Returning to Solis, Zye is immediately hurrying down the corridor with Kerse right on his heels. She follows without a word until he takes a turn for Aster’s room instead of going toward the stairs.
“Why this way?”
“That’s where they are. Sent them a message the second I got here and to bring Adrian.”
“And they didn’t ask questions?”
“Not if I don’t give them a chance.”
Zye does have a suspicion as to why they’re all gathered in Aster’s room. It would make sense considering Aster and Callua are close with Adrian. There’s no way Callua would let them all have a chat in her room.
He skids to a stop in front of Aster’s door. A sharp knock and the man himself opens it with a shake of his head. While Zye strides in, noticing the lack of some, Kerse moves for the couch. She takes the last seat remaining. It puts Callua in between her and Adrian.
Orion is off to the side and happens to be where Aster goes to stand once he’s shut the door. The only other person that’s managed to make it is Jace. He stands next to where Kerse sits with his arms crossed over his chest.
Taking a deep breath, Zye glances over to Adrian. He can already see the way Adrian tries to make himself smaller. His shoulders hunch and his tail curls around one of his legs.
“So, I know that wasn’t a great message.”
Jace raises a brow at him. “Very bare bones, but we’re here. Celeste is out at the moment with Iris and Vespera or they’d be here.”
“And so Sigil isn’t alone, Xerxes is with her,” Callua adds.
“That’s fine,” Zye replies with a shrug. “The information can be passed along once we confirm it.”
Adrian shifts as he speaks up. “Not to be rude but…why am I here?”
“Cinnamon lollipop.”
Everyone looks at Zye, but he’s watching Adrian like a hawk. Seeing the way he does so, Jace turns his attention to Adrian as well. The brunet’s eyes widen before he bows his head, grumbling. “Sh-shit, no way.”
“He said he tracked us the first time because of you. So spill it.”
Adrian has the room’s full attention and he squirms under it. Between Jace watching his body language and Orion’s hard stare, he keeps his eyes on his shoes.
“Ren is an old friend. He probably found you with my ability plus your blood. He has, um, plenty of mine. I haven’t seen him much since he took a mission from Charmilla.”
While it’s shocking news to everyone else, Zye’s already heard it. It has a shiver crawling up his spine. He’s not sure whether or not he was hoping it to be true.
“And it was?”
“Ahh, I hate this,” Adrian huffs. “I’m not in trouble, right?”
Orion cuts in quickly, “We’ll decide that after you speak.”
Zye glances at him as if to silently ask why he’d say that. Orion, however, ignores him. Not that Zye’s surprised. Instead, he takes a step closer to the couch. “You can also tell us why you didn’t say anything.”
Adrian sighs. It’s long, deep, and has his shoulders deflating as he does so. Beside him, Callua reaches over for his hand. She curls her fingers around his with an encouraging smile. Finally, Adrian lifts his head to meet Zye’s eyes.
“Ren is strange. He’s not a bad guy. He’s just…weird? His morals are a bit looser than most. I think that’s why she picked him to go undercover and get in Soren’s good graces. He was to climb the ranks quickly and funnel information back so her and Jace could mount an attack. He told me as a safety net, I think.”
Jace is the one who speaks up, stepping around the couch so that Adrian knows he’s there. “Did he not think he’d come out of this alive?”
“Ren has a habit of getting in over his head if there’s a chance he can get what he wants. I, uh, I usually had to bail him out of some nasty situations or get him back to Solis to heal.”
“I had no idea…” Callua mumbles softly between them.
Adrian turns away from Callua as well as pulling his hand from hers. “I really wanted to tell you, Callua, I did. I was afraid the wrong people would find out and I didn’t want to put a target on your back.”
“I guess that’s why Charm was never happy I started trying to do something similar.”
Jace shifts to lean against the arm of the couch. His thoughts are spiraling as he tries to piece it all together. Finally, he looks to meet Orion’s gaze. “I wish we had known. I can’t entirely blame him for keeping it from others. Until recently, I wasn’t in a position to be able to protect him if he did. If Aster brought him here and said anything, would you have believed him?”
