Hurrying down the stairs, Jace finds Tia waiting at the entrance to the corridor connecting the realms. He’s quick to step over to her. As he does, she keeps her voice down as she talks. Never once does she look up at him, only looking out for those who might be coming near them.
“Large amounts of Nether have been spotted near his hideout. I have no information on where he went recently, but he brought back a horde from the looks of it. My scouts didn’t stick around to find out more.”
“That’s fine. Their safety is a top priority. Thank you, I’ll let the others know.”
“I’m aware you don’t want to involve us, however, we’re always ready to join the fray if need be. Those souls need saving, Jace.”
The use of his name has him tilting his head to look down at her. For the briefest of moments, her gaze flicks up to meet with his. A soft expression appears across her face before she looks away once more.
“Thank you, Tia. I’ll make sure to let you know when we make our move.”
“Of course. Relay the orders when you get them made. My teams will be on standby until then.”
Nodding, Tia walks away. There’s nothing else for Jace to do than head straight for Celeste’s room. No one bothers him as he makes his way down the corridor and then up the stairs. The thunk of his boots on the steps stops as he reaches the landing.
Despite how he may look on the outside, Jace is more than nervous. This is amping up to something and he simply doesn’t know if they’re ready. It takes another moment before he’s able to push any doubt down and enter the room.
There he’s greeted with a large group waiting for him as he shuts the door. Celeste and Orion are at the end of the table in their chairs as usual. On one couch are Ilista and Kerse. The other has Adrian and Aster. Jace, noticing one has more space than the other, sits down next to Ilista.
“Have you all started?”
Aster sits up and places a hand on Adrian’s back. “Adrian wanted to share something with us and we decided to wait until you got here. Considering how nervous he is.”
Jace keeps his eyes on Adrian. The young man is far too easy to read. He doesn’t doubt a word that’s come out of Adrian’s mouth. Either he’s an open book or the best liar Jace has ever met. He’d put his bet on the former.
“I… Ren and I aren’t just from the same world. We actually, uh, knew each other when we were alive. I knew him really well.”
“Huh,” Ilista says while folding her hands onto her. She’s the picture of proper posture and elegance as she keeps her ankles crossed. “That means you’re probably the only person he trusts.”
“I…maybe. Our relationship isn’t that straightforward. But, yeah, I guess you could say that.”
Orion speaks up, “Regardless, it means you know more about him than the rest of us.”
“I do! I know he’s telling the truth about this. You…won’t let him die, right?”
“Not if we can help it.” Jace is quick to speak up. He knows he can’t guarantee anything, but he’ll try. “I also have news. An informant of mine let me know that there are large amounts of Nether near his current hideout.”
“That could be a problem,” Orion murmurs.
“Or, it’s our solution.” Celeste sits up with a smile. “We need to draw Soren away and possibly even Ayre. If we show up with the intent to cleanse all of the ones he’s collected, it’ll make it easier for Zye’s team.”
Jace can feel the excitement in Ilista’s voice as she joins in. “Cause enough chaos and they won’t have time to keep their eyes on him.”
Now that Adrian is relaxing, Aster sinks back against the cushions. “He is important to Soren for whatever reason. One I’d like to know.”
“I think it’s because of his magic,” Adrian offers while glancing over at his friend. “Considering Ren can use aspects of other’s magic, he’s valuable. And I bet Ren played into that part better than he should have.”
“Wait. Jace, where are the two that are usually glued to your hips?”
“Overdoing it in training, Charmilla’s style,” Jace replies with an amused glint in his eye.
The answer has Orion shaking his head. “Then come next wake, we’ll start the plan. The goal would be, of course, to cleanse as many Nether as your team can.”
“If I have eyes on Soren, I’ll still try to get to him. It’d force Ayre to his side and out in the open.”
Ilista glances between Jace, Orion, and Celeste. Her ponytail brushes against her back as she does. “Then…we have permission to let loose, right?”
