From the bed where she sits beside Hax, Sigil watches as Jace paces back and forth through the room. Her nimble fingers continue to weave a braid while following each pass he makes. If he could wear it out and put holes in it, he would with how many passes he’s done. For good reason, of course.
Getting an emergency call from Vespera was the last thing he needed. Not being able to go only makes it worse.
Jace doesn’t stop moving until he hears two people thud onto the balcony and sling the door open. The glass rattles in its frame as Callua stumbles into the room with Vespera clutched to her side.
Together they plop down onto the end of the other bed. Jace is over to them in the next second while Callua already begins to work on trying to heal what she can. They’re not from the same side, therefore she can only do so much.
“What the hell happened?”
“They’ve…been tracking me, this world. We weren’t careful enough.”
Callua lifts her head. “Soren and Daichi. Actually, if Daichi wasn’t there Zye might be dead. So I guess we owe him one.”
“I don’t owe him anything. But…if he’s with Daichi, that man should be calling for one of us to heal him any time.”
“Right. While you take care of that I’ll try to get Vespera stabilized if nothing else and then move everyone to the next place. Gray is waiting for us?”
Jace nods. He’s about to give them more information when he hears it. It’s Daichi.
“Please, Jace, I’ll give you anything. Please help me, someone I care about is hurt.”
Callua sees the look on his face. “He asked for you, didn’t he?”
“I have the location. Let Gray know to be on standby.”
Vespera speaks up even as Jace is over to Hax, helping him sit up. “Do you want me to alert anyone in Noctis?”
Jace grabs Hax’s shoulders, steadying him, before turning away to open a portal. He knows he’ll be on his own for this one. Hax is in no condition to fight while looking like death warmed over.
“Sure. Pick someone. I’ll send you the same location but don’t come unless I call or set everything on fire.” He turns to Hax next. “And you, stay hidden until I say so.”
Vespera’s eyes go wide at that. She glances at Callua who merely shrugs. Hax turns back to Sigil and pats her on the head. “Listen to them, they’ll keep you safe.”
“You’re not coming back are you?”
“No, no I’m not.”
Her bottom lip trembles and yet she holds it back. She pinches her eyes shut and lowers her head. It makes it a smidgen easier for Hax to step through the portal first. Jace is right behind him.
Thankfully, Jace plans correctly and they come out on the roof of the house. He glances down to the balcony and then back to Hax. “Don’t move.”
He jumps to the balcony and knocks a hand against the door. In all fairness, he expected glass that he could look through. It has him getting frustrated until Daichi is opening the door.
The first thing he notices is not all of the blood on Daichi is his own. He has wounds, sure, but the blood staining the floor surely isn’t his.
Daichi heaves a sigh of relief. “Y-you came! I wasn’t sure who to ask. I know Callua can’t heal this but I just need him to be stable and I figured you’d know how.”
Turning on his heel, Daichi leads Jace further into the brightly lit room. He’s over to the bed in the next second with his hands pushing the towel back up against Zye’s wound. Of which, Zye is barely awake.
“You can’t do what you did last time. If you try binding his soul to something, you’ll kill him. Just like the last one.”
Anger floods through Daichi at that. It has nothing to do with the fact Jace knows— everyone knows what he tried to do. It’s the fact that he let Zye go. He loosens his grip on the towel to brush his hand up and down Zye’s arm.
“No, you don’t understand! I can’t lose him, I just got him back. If you won’t help—”
“I didn’t say I wouldn’t help.”
Jace is conflicted even if he understands he has to play his role to get this to work. He knows those feelings all too well. Piecing together just what these two were to each other has him concerned. The last person he wanted to be Daichi’s new obsession is the man he loves more than anything.
“I only meant you can’t do what you did last time. He’s still bound to a Keeper in Noctis. You owe me if I help you remove it.”
“First, I need water from there or cleansed by the moon. Ask someone in the Surge to get it for you and don’t come back until you do.”
