Having a lazy day to lie in bed is one thing. It’s another if he feels absolutely awful from head to toe. The only thing he can manage is playing a cheap little game on his phone. He’s already kicked the cover off and left the lights off. His eyesight is getting worse anyway, what’s it matter at this point?
The last time he felt good was when he ran into Hax a couple days ago. He can only imagine it’s because he’s been overworking and taking on more hours lately. That maybe it’s just catching up to him. It certainly doesn’t help that the arcs of pain surging up from knees to head have little downtime between them.
He clicks aimlessly at the colorful blocks in hopes of ignoring a particular bolt of piercing pain. Zye rolls onto his side just as a message pops up, interrupting his game. Not that he minds when it’s from Jace.
‘Got my days mixed up and I’m off today.’
Zye chews on the inside of his cheek. There’s no way he wants Jace over while he feels bad. But in the same breath, Jace has been busy lately and he doesn’t know when he’d get to see him again. Zye sits up and wiggles a bit. A stretch here and standing up there. He feels…decent. Enough to give a quick reply.
‘Come on over then.’
He’s more than sure that Jace won’t mind the sweatpants and ragged crop top. Not that he has much time to do anything other than make it to the living room when there’s a knock on the door. Sometimes he hates how fast Jace can be.
Going to open the door, Zye huffs at him. “You could just pop into my room.”
“But I don’t know when Shae isn’t home. Wouldn’t he freak out if I was suddenly inside?”
Zye turns as Jace comes inside and takes off his boots. “Nah, not really. I could tell him you came in through the back. Hell, I could say you used my window and he’d believe me.”
Jace is quick to follow and realizes that Zye might not be doing so well. Coming around the wall, Zye stumbles and stops moving for a moment. He thinks he can swallow it down and pretend it doesn’t hurt as bad as it does. But he can’t. It has him nearly doubling over while exhaling hard.
“S-sorry. I’m fine…just, uh, not feeling well.”
“I can leave if you’d like. Not that I want to.” Jace states plainly while coming up behind Zye. He places a hand on Zye’s back as he stands. “Do you want me to?”
Zye chooses not to fake it. A sigh slips from his lips. “Not really.”
“Then come on.”
Jace steps around while holding onto Zye’s arm, guiding him to the couch. He’s not against it either. It’s far too easy and comfortable to follow Jace’s lead. Even more so when he ends up sitting next to Jace with his head on the man’s shoulder.
“What were you doing?”
“Hm? Nothing, just laying in bed.” Zye flips the television remote in his hand before bothering to use it, flicking the device on. “You know, I really should have realized something was off when you would show up and leave but had no car or phone.”
“Is that…strange?”
“Incredibly. You need better lies.”
Jace chuckles. “I wasn’t sure what to do. This is the first time I’ve allowed myself to make friends with people that are still alive. It’s…slightly against the rules.”
“I guess you could say some of the higher-ups don’t like it. Others don’t mind. One of them encourages it, in fact.”
“I take it that’s the one that’s given you time off?”
“So you’d be going against orders not to enjoy yourself?”
Jace can’t help but smile. He knows exactly what Zye is trying to do. The hand brushing over his thigh certainly helps to get the message across. It’s not uncommon for them to end up tangled in the bed when Zye doesn’t feel good— he practically pleads for it.
Hard to deny him, Jace folds each and every time. A good reason to why he looks over and dips his head down. His lips brush over Zye’s; soft, gentle, and warm. The moment is pleasant until he feels those lips tremble against his.
Zye sways a bit as he pulls back. There’s a distinct lack of feeling that begins at his toes and works its way up his body. The numbness clashes gallantly with the heat that’s blossoming from the center of his chest. The last piece to the puzzle is his swimming vision.
Jace’s face isn’t before him any longer. It’s that room again. The dark curtains and peach-colored walls. Gray tile stretches out to touch the edges of bookshelves and cabinets with more shelves wedged around and between them. They’re full of so many things he does and doesn’t know.