“No,” Orion says matter-of-factly, “I wouldn’t have. I’m not sure if I do even now.”
Hoping to sway them, Zye gives a wave of his hand to grab their attention. “Everything he’s said, Ren told us. More or less. He didn’t fight, attack, and we weren’t ambushed.”
“He had zero killing intent,” Kerse adds.
“Ren told us that Soren is moving his base. That he’s taking everyone there tonight. He’ll message Adrian when he knows the location. Then all we have to do is slip in and get him.”
Orion scoffs and pushes away from the wall where he stands. “This is foolish. Having corroborating information doesn’t guarantee truth. Why can’t he come to us when he has it? Did you probe for more information?”
“He said Ayre is there.”
“That doesn’t excuse that he could easily open a portal and step through.”
“I. Don’t. Know.”
“It’d be easier than going around in circles and having to trust that he’s not pretending to turn on Soren.”
Zye throws his arms up in the air. “Look, I’d rather you have been there to negotiate this instead of us but here we are!”
The glare Zye has focused on Orion dies down when Adrian’s voice perks back up, grabbing his attention. “Ren wouldn’t make that deal unless he was getting something he really wants. What did you offer him?”
Kerse settles back into the cushion with a chuckle. “Training with Callua, Jace, or myself. Plus some of his blood.”
Callua jumps to her feet. “Zye! What is wrong with you?”
Zye rubs a hand on the back of his neck. He didn’t expect that strong of a reaction. “It’s just blood.”
“He’s adept with blood magic, you dumbass!
“Meaning he really, really wants mine.”
“Are you serious? You think this is a joke?” Callua plops back down onto the couch with her fists on her knees. “Stupid! Why are you so stupid?”
In hopes of reorienting the direction of the conversation, Jace speaks up. He glances between Zye and Orion. “Does he want us to attack?”
Zye shakes his head. “No. Ayre doesn’t trust him. We need a team to slip in and grab him. They’ll probably know and see us so maybe only fast people?”
Jace is about to retort with Orion speaks up. His arms are still crossed and he keeps an eye on Adrian. “If we trust this, I believe I know the best set of people.”
“You do?” Zye asks.
“Yes. Of course, we’ll have to agree on it prior to setting out.”
Finally standing, Jace’s tone hardens. “You want to send Zye in, don’t you?”
“I do. Zye is fast and has his magic. Aster and Vespera would accompany. A team of three to get in and get out.”
“Woah, woah, woah,” Aster cuts in. “Me?”
Orion looks up at him. “I trust you to keep a level head and keep them safe. Besides, you walk quietly and have plenty of strength should you need it.”
Zye’s gaze shifts from Aster’s blush to the way Callua’s eyes search for his. The second she knows he’s looking, she leans forward. “What if I—”
“No,” Jace cuts her off. “You’re not suited for this.”
“I know but…”
“I agree this is a good plan. It’s the only lead we have and we should take it.”
“I agree as well,” Zye adds in.
Once they have, Orion steps away from Aster. He shoves his hands into his pockets. “Excellent. I’ll confirm with Celeste later. A secondary team wouldn’t be a bad idea. If we can pull Ayre away from Ren and possibly deal with her at the same time that would be ideal.”
“Then I should go with that team. Kerse as well.”
Orion nods to Jace’s suggestion. “Agreed. Iris, Kerse, Xerxes, and Ilista will go with you. They’re our heaviest hitters.”
“Not you?” Zye asks while catching a glance from Orion as he passes by.
“No. I’ll be on standby with Celeste and see if we can get to Soren. Callua should stay with us in that case. Is that alright?”
There are nods throughout the group. The only one that speaks up before Orion leaves, is Kerse. “One question.” He stops long enough to give her time to speak. “We can let loose right? If this does happen to take care of everything at once, it works out.”
“Yes. Whatever you need to do. Aside from getting yourself hurt. I’ll talk this over with the others and let you all know how it goes later.”
A small voice has them all turning back to Adrian. He gives a weak, nervous wave. “Can I go? I’ll let you know when I hear from him.”