Daichi grips Zye’s arm, “No. I can’t just leave.”
“Do you want my help or not? I have no problem pretending this didn’t happen and leaving.”
He doesn’t want to fight Daichi. Not when Zye’s health comes above all. He has his priorities and he’s glad when Daichi seems to fall in line with them.
“Fine. But if you fuck this up, I’ll make sure your afterlife is done.”
“Then you’d better hurry and get that water. The only one messing anything up is you.”
Flustered at that realization, Daichi leans over Zye. He places a kiss on his cheek and pats his chest. “I’ll be right back, babe.”
Zye turns his head as best he can to get away from him. It’s the only thing he can do with how weak he feels. The pain is second to exhaustion, purely because he’s lost so much blood.
Once he’s sure Daichi is gone, evident by the slam of the door, Zye lulls his head back to search for the owner of the other voice. He watches the man stride up to his bedside.
Tugging at the towel, Jace examines both wounds to see if they’ve managed to stop bleeding. The one in Zye’s chest has, at least. He palms Zye’s shoulder and smiles down at him.
Zye can’t help getting lost in the warmth that comes from it. “You’re…Jace?”
“I am. Now save your strength, it’ll be okay.”
Jace pulls away, as much as he doesn’t want to, and moves for the door. He opens it wider and sends up a small flame. A moment later and Hax is staggering into the room.
“Oh…that’s not good.”
“Tell me you can fix this.”
“Keep a watch by the door. I don’t want to be interrupted.”
“What are you planning to do?”
“Do you still not trust me?” Hax strolls over to the bed slower than he cares to.
“I don’t actually,” replies Jace as he shuts the door.
“Fine. I’ll be releasing a lot of power to remove this bond and trade places. It’ll be enough to alert anyone in the area and maybe then some. It may also attract some Nether.”
Zye swallows hard and tries to get them to look down at him. He manages to lift his arm, knocking his hand against Hax, who stands at the edge of the bed. “What…are you doing?”
“Healing you. Now be quiet.” Hax glances to Jace, “ And I’ll tell you if I need anything.”
Retreating to the door Daichi left through, he leans against it. Sure, the man will probably come back via a portal. In case he doesn’t, this should keep him out long enough. Not that Jace is against setting this house on fire except for a small circle where they’re at.
He watches patiently as Hax begins to roll Zye onto the side he’s been cut. Obeying the movement, Zye does his best to hold onto the bed. The only thing keeping him from freaking out is the pain numbing his thoughts and the man at the door.
Hax summons forth his dagger and rips the back of the shirt open the rest of the way. He dismisses it and scans the expanse of back in search of the two white figure-eights on the middle.
They’re already vanishing, barely even visible as it is.
Placing his hand atop them, Hax closes his eyes and focuses. He’s not sure if it’s truly possible. Regardless, forcing more of his power in should overwrite the link to Orion if nothing else. He thinks back to Haru and how he placed his hands on that girl.
He can only imagine the thoughts that went through his dear friend. The pure desire to save someone. Hax can’t mimic that entirely and he recognizes that.
Hax knows it’s his fault and trying to overwrite some wrongs encourages him to move faster. He allows Zye to roll onto his back as he takes in the wounds. They’ve stopped bleeding. In fact, they seem to be trying to heal if nothing else.
The plans he had for this man were bad enough. The fact that both he and Sigil have been hurt frustrates him. It’s his fault and he doesn’t deny it. Still, it’s bad enough that the living does it to the living.
“Do you know who did this?”
Jace nods, “I do.”
“Make sure they’re dealt with.”
Jace raises a brow at that. He’s not surprised to some degree. In a way, Hax cares even if it’s a strange way of showing it. “That goes without question,” he answers back.
Hax shifts his attention back down to Zye. “I’ve removed the bond. Keep him safe and he’ll be fine.”
His hand rests on the middle of Zye’s chest. It’s still easy for him to detect the core— his heart. Giving him more of the power has Hax leaning over him.
