Jace feels safest with his back toward the door to his room. If everything goes south, he can run in there and shut the door. His own little sanctuary no one can get into.
Although having Hax beside him does help. A little bit. Not that it stops the worry of Kerse not caring what Hax thinks. It’s always possible with how she’s gotten lately.
More dramatic. Emotional. Irritable. Insatiable.
He used to think she was childish. Good at what she needs to do, at least, but wanting to do other things— fun things. Now, there’s a sinister air about her. She’s dangerous and he can feel it the second she walks out her door to meet up with them.
Striding to them, she tugs the dull crimson jacket further up her shoulders. It covers most of the darker red shirt with a black tie beneath the folded collar. The buttons go down to her belly button, there they stop and the shirt separates to either side.
Hands settle on hips clad in a black skirt with a pair of shorts hidden beneath. Her fingers drum a steady pattern against the material, red nails gleaming brightly against the dark clothing. It mimics the way her ruby eyes almost seem to glow thanks to the dark sclera.
“I’ll make this quick as I have to get going.” Hax gestures toward Jace. “He’s been keeping an eye on things for me; ear to the ground and eyes everywhere. Now that we’re down a rank, he’ll be indispensable. Especially to you, Kerse.”
“I see. And if I call for you?”
Her eyes bore into him to the point where Jace feels uncomfortable. The gaze is strong and searching. Yet the expression is pale with lips painted in a deep red not quirking up or down. There’s no clear sign of how this is going.
“I’ll come running. Whatever you need.”
“Hmm, fine.” She shifts from one foot to the other. The one she had been leaning most of her weight on lifts up to rub at the back of her ankle. It directs his eyes to the fishnet that goes from the skirt and down into slip-ons that match her top. “I guess that’s fine. Just remember who’s in charge.”
Jace gives a slight bow of his head, “Of course.”
Already planning to leave, Hax begins for the stairs. “You two get cozy. I’ll see you later.”
The entire time that Hax walks away, Jace is glancing over at Kerse. There’s a look in those eyes that dares to give a piece away— what it is, he can’t figure out in time. If anything, he can’t remember the last time they even interacted.
Not that she had any bedside manner when he first got here. The only true interactions they’ve had are during training. No words, only fists.
The silence is tangible and Jace seeks to break it. He gives her his full attention. At least, as best he can without looking at the way her horns curve out from the back of her head and around. They curl down toward her eyes as if to keep his gaze there.
“I promise that whatever you need, I’ll have it taken care of. No one will question any order you give or they won’t be around long.”
“Huh, I like that. I guess Hax was right. Didn’t realize you’d be so reliable. I thought you were only good at sucking up to…whatever, it’s a good thing you know your place.”
“What would you like me to do first?”
“Your main concern is going to work with Soren. The Dark Surge has plans to move forward and you’re going to provide Soren with anything he needs.”
She stares hard at him. “I take it you’re Hax’s dog now?”
“No, your orders come first.”
The quick answer seems to dispel whatever was beginning to creep forward in her suspicions. At least, for now. She rubs at the back of her neck and the darker strands beneath the shorter white ones.
“Any questions?”
A small shake of his head.
“Good. You’re dismissed, but when you come back let me know. It’s about time we sparred again.”
The excited grin on her face is hard to contain. Much like a kid that’s getting a treat or the promise of something good to come. Yet it’s not threatening in the least. Perhaps that’s why he doesn’t hurry to leave her side and get back to Hax.
The strange part is returning to Hax’s side. Into his room and through a portal, he’s back on Earth and in the city of Civicus. The heart of the city bustles and flourishes with activity even as the sun begins to descend.
Atop the roof of a restaurant, Hax is waiting. A smile flashes toward Jace as he turns to greet him. “That wasn’t long. Any daunting orders already?”
“No. Just being service to Soren.”
“That’s to be expected considering how close they’ve gotten.” Hax’s tone drops; low, a whisper that has something else laced throughout it. Jealousy? Anger? Jace can’t determine which. “It’s not a good thing either.”
“You knew about Soren and the Surge, but let him get close to Kerse?”
Hax folds his arms behind his back. Doing so has the ends of the shawl dragging the concrete. “I did. That’s why I asked you to meet with me when you were done.”
“Go on.”
“It’s time you know a bit more.” He begins to walk, pace more like it. “I originally formed the Dark Surge. It was a small close-knit group that reported to me about our observations. However, Kerse has concluded that now she’s stronger so she should have control of it.
