Neglecting his duty is the last thing Jace would ever do. Ignoring his calls to report to the one above him? He definitely has. He’s done it more times than he can count these days. Each new request from her becomes more strained and stern as the days go by.
It’s why he’s biting the bullet and rendezvousing with her at the location she’s requested. As always he gets there early to scout the area and make sure there’s no Nether in the vicinity.
Not that there ever is.
She always picks places that are cleansed frequently or haven’t seen humans in a very long time. This area is no different. It also happens to be rather nice considering he doesn’t mind the dry heat he has to sit in while he waits for her. He brushes a bit of sand off the crumbled pillar beneath him.
The temple is mostly collapsed and there’s no true escape from the glaring sun above him. There’s simply sand everywhere. Sand or broken stone. Perhaps a stray succulent that’s managed to survive here or there.
Jace digs the heel of his boot into the sand. He’s here, but he’d rather be elsewhere. Especially with how the seconds tick by— eating into the time he could be with friends. Company that doesn’t expect him to help save the balance from corrupt contractors.
“I apologize for running late.”
The portal dwindles away and leaves her standing there in a rather thin, white strapless dress. It billows about her as she moves toward him. However, her pink eyes against dark sclera is what always catches his attention. He’ll admit that the smile beneath them isn’t as friendly as he would hope.
“I wasn’t waiting long.”
“Good, I’m glad.”
She strides over to him and stands. Her gaze sweeps out across the dunes in the distance. It truly is a wasteland and yet she finds it beautiful nonetheless. Her gaze is set forward even as she speaks.
“Do you have anything new to report?”
“No, Hax hasn’t given me any new missions or information. Soren is tight-lipped as well.”
“Mm…I see.”
Jace waits a moment before he dares to ask. “Why did you change Callua’s mission? She’s in deeper than we planned. Isn’t that dangerous?”
Turning her head toward Jace has the ornaments jostling around her horns. A small breeze skirts through and has some of her hair tangling with the curved horn on each side— sharp and pointed as they curl in on themselves. If anything, her sweet aura is vastly different from the ominous additions to her visage.
“Don’t worry about her, she can handle it or I wouldn’t have given her the orders.”
“It’s not that I don’t trust your judgment. I’m just concerned.”
Slowly, she turns fully to him. Her hands slide down to hold onto her hips. An eyebrow arches, “Is everything alright, Jace? Has Hax been getting in your head?”
“I’m fine. I just…If there’s nothing else, I’ll head back.” He rises to his feet and brushes sand from his pants.
He’s stepping away when she sighs softly. “I’m not trying to keep you in the dark. You’re the only one I can trust with this, Jace. I need you to stay focused on your mission. Not what others are doing, trust me in return.”
There’s a pause. He can’t reply right away and he knows it’s making it look worse than it is. He opens the portal nonetheless before half-turning to her. “I do. Let me know when more word comes in from Celeste.”
“Please be careful. Not even Hax is to be trusted. I don’t know what we…I…would do if something happened to you.”
“I will be. You too, Charmilla.”
Stepping through to get to Zye and Shae feels like he’s stepping away from her. Yet, he can’t help it. This stalemate has gone on for years. No one will make a move and all he’s been doing is blindly following orders.
But that hasn’t fixed anything or taken them further in their plans. He’s still stuck where he was at the beginning. Charmilla won’t relay any information she gets from Celeste— if there’s any at all. Gray remains silent as he can’t dare jeopardize his or his partner’s safety. At the worst, Callua is running ragged trying to keep up with Soren’s demands.
He feels useless and out of the loop. The only one that talks to him about all of this is Hax and he’s not even supposed to be on his side.
Jace steps out of the portal and strides up to their front door. He makes sure that no one is out and about before making himself visible. He slowly lifts his hand and knocks. The call that someone is coming reaches him so he steps back to wait.
Looking out at this neighborhood, he realizes that no matter what they’re trying to do there’s still people living. They’re getting caught in the crossfire. The Nether are getting stronger and no one up top seems to care enough to make a move.
“Damned Celestials,” he curses under his breath while he waits.
If they’d just extend a hand— even a little— maybe they could put an end to the Surge. He took an oath to protect and as he stands here on the porch, he feels exhausted with himself.
Is he really still doing that? Is he upholding that oath as well as the balance? When does one become more important than the other?
“Jace? Is everything okay?”
Snapping out of his thoughts, he tries to give Zye a smile. “Hey, sorry I’m late.”
“Nah, it’s fine. Shae should be home soon then we can get going.” His hand slips off the door frame he was leaning against. “Come on in and get comfy.”