Orion and Celeste share a look before he answers. “Granted. As long as you don’t get harmed by your choices, do as you see fit. Minimize causalities and fall back to us if you need.”
“Hey, Adrian,” Aster asks while poking his shoulder. “Can you message Ren and let him know when we’ll be there. And maybe ask where the hell he’ll be?”
“Sure. I can do that.”
“Celeste,” Orion begins, “it might be better if we’re on standby with Callua. At your signal, Jace, we can come to you once we know it’s not a trap.”
“I’d like that better,” Celeste agrees. “If we can take this in one go, I’d prefer it. Still, I’d rather we be careful as well.”
Jace nods. “I can do that. I’ll also have Tia and a few teams patrolling through here in case. They can come to us at a moment’s notice.”
Orion nods and stands. He slips his hands into his pockets and steps around the side of his chair. “Also, Ilista, if you don’t believe Xerxes is ready for this, it’s fine if he stays behind with Sigil.”
“I’m not sure… I’ll talk to him about it.”
“Then I suggest everyone put off their missions until further notice and rest up. A message will be sent out when everyone is ready.”
Ilista chuckles and finally leans back, relaxing. “You mean when our last two members get their beauty sleep.”
Jace stands as well. The only difference is he’s moving for the door while Orion is simply remaining idle next to Aster. “Then I’d better get back to them and make sure they’re resting like they’re supposed to be.”
The nerves return, crawling up Jace’s spine the second he leaves Celeste’s room. He doesn’t like the thought of sending Zye off even if it’s with another team. Not while Soren and Ayre are prowling around that dilapidated castle.
He comes off the steps to see Xerxes waiting to the side. He’s not looking Jace’s way at first. Not until Jace brings his hand off the railing. “We’re finished if you’re waiting for Ilista.”
The meek nod of a response allows Jace the chance to keep walking. Except he hears the softest pitter-patter as he reaches the opening of the hallway. Slowing his stride, Jace waits to see if Xerxes is seeking him. When he thinks that’s the case, Jace stops and glances back at Xerxes.
The young man stops tapping his fingers together and shoves his hands into his pockets. Even so, he doesn’t lift his eyes. “Is it starting?”
“Soon. Orion will let you all know once I can tell him that Zye and Callua are ready.”
“I… Are we all going? I know, um, I was put on your team.”
Jace almost wishes he could tell Ilista to keep Xerxes out of this. At the same time, he knows the young man is sturdy if he’s made it this far. Still, he’s more than happy to give him an out should he want it even if this is what Xerxes wants.
“That’s right. If you don’t want to, I won’t force you to join us.”
“I’m not scared!” Xerxes’s shoulders scrunch forward as his hands remain in his pockets. “I… Sorry…”
“Zye’s told me what happened. Trauma doesn’t heal so quickly. It took me a while before I could go on bigger missions or even on my own. You’re allowed to prioritize yourself.”
Jace watches the way Xerxes shifts from one foot to another. “I won’t be a b-burden, I promise. I want to go.”
“I never thought you would be. If Celeste and Ilista are training you, I know you’re capable. I saw it already.”
“I might have been fighting, but it didn’t mean I wasn’t taking into account where you were or what you were doing.”
“That’s really cool,” Xerxes softly replies.
“Then, can I trust you to have my back?”
“And Xerxes?”
Using his name, Xerxes finally looks up and meets Jace’s gaze. Jace can see the faintest movement behind the mask. “Yes?”
“You’re a brave young man. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”
“What?” Xerxes asks with a soft squeak.
“Even I think this is overwhelming and exhausting. Sometimes even scary to deal with.”
Jace steps to the side and Xerxes follows, allowing others to move around them. “But we do it to protect our new family and all those others. Which means you don’t need to worry. I won’t let anything happen to you while you’re on a team with me.”