She’s been overruling me on quite a few things lately. I think at first she was trying to show me that she could handle it. Now I’m beginning to think she deems me too weak to do any of it. She won’t listen to my opinions.”
“What did you…Why—”
“I understand your concerns. However, my intentions weren’t to harm people. Not like what Kerse has allowed them to do under Soren’s guidance. Soren’s the one that’s begun the trend of capturing Nether to kill in large swaths and make the Star, of either side, not cleanse afterward.”
Jace drops his gaze to the ground. It’s horrifying— terrifying even. “He’s destroying them…”
“She tells me Soren promises that it makes them stronger. I disagree and I want the places they’re doing this shut down. I need you to help me.”
“That’s too risky, she’ll know.”
“She won’t. Soren is the only other person she trusts and he’s too full of himself to do grunt work. If anything, perhaps it’ll shake the trust she has in him.”
Jace curls his fingers into fists. It’s too risky. Letting them remain operable is even more so. People, both those living and not are in danger the longer this goes on.
Hax strides over. He bends slightly to look up at Jace, trying to find a hint of what’s in those gray eyes. “I’ll be there with you most of the time. But you have to agree that you have the larger damage output.”
“They’ll know. Fire is simple and—”
“I promise you they won’t. I’ll protect you from any interrogations.”
“Then I want you to make me a deal.”
Hax laughs as he stands upright. “Sure, sure. What do you want?”
“I have questions.”
The man stops as a breeze ripples through the air. There’s silence as the anklet jingles when he turns. A single golden eye stares back at Jace. “As you go through these facilities you’ll find any answer you want and then some. If you still have questions when you’re done, you can ask me.”
“I’d rather you just tell me. It’d be faster.”
A soft chuckle preludes his words, “Where’s the fun in that? Besides, I’m sure you don’t tell me everything, either.”
“And if I did.”
“Then I’d feel very bad that I’m so secretive.”
65Please respect copyright.PENANAewToF1PMmt
The hotel isn’t quite scummy. It’s not ritzy either. It falls comfortably in the middle and does well to ease his nerves. Of course, they’re still there. He’s nothing but a bundle of anxiety and caffeine. Zye lifts the key card, hovering the chip next to the doorknob. It chimes and unlocks, allowing him entry.
What he doesn’t expect is for the room to be empty. It’s not like he’s early— Zye is at least ten minutes late. Yet the customer isn’t here either. He chalks it up as a win and brushes his bangs back. They’re still damp from the shower he rushed through to get here. It helps them stay in place and out of his face if anything.
Zye grabs at his t-shirt, plucking at it to make it billow and let air in so it doesn’t stick to his skin. The cool temperature in the room has him getting close to freezing compared to how hot it is outside.
There’s not much else to do other than wait for his new customer. The man didn’t seem terribly interested at first, instead, he said he knew his companion would be. But Zye has never seen him anywhere near Ruby’s Light so surely the client hasn’t either. Therefore it should be safe to do “business” with him. There’s no way word of this can get back to Kass or Lyra. Even Shae doesn’t know about this.
Nothing can go wrong.
Thankfully, he’s not forced to wait much longer. Just as he’s heaving the first sigh, the door opens. It takes the man much less time than it did him to enter and strip off of his suit jacket. The absence of the black material leaves the man in matching pants and a stiff, white button-up.
He begins to fold the sleeves back while walking forward. The long ponytail of dark hair sways behind him with each step until he’s standing before Zye. Golden eyes seem to shimmer from the lighting as he smiles down at the young man.
“I have something in mind for tonight.”
Zye leans back on his hands, a smirk tugging across his countenance. He’s trying to remain in the character he’s making in his mind. All the while he’s trying to remember where he’s seen this man before.
“I’m here for whatever you want to do. Just cause I’m new doesn’t mean I can’t keep up.”
“I’m glad to hear it.”
He doesn’t make a move as the man lifts his hand. Cautious and waiting, yes. But never flinching to where the man will back out of the deal. He needs the money, after all, he can’t afford for the guy to run off with the other half of the payment.
What he doesn’t expect is for the man to drag a finger over his forehead in a circular motion. The second the tip of that finger presses to the middle of it, Zye falls back. Limp against the sheets, he stares up at the ceiling.
He’s losing consciousness and fast.
As for the man, he idles for a moment. It’s as if he hears something and quickly dismisses it. He reaches for his pocket, withdrawing a yellow gem in a typical diamond shape. Focusing on it produces a faint yellow shimmer that spreads out along the floor and up the walls. It fades as fast as it appears and the man opens his eyes. They glow ever-so-slightly upon doing so.