Zye leads him in and to the couch. He shoves the remote further down and collapses onto it. Looking up at Jace, he can tell something is off. He can feel it. “If you, uh, want to talk I don’t mind. You did say it helps to get it out.”
He sits beside Zye, “Did I?”
“Don’t try to be cute to get out of this. I’m serious.” The exasperated expression falls into a soft smile. “Or we can talk about something else.”
Jace takes his hat off and lets it settle onto his lap. He’s rather glad to be in a normal climate now. It helps that the cool air blowing down on him takes away the remainder of the desert heat. “Like how you got that split lip?”
Zye flashes him a smirk, “You should’ve seen the other guy.”
They both chuckle at that. Zye, feeling like he’s accomplished his mission to lighten Jace’s mood, settles back. What he doesn’t expect is for Jace to do the same. His shoulders slack and eyes lock onto the paused program on the television.
“It’s just work. I’m not…I’m on leave at the moment. But that shouldn’t be a reason to not tell me what’s going on.”
“It has something to do with Callua doesn’t it?”
Jace lets out a long exhale from his nose. His fingers rub over the brim of his hat, enjoying the texture beneath his fingertips. “Yes and no. Maybe I’m just being childish. Even if I’m in a higher position doesn’t mean anyone owes me answers.”
“Well, could it impact you doing your job when you go back?”
“More than likely.”
“Then you should tell them that. Or at least ask why they aren’t or can’t tell you. Maybe they just don’t want to bother you while you’re on break.”
“Yeah…you’re right. I’ll ask next time.”
“Good! I mean, if it ever doesn’t work out. Where I’m at is always hiring and we could use more muscle.”
Jace glances over at him with one elbow propping against the back of the couch so that he can rest his head on his hand. “I thought you could handle it? You’re the tough one.”
“Ha! The only big thing about me is my height. Muscles, don’t have a lot of ‘em. Not like you, I mean look at how—”
Zye’s saved from himself thanks to the trill of his phone going off. It vibrates against the table in front of them. Except it’s closer to where Jace sits considering that’s where Zye was before Jace got here. He scoots a bit and reaches for it at the same time that Jace leans forward as well.
Hands brush together at the same time that their heads collide.
Zye groans, “Ow…damn your head is hard.”
“Sorry about that.”
Jace’s hand lingers over Zye’s until they both look up. Inches away from each other, Zye can’t help but stare into those pools of silver. It’s as if they always manage to shimmer regardless of the lighting. Much like a shiny little gem in a jewelry store. Perhaps even a full moon on a cloudless night. But what has his attention further are the slightly parted lips so close to his own.
The first to pull away, Jace still can’t look away. He swallows hard past the lump in his throat and the urge to go forward still. “You should answer that.”
“R-right,” says Zye as he fumbles to grab the phone. The screen slips out and he brings it up to his ear. “Yeah, Boss?” A moment later and he sighs. “I’ll be right there.”
Jace waits until Zye’s hung up the call. “Is everything okay?”
“Nope. Shae fell at work or they think he just collapsed. Probably one of those days. I’m gonna go pick him up and get him in bed. Sorry we’ll have to cancel.”
“It’s fine. I’ll go with you in case you need help.”
Zye stands and finds himself eager to have something occupying his mind. It helps shoo away the heat on his face. “You really don’t have to. He took his truck today so I can just drive him back.”
“I insist.”
“If you’re sure. We’ll have to walk there though.”
Jace follows Zye to the door, into their shoes, and then outside. Zye is quick to lock up behind them before nodding toward where they’re headed. It’s quiet between them until they make it through the yard across from the house. The lack of fencing has them hurrying to the alley behind it that undoubtedly leads to the road they need to take.
“How long have you two been friends?”
Zye gives a hum. “Since we were little. Our parents both lived on the upper floor of Ruby’s so we got friendly quick.” Zye glances over at him. “What ‘bout you and Cal?”
“Too long.” He smiles at the thought. “She’s extremely reliable even if she’s a little nosy at times.”
“By the way, have you heard back from her?”
They take the corner and get closer to the lit-up buildings in the distance. The one that shines the most among the rest of the businesses is their destination.
“She’s not sure. But she wants to make it tomorrow night.”
Zye can’t help but pout a bit at that. Normally, she’d come running at the chance to hang out with them all. It means whatever she’s doing is more intense than she lets off. He can’t help that he misses her. It feels odd not to have her around so often— as if something is missing.
“Are you still coming?”
Jace nods, hands sheathing into his pockets as he does. “Of course, you invited me.”
“I, well…I guess. It’ll just be the three of us and Shae can be a handful if he gets drunk.”