There’s a person before one of them in a sweeping crimson coat. Fingers tap on the books on one shelf. They mutter toward wherever this focal point is. “Did he leave you some of this stuff?” They scoff at the thought. “I don’t know why you collect this junk. What’s so good about it?”
They turn away and Zye catches the sight of bright eyes that shine like polished rubies. Their voice is speaking again but it’s distorting as he feels something touch him, trying to bring him out of it.
Even if, part of him wants to keep looking— wants to find out more. It’s so bright and hot. A welcoming heat that could melt away one’s pain and worries.
“Zye…look at me, it’ll be okay. I’m here?”
He can feel the hands cupping at his face. Thumbs brush over his cheeks, gently drawing him out of whatever has happened. It takes a few blinks for Zye to be able to see the worried look on Jace’s face instead of that gorgeous room.
Even his throat feels parched yet he manages to choke out a response. “I’m okay, sorry.”
“I told you not to be. It’s alright.”
It really isn’t. They both know it. The only difference is Jace is far more worried about these moments when Zye zones out. It hasn’t happened often, just enough for him to notice. If anything, he doesn’t seem to be in pain when it happens.
“How about you lie down for a bit? I can always go out and get us something to eat.”
“Mm…sure. But only if you tell me about those ones last time.”
Jace chuckles while retrieving a pillow and settling on the couch where he’s comfortable. All that’s left is Zye yanking down a blanket as he ends up stretched across the couch. His head nuzzles against the pillow on Jace’s lap before he turns onto his back.
“Alright, get talking. You were saying the others aren’t like you.”
“Ah, right. All of us Dark Stares have a power, it’s how we protect ourselves. It can be anything from control over liquid, like Cal has, to being able to see through structures. Not everyone has something flashy.”
“Like you? Punching through things is definitely flashy.”
Jace leans back with a smile. One of his hands becomes a captive of Zye’s, the man interlocking their fingers together. “Right. The others are more capable with actual weapons. The higher up they are, the better they’ve refined their fighting prowess.”
“Mm…gotcha. So shouldn’t y’all work together?”
“We used to. It’s not so easy at the moment. Stars are the brute force to cleanse Nether. Dark Stars are usually the support line for them so they can cleanse the area afterward. It used to be a practiced dance.”
Zye yawns and rolls over. He stares at the way Jace’s shirt folds over the waistband of his jeans before glancing up at him.
“Does it get tiring to live so long? I guess you do get to see a lot of new places though.”
“It’s…interesting. I go to a lot of the same places, though. It started feeling like a routine.”
“That had to be boring.”
“Sure. But if I hadn’t kept going and turned in for my soul to rest then I wouldn’t have found something special about life again.”
“Hm? Really?”
“You and Shae. All of you…you’re so alive. It reminds me why I said I’d do this, to begin with.”
Zye scoffs, “Corny dork.”
Taking his hand away from Zye, he lets his other slip down to begin brushing through the shaggy hair. “I’m serious. It’s like eating the same thing every day and then suddenly you get to try something else. It’s no wonder Callua spends all her free time going around and meeting new people.”
“She really does know how to have fun.”
Another yawn.
“Not wrong. She’s actually one of the most capable people I’ve met. In fact, she helped train me. Callua really does take her job seriously even if it doesn’t show it all the time.”
Jace watches as lashes flutter. Zye’s slowly losing the fight to keep his eyes open. Therefore, Jace continues in hopes of lulling him to sleep.
“Even those above me know how capable she is. Two in particular always have their eye on her.” He smiles at the way Zye’s breathing evens out and a hand slips up to grip the pillow. What he doesn’t expect is for Zye to mumble to him.
“I saw one of those things the other day.” A sigh follows the words. “The humanoid-looking one.”
“I’ll make sure to scout the area, no worries. Did anything happen?”