The once-white sclera turns dark. Horns begin to fade into being, curving back through the hair that refuses to be kept up in the ponytail. He bends forward only to stop once again.
“That woman, I told her I was busy. Hax, this. Hax, that. I only asked for quiet for a little bit.”
He places a knee on the bed and leans over Zye. It’s almost amusing how hard he tries to keep his eyes open— to not pass out.
“I’m impressed. Most wouldn’t be able to withstand that. At least, not in a human body. It seems you’re taking to the power quite well.”
One hand braces against the bed at first. The other levels over Zye’s chest, over where his heart is located. Zye stares up at the figure that’s getting blurry the more he tries to focus on him. Then again, the second that hand touches him, all he can think about is how hot it is.
It doesn’t stop either.
The heat amplifies more and more until it’s uncomfortable. If he could move he’d be swatting the hand away in fear that he’s catching fire. Yet all he can do is lie there unable to scream from the sensation flooding the senses that haven’t dulled.
Above him, Hax focuses harder. A soft purple hue outlines his hand as he presses a little harder. At the last second, he has an idea. With his left hand, he grabs for Zye’s right. Lifting it, he makes sure to press Zye’s palm to his chest as well— a chest that’s empty of any heartbeat.
Doing so has Zye trying to wiggle away. He can’t focus any longer and the blurry vision is growing watery as well. Lashes fluttering closed, he passes out— unable to hang on any longer.
The second he does is when it happens. Dark symbols trace down Zye’s hand and arm from where it touches Hax. They’re faint but there; a collection of dots, circles, and lines. The most important features are the two horns that begin to manifest from his head, above his brows, and curl back along his head.
They’re a transparent purple with the barest hints of blue glowing through and around them. It gets a little brighter as those markings on his arm begin to shift between dark gray and white— as if it can’t settle on either one.
All before it fades down and has Hax letting out a puff of breath. He lets go of Zye’s hand. He watches it drop to the bed as he drags a hand up through his bangs, pushing it all back. To say he’s exhausted is an understatement.
He even feels cold .
Still, it’s nothing compared to the euphoria of what he’s just realized. A solemn chuckle trembles off his lips, “I can’t believe it’s taking. Finally…progress.”
65Please respect copyright.PENANADpoRwbHjsq
Jolting up in bed, Zye grasps at the sheet that’s been draped over him. The confusion rippling through his mind has him reeling not to mention wanting to vomit. Yet there’s no sign of either happening. All he can do is try to cling to whatever memory he’s been granted— refusing to let it slip away.
“You’re awake!”
The shout coming from beside him has his grip on the memory shattering. It slides through his fingers like grains of sand. No matter what he does, it grows blurry until all he can remember is the hand on his chest.
The pressure.
The heat.
“Zye? Are you feeling okay?”
Turning to look to his side, he’s surprised to see Iris perched on the edge of a chair. It’s drawn close to his bed with her elbows planted firmly on the mattress as she leans forward. Slowly, he nods to her.
“Oh thank God. Orion said something happened and you’d recover, but he wanted someone to watch over you just in case. I actually just got here, Ilista was here first.”
She’s so bright and cheerful— so truly blinding. If anything, she reminds him of Xerxes. Well, if Xerxes spoke his mind more.
“How long was I out?”
“Mm, well…you know time doesn’t really work like that here. So, um, let’s say about a week judging by how many missions I’d have done.”
Zye swallows hard. The tightness in his throat doesn’t go away. Something must have really been wrong. Yet…he can’t think of what happened to begin with. He remembers leaving the room. Did he hurt himself? Fall down the stairs?
No…he can remember the vaguest senses of a man being there. One that he both feels like he knows and doesn’t. Not to mention a name that feels strange to try and say. A name that his gut tells him not to utter before Iris.
“Can you tell me what happened?”
She shakes her head, sending a headful of curls bouncing against her face. “I wasn’t there. But Ilista was, she’d probably know more! Would you like me to see if she’s still around?”
“You would?”
“Only if you promise me not to move until we come back.”
“I promise.”
That’s all it takes to have Iris scooting the chair back and hurrying out of the room. Zye watches the flourish of her dress disappear through the doorway before laying back down. There’s no sense in making trouble for himself when she’s going to help him. Not right now at least.
Even remaining still has him aware of how heavy his body feels. It’s as if his equilibrium is off and his thoughts are a little slow to come forward. Strange feelings he wishes he didn’t have to deal with on top of it all.
