A smirk settles on Zye’s countenance as he rubs his thumbs against Jace’s skin. A sensation he can’t get enough of— mapping the warm, damp skin in his mind. One slowly slips away and drags up over Jace’s stomach. Zye slides his fingers around the toned abs and up out of the water.
The water drips down Jace’s stomach as Zye cups his hand against Jace’s chest. “Think you could handle it?”
“In your world? Maybe not as well as I’d like to pretend. It’s very complicated.”
“Oh yeah? You’d deal with it just to live a normal life with me or so you said.”
“I would. In a heartbeat.”
Zye leans in closer, dusting his lips over Jace’s cheek. “Mm-hm. You really don’t think you’d get sick of me after a week? Some people are different when you live with them.”
Jace is far too happy to amuse the line of questioning. He’s sure that Zye doesn’t know how much he has thought about it. Endlessly at times. Which world: What kind of life it would lead to? What would they do to get by? What kind of place would they live in?
“Why? You like things clean, you can cook, and you’re kind. I think we’d make a good team. I’m more than happy to help wherever I need to, and…I think it’d be nice. To have a different kind of normalcy.”
“Says the guy that’d be living with someone that has a hell of a libido. Come on, it’s gotta be annoying when I look at you like I wanna jump you after we got done training.”
Jace reaches up, taking Zye’s hand off his chest and into his own. “It’s cute.”
“Cute? Jay, you’re killing me.”
Drawing Zye’s hand up to his lips, he makes sure to let Zye’s fingers drape over his. It makes it all the easier to kiss the tops of Zye’s knuckles. Once he has, he lets the hand slip away and back into the water.
Jace, for all intents, means nothing other than to be sweet— intimate even. There’s an uncertainty in him about acting on his wants. He’s already turning in the water and making for the stairs. Except Zye is behind him in the next second. The sloshing of water is the telltale sign that Zye won’t let him go so easily.
He moves over to the edge, his back to Zye as the man settles his hands on Jace’s hips once more. Zye is merely curious. They have a moment, given it’s a small one, but it’s still a chance. The situation screams for it— at least, to Zye it does.
Zye presses his forehead to the back of Jace’s shoulder. “Can I ask why you’re running away?”
“We don’t have a lot of time before—”
“But if we did, you would?”
He can feel the chuckle slip from Jace. The man reaches around for one of Zye’s hands and brings it to his front. There, Jace settles the slender fingers over his very obvious erection.
“You still don’t understand what you do to me. I’d love to lock you in one of our rooms for days on end. Only us. Not even just for sex. Although…there’d be plenty of that.”
Zye kisses Jace’s shoulder as he enjoys how Jace’s hand cups against his. It keeps his hand right where it needs to be. Zye curls his fingers against the rigid shaft.
“Tempting. If you’re going to be honest, I think you should get a reward.”
“If you don’t want me to help you with it, say so. I’ll go get dressed instead.”
Jace hesitates. He squeezes his hand atop Zye’s before slowly withdrawing it. Bracing both of his hands on the edge of the pool, Jace bows his head ever-so-slightly. Doing so has Zye smiling wide.
“Please continue?”
The words that drip from Jace’s lips has a hot shiver racing down his spine.
“As you wish.”
Zye lifts his head and sees the way Jace’s hair parts to show his nape. Loving that he’s just a bit taller, Zye kisses the curve of skin. All while staying glued up against Jace’s back. He nuzzles against Jace’s neck, peppering it with pecks, as he begins to move his hand.
Slow. Agonizingly slow with the right pressure and a slight squeeze to the grip. Zye knows just what to do to have Jace gently rocking his hips. The heat builds in Zye’s hand as he continues.
He can feel every tremble that crawls up Jace’s spine. Every little hitch of breath is something he catches and cherishes. Being able to feel Jace enjoying him does more than he can express. The reward is always Zye’s fingers dancing along the swollen glands.
The shifting of the water is minimal at best. It laps up against the sides, not yet daring to sweep up over the edge. The very thing Jace is close to with how he bends over. As much as he would rather Jace be against him, this also gives him quite the view.
Zye gazes softly at the way Jace’s shoulders hunch and his back muscles tense. There’s something alluring about it. He wants to drag his hands up Jace’s back so bad— rake his fingernails down it, leave a trail of kisses along his spine, and so much more.
“Too slow, my love.”
The whimper of a reprimand has Zye coming back to the task at hand. Quite literally. He strokes his hand up to the head of Jace’s cock and rubs his thumb over the slit. As he does, his free hand is slipping around to grope at Jace’s chest.