“No. You’re safer here with Aster or Callua.”
Zye sympathizes with him. It’s come right out of left field and being told he can’t leave isn’t great. Still, they can’t chance losing their lead or his life. His eyes connect with Jace’s as the brunet moves toward Orion.
As he does, he glances back at Adrian. “If they find out Ren was in contact and connect him to you, you’re not safe. Should you need anything, we’re all available.”
Beside him, Callua places a hand on his arm. She leans in closer to where their heads touch. “It’s okay. You can stay with me. I’ll help you get settled in. Shouldn’t be more than a few days at most, I’m sure.”
Callua stands and Adrian is quick to follow after a bow of his head toward Aster. While they pass by, Callua pats Zye’s elbow. He looks down only to see the worry etched in her normally soft features. It breaks his heart. Not that he can simply sit this one out. That’s not how this works anymore and they both know it.
“It’ll be fine,” Zye reassures her.
“I know, I… Will you see me before you leave for it?”
“I will. Could be a while for all we know.”
The bob of her head as she looks away has him wishing he could go with them. She seems more displeased than the last few times he’s been included in these missions. He can’t do anything about it as she guides Adrian away to Solis.
From behind him, Aster huffs and rubs at the back of his head. “That was a lot. Are you all staying or what?”
Orion is the next one to the door with Jace on his heels. “I’m heading out. I have to join up with a team before getting with Celeste. I will admit we’ve done well to force Soren to keep the remainder of the Surge on a tight leash. I haven’t heard of many incidents involving them lately.”
“I agree, Tia hasn’t reported any.” Jace holds the door open for Orion to step out first. “Do you still have Hax’s journals in your room?”
“Of course.”
“There’s one I’d like to read again. Maybe I missed something that could be useful.”
“Follow me. I’ll let you inside before I head out.”
Zye hurries to catch up to them with a wave back at Aster. “I’ll tag along so Aster can have his room back.”
“Much appreciated. You guys have fun.”
Following behind Orion and Jace, Zye is quiet. Even when they reach Orion’s hallway he remains at the mouth of it. There he leans against the wall waiting for Jace to grab what he needs. As he does, he sends Callua a message in hopes she’ll answer back. It takes a moment before he gets a hang of the feeling of it working.
“Did you want to come by or are you taking him straight to your room?”
“He’s worked up, anxious, and pretty worried about all of this. I should stay here with him.”
“Tell him not to worry or try not to. We won’t let anyone touch him.”
A moment passes and nothing comes back. It has him leaning his head against the wall. He shifts from putting pressure on his left foot to his right as she finally replies.
“I appreciate it and so does he. He also wanted me to tell you to trust Ren. If he’s this desperate then maybe something is going on with those two.”
“Got it. I won’t leave there without him.”
“Yes, you will. If it’s your life or bring him, you better come home to me above all else.”
Zye can’t respond right away. He pushes his hands into his pockets and shifts his gaze down the corridor where people come to and fro. It’s strange to feel like this place is home now. Then again, he knows she means that his home is with her and Jace. He knows they’d both be devastated if he did something stupid and didn’t prioritize himself.
It’s why he’s been trying so hard to learn how to do that properly. Something that he’s never truly thought about. Regardless, he can’t deny the warm feeling in his chest at her words. He means something to someone.
“I will. I’ll be careful.”
“I mean it, Zye. If you don’t…I’ll…if I have to come get you I’m going to beat you up so bad.”
“I’ll come back, Callua. Get some rest okay?”
“You too. Sweet dreams, dummy.”
So caught up in his their exchange, Zye doesn’t realize Jace is standing beside him until there’s a gentle touch on his elbow. He lets out a soft sigh and looks around.
“Where’s Orion?”
“He left. Ready to head back?”
“Yeah. Get everything you need?”
Jace nods and holds up two notebooks. Simple and thin. They look like a type of leather with woven strings holding them closed. If anything, Zye wonders if they would have held up much longer if they weren’t brought here.