Zye hums, appreciating that Jace looks out for people like that. He nuzzles a little closer and takes a deep breath, inhaling as much of Jace as he can. It’s so calming and relaxes his nerves considerably.
“Nope. I ran into a friend that drove me home.”
Whatever he plans to prattle on about next is gone the second he gets another message from Gray. It’s at least not urgent. Meaning he doesn’t mind relaxing against the couch while Zye falls asleep. Something that doesn’t take long if the lack of movement and talking is anything to go by.
Jace isn’t even sure how long he’s sitting there. The programs going by on the television aren’t anything he’s used to— there’s no way he can measure time by them changing. All he can do is sit there. He doesn’t have anything better to do anyway.
Watching Zye sleep so calmly will always be his first choice anyway. Especially when the man has admitted to having strange dreams that border on possible nightmares. Yet when they’re together, they don’t seem to show their ugly little head.
What he does know is that he’s starting to doze off by the time he hears the front door opening. It shuts and the lock clicks. Heeled boots prelude the appearance of the young woman with her long, green hair tied back in a thick braid.
“That can’t be comfortable. Aren’t your legs asleep?”
“Hey, Cal, and no they aren’t. Yet.”
“How long has he been out?”
Jace waves his hand dismissively. “I have no idea. There’s been…four episodes? I was going to wake him up soon to eat and take his medicine. I know it’s getting late.”
Callua giggles at that. “Haa…my two stupid boys. Alright, alright, I’ll get dinner and see when Shae is coming home..” She turns back around with a flourish of her dark blue skirt around her knees. “Does that mean you’re staying the night?”
“Probably, unless he prefers I don’t.”
“So you are. Got it. Then I can manage dinner and I’ll head back out. I just wanted to come let you know personally that Adrian has seen more Star activity. More teams and pairs are breaking up and the Stars are branching out for their own for safety.”
Jace sighs at that. It’s only getting worse and there’s no hint of it even possibly getting better anytime soon.
“Then can you check in with Gray? He mentioned needing to get Yue to the new safe house we set up. As well as some others.”
“Can do, boss.”
The noise has Zye stirring. Not much at all. Just rolling closer to Jace with his forehead against the man’s stomach.
Jace drops his voice to a whisper and gestures down at Zye with his eyes. “Be safe. He said he saw a Rank One.”
“I’ll put out the notice then.”
Callua gives a small wave before slipping back out. It leaves Jace to run his fingers through Zye’s hair. He knows he should start trying to get him up soon. If anything, to give him time to gather himself before Callua or Shae get back.
Still, he can’t help but be worried. He can’t be here twenty-four-seven. It would be smothering and too much. And he won’t dare be around where Zye can’t see him. That’d be too weird. All he can do is realize he’s got to start working harder to help end whatever is about to happen quickly.
Fingertips sweep Zye’s bangs to the side. “Don’t worry. I won’t let them hurt you.”
62Please respect copyright.PENANAZExRFU2C76
In hopes of making up for the past week and a half of failed dates and not feeling well in general, Zye has the perfect plan. Albeit it’s taken him some time to put together because of those reasons. Even more so because he’s had to find the perfect place where the light pollution and people won’t be. Then again, most people go to the designated areas to watch.
But that’s too many people for Zye. He’d rather take Jace all the way out to the city’s limits where the only type of light is from their vehicle. He has to go along the two-lane road for quite some time before he finds the perfect place to pull over. A little ways out and it’s perfect— sandwiched between two cities and their overpowering light. But far enough out where the darkness of the sky stretches so far in every direction.
This little road is just where they need to be to have the best view. At least, better than those idiots in the city, as far as Zye is concerned. It also helps that the fringes of the city leading out aren’t as overpopulated as the rest and there’s no light from towering buildings to ruin this.
Parking the rental truck, Zye glances over at him. “You really should wear the jacket just in case. It’ll be cold.”