He’s not surprised that Xerxes quickly cuts his eyes away. The way those shoulders scrunch up makes Xerxes seem far smaller than he really is. Even so, there’s a soft mumble that barely reaches Jace’s ears.
“Th-thank you, Jace.”
Reaching over, Jace pats Xerxes’s shoulder and is glad when Xerxes doesn’t flinch. Especially since he does it out of habit, forgetting that it might push Xerxes away.
“Besides, I heard you and Zye want to head back to Civicus. Can’t do that if we don’t finish things, right?”
Xerxes nods. “I’ll, um, see you later.”
Jace waits patiently for Xerxes to gather himself and hurry away. It’s right as Ilista is coming down the stairs as well. Turning on his heel, Jace begins to make his way back to Solis and the two people he left there.
He can only hope giving a bit of himself has helped Xerxes. Knowing things haven’t been easy for the man, he tucks away the thought to sit down with him sometime. Jace wants to make sure that Xerxes knows he can come to him as well. This afterlife is hard enough as it is without people to confide in.
Reaching Zye’s door, Jace sends a message to both Callua and Zye. He waits to see which one responds. Not that he’d mind if they’re both asleep, they need it for tomorrow.
“He’s out like a light and I’m about to be. Where are you?” Callua asks in return.
“Would you be able to let me in before you do?”
There’s no reply. It’s dead silent. Jace is half-convinced that he should simply return to his own room when the door opens. Callua flashes him a smile as he enters. While she shuts the door, Jace moves straight for the couch. He takes off his cloak and drapes it over the table. Sinking into the cushions, he leans his head back.
He’s just closed his eyes when there’s a tug on the bandanna he wears. Cracking an eye open, he chuckles as she pulls it free so that his hair falls down.
“Why do you two keep doing that?”
Callua laughs and tosses the cloth on top of his cloak. “It looks better down.”
“It gets in the way while I’m working.”
“You’re not fighting right now, silly. Deal with it. Unless you want me to help you cut it and find something else you like.”
Jace sits up a bit so that he can look up at her better. “I don’t know what I’d even change it to.”
“Good, that’s a sign not to just yet.”
“Says the woman that cut her own. Now what am I supposed to braid?”
Callua plops down next to him. The dip of the cushion has her leaning closer than originally intended, not that Jace minds. He stretches out an arm over the back of the couch behind her.
“You still can. They’ll just be small braids.”
“Or I have to convince Zye to grow his hair out.”
“Mm… Long hair? Well, maybe. I could see it.”
Jace laughs at the thought. “He’d never.”
“Ah, ah!” Callua beams up at him as she pokes at his chest. “If we both tell him it’d look good, I bet he’d do it.”
“Do you really think we have that much pull?”
“You’d be surprised.”
Silence dares to settle between them. He needs to tell her what they discussed. In the same breath, it wouldn’t hurt to wait until they’ve all gotten back up. It won’t change anything to say something now.
Settling back against the cushion, Jace exhales slowly. It’s so easy to relax these days. The way he palms her shoulder brings her closer, essentially hugging her with one arm. The act has Callua relenting and leaning her head on his chest.
“It’s when he wakes up, isn’t it?” she asks softly.
“It is. You as well. I won’t let anything happen to any of us.”
“I’ll be on the sidelines, don’t worry.”
“Please, stay near Orion.” He watches the way her head shifts and he knows she must be nervous as well. This isn’t anything like all of those missions to cleanse Nether. This is different.
“I will, I promise. And you, don’t hold back, okay? I need you two to come home.”
Jace squeezes her shoulder. “I’d never let them keep me from coming back to you two. You’re hopeless without me, right?”
He doesn’t need to see her face to know she’s pouting. Especially when she slaps a hand against his knee. It has him laughing at her even as she huffs.
“We are not!”
“You’re stubbornly cautious and he throws caution to the wind. I worry about you both.”
