. I’m done trying to talk to you.”
Daichi scoffs and slings one of the arrowheads at Zye seeing as he has no weapon. An unfortunate misconception.
Zye draws it back into his hand and lifts the sword in time to knock it aside. Dipping it down, he catches the cord and forces it to wrap around the sharp blade. Zye lifts it close before slicing through it. The one arrowhead drops to the ground while he catches the cord.
A solid tug on it and Daichi stumbles forward. As he does, Zye’s sword shimmers away and reappears from a portal of purple magic behind Daichi. There’s no way he can dodge, only amplify his energy to try and shield the blow.
The sword stabs into his back, peeking out from the shirt around his belly button. Even that vanishes the second that Daichi’s own weapon does. Zye calls forth his sword and wraps his fingers around the hilt. Holding it out, close to Daichi’s neck, he stares into those eyes hoping to see something.
“Just give up. Please.”
Yet there’s nothing there. The darkness in that gaze is only more apparent when Daichi ambles forward, not afraid of the blade near his throat. He grabs at the front of Zye’s shirt and reaches up. Fingers curl into the collar in a desperate attempt to clutch at Zye’s throat instead.
“At least if we die we can be together forever. Don’t you hear that? It’s too late.”
For a moment, Zye allows himself to listen. His senses prickle now that the commotion of their fight has died down. There are sounds in the distance as well as the thick smell of smoke beginning to permeate the air even down this way.
“I already told them to make sure he doesn’t make it out of here. Him or that bitch.”
Zye’s vision swims. It’s as if he’s not the one who takes Daichi’s hand away from his neck. The grip is gentle as he holds the blood-smeared fingers. All while the other hand is conjuring a rift behind Daichi.
“I’m sorry you couldn’t understand. I should have never let you stay to hurt yourself like this. I hope your next life is far gentler.”
The sword stabs through Daichi’s chest, just missing Zye’s body as it comes out the other side. Daichi’s eyes widen at the realization of what’s happening. He takes a shaky step back as the sword disappears once more.
Collapsing to his knees, he grasps out for Zye one last time.
Except Zye doesn’t know what or why he said that. Doesn’t know why he did it— he didn’t have to, didn’t want to. In the same breath, it feels as though he wasn’t in control.
A weak excuse for his tired mind.
The exhaustion is winning and his head feels as though it’s spinning. It only gets worse as he watches Daichi finally crumble to the ground. The orange blood splattered across the floor beneath him holds Zye’s attention.
Zoning out, he doesn’t hear the thundering footsteps coming his way until Jace rounds the corner. One hand slaps against the door frame, fingers curling so tightly that when he pulls it away there’s a burnt imprint of his hand left behind.
Jace’s eyes dart around the room. It’s not hard to take in. Not when he’s shocked to see Zye swaying there in the middle of the room. The glowing horns are gradually retreating to a smolder above his eyes— ones that aren’t shining in the dark any longer.
He moves quickly through the room and is careful where he steps. Both so he doesn’t disrespect the man dead on the ground or hurt himself. His body already aches as it is. He’s almost there when Zye begins to fall.
“I’m glad you’re okay…Jay.”
At the last moment, he scoops his arms under Zye’s. Catching him is the easy part. Getting him to stand back up is harder.
“I can’t leave you alone for two seconds.”
Used to having to work with limited hands, he takes the jacket off and throws it around Zye’s shoulders. A second later he has the jewel activated and the hood pulled up over disheveled hair. Jace only knows he has to work fast with how Zye is fading.
“Arms around my neck, okay?”
Jace bends down for the slightest second. Just enough to pick Zye up and brace his arms under Zye’s butt. Holding him there, he waits for arms to weakly drape over his shoulders. The face nuzzling into his neck tells Jace all he needs to know.
Zye is well out of it.
“Heaven above, what is wrong with you two. All you do is start trouble or fall into it,” scolds Callua as she tiptoes into the room. She bends down next to Daichi as his body returns to the natural form of a soft glowing orb.
Jace turns, albeit with trepidation. The last thing he needs is to drop the unconscious man. “Yell at me later. Get me out of this hellhole.”
Callua scoops up the orb and stands. “Follow me.”
Spinning on her heel, she hopes that Jace doesn’t see the few cuts to her arms or legs. Better that he doesn’t have to worry about her, as well. She leads them out of the room, to the left, and straight for the large double doors.
Except when she pushes on the handlebars to release the lock, it doesn’t budge. She curses under her breath. Summoning her magic, the swirl of pinkish water is splashed up onto the corners of one of the doors.