“Even if you end up wearing it instead?”
Zye pockets the keys into his jacket and flips the locks. His hand idles on the handle. “Ya know…I really do feel bad about snapping at you the other day.”
Jace shakes his head at that. “You shouldn’t. It’s alright.”
“It’s not. I don’t want to yell at you.” Zye lets go and turns, a hand bracing against the console between them. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“And neither did you. It’s okay to have an outburst. You weren’t feeling good.”
“I… that’s—”
Jace leans over with his hand atop Zye’s. “Calm down. It’s fine. You didn’t hurt my feelings. If anything, I felt bad I kept pushing and didn’t stop Shae from doing it either.” He tilts his head a bit at that, trying to get Zye to meet his eyes. “Is that why you’re doing this?”
He can’t answer. It partly is, after all.
Zye isn’t sure what to do when Jace moves in a little closer. Those lips are so close to his own and he really doesn’t want to pull away. He enjoys the way Jace gives him the smallest of kisses— just enough to satisfy him and have him wanting more at the same time.
Red creeps up along the corners of his eyes as he pulls away. The handle snaps loudly back into place when Zye opens the door, retreating quickly. “We should hurry or we’ll miss it.”
Jace, smiling to himself, slips out of the truck as well. Of course, he makes sure to put on the jacket Zye gave him. It’s breathable enough that he doesn’t feel overwhelmed by the fact that he’s not anywhere near cold.
He hurries around the back of the car to meet with Zye as he’s locking it up. It doesn’t take long to have Zye’s hand in his. “Lead the way. Also, what are we even doing?”
A question that exists only because there’s a large blanket folded over Zye’s arm. He guides Jace to the bed of the truck and tugs the door to it down. “Have you ever seen a meteor shower?”
The prideful look on Zye’s face is hard to ignore. He tugs his hand away and climbs up into the back of the truck. It only takes him a moment to get the thick quilt folded and laid out. He grins wide as he sits down on one side.
“Get your ass over here, I don’t want you to miss it.”
Zye lies down flat on his back while Jace gets up there to do the same. It takes him a moment to get situated before deciding to drape his jacket over both of them. Except Jace doesn’t stay just on his back. He leans his head against Zye’s shoulder, eagerly wanting the contact.
“So, what is it?”
“It’s like…well…Okay, it’s as if the stars are falling. It’s really pretty, swear.”
“Have you seen it before?”
Zye lulls his head over to where it leans against the top of Jace’s. “Only when I was little. Oh, right there.” Stretching his arm up, he points to where light streaks across the sky. “There’s one.”
Jace brushes his hand up Zye’s arm until he grabs at his hand. Fingers interlock with Zye’s as he brings it back down. He turns away from the beginning of the meteor shower to watch the way Zye’s eyes sparkle while he does.
“I’m glad you’re the one that showed me. I’ll have to return the favor.”
“You really don’t. But it would be cool to see some of the places you go. The rainforest one you described sounded amazing.”
Jace rubs his thumb over the back of Zye’s hand. “There’s plenty other of places.”
“We should just run away then. Go somewhere far away from everything.” The laugh at the end does well to cover up how badly he wishes they could do just that. “Kidding, of course.”
“No…” Jace lifts their joined hands and kisses Zye’s knuckles. “I’d like that. Let me find the right place first.”
“Can you do that? Wouldn’t that get you in trouble?”
“Only if someone finds out.”
“It’s okay, really. I just want to spend time together.”
Jace chuckles and snuggles a little closer. His head rests on Zye’s chest. He can hear the quickening heartbeat so much better. The small rise and fall of his chest with each breath doesn’t help either. It makes things so real for Jace— solidifies all of his worries.
It scares him a bit. He never thought he’d be able to love anyone ever again. Not like this. And it’s only getting stronger day by day.
Zye scoffs at him. “Jay, dude, you can’t see the sky like that.”