“Then that means you need some backup. I don’t mind. I don’t have anything planned otherwise.”
Zye leads Jace around to the back porch which isn’t as lit up as the front. He gestures to where the pavement changes from old to new just outside of the porch’s light. “I’ll poke in and see if they have him ready.”
There’s a nod from Jace before Zye pulls out a key. He unlocks the door, slips inside, and lets it click shut. Jace can’t hear anything from where he waits outside. Not that he minds. Part of him does wish he’d have gone inside as well— just in case Zye needs help.
Yet here he waits for the door to open and when it does, laughter is what spills out. There’s other people beyond where he can see from how the door is held so Shae can amble out. Zye is right behind him with both hands holding onto the back of the shorter man’s shirt.
“Yeah, yeah, I promise. Tell Boss I’ll stay next time and make it for her.” The door shuts behind him and he looks over Shae’s head to meet Jace’s eyes. “So, he’s a little tired.”
“I’m fine.” Shae grins up at Jace. “Especially since you brought me such sweet eye candy.”
Zye huffs, “Maybe you’re okay after all.”
Jace steps forward. He gently shoos Zye’s hands away so that he can wrap an arm around Shae’s waist. That’s on top of holding onto his arm as well. “I’ll keep an eye on him. You lead us to the truck.”
That he can do considering he’s already taken Shae’s keys. Of all the vehicles out here tonight, Shae’s is the one furthest from the building. Zye jogs ahead of them to get to it. His hand glides over the peeling gray paint to the handle. He makes quick work of unlocking, opening, and tugging the front seat up.
Meanwhile, Jace is slowly guiding Shae there. All of it has Shae sighing. “Sorry about this. Really ruined our plans, huh?”
“Your health is more important. Does it hurt anywhere?”
“Nah, just a little wobbly still. They tried to get me to stay the night. But now I’m glad I didn’t.”
Jace chuckles at the smirk Shae tries to flash him. “I am too, I don’t think Zye could handle getting you home on his own.”
Shae elbows him a bit, “Are you trying to make my boy jealous?”
Stopping dead in his tracks, Jace ends up pulling Shae to a stop as well. “W-what?”
“I mean, he does get jealous sometimes so it’s not like it’s a hard thing to pull off.” Shae looks up to meet Jace’s gaze. Unfortunately, it’s getting dark and the angle only makes it harder for Shae to see the slight flush on Jace’s cheeks. “What? Did I read you wrong? Look, he does have a nice ass right?”
Jace wishes he didn’t look up to see where Zye is— to see how far away from the truck they are. It gifts him the view of Zye bending inside of it. One knee comes up as he tries to get in further with one leg dangling out. The toe of his shoe just touches the ground. It does give the best view of Zye’s ass in those cut-off jeans riding up around his thighs.
The material hugs in all the right ways. Not to mention the rest of his leg peaking out from the frayed end of the pant leg
“We should get you home.”
Jace starts walking again. This time practically tugging Shae along as his laughter booms around them. It’s so loud even Zye turns around from where he’s been moving clutter and trash around in the backseat.
“What’s taking so long?”
Shae can’t help but grin as they get closer. “Just talking about your—”
“He was telling me about how it happened.” Jace cuts Shae off without wasting a beat. There’s no way he’ll be outed for staring at his friend’s ass. Not right now anyway. “Ready?”
Zye nods as they get closer and steps aside. He holds the door open. “Yup. And Shae, clean your truck more.”
“Nah, I’d rather pay you to do it. How’s next weekend before the temperature dips?”
Jace stands to the side, watching and holding onto Shae, as the man does his best to climb in without swaying. “Why before then?”
Shae plops down onto the seat. He watches as Zye leaves them to walk around to the driver’s side of the truck. It’s only once he’s sure Zye can’t hear him that he smiles wide.
“Because ya get wet when you wash a car and you wanna do it when it’s warm out.”
He knows exactly what he’s done. The blush that sears across Jace’s cheeks make it obvious. All thanks to the bright light from inside the truck. It makes him feel even more like a gremlin that’s found something shiny to play with. Adding to the fact is the way Jace stares up like a deer in the headlights when Zye pushes the seat back into place from his side.
“What are you doing? Get in.”
“R-right. Sorry.”
The door shutting masks the sound of Shae’s snickering. He’ll have to tell Callua all about it later— these two are too much fun to mess with. Resting in the back, he feels more than just a little accomplished. Playing matchmaker is hard work. As they pull out of the parking lot and out onto the street, Zye heaves a sigh.
“Boss said you’re getting an extra day off by the way.”