“Yeah? Says the dummy that overworks himself. You’d better knock that off. We’re here to help you. You’ll let me, won’t you? Like how it was before things heated up.”
“Mmm… It does feel so long ago now.” He sinks down a bit on the couch and it allows Callua to snuggle up against his side. Her head rests on his shoulder instead. “It feels like forever ago that we met, too.”
“You must be tired if you’re getting nostalgic on me.”
“I suppose I am… Were you nice to me because Charmilla took an interest or because I wasn’t as much of a jerk as I think I was.”
Callua chuckles and pokes at Jace’s side. It makes him flinch, wiggling to get away from her at the same time as keeping his arm around her. “You were kind of a jerk. But I could tell you were kind. She did have a habit of picking up us broken types. Considering Ren was one of us, too.”
“Thank you, Callua.”
Using her full name has her sitting up to look him dead in the eye. “For what? You’re the one doing all the work.”
“For always keeping me together. I couldn’t have asked for a better friend.”
Jace watches as her skin warms and the flush touches beneath her eyes. The smile on her lips vanishes as she lowers her head. Even so, he’d do anything to keep her smiling.
Scoffing, Callua wiggles back into a spot to be comfortable. “Don’t you dare get sappy on me.”
“I mean it. I don’t think I tell you enough. You saw me at my worst and stuck around.”
“Oh? Are we talking about your temper tantrum when you couldn’t do her training but I could? I’d never seen her laugh like that when you set all of that grass on fire. Even the trees.”
Jace chuckles at the memory. He did ruin quite a lot of the training room that day. At least, that section of it. It took a couple of cycles to repair. “Especially that.”
“You act like you’re not a good friend,” she mumbles to him.
“I haven’t been… At least, I don’t think. To single-task focused and then catching up with Zye. I’m sorry, is what I’m saying. Talk to me. How are you doing? What do you want to do after this?”
She shakes her head against his shoulder and yet cuddles closer. “If I tell you, will you rest afterward?”
“Mm-hm. Promise.”
“First off, I’m doing fine. Secondly, I want to go to the fanciest restaurant I can find! And you’re both going with me.”
“Ah… Fancy? Does that mean we have to dress properly for it?”
“It does, yes.”
“You’ll have to wrangle Zye with that. He’s rather attached to his tennis shoes.”
Callua giggles, a bit mischievously even. “Oh, I can handle it. But you’ll help me won’t you?”
Jace lets his eyes drift closed. Her presence is warm and gentle— safe. It’s easy to begin to fall asleep while she tells him about one in particular from her home. A gorgeous place to dine that’s at the top of the chain when it comes to fine dining. He’s out like a light in no time.
In fact, Callua isn’t far behind him when the door to Zye’s room opens. He peeks out to see where they’ve gone. He’s not surprised in the least to catch Callua drifting off next to Jace who is already fast asleep. Grinning wide, Zye ducks back into his room.
It takes a few tugs to get the top sheet off and free from the pillows wound up in it. Once he has, Zye carries it into the living room. He throws the sheet over them both. Satisfied, he tucks the sheet up around Callua’s shoulder when she stirs.
“Stupid… What are you—” a yawn interrupts her, “doing?”
“Go back to sleep, princess.”
Despite how she sticks her tongue out at him, she does what he says. Zye waits a moment before scooting over to the other side of Jace. He slips beneath the sheet while keeping it down around his waist. Zye lifts Jace’s arm and lets it drape over his lap so that he can get closer. Bringing his knees up so that his feet rest on the edge of the table, he leans his head back against the couch cushion.
He’s not terribly tired anymore.
Zye stares up at the ceiling and slowly closes his eyes. He wishes he could show them both the space he’d meet with Hax in. Wherever that truly was or how he got there. It was so serene and terrifying, yet beautiful all at the same time.
Falling asleep, he thinks of all the places he could take them. Or vice versa. Thoughts of time away from this new normal ease him deeper into the dreamless sleep he’s granted.