“I don’t mind. I only have eyes for you after all.”
“You…are so stupid sometimes.” He says this yet can’t wipe the smile from his face. He slides his other hand into Jace’s hair, loving that the man left it down tonight. “You know…you’re the only one that’s made me feel this way.”
“What do you mean?”
Jace goes to lift his head but Zye keeps his hand there, urging Jace to remain laying on his chest. If anything, it’s so Zye can keep his nerve. He’s glad Jace takes the hint if anything.
“People like me, we’re little trophies to others. They like to parade us around. Like we’re some achievement that they got to sleep with you or ‘soften’ you up.”
“I’m sorry. You— no one— deserves that.”
“It’s fine. I’m luckier than most since I fought back. I may have gotten a few broken bones, but it was better than being someone’s toy to toss to their friends when they’re done with you.”
“They…do that here?” Jace can’t simply imagine it. It’s so…different from his home. “This world is too cruel.”
“Yeah, it can be pretty ugly. But not all of it.”
Daring to push now that the hand slides from his hair, Jace rolls them over. Zye laughs at him as he props himself up above Jace. It’s only then that he can see the wide smile on Jace’s face. “What are you so happy about.”
“Just that you’re right. I got to see one of the prettiest things about this world.”
“I— Shut up.”
“Where I’m from, it was very tightly knit. But it was also because we were fighting to survive. There wasn’t much time for squabbles. Although they did still happen now and then. But nothing cruel. The leaders would have our head.”
“That sounds nice. Do you ever want to go back?”
Jace glances away and Zye regrets asking almost immediately. “No…Maybe someday. I’d rather think about all the places I’d like to show you instead.”
“Well, since you don’t care to watch the rest. I can show you to our hotel. It’s nothing fancy, but I swear it’s nice and cozy.”
“Then what are we waiting for?”
“You’re unbelievable.”
Zye shakes his head. He works on peeling away from Jace and getting off the truck. It takes a moment since he has to wait for Jace to get down as well. It’s only then that he can fold up the blanket. Shutting the back, he’s about to move when he finds himself held in place.
Arms wrap around his waist, hugging onto him so tightly that Zye lets out a low breath. It feels good— so good. Even despite the tickle of the fluff hitting his cheeks now that Jace has put his jacket back on.
“If I could take you anywhere, away from here, would you go?”
He chuckles at that, “Seriously? I mean an all-expense paid trip does sound nice.”
Jace leans his chin on Zye’s shoulder. Cementing the fact that he’s not moving yet. “I’m serious.”
“Of course, I would,” he replies with a much softer tone. It’s almost breathy the way he lets it slip out. As if he’s admitting a secret he was trying to hold inside. Turning around in the hold, he’s confused. “Hey, why do you look so sad then?”
“You mean the world to me.”
“Oh?” Zye leans forward until their lips barely touch. “Then show me your world.”
The soft kiss ends too soon for Jace. Even still, he can’t deny the fact that Zye must be cold. His cheeks and nose are already getting rosy from being out in the weather.
“Then let’s start by enjoying our night.”
“That I can do.”
Zye pulls away only to hurry to the driver’s door. He opens it and throws the blanket into the back seat. All while he’s getting it started up, Jace moves around to the other side and climbs in. It doesn’t take them long to get settled in and head back the way they came.
The entire drive, Jace can’t take his eyes off the other man. He’s sure Zye knows he’s staring. Yet he can’t find it in himself to care about feeling embarrassed about it. He wants to soak in every detail— remember every little thing and not let the memories ever have a chance to fade.
The walk into the hotel and receiving their room key is no different. Jace is simply ecstatic that Zye keeps their hands clasped together the entire time. Considering what a simple hotel it is, Zye is able to take him straight to their room on the second floor without delay.
Zye lets go of Jace’s hand the second that they’re inside the room. He pockets the keycard into his jacket which is immediately thrown to the floor. The grin he flashes at Jace has the man feeling like he’s just walked into a lion’s den.