It’s only then that Jace notices it.
From the waist down, Hax isn’t there. He’s transparent and fading away. Worse yet are the presences he feels begin to pop up.
There are so many Nether he can feel encroaching upon the property. Following it are other energy signatures he knows all too well.
Soren. Daichi. Orion. Aster. So many Dark Surge recruits that are tainted and willing to fight.
As he returns his gaze back to Hax, he watches as his forehead touches Zye’s. Within the blink of an eye, he’s gone and a portal opens beneath Zye on the bed.
He knows what it is.
Hax’s last ditch effort to send him elsewhere.
But he won’t be going anywhere without Jace. He can’t lose Zye again. Not while he’s hurt and confused.
Jace lunges for the bed and grabs onto Zye as he sinks through the portal. They fall through together as Jace holds on tight.
Somehow, they end up getting flipped around as they come out on the other side.
Not that it matters. Jace keeps his ironclad grip on Zye even as his back slams against the ground. The impact knocks the wind out of him. The pain is only second to the stun he receives.
He’s not sure how far they fell. Only that his power was able to shield him from any real damage.
That and he’ll be fine now. It’ll be alright.
Staring up into the dark expanse of the sky, he heaves a sigh of relief. The rain peppering down on them is of little concern. The blanket that slipped in through the portal with them flutters down over them, keeping Zye dry for the most part.
Jace is grateful for the overgrown yard and how the grass sinks down as he rolls them over. It takes him a few tries to get the blanket wrapped around Zye’s shoulders and then both into his arms. He even finds the towel and presses that against the wound in case it starts bleeding again.
“Crap…where are we?”
His eyes scan the vicinity while Zye’s head lulls onto his shoulder, nestling up against his neck. It has him stilling when he feels breath on his skin. The fact that Zye hasn’t shaken his human tendencies warms his heart.
No matter how hard he tries, he can’t detect any presence whatsoever. It reminds him of the world he found the cabin. No human or animal life is anywhere as if something terrible has happened and the world is recovering.
This, however, feels recent.
Not wanting either of them to get too wet, Jace hauls Zye up onto the back porch. It’s covered by an overhang with vines already crawling up along the posts. To the side, he sets Zye on one of the many chairs.
His finger flicks over the diamond on his coat after he stands. It shimmers from the power it’s granted. It’s only then that he dares to slip inside the house. The locked door is of no concern after slamming his shoulder against it.
There’s no sign of people of any kind. Reaching over, he flicks at the light switch and is surprised when the lights shudder to life. Jace turns it back off and continues to check each room downstairs. Not before summoning an orb of fire to float near him to give some light.
All he can find is dust and a house that seems to have been in the middle of being lived in. It’s as if all the people are simply gone. Yet there are dishes in the sink, which smell, and something in the oven.
He doesn’t dare open anything. He might not need to breathe, but he doesn’t want to smell whatever food has gone bad either.
The second floor is no different. In one bathroom there’s makeup laid out on the counter. A bottle of nail polish is knocked over and spilled onto the floor. He leaves that one and heads to the largest bedroom. In the bathroom, he flicks the handle to test for water pressure.
It starts spewing out, stops, spurts, and then finally continues. He lets it run for a bit before turning it off. Deciding this is where he’ll drag Zye up to, he returns downstairs and out onto the porch.
Jace doesn’t bother shutting the door before kneeling in front of Zye. He pushes the blanket aside and checks the wounds. His fingertips brush under the one across his stomach.
“Where…am I?”
“You’re safe and with a friend,” he replies while slowly rising to his feet. “My name is Jace.”
He’s waiting for a sassy rebuttal.
One that never comes.
Instead, Zye looks down at himself and the blood on his hands. It takes a moment for the name to process. His brain has to dredge up what happened before he passed out. Not that he even remembers doing so.
“You’re who I’m looking for. Vespera was taking me to see you.”