Jace glances over his shoulder as the smell of smoke grows worse. “You could have opened a portal.”
“Shut up.”
Callua doesn’t pay him any mind other than that. She continues to work at it until she can slam all of her body weight against the door. As she does, it creaks and groans before finally giving way. It clatters out onto the concrete with an earsplitting noise.
Leading them out and around the corner, Callua glances over at him. “Portal to Lucile or the cabin?”
“We should—”
Jace can’t get the words out when he sees Lucile lingering across the street in the shadows of a building. Rather, what used to be one. He heads straight for her and the tentacles that seem to tremble, remaining on high alert.
“The location is compromised. Soren was there.”
“Shit…Go to the first location I met you and stay hidden.”
Lucile nods and seemingly melts into the darkness. Something that has a shiver racing up Callua’s spine. She huffs and places her hands on her hips. The question can’t make it out when another voice calls out to them.
Both turn to see Aster jump from a roof and sprint over. He huffs, obviously disgruntled with the events. “You guys are really hard to keep up with. Wait…is he okay?”
“Exhausted but fine.”
Callua cuts her eyes over at Jace. “All of that blood doesn’t look fine. We need to heal up, so we should go back to the cabin.”
Aster shakes his head. As he does, his eyes gesture up behind where they came from. “You’re safer going to Solis. Can’t track you there.”
Jace’s gaze hardens. He doesn’t like the idea of going where Kerse frequents. Not yet. “I don’t—”
“Take him to Solis,” insists Aster. “Just go, dammit. It’ll be fine. If you’re that worried, I’ll go with you.”
Callua nods. “Take Aster. I’ll meet up with Livi and make sure they got away safely with Gray.”
“The team should have this cleared out any time now. Iris is on her way to check on it as well and she’ll have Orion with her. So, let’s go.”
Jace glances between them both. He knows he can’t win when they’re both pushing for it. Certainly not when he’s having to carry a limp Zye around. He concentrates for a moment and calls forth a portal.
The oranges, reds, and yellows curl up from the ground behind Aster. He nods to Callua before moving around Aster and leading them through it and into a safe space. His space.
A room that has Aster lagging behind, eyeballing everything and the lack thereof in the room. Meanwhile, Jace is rushing straight to the cleansing pool that’s past the draperies. He stops near the edge, waiting for Aster to catch up.
Once he does. Jace semi-turns. “Can you grab the jacket?”
Aster does so and moves back. He watches as Jace takes his time in trying to step down into the water. It’s not a very large oval at all. Not like the ones in Celeste or Orion’s rooms. Aster can imagine it’s normally only enough for two people at most.
Jace takes one step in and then another. Once he has, he’s able to set Zye down on the step that also serves as a seat. From there he lets Zye lean forward, head against Jace’s stomach.
“Don’t be nervous. She can’t get in here. Besides, she might not even be here.”
He doesn’t look up. Jace is far more concerned with watching the blood slowly vanish and the wounds along with it. The shimmering water’s warmth easily washes it all away.
“I know…” he mutters in return.
A silence settles in as they wait for Zye to rouse. One that Aster finally breaks as best he can.
“It’s a beautiful coat.”
“Thank you. He picked it out for me.”
“Figures,” he chuckles. “Guess I have to give him that one. Think he’ll tell me where he got it?”
“Without a doubt. He’ll insist on taking you there himself, I’m sure.”
Jace’s gaze dips to the left where his concentration hardens. The Mark appears from thin air in a kneeling position. As it solidifies, it rises to a solid five feet with a slender, almost feminine appearance in shape. A tinge of blue sweeps beneath curved dashes that form its eyes.
It moves closer and bends its head, allowing Jace to palm the top. “Thank you,” he tells it before it begins to sit.
A few moments later, it’s producing several white strips of white cloth and cylindrical clear vials atop them. Inside, he can see the water already sloshing about. Jace turns his gaze away from what his Mark prepares only when Aster begins to speak.
“Iris sent me the update. Everything is taken care of. If any of those that Callua is meeting with need help, say the word.”
“I appreciate it.”
Jace tenderly combs his fingers through Zye’s hair. Each pass through the short strands has Aster shifting from one foot to the other. Finally, he folds the jacket over his arm and turns to what the Mark sits in front of.
A steadily growing pile of things at that. There are towels, robes, and clothes to replace the ones they’re wearing.
“What’s all that for? The glass things.”
“To take water with me for emergencies.”
“Not a bad idea. Where are you going after this?”
“As long as he feels up to it, Noctis. If you’ll escort us.”