His own arousal is easily ignored when Jace lets out a low groan as he picks up speed. A rotation of his wrist and fingers that cling so desperately to the slick shaft is all he needs to have Jace turning to putty in his hands.
Zye’s hand slips down from Jace’s chest and well past his other hand. There it finds Jace’s balls, fondling them as he licks his lips. Staring down at Jace, he swallows hard past the lump in his throat. He harnesses his practiced restraint and focuses on how Jace swells in his hands.
“What do you want?”
“Tighter,” comes the gasp of a reply. A moan masking into the breathy noise before catching in his throat.
The delivery is slow.
Zye’s hand is deliberate in its strokes as he tightens his grip. By the third pass up the shaft, Jace tips over the euphoric edge. He releases into the water while Zye continues to massage the, albeit slowly, softening cock.
Zye leans forward, folding over against Jace and kissing his shoulder. He flicks his tongue out over the skin and finds the side of Jace’s neck, sucking softly on it. Before he dares to pull away, he leaves a small bite mark over the reddened skin.
Signaling that he’s standing up straight, Jace guides Zye’s hands off of him. There’s a pout on Zye’s lips as Jace turns around. One that vanishes when he can see Jace’s face. As much as he loves watching Jace’s body react to him, he loves those eyes even more.
Jace leans forward, capturing Zye’s lips in a needy kiss. One that’s rough and messy, slightly missing its mark even. It has Zye smiling against the affection while holding Jace’s face to help him out.
Zye chuckles as he drapes his arms over Jace’s shoulders. Their lips barely part before Jace is dusting his mouth against Zye’s once more. He’s insatiable in these moments. Something that Zye doesn’t mind in the slightest.
“Your turn?” asks Jace.
“Nah, it’s fine. We don’t have time, I’ll be fi— dammit, Jay! That’s not fair.”
Jace smiles wide as he reaches around Zye, slipping a single finger inside of him. All while he rubs a leg between Zye’s to stimulate the throbbing penis. Zye practically glues himself up against Jace with his hands clutching at those broad shoulders.
“Then let me take care of it. I’ll make it quick.”
“Jerk,” Zye says before he sticks his tongue out at Jace.
He pulls away and guides Zye over to the steps. Jace sits on a lower step while urging Zye two higher than his. The taller man shakes his head at the antics. Jace never ceases to surprise him. Still, he raises a brow as he kneels on one that allows Jace to be face-level with his throbbing penis.
The sight is different. It’s not just Jace’s lips hovering right there. He’s not just going to help Zye out. The position is what has his stomach feeling like it’s on fire.
“Gonna hurt your back,” he remarks to distract himself.
“Not at all. I won’t be down here long.”
“Ha, ha, ha, very funny.”
Jace smiles as he grabs two handfuls of Zye’s ass. It brings him closer while also making the other man bite at the corner of his bottom lip. He’s well aware Jace knows what he’s doing. A quick learner.
“It’s not meant to be anything bad toward you.”
“You take your time every other chance, so let’s get moving then.”
Zye watches with bated breath as Jace’s lips part. Yet he doesn’t move forward. Instead, he takes a spare moment to bring his hand back to him. A little dribble of saliva will have to do.
The wet finger that pushes inside of him is the prelude. While Zye is focusing on how Jace wriggles against his insides, he doesn’t see those lips getting closer. A heavy exhales drips from his lips as Jace takes the head of Zye’s cock into his mouth.
Pushing Jace’s hair out of his face, Zye can’t get over how beautiful he is. Long lashes hide Jace’s gray eyes. The strong edge of his jaw tenses and relaxes as he takes more of Zye’s penis into his mouth.
Jace only wishes he could lean into Zye’s caresses. Instead, he focuses on lavishing the dick in his mouth with attention. His tongue flounders beneath it while giving small sucks to the head resting on the back of his tongue.
Imitating what Zye does to him is harder than he realizes. He surely doesn’t believe he’s as good at it.
That’s also why he has a second finger joining in behind Zye. The slight resistance to him doing so makes him draw Zye’s attention to his back and not his front.
Not that it matters to Zye. The stretch and warning not to add more than that are addictive in their own right. So much that he has to try with all his might not to move. An easy feat considering he enjoys both sides of what Jace is giving him. Only allow Jace the chance to get him off.
Something Jace is rather good at with how his fingertips squirm deep enough to find Zye’s prostate. The urge to move is resisted by how Zye bites at his lip. He has no idea what to do with his hands. Clutching at his own chest, Zye squeezes his fingers into the soft skin to distract himself.