Jace tries to keep the smile on his face. “And I’m going to help you if you’ll let me.”
Zye grunts as he tries to sit up. Standing is a bit harder and yet he does so anyway. “I have questions for you.”
“We can talk inside. I think this place should be safe for now.”
“You think? What if it’s not?”
Jace grabs the bloodied towel that hits the deck. “I’ll protect you.”
He can’t help but stare at the back he’s given a view of. Those words are so honest and genuine. It has him wondering if he’s heard them before. It’s something he can’t dwell on at the moment.
Plucking the blanket around his shoulders, Zye ambles after Jace. The entire trek into the house and up the stairs, Jace keeps glancing back to check on him. Before him, he keeps the ball of flame floating through the air to light their way.
At the top of the landing, he guides Zye toward the room at the far end. “First we need to get you healed. We can figure things out afterward.”
“And how do we do that? Shouldn’t I go back to Noctis? Is Vespera okay?”
“I can’t take you there, I’m not allowed. Vespera will be fine. She should be getting healed and reporting to someone in Noctis as we speak so that no one worries.”
“Wait, what?”
Jace slips back into the bathroom and flicks on the light. The plume of fire dissipates as he moves further in. “The sun can’t get near the moon. I’d have to take you to Solis and I don’t see Kerse allowing me to do that. I can’t risk the chance that she gets her hands on you now that Hax is gone. I don’t have anyone that can help me there.”
“Hax…wait…no, he— that’s the guy in my dreams, too.”
The water splashes into the tub after Jace plugs up the drain with the stopper. He stands up and steps away from it, gesturing for Zye to sit. Eager to do so, Zye flips the toilet lid down and takes a seat.
Jace, however, leans against the wall. He’s not surprised that of anyone, Zye knows Hax— remembers Hax. Hax would have made a lot of contact with him. There’s no way Hax would have given his life to just anyone, after all. Any logic he can come up with doesn’t make him feel any better about it.
Jace throws the towel behind the door for now. “You knew him?”
“Yeah. I knew him for most of my life actually. It’s so weird how much is coming back…”
“Do you mind if I check for your mark? If you don’t mind taking your shirt off.”
“No big deal,” replies Zye while shrugging the blanket off his shoulders.
His first realization is he doesn’t have to undo the belt at the bottom or even take it off the proper way. It’s ripped all the way up the back and as he leans forward, it slides off his shoulders and down his arms. Taking it off the rest of the way, Zye sighs.
“Figures. Just got that one fixed up.”
Jace flicks his gaze to the ceiling and steps closer. Once he’s beside Zye, he scans Zye’s back for the symbols. Something that’s gone and replaced by an expanse of dark gray ones. Meanwhile, the ones on his arm are right where they should be now that he’s a proper Infernal.
“It worked. Good.”
“What worked?”
“Those are the marks that only an Infernal should have.”
“Oh, those? They’ve, uh, been there for a bit. Come and go as they please.”
“They’ll be permanent now. You have all of his power. In exchange, your bond to Orion is gone. That’s good.”
“W-what do you mean good?”
“Because it means I can heal you.”
Jace steps back around Zye and turns the water off. Bending over, he sticks his hand into the cold water. For a split second, it glows yellow, spreading from one end to the other.
Zye would normally be watching what this strange man is doing. The only problem is when Jace bends over, Zye finds himself sneaking a glance at the curve from back to butt to thigh. He’s not even sure why he lets his eyes wander.
He’s never done it so blatantly before. At least, not unless it was with the man he can’t fully remember.
Averting his gaze as Jace stands up, he looks to the water instead. “Who even are you, really? And what did you do?”
Jace isn’t a fool. He sees the flush beneath bright eyes all the same. It gives him the smallest tinge of hope. “It’ll heal you no different than the waters in Noctis did before. While you do I have a few things to take care of.”