Pushing away from the wall, Zye starts for the corridor with Jace at his side. As they begin to walk, Jace moves a bit closer until their shoulders brush together every so often. His grip on the notebooks tightens with each step.
“Are you sure about this?”
Zye shrugs, he’s really not. “If Callua trusts Adrian and he trusts Ren…then it’s worth a shot. It’ll be fine.”
“As long as you don’t do what I’m prone to do, I’ll support the decision.”
“What do you mean?” Zye asks with a quick glance at Jace.
“If you’re busy throwing yourself into the line of fire for someone else you forget to take care of yourself sometimes.”
“Not everything I do is me running away from a problem, you know?”
Jace chuckles to lighten the way Zye bristles beside him. “I wasn’t saying you were. Maybe I worry too much.”
“Sorry… I know. You’re getting better at that, by the way.”
“I’m trying. I’d rather go in your place if I can be honest.”
They reach the stairs with Zye heading up first. He pauses once he gets to the top and steps aside. “Thanks, Jay. I just… I want this to be finished already. It’ll be less dangerous once Soren isn't around plotting our deaths.”
“I say we relax tonight then. Let’s stay in your room.”
Zye rolls his eyes as he opens the door. “While you read, I’m going to try not to fall asleep.”
“Did you not sleep well?”
“The usual,” Zye replies stiffly and is more than happy when Jace doesn’t push it. That’s the last thing he wants to talk about right now. He guides them to his room and stops before the side of the bed. “Go ahead, get comfy.”
While Jace walks around the bed, Zye’s already shrugging out of his coat. It quickly becomes a pile on the end of the bed until he’s down to his underwear. Watching it has Jace setting the books on the other bedside table. He picks Zye’s clothes up and takes them back to his closet, hanging up everything but the socks he places on top of the drawers inside.
He turns back around to see Zye snuggled up under the blankets with a pillow propped up behind them. Jace unclips his coat and steps out of his boots. The coat he leaves draped over the end of his side of the bed while moving to slip beneath the covers as well.
“Mind if I lay against you?”
“Uh, not really. Are you sure you’ll be comfortable?”
Jace scoops up the books and sets them in his empty spot while scooting over between Zye’s legs. “A bit more.”
A soft laugh comes from behind him as he settles between Zye’s legs and wiggles down. All the way until his head is comfortably resting against Zye’s stomach. Only then does he grab the first notebook.
“I’ll try not to fall asleep until you’re done.”
“If you’re tired, I’d rather you rest.”
Zye lets himself sink back against the pillow with a blissful sigh. He really could fall asleep. It’s so easy with how warm Jace is between his legs. Even more so when he can untie the bandanna and play with the silky tresses. He keeps the light from above as bright as Jace needs to read. From this, he can see the subtle hints of red throughout the dark brown tresses.
Closing his eyes, Zye continues to gently comb his fingers through Jace’s hair. It’s the closest they’ve gotten to a normal evening in a long time. Enough so that he can feel himself starting to fall asleep.
Until Jace suddenly bolts upright with the book clutched in his hands. Zye rubs his eyes with a yawn rolling off his lips. “What’s wrong?”
“Sigil, she said Soren has the ring to the choker Vespera used on you. It absorbs Nether or the energy of one is what I figure. I’m sure he’s using it.”
“He doesn’t need to worry about himself. Any Nether he cleanses goes into the ring and not his body.”
“That’s a bit worrisome…”
Zye slowly sits up and reaches for Jace. He scoots until he can wrap his arms around Jace’s waist, hugging him from behind. “Meaning we can’t count on him losing his edge. When your team gets in there, if you encounter Ayre, let me know the second that she retreats. Presumably, she’ll be heading for us.”
“Easy. So does that mean you’re done? I think I’m gonna head to bed.”
A tight squeeze and Zye lets go, flopping backward onto the bed. He lifts his legs from around Jace and rolls onto his side. The yawn catches in his throat when he feels the bed shift. A second later a strong hand caresses his hip.
Zye halfway rolls back to him with a raised brow. “Why?”