“Sure. I’ll just…I’ll be out there.”
“If there’s anything you need, I can get it for you.”
Aster is already giving Jace his back. “I’m good. Come get me when you’re ready.”
As he walks away, Jace sighs. He’s waiting patiently and does so by dragging his fingers through Zye’s hair. Even so, they do need to get moving soon.
“Zye, are you going to wake up?”
Jace brushes his hand down through the shorter strands. Fingers trace around the back of Zye’s ear and cup at his cheek.
“Come on, we have to get going.”
“Mmm, it’s so warm,” he mumbles while slowly lifting his head. It takes a moment for his eyes to finally open— cracking and then pinching shut when the harsh glare of the light above hits him. “And bright…where are we?”
He leans into the touch and glances up, meeting the silver gaze he loves so much. Jace smiles down at him.
“It looked like you let out your full power. Aster and Callua insisted I bring you to Solis to heal. We’re in my room, safe and sound.”
Jace watches those eyes cut away. “Why? I should be sorry I wasn’t there. You shouldn’t have had to do that.”
“It didn’t feel like I did. I mean…I did. I’m not trying to run away from that. It’s that it felt like someone else was there guiding me.”
Hands fall onto his shoulders and Zye knows Jace is worried. It doesn’t help that he’s still not feeling so great about having to go through with that. Regardless, it was still by his hands even if he recalls not wanting to do it.
“Are you sure?”
Zye shrugs despite the squeeze Jace gives to his shoulders. “I’ll ask Hax next time, I guess.”
“And how are you feeling?”
Fingertips brush over his neck and he can’t help flinching away from them. It has him wondering if marks were left after all.
“I’m fine.”
Jace sighs and cups his hand at the back of Zye’s head. Guiding him to look up, their eyes meet. “You don’t look good. Won’t you tell me?”
“It doesn’t matter anymore.”
“It does and when you’re ready, I’m all ears.”
“Dammit…” Zye groans and wraps his arms around Jace’s waist. He yanks the man closer so that his forehead presses to Jace’s stomach. No eye contact is allowed as he holds him there.
“We were together for a few years and he didn’t ever usually hear no. The last night we were together, well, I don’t like pain. Not like that and I sure as hell don’t like being choked. That doesn’t do it for me.”
Palms press down on his shoulders. A weight that most would think heavy while Zye only finds comfort.
“Or maybe it was because I didn’t know if he’d stop. And he tried shit like that all the time. I’d push back and he’d eventually give up. A few times I think he waited till I was asleep to even try to get away with it.”
“I’m sorry, that must have been scary to go through.”
Zye curls his fingers into the back of the wet shirt. So tightly that he almost fears he might rip at the threads.
“I woke up and he did what he wanted. He left and I was locked in his room. It took me forever to get out and call Cal to pick me up. She, uh, was pretty pissed when she saw all the bruises. It took some time for the nightmares to go away, but I don’t have them anymore. Or at least, I haven’t in a long time.”
Hearing that, Jace won’t let it slide any longer. He pries the grip away from his waist so that he can tilt Zye’s head up to look at him. It has Zye scoffing and trying to laugh.
“Silly, I know. To be bigger than someone and let them get away with something like that. So much for being—”
“Don’t. It’s not silly. It explains why she’s been biting at me to get this over with. If I’d known—”
“You wouldn’t have let me go. Don’t lie, I know you wouldn’t have. But it’s over…right?” A sigh slips from him as he leans back, resting along the edge of the pool. “I just wish he would have gone calmly and talked it out.”
“Things aren’t always solved easily. I know you were probably hoping for that and I’m sorry it didn’t work out.” Jace rubs Zye’s shoulders. “Everyone got out safe and Callua is with them. Aster’s team took care of the cleanup. Their souls will be cleansed and allowed to rest before reincarnating if they so wish.”
This new piece of information allows Zye to push most of the thoughts from his mind. For a moment, he believes he’s free from talking about it further.
“They get to choose?”
“Some do, so I’ve been told.”
“On a separate note, where’s Aster then?”
“In the other room. I didn’t think you’d want him to see you naked.”
Zye props an elbow onto the tile, leaning his head on his raised palm. “And you couldn’t just send him ahead of us?”
“It’s your place. I haven’t seen it and it’s supposed to be safe here. Can’t we take a minute and…you have things to do, don’t you?”
“I do. I’ve already had my Mark get you clothes.” He gestures to the pile of things left behind and yet there’s no being in sight any longer. “There are towels as well. And a robe in case you prefer that while you get your bearings.”