Some time passes before Ilista is bursting into the room with her long hair, tugged back into a thick braid, swaying behind her. In the doorway, Iris stands and watches for a moment.
“I’ll let Orion know you’re up.”
The second she’s gone, Zye rolls over and reaches out for Ilista’s wrist. He needs her close and he needs her to talk fast. He stares up into golden eyes, already silently pleading with her.
“I need you to tell me what happened.”
“I found you having trouble. Your nose was bleeding and you didn’t respond. By the time I got you in bed, you were passed out already.”
“There was someone else there.”
“I didn’t see anyone. Do you know what they looked like?”
Zye lets go of her. His hand hits the bed as he rolls onto his back. “He had yellow eyes, kind of like yours.”
This has her tensing up. He watches how she seems to bristle and look away, eying the doorway as she speaks. “The only one here at the time would have been Hax. Did he do something to you?”
The answer is immediate. It surges out of him with such conviction that it catches both of them off guard. The surprised expression he’s greeted with has him glancing away.
“We were talking. That’s all. You’re going to tell Orion, aren’t you?”
“I…no, not if you don’t want me to.”
A moment is all it takes for him to nod. He doesn’t want Orion to know, not yet. “I’d appreciate it.”
“Then you owe me.” Ilista takes a step forward and bends down. Her voice drops to a whisper. “When you were bleeding, it wasn’t blue like it should have been.”
“What…does that mean?”
“I’ll find out.”
She’s standing up straight when the door shuts in the other room. Ilista is quick to begin moving the chair as if to make it seem like she was busy. By the time Orion is entering the room, she’s already moving to leave. As she passes, Orion gives her a smile.
“Thank you.”
“Sure. Call me if you need me.”
Orion strides over, not wasting a second in putting his hand on Zye’s forehead. He gently brushes the bangs away until Zye stops him. The reaction is immediate if only because it makes him uncomfortable. Even if he’s not entirely sure why.
He urges the palm away from his face. “I’m fine.”
“Are you sure? It doesn’t hurt anywhere?”
Zye continues to push the arm away as he sits up. He hopes that by doing so maybe Orion will back off. The close contact unnerves him as it always has. At least unless it’s certain people. Orion hasn’t been granted that privilege.
“No pain.”
Orion won’t be satisfied until he makes sure, something that Zye finds out the hard way. The other hand is already sneaking up to grab at Zye’s chin. Fingers are gentle, yet firm, as he moves Zye’s face to look at him.
Heat sears over his cheeks as he shoos Orion’s hand away. The light smack on the back of Orion’s wrist does make the man let go. “Would you quit that? I’m fine.”
“Still, you should cleanse just in case once you feel like you can get up.”
“Then move—”
“I said when you feel like you can. And that’s when you’re not putting on a brave face. Once you’re back up to par, we’ll continue your training immediately.”
Orion steps back, already heading for the door. The sight of him leaving has Zye mumbling to himself, “What if I don’t want to…”
Something that Orion still manages to hear. A glance over his shoulder warrants no smile or twinge of emotion that had been there a moment ago. “Then you can stay in here. I don’t care for pets so you should make yourself useful.” Hand on the door, Orion begins to close it. “Until you do, get some more rest.”
The door clicks shut. It reminds him that he’s still in this room. No windows and no outs. Even the bathroom that he’s been graced with has nothing for him. Just a cold floor to sit on as he debates how he ended up here, to begin with.
Lying back down, he wonders if he can fall back into that dream. Surely if he does he can remember it this time when he wakes up alone. Perhaps…asking that other person could help. Maybe Celeste could give him another insight into things.
65Please respect copyright.PENANAbnHADwfYtE
Returning to Ruby’s Light is one of the few things that brings Jace the tiniest bits of comfort. There’s something about this place that simply has his heart feeling a little lighter. If not also making it heavier when he has to leave. A sensation that’s usually worse after speaking with Kass.
A feat he always does when he visits in the evening. By the time he’s leaving near midnight, he’s spent more time in this world than he intended. Still, he loves it, all the same, to be able to climb the stairs and head up to the top floor.
His boots squeak against the wooden floors as he makes his way to the end of the hall. It’s full of rooms for those that have nowhere else— no one else. It’s a destination that he wishes was under better circumstances.
A quick knock has a grumble of a reply from the other side of the door.
“Come in.”
Opening the door, Jace has gotten used to seeing Shae in such bad shape. He’s gotten a little gaunt and pale. Dark bags streak below tired eyes with a frown seemingly etched onto his once happy countenance.