“What do you want to do?”
“Seriously?” Zye turns to him and begins to undo the clasp on his jacket. He slides it off Jace’s shoulders and lets it hit the ground next. “I thought it was pretty obvious.”
“Maybe I need you to spell it out for me.”
He says that yet his hands land on Zye’s hips. His fingers slip beneath the baggy and worn-out t-shirt to tease along the waistband of Zye’s pants. Zye is coy enough to play along, he doesn’t mind. It makes it all the more enjoyable to push Jace’s hands away.
It’s only so he can slip his hands up the front of Jace’s. The black material bunches up around Zye’s wrists the more he moves his hands up Jace’s torso. He does pause a bit to grope at Jace’s pecs— he can’t help himself.
“Fine. I want you naked on that bed all night long. Blunt enough for you?”
Jace chuckles as he takes the shirt, stripping it off to drop it on top of the jacket. “Good enough. I take it you planned all this out?”
“Mhm.” Zye peels away from Jace, both happy and not that the shirt is already gone. “I could use a little tender love and care first, though.”
“That’s one of my favorite parts,” replies Jace as he tugs at the front of Zye’s shirt. “Hurry and join me then.”
Zye swallows hard when Jace turns away. Getting to see Jace from behind is just as good as the front as far as Zye is concerned. Jace bends over to tug off both socks and boots first. Once he has, he peels out of the underwear and jeans he’s left in.
The fact that he’s so comfortable being naked always has Zye wanting to jump him. Sometimes he’s not sure Jace realizes just how good looking he is. Even more so when he’s managed to prop himself up on a couple pillows. Long legs stretch out over the sheets with hands together and folded on his stomach.
“If you stop drooling, I’ll do something you really like.”
That’s all he has to say to get Zye to move. He practically tears his clothes off as he moves for the bed. He stumbles and nearly falls onto it. Managing to catch himself, Zye is quick to reach back down for his pants. From the pocket, he retrieves a couple packets.
“Whatever you do, don’t move.”
Zye bites back the wince of pain as he climbs onto the bed. Situating himself over Jace’s chest, he’s more nervous than ever. The fact that those lips are right there and the warm breath ghosts over him has shivers racing along his skin.
“Mind if I prep you at the same time?”
“In that much of a hurry?”
“Actually, yes.”
If he wasn’t aroused before, he is now. Zye reaches up and sweeps back his hair as best he can, tying it off into a small ponytail. There’s no way he’s letting it get in the way of this. It’s only then that he lets one of the packets fall to the bed. The other he rips open.
Jace holds out his hand so the gel can be poured into his hand. It’s cool and thick as Zye squeezes it out. All so Jace can immediately reach around him. Jace’s spare hand is pulling his cheeks apart so the other can smear and push the lube into him. All the while, he’s taking the head of Zye’s cock into his mouth.
It’s nothing overtly special or fancy in technique. But what he can do is lick and suck along the glands until Zye is clenching around the two fingers pushing into him. The languid licks and never-ending eye contact has Zye losing his mind already.
There’s nothing sexier to him than Jace sucking him off. Of course, it helps that a third finger is wiggling in to join the other two. The conflicting feeling of being sucked down on while also being stretched out is ecstasy for him. Even more when he takes a little more of Zye into his mouth.
“Haa…Jay, quicker.”
Jace lets it slip from his lips. Licking them, he raises a brow at Zye. He pushes the three fingers as deep as they can go. They grind up against Zye’s prostate while he squeezes Zye’s ass with this other. “And you say I’m in a hurry.”
“There’s nothing wrong with wanting to skip to the main course.” Zye reaches behind him and swats at Jace’s hands. “Come on, move those things.”
Once Jace has pulled his fingers out, Zye is scooting down until he’s kneeling over Jace’s dick. He’s not surprised by how hard it is. He is happy with how he can reach back and begin pushing it in without much resistance. Still, it’s tight.