Zye refuses to let this man waltz out. He grabs the wrist that’s almost out of his reach. As soon as his fingers touch Jace’s skin, he’s flinching away as if he’s been shocked, burned, and bitten all at the same time. Not to mention the pain that blossoms to life at the back of his head.
“Fuck…that hurt.”
“Maybe don’t do that. You’re still missing your memory, right?” The nod he receives has him placing his hands on his hips. “Alright, then try not to touch until you do. I’m not sure why that’s happening.”
“Then don’t go anywhere. If you run off and I can’t find you after I just did I’ll be pissed.”
“I didn’t realize you were comfortable around me to be naked in front of me.”
The blush returns full force. Zye stands and lets the blanket drape over the toilet. “Idiot. Just turn around why don’t you?”
“Of course,” replies Jace while doing just that.
It gives Zye the shred of privacy he wants to undress and slip into the water. He hisses as he settles into it. It’s so hot and yet it feels good all the same. Regardless, the water immediately gains a tinge of color from all of the blood.
“Well, this got gross fast.”
Jace leans one hand against the sink while he waits. “It should try to clear up as it heals you. If it doesn’t just rinse off before you get out. I don’t have enough energy to make it as efficient as it should be.”
“Figured you were Mr. All Powerful considering you’re so hard to get a hold of.”
“No, just busy.”
“So…are you going to tell me who you are or what?”
“If you don’t know it might be better we avoid that for now. Whatever was done to your memories…I don’t know what would happen if we forced information back to you. All I can tell you is I’m a Keeper from Solis.”
“Ass…I nearly die trying to figure this out and you won’t tell me? Well fine. I was good at those games anyway, I’ll solve it on my own.”
Jace glances back only to snap forward after realizing he did so. Not that it stops Zye from seeing the dark flush beneath silver eyes.
Yeah, he can figure this one out without anyone’s help. Zye is pretty sure either this man is innocent despite his appearance or they knew each other. He’s not stupid.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to look. How does the wound feel?”
Zye stretches a bit and then reaches down to touch them. “Fine, I guess. Feels like skin. Mind grabbing me something to dry off with?”
Jace makes busy work of looking in the cabinets above the toilet as well as below the sink. Once he’s found a couple of towels, he sets them on the toilet and takes the bloodstained blanket.
“I’ll find you something to wear until I can get back to Solis,” he states while making for the door.
“And you’re sure I can’t go there?”
He watches Jace’s grip tighten on the door frame. “If I take you there, she’ll sense you. She might try to kill you and I can’t have that.”
Jace is quick about scouring the rooms on this floor. Out of the three bedrooms he does manage to find things that might fit. Not that they’ll be perfect. A pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt.
Returning to the bathroom, he sees Zye sitting on the edge of the tub with the towel around his waist and an elbow braced on his knee. Jace holds them out and Zye takes them with a questionable expression.
“I’m not picky…but they’re clean right?”
Jace chuckles and steps away. “Yes. I can look for something else if you’d like.”
“Nah, this is fine. But…you’re leaving, aren’t you? Are you sure I have to just sit here?”
“It’s an errand. I’ll be back in no time. I need to let Callua know you’re okay as well. I’ll send her when I leave.”
Zye can’t imagine another person with that name. Of course, he knows it’s possible. It just isn’t a possibility in his mind at the moment. She’d be the missing link and a good source to get information out of while Jace is being tight-lipped.
“Please stay inside. Do not go anywhere until she gets here. You don’t have to trust—”
“I do so hurry back.”
“I…I will. I promise.”
Jace stops and crosses back through the bathroom. He takes off his coat and hands it to Zye, but not before activating the diamond clipped to it. He gathers Zye’s clothes before retreating.
“It has my power, enough to keep you hidden from others until I get back. Keep it on or near you.”
He doesn’t wait to see if Zye does or hear any more questions. The sooner he leaves the sooner he can get back. A portal springs to life and he’s through it in the next second.
There’s only one stop he needs to make before going to Solis. Outside of the broken-down castle, Jace sets the clothes down behind some rubble. He doesn’t have much time other than to remember where it is before hurrying inside.