Not that it deters Jace in the slightest. He steps inside and shuts the door behind himself. The tray he carries is sat on the bedside table. The cloak Zye gave him is taken off. He drapes it over a chair before moving to the bed where Shae sits with his back against the headboard.
Jace can already tell that the medicine is wearing off and the pain is spiking back up. Not to mention the mental agony of watching everyone else die around him.
He picks up the water and the medicine he’s brought up with him. Shae holds out his hands, taking them without saying a word. It’s how it usually goes. While he downs it, Jace busies himself with folding up the blankets that have been kicked off the bed.
If anything, he wishes he could tell Shae that Zye is at least okay. It wouldn’t help much, but perhaps it would ease something. Or maybe it would make it worse. Not that he can, to begin with. Even entertaining the idea is taboo. Much like falling in love with someone living.
“Is there anything I can bring you next time?”
Jace sets the blankets at the end of the bed and looks up. An extra sip before Shae sits up. Legs sweep out over the edge of the bed as he holds the glass to balance on his knee.
“No. Just…fuck…there’s nothing you can get me.”
He doesn’t press. Doesn’t dare try to tell Shae it’s alright or offer something he could get. Not when the frail man is in such torment. He wishes there was something he could do to take some of it away— if only a little, if only enough to give him one good night.
“I’m sorry…” he starts with a whisper. Shae’s voice trembles as he looks down into the water left in the glass. “I’m just tired, Jace. I’m tired of losing all of my friends. I…I don’t want to live like this.”
Fingers twitch against the cool glass before it slips from his hand. It tumbles forward and shatters between his feet. Water splashes over them as he sits there, staring down at the mess he’s made.
Jace says nothing. It’s better that way. Simply a quiet man that moves for a towel on the nearby chair. He’s quick to pick up the larger shards while sopping up the water. Once he has, he stands up.
“I’ll go get something to clean this up. Don’t move, alright?”
Shae slowly brings his legs up onto the bed, crossing them. “I’m…sorry.”
“It’s alright.” He uses his boot to push some of it to the side, pleased when there’s no crunch. Thankfully the glass has broken into larger pieces instead of small ones. “Callua said she’d stop by tomorrow.”
Shaking his head, the blond tries so hard as he grips his pant legs. “You don’t get it. I’m not like you…I’m tired.”
Watching the way Shae’s shoulders shake is painful. He’s trying so hard not to cry. It reminds Jace that he’s not like Zye at all. Zye would let it out, not hold it in no matter what. And he’d do for Shae no different than he would Zye or Callua.
He steps forward and presses his hand to the back of Shae’s head. Jace urges him forward until the man gives in. There’s no hug or arms that cling to him. Only the gentle rocking of bony shoulders as Shae quietly lets a few tears roll down his cheeks.
“I’m not as strong as you think.” Jace smiles at the way Shae vigorously shakes his head, trying to deny it without speaking. “In fact, I’m tired, too. But I’m not leaving you along with this either, okay?”
Shae chokes past a sob to let out a laugh. “You’re such an idiot.” He rubs his arm against his eyes as he sniffles. It takes a moment before he sits up, one hand giving a light punch to Jace’s stomach. “Fine, go take your strong ass downstairs and get my dinner.”
“And you’ll eat it this time?”
“Maybe if you feed it to me.”
Jace shakes his head with a smile. The fact that Shae is playing around tells him that it’ll be a long night. Perhaps he’ll stay a little later until he’s sure the man is asleep. He’ll need the company.
“Yes sir, I’ll be right back. If you’re lucky I’ll convince them to give me something more than water.”
“Wine!” he calls out as Jace turns around, making for the door.
“No alcohol, you know that,” he replies before walking out.
Jace starts for the stairs with a heart of melancholy. He certainly doesn’t think he’s very strong at all. Being led around by the nose seems to be all he’s good for. Second guessing, obeying and playing the role he’s been given, and not questioning— it’s gotten him nowhere.
It’s playing the coward’s way in some respect.
But stepping out of line…can’t lead to anything good…Would it even be worth the chance that it would work out? Or keep hoping that it’ll all work itself out as long as he plays his part?
Jace sighs as he comes down to where people are. Placing a petite smile on his face is easy. Another mask to hide the conflict swirling inside of his heart.
After all, if he had his way he’d have marched back to Noctis and whisked Zye away. Everything else would have been damned and tossed aside. An action that he condemns as being foolish for letting his feelings overwhelm his mind.
No, it’s better to wait and bide his time. Surely it’ll be fine.