“Hah! I win in the end then.”
“I’m not surprised. I have half a mind to not let you come tomorrow night.”
Shae sits up as far as the seatbelt will allow him. He glares up at Zye through the rearview mirror. “Hey, I’m fine and you know it! I just won’t drink that much.”
The only problem is that Zye isn’t joking and Shae knows it. He sulks back against the seat and decides being good might be the best bet. If he’s going to be there tomorrow, he’d better not upset Zye or he’ll cancel it over health reasons. Still, in the backseat, he has a good view of the way Zye keeps glancing over at Jace.
He might not be able to read people very well, but even Zye knows that something was said between the two of them. Otherwise, Jace would usually be talking instead of staring out the window. It lets Zye focus entirely on the road if anything and they’re back to the cul-de-sac within the next twenty minutes.
Zye shifts it into park and turns it off. “Need help getting him out?”
“No, I got it.”
Jace waits a moment before opening the door. Zye goes ahead of them once again, hurrying to unlock the door and get the lights on. It leaves Jace slipping out of the truck and staring at the seat.
He has no idea how to work it.
The sound of Shae’s seatbelt slapping against the cushion has Jace looking up. The blond grins wide. “Pull the lever and slide it, big guy.” Once Jace manages that, Shae slides to the edge and hops out. Of course, not without an offered hand from Jace. “Such a gentleman.”
“Are you sure you’re alright?”
Shae proves he is by letting go of Jace and shoving the door shut with a wink. “See? Just fine.”
Jace doesn’t believe it for a second. Not when he feels like Shae is just as bad as Zye is about these things. Which is fine, he can handle it. It’s why he braces his hand against Shae’s elbow when he sways upon starting to walk forward. He stays quiet and walks alongside Shae to get to the door Zye holds open.
A yawn slips from Shae as he moves to the couch. “I’ll just rest here a second. Then head to bed so I can be ready for tomorrow.”
Zye shakes his head but says nothing. It’s not worth trying to talk Shae out of it. He won’t miss the get-together and Zye can’t blame him. He feels the same. Come hell or high water, he’ll be there too.
Jace takes a step back, feeling a bit awkward since he still has his shoes on. “I should get going anyway.”
“Oh, I’ll walk you out.”
He follows Jace back outside under the porch light. For a moment, he hesitates. There’s a lot of feelings welling up in his chest and he’s trying to navigate them without scaring the other man off. Little does he know, Jace isn’t faring much better. Jace is just about to speak when Zye beats him to it.
“Thanks for helping.”
“That’s what friends are for.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right. I’ve never become friends with someone so fast. Uh, Shae doesn’t count but don’t tell him I said that.”
Jace chuckles. He’s elated to hear the admission more than he’ll show. “I’m glad,” he says as he turns around all the way.
Their eyes meet and Jace doesn’t stop that first step back toward Zye. He wants to reach out so bad it hurts— something he blames on Shae and his teasing. Jace isn’t one for keeping it in, he wants to let it out. But he holds back— he doesn’t want to overwhelm Zye.
“I’m glad Callua brought me here. Best four months I’ve had in a long time.” A soft smile shows, one that barely lifts the corners of his lips. “I just wish you wouldn’t get hurt so much.”
Zye is locked in place. He sees the hand that’s coming for his face— expects it to land. All the while he’s mystified by that silver gaze. There’s something different about it that he just can’t put his finger on. Part of him wishes Jace would just lean in closer— do them both a favor.
Except Jace doesn’t. He shies away from it and instead tucks some hair behind Zye’s ear. It’s not strange to him, he just needs something to do other than pull away awkwardly. Although, stepping back is bad enough. “I know you can handle yourself. But if you need me, just say the word.”
He doesn’t know how to react right away. It’s like a bubble has popped and he’s falling back to the ground. There’s disappointment and his breath is still caught in his throat. Zye shifts his eyes away and back, hoping and praying the flush on his cheeks will go away.
Zye pats Jace on the shoulder as the man turns to signal his leave. “Thanks, I appreciate it. And I’ll see you tomorrow night?”
“Wouldn’t miss it.”
Pulling away, Zye tries so hard not to trip over his own two feet. It takes a moment before he gives a wave and hurries to slip inside. Jace can only shake his head and begin to walk away. He’s eager to leave so he can return— can get back here and to this friendship that fills him with such happiness.
Everything says this is right and to fall into it. He can almost hear his Mother’s voice if he closes his eyes and he knows he shouldn’t dare ignore the age-old advice she gave him.
“Don’t hesitate when you see something worth protecting— have something worth loving— and never leave anything unsaid.”