He can already feel the waves of pressure from two people clashing. At the last second, he sends Callua a message, to hurry to Zye and where he is. All so that he can step into the once-grand throne room.
Jace can sense other Surge members hiding out. They’re waiting to see how this plays out. Otherwise, there’s no one in sight aside from Soren and Daichi with powers flaring out.
“What are you two doing?”
Daichi spins around, cord taut in his hands, and glares at Jace. “Where’s Zye!? He was gone when I got back!”
“I don’t know. One of those Stars got him when I went to see who was showing up.”
“No! Fucking hell!” Daichi returns his attention to Soren. “It’s your fault!”
Jace wants to breathe a sigh of relief at that. That would be too telling. This is why he moves to stand beside Daichi with fists alight with fire.
Soren shakes his head. “Are you here to help the child throw a tantrum or stop it? Toys break, Daichi, grow up.”
“You went against orders,” states Jace
“Is that so?”
Jace steps in front of Daichi. “Hax told you what to do. You did the opposite. It’s only right that you’re reprimanded for it.”
Soren laughs; cruel, hollow, and loud. It echoes off of the stone around them. “We don’t work under that pathetic excuse of a man. We only follow Kerse’s orders. The Dark Surge in particular follows mine.”
“Well, then I guess we don’t.”
Daichi moves around Jace, looking at the determined gaze that glares over at Soren. “You’re…helping me?”
“No.” Jace raises his fists. “You’re going to help me. Follow my lead or I’ll end up hitting you.”
Jace doesn’t wait. He’s surging forward knowing full well that Soren is capable of dodging his punches and kicks. It’s part training and part power. Wearing Soren down is all he can do.
He knows he has more endurance and stamina. All he has to do is wait for Daichi to get the nerve to attack.
Even the mid-range burst of flames is avoided. A singed coat or sleeve here and there. Nothing substantial. Not until Daichi is running around the side to take Soren from behind.
Jace waits for the cord to wrap around one of Soren’s ankles before he attacks next. Yet Soren stays focused on him and ducks to avoid getting hit. Doing so allows him to crouch down and pop open his switchblade, slicing along Daichi’s cord.
The threat of doing so has Daichi yanking it back even without Soren going down. It allows Soren to weave past another set of punches and put distance between him and Jace.
A gust of wind slams into his side. Using it as momentum to hurry further to the side, it gives him a chance to reach into his pocket. He slips a ring onto his pointer finger and slowly exhales.
Jace stops mid-step, glaring at him. He wants to ask— wants to demand to know what that is. He can make an educated guess if nothing else. That choker has to have a counterpart and that must be it. Jace is safe to assume what it does and is proven right when Soren is able to dash to the side with ease.
Not that Jace is willing to let that deter him. He doesn’t care what power-up Soren uses, he’s running forward with fire licking along his knuckles. He knows the jab is going to miss.
The arrowhead from Daichi’s rope doesn’t.
Soren, focused on Jace, doesn’t see it until the blade wedges into the back of his thigh. He continues to duck under Jace’s next swing and shove at his chest. The weapon retreats and Soren makes a break for it.
He can’t take on both of them. One at a time, maybe.
Daichi is already moving after him, “Dammit! Get back here!”
Jace beats him to it. Soren is slipping into a side room. One that Jace knows is blown out to where he can escape. He shouts over his shoulder as he runs.
“I’ve got it. Take care of things here.”
Through the room and out into the side of the courtyard, he watches Soren jump and barely make it over the broken outer wall. Jace isn’t slowed by it at all. Even when the stone scratches across his palms, he’s up and over in seconds.
Jumping down, he instantly throws out an arc of fire from his right hand all the way around in front of Soren. It cuts him off and allows Jace to slow to a trot.
“You’re not going anywhere.”
Soren turns around with a shrug of his shoulders. “And why have you decided to bare your fangs now?”