Jace smiles softly and steps forward. The toe of his boots touch the edge of the step. He leans forward. The second that Zye looks up, he receives a kiss on his forehead.
“And I’d never dare try to do anything that would hurt you. Even if you asked, I’d have a hard time obliging you.”
“I know that.”
“Good.” Jace stands back up and begins to move to the edge opposite where the items are placed. “On the other hand, I have a much higher tolerance so something more subtle would be fine if you wanted to explore.”
“Just shut up and get out so we can leave. You’re embarrassing. I don’t even know why I like you so sometimes.”
Zye buries his face against his palm as he watches Jace hoist himself out. He’d notice the sly smile on the man’s face if he wasn’t so busy watching wet pants tighten around thick thighs and a shapely ass. The view is far too generous and for a moment, Zye’s positive Jace did it on purpose.
Then again, he probably didn’t. That’s just how he is.
Intending to not dwell on it, Zye follows him and stands. Getting out of the water has him realizing just how good it felt to be in it. Every ache has been washed away. All he’s left with are clothes that feel far too heavy while they’re wet.
He begins to strip when he realizes he doesn’t have what he needs. Not to mention that Jace is already half-dressed as well. Zye holds his arm out behind him, all while keeping his back to Jace.
“Throw me a towel.”
Jace, having walked around to get one for himself, is already tugging his pants up. “You could get one yourself if you looked.”
“And you said we have things to do so throw me one or I’m staying longer.”
Chuckling, Jace picks up a couple and throws them at Zye’s hand. The man manages to catch one and scrambles to grab the other. Wrapping one around his waist, he uses the other to towel his hair dry. He finally dares to turn and spots Jace holding his shirt in his hands.
“I swear to God, you’ll be the death of me.”
Jace tugs the shirt over his head before grabbing his bandanna to do his hair up. “We’re already dead, technically.”
“Get out. Go. Shoo.”
Zye watches as Jace smiles and picks up the vials wrapped in cloth. He’ll have to get a bag for them when he rejoins Aster. For now, he strides past Zye and stops only to reach one hand out. He glides his palm down Zye’s arm and to the hand that tries to shake his away.
He doesn’t mind the slight bratty behavior. He cups his hand around Zye’s to rub at his knuckles. As he does, he dips in for a quick kiss to Zye’s cheek. “We’ll be waiting, but take your time.”
Biting his lip, Zye waits for Jace to slip past the draperies. A detail he hadn’t noticed until now. It means Aster has surely heard everything on top of the fact that Jace has left him more than a little frustrated. Kicking at his wet pants, they plop into the water.
“Dammit…” he hisses as he bends down to fish them back out.
It doesn’t take him long to finish getting dressed. Especially not when he knows he can have a peek at Jace’s room. It’s only fitting considering Jace had plenty of chances to learn about Zye by visiting him.
Except the room he’s met with is much like Orion’s. There are no knick-knacks or items that show off his character. It’s a clean and rather barren room with a rug, a bed, and a small table with two chairs. The only thing out of place is a small stuffed cat plush.
For some reason, Zye immediately wants to blame it on Callua. Something he’ll have to ask about at some point. His gaze sweeps the rest of the room as he comes to stand next to Jace.
While the room may remind him of Orion’s in style, it certainly seems different. It’s more…warm, even if it doesn’t give any secrets away.
Aster huffs once Zye gets closer. “Took you long enough. You’re worse than Ilista.”
“Fine,” Zye sneers back at him. “Let’s see how long it takes you when you and Orion have to change in the same room.”
“Don’t bring him into this.”
“Too damn late. Besides, I was healing.”
“Wouldn’t need healing if you dodged more.”
“Like you’re one to talk. Where even were you?”
Aster places a hand on his hip, specifically the leg he leans on more than the other. “I was clearing out the main building while you had a spat with that weird little man.”
There’s a response on his tongue. One that Zye swallows down. It does feel strange that Daichi is…gone. If he had just left and gone on his own way, maybe he wouldn’t be. Then again, he knows it’s not that easy. Daichi might have found someone else to harass.
Trying to break up the bickering, Jace catches Aster’s attention. “He’s the one that took Daichi out. All on his own.”
“Oh. Sorry…that’s…sorry. I didn’t mean—”
“It’s fine. He’s better off now where he can’t hurt anyone else or himself. Hopefully next time he won’t be so aggressive about things.”
Aster can read between the lines. He can see the look Jace gives Zye. It’s all he needs to quickly summon up a portal back to Noctis.
“Then let’s get back to Celeste. We can decide where to go from there.”