“Zye, relax. I’m not going anywhere.”
He’s worried for more than one reason. Zye is in far more of a rush than normal. It’s not the usual horny push this time. Something else is going on. Jace catches the wince and how Zye reacts, one hand settling on his chest for a moment.
Not that Jace can say anything before Zye is acting as if it never happened. His hips lift, fall, and wiggle in just the right way. He knows how to have the hard length push into him to have them both taking a deep breath. He doesn’t stop either.
The way he bounces atop Jace has the bangs slipping out of their hold. They stick to the light sheen of sweat already gathering on Zye’s forehead. Jace can’t look away while it happens. He can see everything from where their bodies join together to the lithe form trembling on top of him.
Still, Zye is slowing down and he can see that the best.
Jace sits up, pushing away from the pillows and grabbing onto Zye’s waist. The pressure he puts on those slender hips has Zye stopping. “Zye, are you really okay?”
“Don’t— Please. I just…”
“What’s going on?”
Zye leans forward. His forehead presses against Jace’s as he wraps his arms around broad shoulders. “Just love me tonight. Don’t act like I’m going to break. Don’t hold back. Show me how much you really like me.”
“As you wish. But we’re not going all night again.”
Grinning, Zye can’t hold back the chuckle. “I’ll change your mind, don’t worry.”
Jace brushes his lips against Zye’s. A small moment of reprieve before he begins thrusting up into him. There’s no hesitation. The movements get faster and rougher with each one that passes. To the point where Zye clings onto him with all he has— eager to meet the lift of Jace’s hips with a roll of his own.
The mouth that latches onto his neck makes it even better. The growing pressure makes it feel like he can’t get enough air. That he can’t reach the itch deep inside fast enough. All he can do is drag his hand up into Jace’s hair and press him closer still. Moans and heavy panting are what drive Jace to hurry. It’s so tight and warm that he can’t last much longer, to begin with. The softness sucking down around him is undeniable bliss. It’s only right as he’s about to lose it that he realizes there’s no condom. He lifts his face and is met with Zye’s lips hovering above his.
“Inside is fine.”
The breathy words are the prelude to the lips and tongue hitting up against his own. Zye steals away all of his thoughts with such a simple kiss and a flick of tongue. The man puts everything he has into the kiss. Even his hands come up to hold Jace’s face, refusing to let him leave until he’s satisfied.
Sagging against Jace, Zye moans into their liplock. He presses flush up against Jace to where they share a sticky mess on their stomachs. That is while Jace releases into him as well. The heat pouring into Zye has the man finally pulling away with a wet smack.
Hands slide down to Jace’s shoulders. Resuming eye contact, he can see the disgruntled look and laughs softly. “Come on, I don’t mind.”
“We have condoms, we should use them.”
“Oh that other one, that’s just more lube in case you wanna go again in the morning.”
Zye pushes Jace back down but follows after him. Lying atop, Zye is more than pleased when Jace rolls him over almost immediately. Jace lets out a huff as he holds himself up so he’s not putting any weight on Zye. “I’m starting to think you’re just getting worse.”
“Maybe I can’t get enough of you.”
“Ah, so it’s my fault?”
“Mhm. Yup.” Zye stretches his arms above his head. Shoulders loosen and something pops— feels good. He crosses his arms behind his head and grins up at Jace.
The worst part is Zye knows just how much Jace watches him. Maybe that’s why he slips one arm back down to brush across his chest. Fingers stop and frame one of his nipples between them. All combined with a lick of his lips.
“Gonna stay there all night or are you going to move again?”
“Shouldn’t we go get cleaned up?”
“You’d have to get out of me first and it feels like you’re not ready for that yet. So, no.”
Jace dips his head down to whisper in Zye’s ear, his weak point. “Then I’ll make sure you can’t move tomorrow if that’s what you want so bad.”