There’s no real answer. It comes in the form of Jace leaning down over him and a kiss peppering against his lips. Subtle and soft, he can’t help but enjoy every second. A small noise echoes in the hollow of his throat, hoping to show Jace how much he appreciates the kiss.
Jace sits back up and smiles, obviously pleased with himself. “How about now?”
“You’re lucky smug looks good on you. Gonna have to convince me better than that, though.”
Slowly, Jace pushes Zye onto his back. It’s easy to scoot over and take his place between Zye’s legs once more. Jace brushes his fingers up along Zye’s hands and brings them up. Their palms together, Jace draws them up until he can pin them to either side of Zye’s head. Once he has, he twines their fingers together with a gentle squeeze.
Zye grins as he lifts his knees up and spreads his thighs apart. It allows Jace to move closer still until he’s dipping his head down to brush a kiss over Zye’s cheek.
One to his nose follows.
And then a third to Zye’s forehead where he nuzzles the black strands away from another peck before he pulls back.
The smile on Jace’s lips has Zye breathless. He stares up at him with a warmth in his chest that makes him wonder how many times he can fall in love with one person. The only problem is the fact his hands are trapped in Jace’s and he can’t grab onto Jace.
“If you don’t want to, I won’t. We can sleep.”
“Is that what you want, Jace?”
Zye wants to melt into the bed as that silver gaze vanishes for a moment. A whisper of a breathy laugh reaches his ears before Jace looks at him once more. His gaze softens as he tightens his grip on Zye’s hands.
“No, it’s not. But…you did say to convince you.” Jace leans down and brushes his lips over Zye’s ear. “Right now I want you completely. I want to hear you cry out for me as I’m deep inside of you. I want your hands on my body as you beg me to keep going until neither of us can move.”
The earring is cold against his skin compared to Jace’s hot breath. Zye swallows hard past the lump in his throat. Not that it helps the way his chest tightens or his palms grow clammy. He’s not sure anyone has ever meant words like that when they spoke them. Not the way Jace means them. Every syllable is built upon the trust and love Jace harbors.
Zye lolls his head to the side to get away from the lips kissing along his jaw. “Jay, you win. Sit up.”
“You’re everything I want,” he starts anew. Jace nuzzles the side of Zye’s neck with another kiss to his warming skin. “I feel like I’ve waited lifetimes to be able to come home to hold you. I don’t know what I did right to get this. But I want to treasure it, treasure every moment with you.”
“C-come on, man, I didn’t mean you had to write your vows when I said convince me.”
Jace finally sits up enough for their eyes to meet. Their noses are a breath apart yet still enough for him to see the deep red streaking across Zye’s cheeks.
“I’d have you every night if you’d let me.”
“Now that’s dangerous. Could get addicting.”
“I think it already is.”
Those lips lift enough to avoid Zye’s and leave him with a slight pout. He had expected a kiss. Jace pecks Zye’s chin instead and then comes back up. Zye lifts his head to try and initiate it only to have Jace chuckle.
“It’s not funny, you’re being a tease.”
“I know it doesn’t seem like it, but when I look at you I am nervous. I’m a mess inside in so many ways that make me glad I found you. I just don’t show it as well as you do and I love that about you.”
The sweet, honest words are disarming. Zye stares up at him and shakes his head. A gentle motion that has his hair shifting against his forehead. “And I love that you’re my stalwart hero always at my side.”
Finally, Jace presses his lips to Zye’s. It’s never long enough— never enough. Not when Zye tries to follow him as he pulls away.
“I mean it, Zye, I love you and I want to make love to you. Will you let me?”
Jace squeezes Zye’s hands. “Would you ask me?”
“You’re so mean,” Zye chuckles with a smile. “Make love to me like it’s the only thing keeping us alive. Let me do the same in return.”
Brushing their cheeks together, Jace whispers to Zye. A deep rumble that has Zye squeezing Jace’s hands in return.
“Your love is one of the only things that makes me feel alive.”
Zye turns his head as Jace lifts his. All in time for a simple kiss to affirm the words spoken so softly between them.