Jace spares a glance up to watch it. Seeing Zye play with his chest spurs him to work quicker. If only because he knows it can’t go further than this. There’s no time. And this is beginning to get too arousing to watch.
There’s a tickle of a thought at the back of his mind— a message from someone. One that he ignores as he revels in the hushed panting and small groans of his lover.
“Almost…there,” comes the breathy words from above him.
It means he doubles his efforts. Jace focuses more on the head of Zye’s penis, teasing it with his tongue. At the same time, he continuously rubs over Zye’s prostate. He effortlessly urges Zye closer to the edge.
The room is filled with the moan Zye lets out as he doubles over. Zye drags one hand down into Jace’s hair, combing it back as his other hand slaps against the closest step. He wants to collapse it feels so good.
He’s but a blank canvas that Jace can effortlessly turn into a work of art.
Jace’s fingers slip out of him to rub and squeeze his ass, clinging to him while milking out every drop. He swallows it all without hesitation and doesn’t dare make Zye move. Having the latter bent over him is something he enjoys, aided by the fact that he doesn’t have to breathe.
Sitting back up, Zye watches as Jace licks along his length as he pulls it out. He curses that they have plans— curses that he can’t drag this man to the bedroom. If they’d even make it that far.
Zye runs a finger along Jace’s chin, wiping up any drool that’s dripped there. It’s hard to ignore the proud smile Jace wears. “You really drive me crazy.”
“I could say the same.”
Jace’s hands hold onto Zye’s thighs. He can feel how they quiver ever-so-slightly beneath his fingers. “Be careful when you move.”
“I’m not too worried. I know you’d catch me.”
The sly smirk makes Jace squeeze those thighs he grips. There’s nothing he loves more than to touch Zye. To drink in every sensation that’s beneath his fingertips. Down to his knees, back up his thighs, and cupping that thin waist in his grasp.
Jace simply can’t get enough of him.
“I’ll always try to catch you.”
Poking Jace’s nose, Zye smiles. A sight that has Jace’s chest full of fluttering warmth.
“Then don’t move while I get down,” he replies with a chuckle.
Zye’s thighs are trembling and his knees shaking as he gets off of Jace. Turning around, he plops back into the water with a blissful sigh. It’s heat washes over him. He glances back and immediately swallows his words at the distant look in Jace’s eyes.
He’s glancing away while sitting up, elbows bracing on the step behind him. “Ah…it seems they need us.”
“Is it important?”
“I believe so. I may have ignored their first message.”
Zye wades back over to Jace, cupping his palms over Jace’s knees. “Seriously?”
“I did have your dick in my mouth. Unless you don’t mind me talking to you in your mind while I do it.”
A flush dusts over Zye’s cheeks at that. Jace takes note of it, perhaps it’s something he needs to try next time.
“You sweet idiot. What if—”
“Then their message would have said, now. We’re headed to Noctis. They said it was important, not dire.”
Zye groans as he begins up the steps. “Fine, let’s get moving. Hopefully, it’s nothing weird.”
He doesn’t get very far.
Jace runs a hand up Zye’s leg, making him hesitate to go further. He dances his fingers along the soft skin at the back of one of Zye’s knees. As he does, he leans forward and gives a kiss to the other side.
“It’ll be fine.”
Letting him go, Zye heads for the towels. He takes one and begins to dry himself off. Jace isn’t far behind him. While they get dressed and ready to leave, Jace glances over at him.
“We can go together and see your room after if you want.”
“I’d like that. Gotta see what changes I need to make.”
“I’m sure it looks fine.”
“Says the guy that’s used to whatever this magic, energy, or crazy stuff is.”
“Energy, magic, it’s all the same where I’m from.”
Zye, now dressed, throws his towel into the basket on the other side of Jace. “Yeah, yeah you got the special world.”
Snagging onto the waistband of Zye’s pants, Jace brings him closer. A simple kiss on his lips that has them both smiling when they part.
“I’d still rather meet you in yours every time.”
“You don’t have to keep proving it. I know you like me.”
Zye grabs Jace’s hand and begins to lead them out of the room. His free hand lifts to finger at one of the holes in his shirt. They’re not very large. Enough for his fingertip to go through if nothing else.
Jace interlocks their fingers together as they get to the door. He yanks Zye backward until the taller man is leaning back against his chest. Jace looks up as Zye tilts his head to question what in the world Jace is up to.
As he does, another kiss presses to his lips. One so sweet that he wants to melt through the floor. A kiss he wishes he could entertain. Instead, he has to pull away with a soft punch to Jace’s arm.
“Jerk. I’ll get you back for that. You’re lucky we have ‘work’ to do.”