“I already told you. Now stand down.”
“And I don’t believe it.” Soren lifts his arm, aiming the switchblade at Jace. “It’s about that useless man, isn’t it? The one Hax has you protecting now?”
“It’s none of your business.”
Soren chuckles as he brings his other hand to his hip. “He was just a punk. Can train him all you want, but he didn’t see it coming. The look on his face was priceless.”
Whatever Soren’s plan is, it’s working. Jace can’t quell the emotions rising up through his body. It manifests via the horns that can be seen poking up between the strands of hair. All to the point where he tugs the bandanna off and shoves it into his pocket.
He’s tired, worn-out, and no matter how hard he tries to ignore Soren he just can’t.
Jace lunges forward, turning the arc of fire into a circle Soren can’t escape from. It doesn’t change the most important fact, however, and it’s that Soren manages to dodge each hit.
“I was hoping Daichi would whisk him away to a place where he’d bleed out and die. It would have made things more fun.”
“Shut. Up!”
Soren puts some space between them by throwing the switchblade at Jace. The latter sidesteps it and begins walking forward.
“Then again, Daichi is only good for failing tasks I give him. As for that human, only good for spreading his legs to get what he wants it seems.”
It’s the last straw.
A long tail appears behind Jace’s legs with the fur at the end a plume of bright yellow. It whisks behind him as he races for Soren. Jace isn’t over the edge of anger, just sitting comfortably on the cusp.
His attacks grow a bit wild, but for Soren, they’re still predictable. Regardless, his ability is wearing him down fast and he can’t keep up with the fire-slicked fists pummeling down at him. There’s no reprieve.
They’re both surprised when Jace gets a solid hit on Soren’s shoulder. The fire burns through the clothing until it exposes skin. Soren skids and stumbles back, barely able to keep himself from tipping over from the force of Jace’s punch.
Jace huffs as he causes the fire behind Soren’s back to roar louder. “You can’t dodge me forever.”
Soren smiles at him, “You all think you’re so high and mighty. Let me inform you that you aren’t.”
“The only one that thinks that is you!” Jace holds his hand out, gathering fire in the palm of his hand to throw. “Must hurt to not have anyone think you’re special.”
“I don’t need anyone!”
Jace hurls the fire forward and rushes forward behind it. It’s the only plan he can think of. Soren is only capable of tracking one attack or person at a time. A split attack while he’s fighting alone is the best he can do.
It would work, too.
The fire does hit. The punch as well.
It’s just not on Soren.
It’s on a thick wall of ice that comes up in front of him. It extends to the sides and above until he’s encased in it. Jace slams his fists against it, trying to melt it.
He can’t keep his fire up from inside this shell of ice. Not when he needs the strength to burst out of it. He can only watch as someone shorter than Soren appears behind him.
“We’re leaving.”
“Right on time.”
They exit through a portal as Jace stews inside this frozen prison. Jace drags a hand up over his face and pushes the bangs out of the way. It takes him a moment to channel enough energy.
Like hell, he’s waiting for this ice power to dissipate as they get further away.
If anyone were on the outside they’d only see the ice immediately turn to steam. The ground around Jace’s feet is charred beyond recognition. With his bandanna in his hand, he glares off into the distance.
Calming down is harder than he would have imagined. Once he has, his visage returns to that of a human. The tails and horns are gone. It’s only then that he makes his way back into the castle. As he does, he sweeps his hair back up into the bandanna.
Daichi is still in the room with several members taking orders from him. He glances over his shoulder, “So?”
“He’s gone for now.”
“He beat you?”
“No. And if anyone asks, you beat him and you’re taking control of the Dark Surge. Feel free to report to Kerse about it.”
Jace is tired. He’s burned through so much energy that he wants to lie down if nothing else. He needs two minutes to breathe and he’ll get moving again.
Daichi has other plans. When Jace goes to walk past him, he grabs the man’s wrist. To which Jace snatches his hand away.
“You’ll help me find him right? It’s your fault I lost him and—”
He can’t deal with this right now. He just wants to get back to Zye.
“I’ll try.”
“I can even tell Kerse you helped.”
“Don’t. Take the credit. With her, you’re going to need it.”
“Then we’re even. You know, for losing my boyfriend. Thanks for helping with Soren. I don’t think everyone will follow me but if you find him, let me know.”
He just wants it to be over with. Walking as fast as he can, he slips out of the castle and to where he stashed Zye’s clothes. Scooping those up, he rips open a portal to Solis and hurries in.
If he had more time he’d heal in the waters. For now, exposure to the sun and some sleep will have to do.
Returning to his room always feels strange to him. Welcoming, yet not in the way he wishes. To Jace, it’s just a room. Boots click over the polished stone to where he pushes away thick, black drapes hiding his cleansing room.
The small pool of water shimmers under the bright, scalding light. He takes a moment to breathe before summoning forth his Mark. A piece of his power he only uses when he has to.
They’re a delicate being in appearance. Unlike others he’s seen, his is smaller than him with it only coming up to his shoulders. The slender, white creature tilts its head up to him. That way he can see the curved black eyes and blue along the bottoms of them.
It always reminds him of the makeup his father would paint on their faces during a festival. A bold streak of blue beneath each eye.
Jace holds out the clothes to it and places a hand on its head. “I need clothes just like these. An extra jacket like this and two glass jars.”
He pulls his hand away and the Mark nods. Its chest is already glowing when Jace walks out. He can’t keep ignoring the messages barraging his mental walls. He’ll get it over with quick and hope Soren hasn’t contacted her yet.
Out of his room, Jace moves out into the hall. He stands in front of the landing as Kerse storms out of her room.
“That was quick,” she remarks.
“Is there something I can help you with?”
“I’ve been waiting for someone to report back to me and no one has. I figured you’d know something seeing as you have eyes everywhere.”
“Soren betrayed the Surge.”
Kerse glares at him and grinds her teeth. “Say that again?”
“Daichi fought him. He either took him out or chased him off. He’s taking control of the Surge and should be contacting you soon.”
“That little weasel!? Impossible. That’s…no. No, he’s a weak piece of trash!”
“I saw it with my own eyes.”
“And you didn’t help? I’d rather have Soren here than that weakling.”
“I didn’t get there in time to make a difference.”
Jace steels himself as Kerse walks up to him with eyes narrowed. She searches his face for a moment before huffing. “Dammit. I’ll take care of Soren if I find him. Why would he…it doesn’t make sense. Just having you isn’t enough. Where’s Hax?”
“I can’t get in touch with him.”
“The shit? What do you…”
For a moment, she tries. He watches as she closes her eyes as if that makes it easier— to make the signal stronger. It doesn’t and she’s getting frustrated the longer she tries. The link is gone— blank— empty— nothing.
“That asshole! What did he do?”
Kerse’s fist surges forward and curls into the front of Jace’s shirt. There’s a brief second where he’s half convinced she’s about to push him down the stairs.
“Find him! His room is still here. He’s…He’s out there somewhere!”
He expects anger. Not this. This is raw fear and panic that’s vibrating along her words. Her eyes are frantic as she glances up at him before yanking him down to her level.
“You will find him. You work for me, you pathetic little human. Do you understand me?”
“Do you know where he went last? I can start there.”
Kerse clicks her tongue and pulls away. Doing so has Jace feeling a bit relieved. At least he won’t be tumbling down the stairs anytime soon.
“Of course, I don’t. That bastard didn’t tell me anything when he left this time.”
“Then I’ll inform you the second I know something.”
“You’d better. If you do a good job maybe I’ll even give you a reward.”
He waits for her to walk back into her room. Once he feels like he can deflate a bit, he’s quick to make for his own chamber. Jace merely wants to gather the items and hurry back to Zye and Callua. Being here a second longer is only making him more drained.